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At the beginning of this century, medical scientists made an interesting discovery; we are built not just of flesh and blood but also of time. They were        to show that we all have “a body clock”         us, which controls the        and fall of our body energies,        us different from one day to the next.
The        of “a body clock” should not be too        since the lives of most living things are controlled        the 24 hour night-and-day cycle. We feel        and fall asleep at night and become        and energetic during the day. If the 24 hour-cycle is        , most people experience unpleasant        . For example, people who are not        to working at night can find that        of sleep causes them to        badly at work.
      the daily cycle of sleeping and       , we also have other cycles which       longer than one day. Most of us would        that we feel good on some days and not so good on        ; sometimes our ideas seem to flow and at other times, they        do not exist.
A.fromB.byC.over D.during
A.dull B.tired C.dreamy D.peaceful
A.miss B.noneC.lack D.need
A.WithB.As well asC.ExceptD.Rather than
A.working B.movingC.livingD.waking
A.repeatB.remainC.last D.happen
A.otherB.the otherC.all otherD.others

小题1:B 形容词辨析。根据这个发现,他们能够证明在人体内存在生物钟。be anxious to do渴望做某事,此处没有强调科学家的心理活动,故排除。be able to do 能够干某事,所以答案选B。
小题2:A 词义辨析。根据常识及文中第一句we’re built not just of flesh and blood but also of time.可知生物钟是在我们的体内(inside)所以答案选A。
小题3:D 名词辨析。空格上所缺词应与and后面的fall 构成互补关系,即用rise与fall相对,表示起伏。A.运动;B供应; C.使用 D.升起,根据句意生物钟能控制我们体内能量的起伏,选择D。
小题4:C 动词辨析。结合前一句话中的controls可知,生物钟能使我们每天的表现不一样。show 证明,展示,指示;treat对待;change使改变。make+宾语+宾补 使……怎么样。如选change就意为使我们发生变化,与上下文意思不符。所以答案选C。
小题5:D 名词辨析。“生物钟”只是科学家经过研究而得出的一种结论或观点。所以选择D idea。opinion表示个人的看法。
小题6:C 形容词辨析。根据空格后面的原因状语从句“因为大部分生物的生命都受一天24小时循环的控制。”可知“生物钟”这种观点并不令人惊奇(surprising),所以答案选C。其他选项A 困难的 B兴奋的  D有趣的
小题7:B 介词辨析。前面用的是……are controlled 被动形式,只能与by连用。句意:大部分有生命的动物都受到日夜轮回这个时间循环的控制。
小题8:B 形容词辨析。结合常识可知,人工作一天,到晚上应是比较劳累tired。另外,后面的fall asleep 应是由劳累引起的。dreamy多梦的,不应出现在fall asleep之前。
小题9:C 形容词辨析。人休息了一晚上,第二天又充满了生机lovely、和活力energetic。
小题10:A动词辨析。如果时间循环被打乱disturbed,大部分人就会不舒服。A. 打搅 B缩短 C重新设置 D 惹麻烦,所以答案选择A。
小题11:B 名词辨析。结合下一句的例子可知,此处应为人感到不舒服或者说有不愉快的感觉unpleasant feelings。A时候,时刻 B感觉;感情 C感官,意识 D 效果,影响
小题12:D 考查动词辨析。be used to doing something习惯于……。不习惯于在晚上工作的人如果晚上工作,工作就会做不好。其它选项不与doing连用,而是用to do动词不定式。
小题13:C 词意辨析。lack此处为名词,在从句中做主语,lack of sleep缺乏睡眠。B none of 一点没有;D need of 需要,
小题14:A 名词辨析。缺乏睡眠导致第二天工作表现不好。A perform工作;表现 B 表演;显示 C经营;管理 D 掌握;控制
小题15:B 词意辨析。根据后面的also可得知对应的“和……一样”用as well as答案。
小题16:D 动词辨析。人类的日夜循环分为两段时间:即睡眠时sleeping的时间和醒着的时间waking。
小题17:C 动词辨析。根据后面的longer than one day 可知,此处last“持续”。A 重复 B仍然 D发生;碰巧
小题18:A 动词辨析。大部分人都有这种体验,都同意(agree)这种看法。
小题19:D 代词辨析。上文提到了some days与之相对应的是other days即others。
小题20:A 副词辨析。此处just用于否定句中表强调,它们根本就不存在。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I give two examples as to why intelligent life may not actually exist, though I admit that for me, or even for a physicist who devoted his or her entire life to researching and studying the universe, it's shocking to claim that completely no life exists elsewhere.
