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For some people, music is no fun at all. About four percent of the population is what scientists call “amusic.” People who are amusic are born without the ability to recognize or reproduce musical notes (音调). Amusic people often cannot tell the difference between two songs. Amusics can only hear the difference between two notes if they are very far apart on the musical scale.
As a result, songs sound like noise to an amusic. Many amusics compare the sound of music to pieces of metal hitting each other. Life can be hard for amusics. Their inability to enjoy music set them apart from others. It can be difficult for other people to identify with their condition. In fact, most people cannot begin to grasp what it feels like to be amusic. Just going to a restaurant or a shopping mall can be uncomfortable or even painful. That is why many amusics intentionally stay away from places where there is music. However, this can result in withdrawal and social isolation. “I used to hate parties,” says Margaret, a seventy-year-old woman who only recently discovered that she was amusic. By studying people like Margaret, scientists are finally learning how to identify this unusual condition.
Scientists say that the brains of amusics are different from the brains of people who can appreciate music. The difference is complex, and it doesn’t involve defective hearing. Amusics can understand other nonmusical sounds well. They also have no problems understanding ordinary speech. Scientists compare amusics to people who just can’t see certain colors.
Many amusics are happy when their condition is finally diagnosed (诊断). For years, Margaret felt embarrassed about her problem with music. Now she knows that she is not alone. There is a name for her condition. That makes it easier for her to explain. “When people invite me to a concert, I just say, ‘No thanks, I’m amusic,’” says Margaret. “I just wish I had learned to say that when I was seventeen and not seventy.”                                                                                                                       (335 words)
小题1:Which of the following is true of amusics?
A.Listening to music is far from enjoyable for them.
B.They love places where they are likely to hear music.
C.They can easily tell two different songs apart.
D.Their situation is well understood by musicians.
小题2:According to paragraph 3, a person with “defective hearing” is probably one who __________.
A.dislikes listening to speeches
B.can hear anything nonmusical
C.has a hearing problem
D.lacks a complex hearing system
小题3:In the last paragraph, Margaret expressed her wish that __________.
A.her problem with music had been diagnosed earlier
B.she were seventeen years old rather than seventy
C.her problem could be easily explained
D.she were able to meet other amusics
小题4:What is the passage mainly concerned with?
A.Amusics’ strange behaviours.
B.Some people’s inability to enjoy music.
C.Musical talent and brain structure.
D.Identification and treatment of amusics.


小题1:根据第一段“For some people, music is no fun at all”可知,A项正确,意为,“对于某些人来说,听音乐并不是开心的事情”和A项的听音乐对他们来说远非是愉快的相同。因此,B项也是错误的。根据第一段的“People who are amusic are born without the ability to recognize or reproduce musical notes (音调). Amusic people often cannot tell the difference between two songs. ”可知,CD两项错误。
小题2:该段前两句讲的是不爱听音乐的人和喜欢听音乐的人是不同的,他们之间的区别很复杂,但是那have no problems understanding ordinary speech. ”又讲到了这些不爱听音乐的人在理解其他非音乐的声音或者演讲的时候是没有问题的,目的是为了强调他们是正常的,没有什么缺陷的,因此defective hearing指的是C项的a hearing problem,即听觉有问题。句意为,他们之间的区别是很负责的,但并不包括听觉有问题这种情况。
小题3:I just wish I had learned to say that when I was seventeen and not seventy.意为,我希望我在十七岁的时候就学会了这样说(指的是No thanks, I’m amusic这句,意为,谢谢你,我是一个不喜欢听音乐的人),而不是到了七十岁才学会。从最后一段我们知道,their condition is finally diagnosed (诊断)他们的这种状况终于最后确诊了,他们都属于amusic,但是这来的太迟了,对于Margaret来说,因为之前她总是Margaret felt embarrassed about her problem感到很尴尬,因此她希望她年轻的时候,就可以有现在这样的诊断。
小题4:全文主要讲述的是不喜爱听音乐的一类人,被称之为amusic,他们之前都没有得到统一的诊断或者认识,直到现在。因此选择B项,Some people’s inability to enjoy music意为,一些人无法欣赏音乐。A项,错在strange behaviors,文章只是说他们不喜欢有音乐的地方,并没有讲到他们其他的一些奇怪的举动。C项Musical talent and brain structure音乐天赋和大脑构造,明显与文章大意不符。D项中错在treatment,意为治疗,文章并没有讲到如何帮助这些人治疗他们的问题。因此排除D。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you travel in South America, you’d better pay attention to the following three kinds of dangerous South American animals.
