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假定你是李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,记叙你帮助一位 外国人的故事 。


    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Last Sunday I met something very interesting.                                                                                                                                                                

One possible version:

   Last Sunday I met something very interesting. When I was walking in the shopping mall,I noticed a foreigner was arguing with a shop assistant. I came up and found that the problem had arisen from their different understanding of the meaning of discount.

   I asked both of them to calm down and explained to the assistant that the foreigner had misunderstood the Chinese characters wliu zhen. It means 60% of the original price while the foreigner thought it was 60% ofiF the original price. Then I convinced the assistant to sell the clothes at 40% of the original price.

   In the end they shook hands,and gave many thanks to me.

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第51期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Part Time Weekend 

1P.M. — 6 P.M.




Basic Computer Hardware Knowledge and interest in computer repair field is required.

Contact Nancy Sabino at nancy@sabinocompeth.com for application or for more information. 

  假定你是李华。你在某英文报上看到了一则招聘 启事。请阅读启事并根据写作要点写一封应征邮件。 


         2. 说明应征条件(能力、性格等) ;

         3. 询问情况(是否可以只做三个月, 有无年龄限制) 。

  注意:1. 词数100左右;

      2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

      3. 结尾部分已写好,不计入总词数。


   I’m looking forward to your reply.

                                                          Yours sincerely,

                                                                 Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Interviewer: Today,weJ re pleased 61.(welcome) Janet Whittall,our local Comic Relief organiser. Hello,Janet. Thanks for being with us here today. 

   Janet: It's a pleasure.

   Interviewer: Could you tell us 62. little bit of the history behind Comic Relief?

   Janet: Yeah. In 1985,the charity 63. (create) to raise funds for the victims of the famine (饥荒) in Sudan. But they also wanted to look at the more widespread needs 64. poor people all over the world.

   Interviewer: Why Comic Relief? What's the story behind the name?

   Janet: Well,it was first set 65. by com (喜剧演员) and it uses laughter to get its message across. And the appeal of 66. (do) something silly in a good cause is very 67. (power) . More than 80 million pounds were raised on Red Nose Day last year.

   Interviewer: 68. will you be doing on Red Nose Day this year?

   Janet: We are holding a huge Red Dinner Party in the centre of town. Everyone has to dress in red,bring along some red food and of course pay

a generous bill 69. will all go to Comic Relief... What about you?

   Interviewer: The staff here have advised me to shave my head and have a red dragon 70. (paint) on it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Most people are poor listeners. Even when we think we are listening carefully,we usually 41 only half of what we hear,and we remember even less. Improving your listening skills can be 42 in every part of your life.

   The most important 43 of poor listening is giving in to distractions(分心的事物) and letting our thoughts 44 . Sometimes,however,we listen too 45 . We try to remember every word a speaker says,and we lose the 46 message by concentrating on details. In other situations,we may jump to conclusions and 47 a speaker without hearing out tbe message. Finally,we often judge people by their 48 or speaking manner 49 listening to what they say.

   You can 50 these poor listening habits by taking several steps. First,take listening 51 and commit yourself to becoming a better listener. Second,work at being a(n) 52 listener. Give your undivided attention to the speaker in a genuine effort to 53 her or his ideas. Third,54 distractions. Make a conscious effort to keep your mind on what the speaker is saying. Fourth,try not to be 55 by appearance or delivery. 56 preconceived(事先形成的) judgments based on a person's looks or manner of speech. Fifth,suspend (延缓.) judgment 57 you have heard the speaker's entire message. Sixth,58 your listening by paying attention to main points,to evidence,and to the speaker's techniques. Finally,develop your note-taking skills. When done 59 ,note taking is an excellent way to improve your concentration and to keep track of a speaker's 60 . It almost forces you to become a more attentive and creative listener.

41. A. grasp   B. realize   C. believe   D. choose

42. A. difficult   B. helpful   C. possible   D. practical

43. A. role   B. factor   C. ftinction   D. cause

44. A. pass   B. wander   C. stop   D. stay

45. A. long   B. clearly   C. hard   D. passively

46. A. main   B. new   C. useful   D. hidden

47. A. prejudge   B. ignore   C. doubt   D. leave

48. A. words   B. speed   C. behavior   D. appearance

49. A. due to   B. along with   C. instead of   D. except for

50. A. pick up   B. give up   C. take up   D. put up

51. A. seriously   B. naturally   C. personally   D. wrongly

52. A. clever   B. active   C. free   D. powerful

53. A. test   B. support   C. understand   D. discuss

54. A. consider   B. share   C. watch   D. resist

55. A. affected   B. puzzled   C. replaced   D. persuaded

56. A. Set aside   B. Set down   C. Set off   D. Set out

57. A. though   B. when   C. until   D. since

58. A. check   B. focus   C. organize   D. monitor

59. A. eagerly   B. secretly   C. slowly   D. properly

60. A. questions   B. plans   C. ideas   D. changes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Long live language. That's the message Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson and city councillor Amaijeet Sohi voiced when they declared Feb. 21 to be International Mother Language Day (IMLD) in Edmonton,the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta.

