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I was watching Sports center last night when one of those “human interest” stories came on and really caught my attention.

The story was about a 27-year-old professional Bass Fisherman named Clay Dyer. At first, they played it off as another guy trying to make the cut on the Bass master tour until they showed a picture of him. No legs, no arm, or rather, he has only 1/3 of his right arm. That’s all that he has.

It was such an amazing story that I was wondering what this guy could do. Growing up, he learned to play baseball and basketball, but found that fishing was his true calling. And he does it all on his own. He holds the fishing pole under his chin and uses that and his stub (残端) arm to cast and reel in(收进) the fish. He uses his teeth to help him unhook fish. He ties his own hooks or lures on with his mouth, never really asking anyone else to help. Clay Dyer even knows how to swim. Since his body can’t produce enough sweat on its own, he has to take a dip in the lake every few hours to keep cool. He dives in just like anyone else, then somehow treads water(踩水) with his stub arm, then, with a little help, pulls himself back up into the boat and goes on fishing.

Clay Dyer has never looked for others’ pity, nor has he allowed his physical disabilities to prevent him from becoming a professional fisherman. His motto for life is "If I can, you can." He refuses to use special equipment, saying, "I want to do it with one hand the way they do it with two."


56. Why did the author become interested in Clay Dyer?

A. He assumed Dyer was living happily. 

B. He took great pity on this disabled man.

C. He wanted to know what Dyer could do.

D. He thought that Dyer could do nothing.

57. While fishing, Dyer dives into the lake from time to time _________.

A. to change the lures(鱼饵)                 B. to do some exercise

C. to cast a fishing line                             D. to cool himself down

58. We learn from the last paragraph that _________.

A. Dyer aims to behave like a normal person

B. physical disabilities fail to destroy his faith

C. special equipment is allowed when fishing

D. it seems easy for Clay Dyer to go fishing

59. Which word best describes Clay Dyer’s personality?

A. Diligent.               B. Inspiring.           C. Faithful.           D. Stubborn. 


56. C. 推理判断题。前两段告诉我们Clay Dyer的基本身体状况。根据第三段的第一句话可知,作者被Clay Dyer的故事所吸引是因为他没有手臂和腿脚,只有残缺的1/3右臂,因此作者急于发现这样一个肢体严重残缺的人能做些什么呢?

57. D. 推理判断题。根据第三段的倒数第二句可知,Clay Dyer时不时跳入水中是为了使自己凉快一下。

58. A. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的一句"I want to do it with one hand the way they do it with two" 可知,Clay Dyer要像正常的垂钓者从事钓鱼活动,而不愿意搞任何特殊。其它选项的陈述与文章的原意不符。

59. B. 推理判断题。Inspiring“激励的, 令人鼓舞的”。根据最后一段中的His motto for life is "If I can, you can"(“如果我能,你也能”。) 他活着是为了激励他人。全文对Clay Dyer的描述使我们感受到Clay Dyer他虽然身体残缺,却用积极的心态生活着,因此他的例子对正常人也有激励作用。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Since the baby milk powder was found to be polluted, there has been universal doubt _____ other food products are safe to eat. 

A. whether             B. that                C. what             D. how


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Since graduating from university, Andrew ______ what career he wants to pursue in the future. But he has not decided so far.   

A. has been wondering       B. is wondering          C. wonders          D. wondered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

―Correct ____ is important.

―I agree. I don’t eat sweets now, for I’m on a _____.

A. diet; diet      B. food; food             C. diet; food             D. food; diet



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 The school was named ____________ a businessman devoted to China’s education.

      A. in honour of                                  B. instead of

      C. in favour of                                  D. by means of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

She did it ________ it took me.

       A. one third the time      B. the one-third time     C. one-third a time  D. a one-third time


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Business Week (Oct. 8, 2007)

Introducing Business Week’s Power 100, our ranking of the most influential people in the world of sports.

Prospect (展望) (Oct.20, 2007)

In July, Gordon Brown published a green paper called “The Governance of Britain.” The final section said that we need to be clearer about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and what it means to be British. It proposed (倡议) “to work with the public to develop a British statement of values.” We asked 50 writers and intellectuals (知识分子) to give us their thoughts on this statement and what should inform it.

Science (Sep. 28, 2007)

In the journal’s 28 September 2007 issue, Science, in partnership with the National Science Foundation, is pleased to present the winners and honorable mentions in the fifth annual Science and Engineering Visualization (视觉) Challenge.

Time (Nov. 1, 2007)

From the phone that has changed phones forever, to futuristic cars, to a building made of water, to a remote controlled dragonfly (蜻蜓)―a bright display of ingenuity (独创性).

Guardian (Oct.17, 2007)

Against all the chances, and seeing off competition from favorite to win Ian McEwan and Lloyd Jones, rank outsider Anne Enright, 45, has been awarded the Man Booker prize for what the judges called a “powerful, uncomfortable and even at times angry book,” The Gathering.


53. What do these five books have in common?

A. Each of the articles in each book is introduced in detail.

B. They are all published in the year and have one article digest.

C. Each of them is commented by a great man in the world.

D. They all introduce the most influential people.

54. What would be the best title for the article from Prospect?

A. In Search of British Values                                 B. The Final Section

C. The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship        D. 50 Writers and Intellectuals

55. How many books in October are introduced in the passage?

A. One                  B. Two                C. Three             D. Four

56. Who wins the Man Booker prize according to the passage?

A. Gordon Brown           B. Ian McEwan              C. Lloyd Jones           D. Anne Enright


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 If you do not use your arms or your legs some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this and nobody would think of questioning this fact. Yet there are many people who do not seem to know that memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it frequently either consciously(自觉地) or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he doesn’t give it enough chances to become strong.

If a friend complains that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think his parents are to blame and that he is just unlucky, and few of us realize that it is just as much as his own fault as if it is his arms or legs that were weak.


69. It is true that the more you use your arms or legs, ___ .

A. the weaker they become

B. the stronger they become

C. they will be useless

D. the more helpless they are

70. When someone has a good memory, this is because ___ .

A. his parents are very clever

B. he was born clever

C. he keeps using his memory very often

D. he always does things in a correct way

71. If someone’s memory is poor, ___ .

A. his parents are to blame

B. he is unlucky

C. he has grown older

D. he should give it more chances to become strong

72. This passage mainly tells us that ___ .

A. one’s memory can be trained

B. one should practise using his arms or legs more frequently

C. if someone has a good memory, he is usually lucky

D. it’s his parents fault if he has a poor memory


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

-A meeting        at 3 p. m. next Tuesday

-Will you go there?

    A. has held         B. has been held   C. will be held       D. will hold

