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―I had a good holiday at my uncle’s.

―________ .

  A. Oh, that’s very nice of you

  B. Congratulations

  C. Oh, I’m glad to hear that

  D. It’s a pleasure


解析: 听到对方玩得高兴,你也为他感到高兴。




科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川仪陇县第二中学高二9月月考卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


—What’s the matter with you, Tom?

—Oh,   1.   Maybe I’ve got a cold.

  2.   Why don’t you take some coldstop?


—That’s what I took the last time I had a cold.   4.  Maybe that’ll help.


(Two days later)

—How are you feeling now?

—Getting better.


         A.Does it work well?

         B.Good idea.

         C.Glad to hear it.

         D.I feel a little bad under the weather now.

         E.It worked pretty well.

         F.It’s very kind of you.

         G.That’s too bad.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届陕西渭南希望高级中学高二下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

David: Where would you live if you could choose?

Jane: It’s very difficult to say.         1.      

David: What would you do if you lived in Paris?

Jane:        2.      

David: You’d soon get tired of it.        3.    

Jane: I wouldn’t live in New York. It is too noisy.

David: How about Los Angeles?

Jane:        4.     

David: It is said the sun shines every day in Los Angeles. I’d like to live there.

Jane:        5.     

David: I would also like to live in a city with a lot of good friends.

A.I’d like to live there, too

B.And what about the United States?

C.Los Angeles wouldn’t be a bad idea.

D.Would you like to live alone?

E. If I were very rich, I’d certainly choose Paris. 

F. As a matter of fact, I’d live in any city where I had friends.

G. Oh, I’d have a house by the Seine, and I could enjoy the scenery.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年上海市高三高考压轴英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


     A .drive      B. absolutely    C. construct    D. leadership     E. Policies

F.realization  G. Pressures     H.Definition    I.Challenging    J. particularly                                                               


Leadership is a difficult concept to explain because everyone defines it differently. From my personal experiences as a student leader, I can tell you that there is no single ___1.___of  leadership, ___2.___with students leaders. You are a leader, a student and a peer, so this role can be especially difficult to manage. As a student leader,you deal with academic__3.___,as well as added pressure of leading group of your peers. As, the president of  Fuse, the contemporary dance group  at Colgate University, I experienced  many ups-and-downs with___4.__. Thankfully, my passion for this dance club gave me the ____5.___to lead my fellow dancers.

Finding an activity that is both enjoyable and __6.___is the first step. In order to be a good leader, you must be personally interested in what you are leading, whether it's debating,cooking or robotics. In my case, dance has always been of interest to me, from my grandfather teaching me salsa to early childhood training with ballet, and so I always that dance would be part of my life. Once I arrive on my college campus, ready for my college adventure, I had a sudden ___7.___: wandering around the Student Activities Fair, I saw no contemporary or modern dance clubs I panicked.

After meeting a fellow dancer at Freshmen Orientation, we found that we shared the same passion and desire to start a club. We held auditions,created club____8.___and held practices. The process of creating the actual club was both fun and challenging because we had to figure out school club regulations, __9.__many club rules, obtain 60 signatures of supporters and overcome other obstacles. As it turns out, this process was not a walk in the park for us.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省成都市高新区高三2月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


— Can I help you?

— Yes, I'd like to return this book, please.


— No, I couldn't read it.I had a hard time reading a few pages, and then I decided to give up.


— It wasn't the language.It was the words.They are too small for me.

    3___ What can I do for you then?

— Well, I'd be glad if you could find me another book.


— Yes, but one with bigger words.


— Oh, Oliver Twist.This one is fine.And the words are much bigger.Thank you very much.

— You're welcome.

A.What about this one?

B.You can't keep the book for long.

C.Another English storybook?

D.Isn't it interesting?

E.Oh? But I know you are good at English.

F.Did you enjoy the book?

G.Yes, they are really small.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年甘肃省嘉峪关市高二上学期期末考试英语卷 题型:其他题


---- What was the party like last night, Bruce?

---- Not bad at all, thanks, Betty. There are some interesting people there. 1.

---- Well. I couldn’t get away from work early. And when I got home I had a headache, so I had to go straight to bed. But I wasn’t able to sleep for hours.

---- __2._Why didn’t you take some sleeping pills?

---- I don’t like them. I used to take them when I wasn’t able to sleep, you know, but they did have side effect.


---- Three every night.

---- _4..

---- Because I was under a lot of stress. Anyway, I used to feel terrible the next morning.

---- 5._

---- The doctor said I had to be careful.

---- He was quite right.

---- So I have decided to give up the habit of taking coffee late at night.

A.What happened?

B.What a shame!

C.I’m sure you did.

D.Why couldn’t you come?

E. What do you have in mind? F. How many did you use to take?

G. Oh, why did you take so many?


