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Education has an important effect on the mind or physical ability of an individual. It is the process by which society passes its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.
Various non-traditional education options are now available and continue to flourish(繁荣). One of the most important uses in education is the use of technology. Teachers are encouraged to use new technological devices in order to strengthen learning among students and meet the needs of various types of learners.
The right to education has been created and recognized by jurisdiction(司法). Education is the most important concern of the government of India. Recently India has gained world recognition because many students from foreign countries come here to gain higher qualifications.
One has to be educated in order to speed up the growth process in order to influence the economy. Education is indeed a powerful weapon to stop the cut- throat competition that man faces at every period of life. The importance of education in India is progressing with time. Although India has been a great foundation of learning for many years, it still needs to improve not just on the quality of education but also on the number of people being educated.
Education is not just for academic success but also to make a person become a better human being and a better performer in life. Education makes the students able enough, so that they can compete nationally and internationally. To make a student a successful survivor in life, the responsibility lies equally with the schools and the parents too. Selecting a good school is as important as choosing a suitable career option for a child. The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth, it is education that gives us all the power and necessities of making a difference in any field.
People who are not educated have few opportunities to do what they want to do. Educated people become more responsible and informed citizens, and have a voice in politics and society. It allows people to be more productive by encouraging them to play responsible roles in terms of contributing to society.
小题1:Nowadays teachers are encouraged to ______.
A.study modern science and technology
B.pass all knowledge to their students
C.use non-traditional devices in class
D.meet the needs of intelligent student first
小题2:The author uses the example of Indian education to show that____.
A.Indian education is among the best in the world now
B.Indian is becoming more and more powerful now
C.the right to education should be valued all over the world
D.a lot of students in India are from other countries
小题3:The underlined word “dissemination” in Paragraph 5 probably means “______”.
A.spreadB.ignorance C.argumentD.question
小题4:What do we know about education from the passage?
A.It has nothing to do with society
B.It helps people to achieve what they want
C.It has little effect on people’s physical ability
D.It makes a poor man become rich
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.The importance of educationB.The responsibility of education
C.The development of educationD.The purpose of education


小题1:C细节理解题。根据第二段中Teachers are encouraged to use new technological devices in order to strengthen learning among students and meet the needs of various types of learners可知C选项正确。
小题2:C推理判断题。文章第三段开头提出The right to education has been created and recognized by jurisdiction。然后以印度的教育情况为例,目的是说明教育权利问题,所以C选项正确。
小题3:A词义猜测题。The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge,由常识可知教育的目的是增进知识,传播真理,所以A选项正确。
小题4:B推理判断题。文章末段People who are not educated have few opportunities to do what they want to do.没受过教育的人做他们想要做的事情的机会很少,由此判断可知受过教育的人会有更多机会做自己想做的事情,所以B选项正确。
小题5:A主旨大意题。在文章首段Education has an important effect on the mind or physical ability of an individual. It is the process by which society passes its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.作者即提出中心,随后围绕这个中心展开论述,所以A选项正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Culture can affect not just language and customs, but also how people experience the world on surprisingly basic levels.
Researchers, with the help of brain scans, have ______ shocking differences in perception between Westerners and Asians, what they see when they look at a city street, for example, or even how they are _____ of a simple line in a square, according to findings published in a(n) _____ science journal.
In Western countries, culture makes people think of themselves as highly ______ entities. When looking at scenes, Westerners tend to focus more on central objects than on their surroundings. East Asian cultures, however, ________ inter-dependence, When Easterners look at a scene, they tend to focus on the surroundings as well as the object.
Using an experiment ________ two tasks, Dr. Hedden asked subjects to look at a line simply to estimate its length, a task that played to American’s _______. In another, they estimated the line’s length relative to the size of a square, an easier task for the Asian.
The level of brain activity, by ______ blood flow, was then measured by Brain Scanners. The experiment found that although there was no difference in performance, and the tasks were very easy, the levels of activity in the subjects’ brain were ______. For the Americans, areas ______ to attention were more favorable to them, when they worked on the task they tended to find more difficult --- estimating the line’s size relative to the square. The findings are a ______ of more than ten years of previous experimental research into East-West differences.
In one study, for instance researchers ______ people a choice among five pens; four red and one green. Easterners were more likely to choose a red pen, and Westerners were more likely to choose the green one.