Although only a small number of piranhas are considered to be dangerous to humans, the red-bellied piranha is definitely one of those. Evidence has shown that a large group of piranhas can absolutely eat a herd of large animals crossing the river, leaving only bones. This fish lives in the freshwater streams of South America, and they can smell the blood from far away and launch attacks swiftly. It is said that they are only dangerous to humans if the water volumes are less and lower.
This South American monster of a creature often appears in the films or your nightmares!They have weighed over 230 kilograms. It is often considered to be the biggest snake in the world. You certainly don’t want to get caught alone with this snake due to its method of attacking and killing its victim. It is indeed a remarkably different brand of snake type as it regularly coils(缠绕)around all over its target, increasing the pressure until eventually its victim dies. Its jaws are powered by large muscles that produce enough power for its over 100 sharp teeth to pass through the thick skin of an crocodile. They don’t have poison. Sometimes they prefer to camouflage themselves so they look like their surroundings and swiftly draw back when humans are near.
Golden Poisonous Frogs
The golden poison frog might be the most-deadly of the South American animal, which is protected by means of poison. This very small frog, less than 55 mm in length, packs enough punch(效力)to take down a pair of African bull elephants. This apparently harmless frog has always been known to have killed people who have touched it directly. It’s also been noted that chicken and dogs have died by contacting things on which a golden poison frog had wandered! In intense colors, they normally look attractive to their targets.
小题1:What can we learn about piranhas from the passage?
A.Piranhas are the most dangerous animals.
B.Piranhas like to live in the deep seabed.
C.Piranhas may attack human beings when the water level is low.
D.Piranhas only attack human beings when they cross the river in groups.
小题2:How does an anaconda kill its victim according to the passage?
A.It often uses its poison to kill its victim.
B.It often uses its strength to kill its victim.
C.It kills its victim mainly using its powerful teeth.
D.It kills its victim with the help of other snakes.
小题3:The underlined word “camouflage” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.
A.hide itself by appearing like the surroundings
B.terrify and capture the enemy by making much noise
C.move around to search for delicious food
D.give off harmful gas to kill the targets
小题4:Chicken and dogs are mentioned in Paragraph 4 to show that ________.
A.no animals can survive the poison of the golden poison frog
B.they like to wander along the path of the golden poison frog
C.the golden poison frog likes eating them most
D.the poison of the golden poison frog is deadly


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Rae and Bruce Hostetler not only work very hard,they also relax just as well. Numerous vacations help the couple to maintain their health and emotional well-being一and it’s no surprise to health care professionals.
“Rest, relaxation, and stress reduction are very important for people’s well-being and health. This can be accomplished through daily activities, such as exercise and meditation, but vacation is an important part of this as well,” said primary care physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group in New York. Withers lists a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction time as some of the benefits from taking some time off. “We also know that the mind is very powerful and can help with healing, so a rested, relaxed mind is able to help the body heal better,” said Withers.
Psychologists confirm the value of vacations for the mind. “The impact that taking a vacation has on one’s mental health is great,” said Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management. “Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24- hour time-out.” The trips could be good for their health, good for their family and good for their businesses.
The online travel agency Expedia conducted a survey about vacation time in 2010, and according to their data the average American earned 18 vacation days一but only used 14 of them. France topped the list, with the average worker earning 37 vacation days and using all but two of them. Americans’ responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued, but that’s not always good for the individual, the family or the employer.
Psychologists have also found that people who don’t take enough time to relax may find it harder to relax in the future. “Without time and opportunity to do this, the nerve connections that produce feelings of calm and peacefulness become weaker, making it actually more difficult to shift into less-stressed states,” Mulhem said.
小题1:How did the author introduce the topic of the text?
A.By making comparisons.B.By giving an example.
C.By raising questions.D.By providing data.
小题2:Expedia’s survey shows that Americans _____.
A.dislike family gatherings
B.have the shortest vacation
C.enjoy as many vacations as the French
D.think much of spending long hours on the job
小题3:What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.One should never wait to relax.
B.Work and rest go against each other.
C.Time and opportunity wait for no man.