Keeping that in mind, I'd just like to consider conditions elsewhere in the known universe. You really only need to look at our own solar system or the Earth at certain periods in its own history to appreciate that most places are much worse and much less suitable for life than our mild, watery globe.
So far, space scientists have discovered about seventy planets outside the solar. But it appears that if you wish to have a planet suitable for life, you just have to be very lucky, and the more advanced the life is, the luckier you'll have to be. I'm by no means a space observer, but I can recognize some particularly fortunate breaks we've had on the Earth. For example:
We are, to a degree, at the right distance from the perfect type of star, the one that is big enough to radiate a huge amount of energy, but not so big as to bum itself out quickly. Had our sun been ten times as huge, it would have burnt out completely after only ten million years, instead of ten billion and surely we would not exist. Too near, everything on the Earth would have boiled and withered away; any further, everything would have frozen over.
The universe is a surprising place, and our existence within it is a wonder. If a long and unimaginably complex sequence of events dating back 4.6 billion years or so hadn't happened in a particular manner at a particular time --if, to take just one example, the dinosaurs hadn't been wiped out by a meteor(流星)--we might still be a few centimeters long, with whisker(胡须) and a tail, and you'll be reading this in a cave somewhere.
小题1:What's the best title for this passage?
A.No Life Exists out of the Earth
B.Seventy Planets Discovered
C.A Place Full of Wonders
D.Perfect Conditions for Life
小题2:What makes the Earth more suitable for life than other planets in the solar system?
A.The Earth is the only planet that can receive energy from the sun.
B.The sun is at the right distance from us and in proper size.
C.The distance between the planets was neither too long nor too near.
D.The dinosaurs were no longer a threat to the Earth.
小题3:What does the underlined phrase "withered away" in the 4th paragraph mean?
A.Exploded.B.Expanded.C.Floated away.D.Dried and died.
小题4:Where does the text probably come from?
A.A history book.B.A magazine.C.A science fiction.D.A famous novel.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

About 35 percent of British adults sleep with teddy bears. Many more share a bed with a partner or spouse. Others still co - sleep, alongside children in a family bed.
But lying with your iPad? A recent survey by marketing agency Rosette found that 68 percent of tablet owners use the device in the bedroom, more than in any other location. The living room took a close second place, at 63 percent, reports AdAge. com, and only 45 percent of respondents said they use their tablets on the go.
But bringing devices into the bedroom is a bad idea, if quality rest is your goal. One of the most important factors of sleepiness is darkness, which signals to the brain that it’s time to start speeding up production of the sleep - inducing hormone melatonin. But as the New York Times points out, in our modern world, we are exposed to light long after the sun sets. While any type of light can disturb your sleep, the blue wavelength light given off by cell phones, laptops, tablets and other gadgets is particularly troublesome. Research shows that this blue light causes alertness so decisively that it can actually be used to fight tiredness.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, 95 percent of Americans use some device, whether it’s a TV, laptop, cell phone or other products, within an hour of killing time. “Artificial light exposure between dusk and the time we go to bed at night push our sleeping sense to a later hour - making it more difficult to fall asleep,” said Charles Czeisler, Ph. D. , M. D. , chief of the division of sleep medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Instead, experts recommend turning off all devices an hour before bedtime and finding another method for relaxation, like reading a book, taking a warm bath or performing a series of calming yoga poses. It’s also a good idea to exercise and lay off the caffeine several hours before bedtime.
小题1: According to a recent survey, most tablet owners use their iPad ________.
A.in the living roomB.in the bedroom
C.in the officeD.on the move
小题2: What can we know from this passage?
A.The light from cell phones is harmful
B.Modern people have trouble falling asleep
C.Darkness can create a good sleeping environment
D.Blue light can prevent sleepiness decreasing
小题3:If we often play with a laptop just before sleep, we’ll be more likely to ________.