   The pair were on hand for the International and Heritage Languages Association's (IHLA) 12th annual Mother Language Day celebrations in an effort to save endangered languages.

   “Keeping languages alive is important for the richness of our culture and the diversity that strengthens Edmonton,” said Iveson.

There are nearly 7,000 unique languages spoken worldwide,but according to data from the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) half of those languages are at risk of going extinct in just a few generations.

   For example,there are currently over 3 ,000 languages spoken throughout Africa. This sounds impressive until you realize that there were over 10 ,000 languages spoken on the continent before colonization during the 19th century.

   “People who lose their language experience suffering,” said Olenka Bilash,professor of second language education at the University of Alberta. Bilash likened the loss of language to the loss of cultural identity.

   “As a multicultural society,it is very important to continue to preserve and pass on to future generations the language,culture,traditions and customs that we bring to Canada,” said IHLA president Olga Prokhorova.

   While the City of Edmonton's citizen and new arrival centre in city hall provides services in 150 languages,Bilash said research shows that “most people are still uncomfortable speaking their own language in public spaces."

   Bilash hopes the official announcement of International Mother Language Day in Edmonton — which echoes International Mother Language Day declared by UNESCO in 1999 — will be a step toward encouraging more language diversity in order to preserve the cultures tied to them.

   “Our words define us; our expressions and vocabulary define who we are as people,” said Marneen Kubinec,Alberta's minister of culture and tourism. “Our words are living examples,perhaps the best that there are,of human creativity.” 

32. The example of the languages in Africa is given to show .

   A. there’ re many languages in Africa

   B. a great number of languages became extinct

   C. Africa believes . in encouraging cultural diversity

   D. Africans are trying to save endangered languages

33. Both Bilash and Prokhorova stress the importance of .

   A. mastering more than one foreign language

   B. public policy on Canadian traditions and customs

   C. protecting languages and cultures from extinction

   D. the official announcement of IMLD by UNESCO

34. What does the underlined word “echoes” in the text mean?

   A. Suggests. B. Creates.

   C. Celebrates. D. Imitates.

35. What can we learn from Kubinec's words?

   A. Your language is your identity.

   B. Native language is disappearing.

   C. Alberta is rich in language diversity.

   D. Language can be saved by creativity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   How did Indiana get its nickname as “The Hoosier State”? 36 There are many different theories about how the word Hoosier came to be and how it came to have such a connection with the state of Indiana.

   One of the earliest known uses of the term is found in an 1827 letter that states, “There is a trick for you — done up by a Hoosier." 37 Around this time,John Finley of Richmond wrote a poem called The Hoosier's which was widely read.

He wrote the word as “hoosher” and did not explain its meaning,which leads historians to believe that Finley felt his readers would already know and understand the word. Finley wrote, “With men of every hue and fashion,Flock to this rising ‘Hoosher’nation."

   38 In 1848,Bartlett* s Dictionary of Americanisms defined “Hoosier” as “A nickname given at the west,to natives of Indiana." In John Finley's poem,the word “Hoosher” seems to refer less to the pioneers of Indiana and more to the qualities he thought they possessed,like self-reliance and bravery.

   39 Some people think it was created to laugh at Indian訌 as a rough and backward (落后的) place.

Others think that early settlers used the term with pride to describe themselves as a courageous group. One historian,. Jacob Piatt Dunn,even suggested that the word “Hoosier” originally referred to boatmen who lived on the Indiana shore. We may never know for sure. 40

   A. So,what does the word mean?

   B. The word “Hoosier” was widely used by the 1830s.

   C. No one seems to know how the word “Hoosier” came to be.

   D. And how did people from Indiana come to be called “Hoosiers”?

   E. Other early uses provide some ideas about the meaning of the word.

   F. However,research and debate are likely to continue about this mysterious word.

   G. Some theories and stories about the origin of the word “Hoosier” are known to be false.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  A shopping center in Brazil is growing vegetables on its rooftop using waste collected from the mall's restaurants. The garden is on the roof of the Eldorado shopping center in Sao Paolo. Workers there use trash(垃圾) from the restaurants to create compost(堆肥) for the garden. Compost is used to improve the soil of the garden. A spokesman for the mall says that the waste from 10 ,000 meals served each day in its food court goes into the compost.

   Workers grow different kinds of fhiits and vegetables on the rooftop garden,including tomatoes,lettuce and eggplant. The fruits and vegetables grown there provide free food for the employees. Mall officials also hope to reduce the amount of waste that would end up in a garbage dump. This,they hope,will reduce carbon gases entering the atmosphere.