D.A relaxed mind determines everything.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The rat is named Lola and she’s at the top of her class of risk-running animals being trained to smell out landmines (地雷) in Colombia, home to the world’s highest number of mine-related deaths and injuries last year. Of the victims, many are children who died in the accidents while walking to school or playing in the countryside.
The smartest rat among the first six that the government is teaching to locate landmines equipment planted by rebels(叛乱者) has a 90 percent success rate in locating landmines material in her lab training.
Police animal trainers, tired of seeing their landmines-smelling dogs blown up by stepping on mines, hope the white-furred, pink-eyed creature will lead her classmates through coming open field tests and then into the country mine fields before the end of the year. It takes about 400 grams of pressure to detonate (引爆) a mine while Lola only weighs about 220 grams. “The dogs can easily set off the landmines, sometimes killing people nearby,” they said.
Police animal trainer Jose Pineda says that rats have more sensitive noses than dogs, which should allow them to better smell out mines in difficult terrain (地形).
Plus, it takes the police about six months to train mine-smelling dogs. Training the rats is expected to take about half that time once the program is established.
Trainers think that they are much smarter than the dogs. The second-best scorer in the laboratory is Lucrecia, with an 83 percent success rate. Males, such as one named   Runcho, have fallen behind until now but may do better in the coming field tests. Pineda said that the next step of training will present new challenges to the rats as they are sure to meet distractions (分心的事) in the open.
小题1:What do the underlined words “the accidents” in the first paragraph mean?
A.Children were shot while playing outside.
B.A buried landmine was walked on and set off.
C.A rebel blew up a landmine and killed children.
D.Children got hurt in traffic accidents on the way to school.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT a reason why rats are chosen to find buried landmines?
A.They have a good sense of smell.
B.They are too light to set off buried landmines.
C.They can smell all kinds of explosive materials.
D.They cost people less time in terms of training
小题3:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Rats will perform as well in the open air as in the lab.
B.Until now, female rats are better than the male ones.
C.Trainers should have chosen only female rats for the program.
D.Because they are foolish, dogs are not preferred for the program.
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Dogs Bring Peace to the People in Colombia
B.Colombia Develops a New Way to Reduce Deaths
C.Buried Landmines are a Great Danger to Colombians
D.Colombian Police Train Rats to Sniff Out Landmines


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean, an S-shaped body of water covering 33 million square miles. The Atlantic has, in a sense, replaced the Mediterranean as the inland sea of Western civilization. Unlike real inland seas, which seem strangely still, the Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness. It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.
“Storm at Sea”, a short poem written around 700, is generally regarded as one of mankind’s earliest artistic representations of the Atlantic.
When the wind is from the west
All the waves that cannot rest
To the east must thunder on
Where the bright tree of the sun
Is rooted in the ocean’s breast.
As the poem suggests, the Atlantic is never dead and dull. It is an ocean that moves, impressively and endlessly. It makes all kinds of noise—it is forever thundering, boiling, crashing, and whistling.
It is easy to imagine the Atlantic trying to draw breath—perhaps not so noticeably out in mid-ocean, but where it meets land, its waters bathing up and down a sandy beach. It mimics(模仿) nearly perfectly the steady breathing of a living creature. It is filled with symbiotic existences, too: unimaginable quantities of creatures, little and large alike, mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony, giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat, a kind of sub-ocean vitality. And it has a psychology. It has personalities: sometimes peaceful and pleasant, on rare occasions rough and wild; always it is strong and striking.
小题1:Unlike real inland seas, the Atlantic Ocean is______.
A.always energetic
B.lacking in liveliness
C.shaped like a square
D.favored by ancient poets
小题2:What is the purpose of using the poem “Storm at Sea” in the passage?
A.To describe the movement of the waves.
B.To show the strength of the storm.
C.To represent the power of the ocean.
D.To prove the vastness of the sea.
小题3:What does the underlined word “symbiotic” mean?
A.Living together.
B.Growing fast.
C.Moving harmoniously.
D.Breathing peacefully.
小题4:In the last paragraph, the Atlantic is compared to______.
A.a beautiful and poetic place
B.a flesh and blood person
C.a wonderful world
D.a lovely animal


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If a diver surfaces too quickly, he may suffer the bends. Nitrogen (氮) dissolved (溶解) in his blood is suddenly liberated by the reduction of pressure. The consequence, if the bubbles (气泡) accumulate in a joint, is sharp pain and a bent body—thus the name. If the bubbles form in his lungs or his brain, the consequence can be death.