Culture does not only make a(n) ______ on how you see the world, but how you choose to understand and internalize it. But such habits can be changed. Some psychological studies suggest that when an Easterner goes to the West or vice versa, habits of thought and perception also begin to change. Such research gives us ______ to how our brain works and holds new promises for us to develop programs to improve our memory techniques and __________ our learning skills.
A.neglectB.rely C.complimentD.emphasize
A.respect B.favorC.surpriseD.resistance
A.the sameB.differentC.uniqueD.unusual


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you long for lasting camp memories? Sure we can guarantee it.
Shadow Ridge Summer Camps offer so many exciting things for campers to do. Unlike other camp programs that include horses as a small part of their program, at Shadow Ridge horses ARE the program ! We are 100% horse from stable(马厩)management, nature walks, and track rides to bedroom furnishings.
Horses help us achieve many of our aims. Girls can learn to develop responsibility, self-confidence and personal connections in their lives while having fun. Using horses as a wonderful tool for education, our camps offer an interesting place for growth and learning:
Imagine each girl having her very own horse to spend time with and a best friend to love and take care of. Each camper is responsible for a horse for the week. Our riding program provides a lot of riding and lesson time. Campers will learn how to take care of the horse and the tack(马具), as well as how to ride. Days are filled with horse-related activities to strengthen the connection between each girl and horse, as the girls learn to work safely around the horses.
At Shadow Ridge we try to create a loving, caring family atmosphere for our campers. We have “The Bunkhouse”(4 girls), the “Wranglers Roost”(4 girls), and “The Hideout”(2 girls)in our comfortable 177-year-old farm house. All meals are home cooked, offering delicious and healthy food for the hungry rider.
Our excellent activities create personalized memories of your child’s vacation. Each child will receive a camp T-shirt and a photo album (usually 300-500 pictures) of their stay at camp.
Our camps are offered during June, July and August 2013, for small groups of girls aged13-16 years, not only from Canada but also other parts of the world.
We will send you full program descriptions at your request.
小题1:What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To attract people to the camps.
B.To talk about camping experiences.
C.To describe the programs of the camps.
D.To explain the aims of the camps.
小题2:What do we know about the camp programs at Shadow Ridge?
A.Campers are required to wear camp T-shirts.
B.Horses play a central role in the activities.
C.Campers learn to cook food for themselves.
D.Horse lessons are offered all the year round.
小题3:The programs at Shadow Ridge mainly aim to help people ________.
A.understand horses betterB.enjoy a family atmosphere
C.have fun above other thingsD.achieve an educational purpose
小题4:The passage is written mainly for ________.
A.horse ridersB.teenage girls
C.Canadian parentsD.international travelers


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every time you go to the supermarket, you come away with your purchases in plastic bags. But wouldn’t it be kinder to the environment if you asked for paper bags instead?
The answer is not the easy as it might seem. Environmentalists say there are drawbacks to using both plastic bags and paper bags.
According to the American Plastics Council 80 percent of groceries in the US are packed in plastic bags.
“The numbers are becoming huge,” said Vincent Cobb, a businessman from Chicago who set up “reusable bags. com” on the Internet. He notes that consumers use between 500 billion and 1 trillion plastic bags per year worldwide.
Some experts believe that all these bags harm the environment. Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down and, as it does so, poisonous materials are released into the water and soil.
Further damage is caused if plastic bags enter the sea. For example, endangered sea turtles cannot tell the bags from jellyfish(水母), their main source of food, and often choke on them.
Floating plastic bags have been spotted as far north as the Arctic Ocean and as far south as the southern end of South America. One expert predicts that, within ten years, plastic bags will wash up in Antarctica!
However, this kind of bag does have its advantages.
“Plastic grocery bags are some of the most reused things around the house,” explained Laurie Kusek of the American Plastics Council.
According to the Film and Bag Federation, a trade group in the US plastics industry, paper bags use more energy and create more waste than plastic bags. Plastic bags require 40 per cent less energy to produce and cause 70 per cent less air pollution, the group explained. They also release as much as 94 percent less waste into the water than paper ones.
But paper bags do break down more quickly than plastic bags. They don’t endanger wildlife, either.
So what should we do? One possible solution would be to use biodegradable(能被生物分解的)plastic bags. But until biodegradable technology improves, it might be easier to pack things you buy in reusable cloth bags.
小题1:The best title of the passage is _____.
A.Paper Causes Less Pollution
B.Plastic Causes Less Pollution
C.Paper and Plastics Cause Pollution
D.Paper Bags Break Down More Quickly
小题2:The underlined word “drawbacks” might mean “_____”.