A.dream of itB.stay awakeC.feel sleepyD.become tired


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A study shows that nearly ninety percent of teens report that they have tried alcohol. That’s an increase of 23 percent in just four years!
Each year, 1.1 billion cans of beer are drunk by students aged 15-19 years old. Beer is the most common alcoholic drink among teens—81 percent of the drinkers had tried it. Beer is followed by wine with 63 percent, hard liquor(烈酒) with 53 percent and wine coolers with 35 percent.
When the young people are asked why they drank, the most common answer is that drinking is “something to do”. If a teen’s parents drink alcohol, the teenager is more likely to start drinking at an early age. Also, tens see all of their friends drinking alcohol so they think it is the must-to-do thing. Peer pressure is probably the hardest thing teens have to deal with. What’s more, teens often drink alcohol because it makes them feel older and cooler.
Researchers asked 56,000 students about their drinking habits and grades, to see how drinking might affect their grades in school. The results seem to be clear. Students who got a C level or lower tend to use three times as much alcohol as those who got B’s or A’s.
Alcohol use can be deadly. About 8,100 young people are killed per year in alcohol-related accidents. Eight young people die per day as a result of a drunk-driving accident. Between 50 and 65 percent of all teen suicides (自杀) occur after the young people drink.
So you see, drinking the alcohol doesn’t always end up with a good time. The next time you try to push someone to drink or someone tries to push you to drink, please remember this. One drink can set the habit for life. Why not throw it away?
小题1:The reasons for teens’ drinking alcohol are mentioned EXCEPT that _______________.
A.they think it is cool to drink alcohol
B.their parents set a bad example to them
C.alcohol can make them happier
D.peer pressure plays an important role
小题2:What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.Drinking alcohol makes students stupid.
B.Good students never try alcohol.
C.Drinking habits have something to do with IQ.
D.Students with poor grades tend to use more alcohol.
小题3:The passage was written mainly to ______________________.
A.show the bad effect of drinking alcohol
B.show how many teenagers drink alcohol
C.tell teenagers not to try alcohol
D.tell the reasons why teenagers drink alcohol.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What if we could replace oil with a fuel which produced no pollution and which everybody had equal access to? The good news is that we can. In fact, we are swimming in it--- literally.
Hydrogen is one of the building blocks of the universe. Our own sun is basically a big, dense cloud of the stuff. And hydrogen can be used to create electricity for power, heat and light.
The problem is that hydrogen is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It does not exist as a material on its own, but is always part of something else. So it has to be separated before it can be used.
Most commercial hydrogen in use now is created from natural gas. As oil will start to run out in around the year 2030, it makes sense to produce as much hydrogen as possible as soon as we can. But natural gas supplies will also begin to run out soon after. Another source is needed.
Researchers are now using electricity to make water into hydrogen. Companies are working on the problem in their own areas. The first commercial hydrogen “fuel cells” for computers and mobile phones have already come on to the market. Auto companies have also invested over US $2 billion in the production of hydrogen fuelled cars.
The nations of a hydrogen fuelled planet would not fight over energy recourses. There would be a great reduction in pollution. The only by-product of creating hydrogen is pure drinking water--- something that is very scarce in many parts of the world. But that is not where the good news ends. Once the costs of producing hydrogen have been brought down, it will possibly provide power for a third of the Earth’s population that has no electricity.
And electricity creates wealth. In South Africa over the last decade there has been a large programme of electrification. Thanks to the programme, people do not have to spend their days looking firewood to burn for heat. And with electric light, they can work long into the night.
Some scientists see radical changes in the way the human race co-operates. Hydrogen creates electricity, and is also created by it. With dual use fuel cells, everyone who consumes energy could also produce it. Late at night, a man drives home in London and connects his car into the “world-wide hydrogen web,” which it supplies with electricity. A few hours later, a man in Beijing uses that electricity to power the hydrogen cell in his car. Hydrogen could be the first democratic energy source.
Like all dreams of the future, it seems very far away. But the threat of war and terrorism in the Middle East has made governments and businesses more aware of the need to end oil dependency and spend more time and money on hydrogen resource. So maybe the threat of war is not a completely bad thing for the future of the human race.
小题1:What does the underlined word “it” in the last but one paragraph refer to?