Other air-breathing animals also suffer this decompression (减压) sickness if they surface too fast: whales, for example. And so, long ago, did ichthyosaurs. That these ancient sea animals got the bends can be seen from their bones. If bubbles of nitrogen form inside the bone they can cut off its blood supply. This kills the cells in the bone, and consequently weakens it, sometimes to the point of collapse. Fossil (化石) bones that have caved in on themselves are thus a sign that the animal once had the bends.
Bruce Rothschild of the University of Kansas knew all this when he began a study of ichthyosaur bones to find out how widespread the problem was in the past. What he particularly wanted to investigate was how ichthyosaurs adapted to the problem of decompression over the 150 million years. To this end, he and his colleagues traveled the world’s natural-history museums, looking at hundreds of ichthyosaurs from the Triassic period and from the later Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
When he started, he assumed that signs of the bends would be rarer in younger fossils, reflecting their gradual evolution of measures to deal with decompression. Instead, he was astonished to discover the opposite. More than 15% of Jurassic and Cretaceous ichthyosaurs had suffered the bends before they died, but not a single Triassic specimen (标本) showed evidence of that sort of injury.
If ichthyosaurs did evolve an anti-decompression means, they clearly did so quickly—and, most strangely, they lost it afterwards. But that is not what Dr Rothschild thinks happened. He suspects it was evolution in other animals that caused the change.
Whales that suffer the bends often do so because they have surfaced to escape a predator (捕食动物) such as a large shark. One of the features of Jurassic oceans was an abundance of large sharks and crocodiles, both of which were fond of ichthyosaur lunches. Triassic oceans, by contrast, were mercifully shark- and crocodile-free. In the Triassic, then, ichthyosaurs were top of the food chain. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous, they were prey (猎物) as well as predator—and often had to make a speedy exit as a result.
小题1:Which of the following is a typical symptom of the bends?
A.A twisted body.
B.A gradual decrease in blood supply.
C.A sudden release of nitrogen in blood.
D.A drop in blood pressure.
小题2:The purpose of Rothschild’s study is to see ______.
A.how often ichthyosaurs caught the bends
B.how ichthyosaurs adapted to decompression
C.why ichthyosaurs bent their bodies
D.when ichthyosaurs broke their bones
小题3:Rothschild’s finding stated in Paragraph 4 ______.
A.confirmed his assumptionB.speeded up his research process
C.disagreed with his assumptionD.changed his research objectives
小题4:Rothschild might have concluded that ichthyosaurs ______.
A.failed to evolve an anti-decompression means
B.gradually developed measures against the bends
C.died out because of large sharks and crocodiles
D.evolved an anti-decompression means but soon lost it


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Pay Attention to the Organization of an Article.
Check Your Understanding.
Lightning Speed Exercise
Set Aside Time Each Day.
Check Your Progress through Pacing
Speed up When Necessary.
Most of us can find 15 minutes or half an hour each day for some specific regular activity. For example, one famous surgeon always made it a rule to spend at least 15 minutes on general reading before he went to sleep each day. Whether he went to bed at 10 p.m. or 2:30 a.m. made no difference.
Nearly all ‘speed reading’ courses have a ‘pacing’ element---some timing device which lets the students know how many words a minutes he is reading. You can do this simply by looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes and noting down the page number you have reached.
Obviously there is little point in increasing your reading speed if you do not understand what you are reading. If you find you have lost the thread of the story, or you can’t remember clearly the details of what was said, re-read the section or chapter.
Take four or five pages of an interesting book you happen to be reading at the time. Read them as fast as you possibly can. Do not bother about whether you understand or not. After a ‘lightning speed’ of reading, you will usually find that your ‘normal’ speed has increased.
Most paragraphs in an article have a ‘topic sentence’ which expresses the central ideas. The opening paragraph often suggests the general direction and content of the piece, while paragraphs that follow expand or support the first. The closing paragraph often summarizes the very essence(实质) of what has been said.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Form Teacher: G. Baker            Pupil’s Name:  Simon Watkins
Term:        Summer 2012   Form:        Ⅳ B
Class work
Simon has reached a satisfactory standard but now needs to apply himself with more determination.
Sound work and progress throughout the year. Well done!
A disappointing exam result. He is unable to give attention to this subject for long.
His obvious ability in the subject was not fully reflected in his exam work, but I have high hopes for him nevertheless.