   Cicero Evangelista leads the waste recycling effort. He says about 400 kilograms of organic waste are created every day from the mair s'food court.

   He says ,“We weigh the material and add enzymes that remove bacteria,reduce humidity (湿度) and accelerate decomposition(分解). This is how we turn organic waste into organic compost."

   Officials at the shopping center want to save as much waste as possible. So,they held workshops for employees to learn how to best collect waste from their stores. Neide Lopes is a food court worker. She says it is helpful to put in the extra work.

   “The program is active and creative,and they distribute the produce among us,so it's very good. It is a way of reducing waste,and we receive food that we don't have to pay for,and that's the best part!” 

   Mall employees say the project reuses waste food to make food and reduces the shopping center's carbon footprint(碳排放量) at the same time.

28. The food court of the Eldorado shopping center.

   A. is on the rooftop

   B. is far from the garbage dump

   C. leads to the setup of the garden

   D. mainly offers take-away service 

29. The produce of the garden is .

   A. for self-use   B. mostly fruits

   C. for sale   D. rich in enzymes

30. According to Cicero Evangelista, .

   A. officials are not very supportive of the program

   B. the organic waste is not made full use of

   C. producing organic compost is not so simple

   D. workshops for employees are ineffective

31. What's the best title for the text?

   A. A new way of making compost

   B. An environmentally friendly lifestyle

   C. Compost is being widely used in Brazilian gardens

   D. Mall in Brazil uses compost to reduce carbon footprint


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   My mother sat in silence,shocked by my guided who bike around the world for charity,sail the globe in search of their roots or see the world through children's eyes. We found many people on boats,bikes and foot,showing that adventure doesn't have to die when a new life is created. As one of my friends says, ‘This is your one and only chance to explore the world with your children as they are now.'

   ‘Mum,' I began awkwardly. 'We're going to travel across New Zealand. Two bikes,two trailers (拖车) ,two toddlers(学步的孩子) and 2,000 miles. ’

   ‘ Two thousand nappies(纸尿裤) more like. ’

   My mother wasn't the only one to raise objections. While friends and family were impressed by our bravery,they were horrified at what it would involve. "No nursery,no babysitters,no bath time,no peace,no escape And that was before we mentioned the real difficulty: pulling 50 kg of trailer,toddler and baggage. And of course the nappies.

   ‘Is there anything I can say to put you off ?’ my mother asked.

   ‘No,Mum/ I replied firmly.

   ‘ Well,we’ 11 see about that.’

   The challenge of dealing with my mother's phone call about potential disasters is as great as anything we may have to face on the road. Meanwhile,we rush to toilet-train bofh children to avoid the nappy carrying. Among the voices of doubt and disapproval,I still sometimes wonder if we are mad,but know we aren't mad alone. We have now been in communication with many of the families I showed my mother on the web. And we can feel our own voice getting stronger and more confident with their encouragement,advice and support.

   Now we know there are so many families out there adventuring,we ,re already developing ideas for a world tour to meet some of these families and talk with them about their experiences and spread the word about the possibilities for independent family adventure. As a friend of ours said, ‘ The only limit is the parents’ imagination/ We intend to let ours run wild.

24. What made the author's mother surprised?

   A. That there’ re so many things to view on the Internet.

   B. That so many parents travel with their small children.

   C. That there,re so many different ways to see the world.

   D. That the author made so many friends on the Internet.

25. When the author's friends knew her travel plan,they felt .

   A. envious   B. worried

   C. curious   D. excited

26. When the author is travelling,her mother phones her to .

   A. offer her advice on training children

   B. help her get in touch with friends

   C. persuade her to stop travelling

   D. make sure she isn’ t mad 

27. According to the last paragraph,the author.

   A. is planning a reunion party with her family

   B. has already made a detailed plan for a world tour

   C. is concerned that her imagination may cause problems

   D. hopes to meet other families and share their experiences


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Mattie celebrated her 6th birthday earlier this month. She decided to give up 61.

(receive) presents from her friends for her birthday,and instead help those 62.need.

   “We were talking about Mattie's birthday cake and she said that she wanted a big birthday cake 63. no one was hungry at her party,” her mother said “She asked if it was OK 64. (give) food to other people.”

   For her party,Mattie's friends 65.(arrive) with gifts,but the packages weren't filled with toys,but cans and boxes of food. Mattie,with some help,took the 66. (donate) of food to a food bank,67. food is collected and then given to the people who need it.

   Mattie was not the only child who 68. (recent) decided to give back to their community for their birthday. Mattie's best friend,Eliana,celebrated her 5th birthday in February and decided that she wanted to give back as well.

   “It's a blessing to have kids who 69. (be) willing to do things for others,”

Eliana’s father said. “I'm 70. (hope) that it will continue over time."