A.AdvantagesB.disadvantagesC.air pollutionD.waste
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following in NOT true?
A.Plastic takes longer to break down than paper.
B.Sea turtles usually mistake the plastic bags for jellyfish.
C.Paper bags require less energy than plastic bags.
D.You’d better pack things in reusable cloth bags.
小题4:Which of the following shows that paper bags are better than plastic ones?
A.Paper bags take less time to rot.
B.Paper bags cause less air pollution.
C.Paper bags are more reusable.
D.Paper bags cause less water pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The economic growth that many nations in Asia and increasingly Africa have experienced over the past couple of decades has transformed hundreds of millions of lives – almost entirely for the better. But there’s a byproduct to that growth, one that’s evident – or sometimes less than evident – in the smoggy, smelly skies above cities like Beijing, New Delhi and Jakarta. Thanks to new cars and power plants, air pollution is bad and getting worse in much of the world, and it’s taking a major toll (伤亡人数,代价) on global health.
How big? According to a new analysis published in the Lancet, more than 3.2 million people suffered deaths from air pollution in 2010, the largest number on record. That’s up from 800,000 in 2000. And it’s a regional problem: 65% of those deaths occurred in Asia, where the air is choked by diesel soot (内燃发动机烟雾) from cars and trucks, as well as the song from power plants and the dust from endless urban construction. In East Asia and China, 1.2 million people died, as well as another 712,000 in South Asia, including India. For the first time ever, air pollution is on the world’s top – 10 list of killers, and it’s moving up the ranks faster than any other factor.
So how can air pollution be so damaging? It is the very finest soot – so small that it roots deep within the lungs and then enters the bloodstream – that contributes to most of the public – health toll of air pollution including death. Diesel soot, which can also cause cancer, is a major problem because it is concentrated in cities along transportation zones affecting overpopulated areas. It is thought to contribute to half the deaths from air pollution in urban centers. Fro example, 1 in 6 people in the U.S. live near a diesel – pollution hot spot like a rail yard, port terminal or freeway.
We also know that air pollution may be linked to other non – deadly diseases. Fortunately in the U.S. and other developed nations, urban air is for the most part cleaner than it was 30 or 40 years ago, thanks to regulations and new technologies like the catalytic converters (催化式排气净化器) that reduce automobile emissions. Govemments are also pushing to make air cleaner – see the White House’s move last week to further tighten soot standards. It’s not perfect, but we’ve had much more success dealing with air pollution than climate change.
Will developing nations like India eventually catch up? Hopefully – though the problem may get worse before it gets better. The good news is that it doesn’t take a major technological advance to improve urban air. Switching from diesel fuel to unleaded (无铅燃油) helps, as do newer and cleaner cars which are less likely to send out pollutants. Power plants – even ones that burn mineral fuels like coal – can be fitted with pollution – control equipment that, at a price, will greatly reduce smog and other pollutants.
But the best solutions may involve urban design. In the Guardian, John Vidal notes that Delhi now has 200 cars per 1,000 people, far more than much richer Asian cities like Hong Kong and Singapore. Developing cities will almost certainly see an increase in car ownership as residents become wealthier – and that doesn’t have to mean deadly air pollution. Higher incomes should also lead to tougher environmental regulations, which is exactly what happened in the West. We can only hope it happens before the death toll from bad air gets even higher.
小题1:What tends to give rise to the highest death toll according to the passage?
A.The lack of tight environmental protection standards.
B.The increasing numbers of the diesel cars and trucks.
C.The frighteningly high death rate from deadly cancer.
D.The world’s serious air pollution such as soot and dust.
小题2:The “byproduct” (Paragraph 1) most probably refers to     .
小题3:The basic reason why so many people die from air pollution is that       .
A.the diesel soot is too small to be seen
B.the diesel soot is much too poisonous to breathe
C.the diesel soot roots in lungs and gets into blood
D.the diesel soot can also contribute to deadly cancer
小题4:According to the passage, the writer actually wants to convince the readers that        .
A.the global economic growth is mainly to blame for air pollution and climate change
B.the developing countries are repeating the same mistakes as the developed ones made
C.the ecological situation and air pollution in India are becoming worse and worse
D.the unbeatable air is increasingly becoming a major killer throughout the world
小题5:By describing urban design as “the best solution” in the last paragraph, the writer means that        .