An excellent term’s performance. He goes from strength to strength. A born scientist, I feel.
This time next year he will be taking the “0” exam. He needs to concentrate on the work, not on class conversation.
Clearly he didn’t bother to revise. His general attitude is far too casual.
Weak. It’s time he exercised his body more and his voice less. He should try to work with a team.
Basically satisfactory work and progress              I shall be keeping an eye on though he will now have realized, I hope, that         his progress in his weaker    in certain subject areas he needs to make               subjects though his
speedy progress.                           success in the sciences is improvement.
小题1:According to the comments of the Physical Education teacher, Simon_______.
A.is too talkative in the class
B.likes to work with his classmates
C.doesn’t exercise his body at the right time
D.becomes weak because he doesn’t exercise at all
小题2:Which of Simon’s subjects will attract the headmaster’s attention in future?
A.Biology and Maths. B.History and French.
C.English and Chemistry.D.Physics and Physical Education.
小题3:Which of the following statements best describes Simon?
A.He has made great progress in language classes.
B.His potential has been fully reflected in science classes.
C.His grade in maths makes him a born scientist.
D.He needs to improve his attitude on certain subjects.
小题4: Based on the school report, which of the following statements is true?
A.Simon didn’t bother his teacher to revise French.
B.Basically, Simon did a good job in science.
C.Simon is a determined learner in English.
D.Simon is able to pay attention to history for long.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Half of the world’s population is affected by Asian monsoons (季风), but monsoons are difficult to predict. American researchers have put together a 700-year record of the rainy seasons, which is expected to provide guidance for experts making weather predictions.
Every year, moist (潮湿的) air masses,known as monsoon,produce large amounts of rainfall in India, East Asia, Northern Australia and East Africa. All this wet air is pulled in by a high pressure area over the Indian Ocean and a low pressure area to the south.
According to Edward Cook, a weather expert at Columbia University in New York, the complex nature of the climate systems across Asia makes monsoons hard to predict. In addition, climate records for the area are too recent and not detailed enough to be of much use. Therefore, he and a team of researchers spent more than fifteen years traveling across Asia, looking for trees old enough to provide long-term records. They measured the rings(年轮), or circles, inside thousands of ancient trees in more than 300 places.
Rainfall has a direct link to the growth and width of rings on some kinds of trees. The researchers developed a document they are calling a Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas. It shows the effect of monsoons over seven centuries, beginning in the 1300s.
Professor Cook says the tree-ring records show periods of wet and dry weather. “If the monsoon basically fails or is a very weak one, the trees affected by monsoons at that location might put on a very narrow ring. But if the monsoon is very strong, the trees affected by that monsoon might put on a wide ring for that year. So, the wide and narrow ring widths of the chronology(大事年表) that we developed in Asia provide us with a measure of monsoon variability.” With all this information, researchers say they can begin to improve computer climate models for predicting the behavior of monsoons.
“There has been widespread famine and starvation and human dying in the past in large droughts. And on the other hand, if the monsoon is particularly heavy, it can cause extensive flooding.” said Eugene Wahl, a scientist with America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “So, to get a sense of what the regional moisture patterns have been, dryness and wetness over such a long period of time in great detail, I would call it a kind of victory for climate science.”
小题1:What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The effects of Asian monsoons.B.The necessity of weather forecast.
C.The achievements of Edward cook.D.A breakthrough in monsoon prediction.
小题2:It is difficult for experts to predict Asian monsoons because _______.
A.it is hard to keep long-term climate records.
B.they are formed under complex climate systems.
C.they influence many nations.
D.there is heavy rainfall in Asia.
小题3:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Long and detailed climate records can offer useful information for monsoon research.
B.The Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas has a monsoon record for about 1,300 years.
C.The trees affected by monsoon grow fast if the monsoon is weak.
D.The rainfall might be low although the monsoon is strong in monsoon-affected areas.
小题4:According to Professor Cook, the rings of the trees _______.
A.determine the regional climate.
B.have a great influence on the regional climate.
C.offer people information about the regional climate.
D.reflect all kinds of regional climate information.
小题5:What do we know about the research according to Eugene Wahl?
A.It is a great achievement in climate science.
B.It should include information about human life in the past.
C.It has analysed moisture models world wide,
D.It will help people prevent droughts and floods.
小题6:Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?
A.Matter-of –factB.PessimisticC.HumorousD.Friendly.