A.the making of tougher environmental regulations alone is of little use
B.more sever regulations should be made to handle air pollution
C.the urban construction in western developed countries is the best choice
D.the pace of development has to be slowed down to reduce air pollution


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist(气象学者) has done some estimates and the results might surprise you.
Let's start with a very simple white puffy cloud — a cumulus cloud(积云). How much does the water in a cumulus cloud weigh? Peggy LeMone, senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, did the numbers. "The water in the little cloud weighs about 550 tons," she calculates. "Or if you want to convert it to something that might be a little more meaningful … think of elephants."
The thought of a hundred elephants-worth of water suspended(悬浮的) in the sky begs another question — what keeps it up there?
"First of all, the water isn't in elephant-sized particles(微粒), it's in tiny tiny tiny particles," explains LeMone. And those particles float on the warmer air that's rising below. But still, the concept of so much water floating in the sky was surprising even to a meteorologist like LeMone. "I had no idea how much a cloud would weigh, actually, when I started the calculations," she says.
So how many elephant units of water are inside a big storm cloud—10 times bigger all the way around than the "puffy" cumulus cloud? Again, LeMone did the numbers: About 200,000 elephants.
Now, ratchet up(略微调高) the calculations for a hurricane about the size of Missouri and the figures get really massive(巨大的). "What we're doing is weighing the water in one cubic meter theoretically pulled from a cloud and then multiplying by(乘上) the number of meters in a whole hurricane," she explains.
The result? Forty million elephants. That means the water in one hurricane weighs more than all the elephants on the planet. Perhaps even more than all the elephants that have ever lived on the planet.
小题1:The weight of      is NOT mentioned in the passage.
A.a cumulus cloudB.a tornado
C.a hurricaneD.a storm cloud
小题2:How did Peggy LeMone feel about the result of her calculations?
A.She found it not convincing.
B.She thought it needed further calculations.
C.She was quite surprised at it.
D.She considered the calculations inaccurate.
小题3:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.A storm cloud weighs about 200,000 elephants.
B.The water in a hurricane weighs more than that in any other kind of cloud.
C.There are less than forty million elephants living on the earth.
D.The water in the cloud is in very tiny partials.
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.How Much a Cloud WeighsB.How Much a Hurricane Weighs
C.Surprising ResultsD.Elephants in the Sky


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Imagine living in a city made of glass. No, this isn’t a fairy tale. If you could grab your diving gear and swim down 650 feet into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Washington State, you would witness the secret world of glass reefs.
The reef you’d be looking at is made up of glass sponges(海绵). But how can animals be made of glass? Well, glass is formed from a substance called silica. The sponges use the silica found in ocean waters to build glass structures that will give them shape and support. Be careful! Some of the fragile creatures are up to 200 years old.
When sponges die, new ones grow on top of the pile of old ones. Over centuries, a massive and complex reef takes shape. Some sponges look like wrinkled trumpets, while others look like overgrown cauliflower or mushrooms.
Dr. Paul Johnson, who discovered the Washington reef in 2007, also found other surprises such as bubbles of methane(甲烷) gas flowing out of the seafloor nearby. The methane feeds bacteria, and the bacteria feed the glass sponges.
“It’s a new ecosystem we know nothing about,” said Dr. Johnson.
The reef of yellow and orange glass sponges is crowded with crabs, shrimp, starfish, worms, snails, and rockfish. The glass reef is also a nursery for the babies of many of these creatures and was called a “kindergarten” by scientists.
Many animals that live in the reef hang around for a long time, just like the sponges. Rockfish, for example, live for more than 100 years. Scientists are just beginning to study all the species that call the reef home.
The Washington coast isn’t the only place where a living glass reef has been found. The first was discovered in Hecate Strait off the coast of British Columbia in 1991. Scientists all over the world were stunned to see it.
小题1:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Man-made cities under the seaB.The world under the sea
C.Glass “cities” under the seaD.Creatures under the sea
小题2:It can be learned that the glass reef _______.
A.is made up of a kind of materials called sponges
B.is a work of art made by some American scientists
C.is a new ecosystem people are not familiar with
D.was first discovered off the coast of Washington State
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The sponges must feel soft.
B.Silica comes from animals’ body fluid.
C.Methane is harmful to glass sponges.
D.Glass sponges depend on the bacteria for a living.
小题4:Why did scientists call the glass reef a “kindergarten”?
A.Because the babies of many sea creatures grow well there.
B.Because thousands of children visit it every year.
C.Because it is crowded with snails and rockfish, etc.
D.Because all the species call the reef home.
小题5:What does the underlined word “stunned” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Greatly surprised.B.Extremely scared.
C.Highly satisfied.D.Very pleased.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One is never too old to learn. Life learning (sometimes called un-schooling or self-directed learning) is one of those concepts that are almost easier to explain by saying what it isn’t than what it is. And that’s probably because our own schooled backgrounds have convinced us that learning happens only in a fine building on certain days, between certain hours, and managed by a specially trained professional.
Within that schooling framestudy, no matter how hard teachers try and no matter how good their textbooks, many bright students get bored, many slower students struggle and give up or lose their self-respect, and most of them reach the end of the process unprepared to enter into society. They have memorized a certain body of knowledge long enough to rush back the information on tests, but they haven’t really learnt much, at least of the official curriculum.
Life learners, on the other hand, know that learning is not difficult, that people learn things quite easily if they’re not compelled and forced, if they see a need to learn something, and if they are trusted and respected enough to learn it on their own timetable, at their own speed, in their own way—no matter what age and no matter whether we’re at school or at home.
Life learning is independent of time, location or the presence of teacher. It does not require mom or dad to teach, or kids to work in workbooks at the table from 9 to noon. Life learning is learner-driven. It involves living and learning—in and from the real world. It is about exploring, questioning, experimenting, making messes, taking risks without fear of making mistakes, being laughed at and trying again.
Furthermore, life learning is about trusting kids to learn what they need to know and about helping them to learn and grow in their own ways. It is about providing positive experiences that enable children to understand the world and their culture and to interact with it.
小题1:It is implied in the text that it is hard to ______.
A.tell the nature of life learning   B.carry life learning through
C.learn without going to school   D.find a specially trained teacher
小题2:According to the author, the schooling framestudy often ______.
A.produces slow students with poor memories
B.ignores some parts of the official curriculum
C.fails to provide enough knowledge about life
D.gives little care to the quality of teaching materials
小题3:Life learners recognize that learning will not be difficult if they are ______.
A.able to respect other people B.careful to make a time table
C.clear about why to learn  D.cautious about any mistakes
小题4:According to the author, life learning ______.
A.could prevent one from running risks
B.teaches a kid how to avoid being laughed at
C.makes a kid independent of his parents
D.could be a road full of trials and errors
小题5:Through life learning, children ______.
A.will grow without the assistance from parents
B.will be seperated from the negative side of society
C.will be driven to learn necessary life knowledge
D.will learn to communicate with the real society


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last week Jay McCarroll and The HSUS (The Humane Society of the United States) made a bold fur-free statement on the runway, marking a new chapter for the fashion industry and animal protection. The encouraging response to McCarroll’s show confirmed that change is happening in fashion.
McCarroll has good reasons for rejecting fur. Each year, tens of millions of amimals, including dogs and cats, needlessly suffer and die to fuel the fur industry. But what did Jay McCarroll use in place of fur?“I have patchwork pieces that contain all sorts of combinations of fabrics. The rest is cotton, nylon, polyester…you name it. I even have some stuff made out of bamboo / cotton blend. Anything but fur and leather,”he told Fashion Wire Daily.
“So many people want to protect animals and live their lives without causing unnecessary cruelty. More than two thirds of Americans have pets, and we share a bond with animals every day. Saying no to fur can help millions of animals, and we want to show our respect to leading designers like Jay who embrace compassion(同情) as the fashion,”said Michael Markarian, executive vice president of The HSUS.“It is great to see leaders in the fashion industry recognizing that the animals need their fur more than we do.”
小题1:Which of the following is true about Jay McCarroll?
A.He is a famous fashion designer.
B.He is the executive vice president of the HSUS.
C.He is an editor of Fashion Wire Daily.
D.He is the head of an animal protection organization.
小题2:What does“a new chapter”in line 2,paragraph 1 mean?
A.A new unit of a book.B.The beginning of a new trend.
C.The latest issue of a magazine.D.A newly established organization.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT recommended for clothing by Jay McCarroll?
A.Polyester.B.Bamboo.C.Leather.D.Patchwork pieces.
小题4:What do we learn from this passage?
A.Human beings depend emotionally on animals.
B.Fashion can go hand in hand with compassion for life.
C.Fur is more effective than bamboo/cotton blend for clothing.
D.Fur is more expensive than other materials for fashion designers.