A.wealthB.hydrogenC.electricity D.fuel
小题2:What is the problem with using hydrogen as energy?
A.It has by-products.
B.It has to be separated from other materials.
C.It will make energy too cheap.
D.It is too far away from us.
小题3:Why does the author give the example in the last but one paragraph ?
A.To tell us that we produce energy while using hydrogen power.
B.To tell us that hydrogen power does not produce pollution.
C.To show hydrogen power can stop war.
D.To show hydrogen power is cheap.
小题4:What is the author’s attitude about the future?
A.skepticalB.negative C.indifferent D.positive
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.war and energy B.the future of hydrogen as an energy resource
C.the disadvantages of oilD.How to end war


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.
  There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.
  Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (Although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.
  If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion the counting sheep will put you to sleep!
小题1:A good title for this passage is ____.
A.SleepB.DreamsC.Good HealthD.Work and Rest
小题2:The word drowsy in the last paragraph means ____.
A.sickB.asleepC.stand upD.a little sleepy
小题3:This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you _____.
A.dream more oftenB.have poor healthC.nervousD.breathe quickly
小题4:During REM, ____.
A.your eyes move quicklyB.you dreamC.you are restlessD.both A and B
小题5:The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is ______ .
A.approximately six hoursB.around ten hours
C.about eight hoursD.not described here


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many parents have learned the hard way that what sounds like open communication is otfen the very thing that closes a youngster’s ears and mouth, One common mistake is the Lecture, the long monologue that often starts with “When I was your age……”Eighteen –year –old Kelly calls lectures “Long , one-side discussions in which I don’t say much.”
Kids reflexively(条件反射地)shout down in the face of a lecture , Their eyes glaze over(呆滞),and they don’t register any incoming information , Listen to 13-year –old Sarah describe her least favorite times with her mom and dad, “First, they scream, Then comes the“We’re so disappointed’ speech , Then the ‘I never did that to my parents’ lecture begins , After that, even if they realize how ridiculous they sound, they never take it back’”.
Lines like “When you have children of your own, you’ll understand” have been seriously said by parents since time immemorial, But many of our expert parents, like Bobby , a registered nurse and mother of three, feel that by falling back on cliches(陈词滥调)to justify our actions, we weaken our position.
Since kids are creatures of here and now, the far-off future has no relevance to them, Therefore ,good communicators like Bobby suggest, “Give specific reasons for your actions in present language:‘I’m not letting you go to the party because I don’t think there will be enough adult supervisions(监护)”。
Betty, who lives in Missouri ,uses and indirect approach, “I find that warnings are accepted more readily if I discuss a news article on a subject I am concerned about, My husband and I talk about it while our children absorb the information, Then they never think I’m preaching(布道)”.
This really helped when Betty’s kids began driving , Instead of constantly repeating “Don’t drink; don’t speed”, She would talk about articles in the paper and express sympathy for the victims of a car crash, Betty made no special effort to draw her kids into the conversation, She depended on a teenager’s strong desire to put in his opinions—especially if he thinks he isn’t being asked for them.
小题1:The purpose of the passage is to       
A.compare two ways of parents’ communicating with their kids
B.give parents advice on how to communicate with their kids
C.explain why kids won’t listen to their parents
D.introduce kids’ reaction to the communication between them and their parents
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT right?
A.Kids won’t listen to their parents because they think what their parents say is boring
B.Many kids think they have no right to express their own opinions
C.Some kids think their parents should apologize when they are wrong
D.Kids don’t like any discussion at all.
小题3:What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?
小题4:Which of the following topic may appeal to kids?
A.Parents own experience
B.Kids possible life in the future
C.Something related to kids’ present life
D.What parents have done to their own parents
小题5:In order to make kids follow their advice, parents should       
A.tell their kids to listen carefully
B.set out their warnings directly
C.list out as many examples as possible
D.arouse kids’ desire to express themselves


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Passage 1
The information Highway is the road that links computer users to a large number of on-line services; the Web, e-mail, and software, to mention just a few. Not long ago, the information Highway was a new road, with not many users. Now, everyone seems to want to take a drive, with over 30 million families connected worldwide. Not surprisingly, this well-traveled highway is starting to look like a well-traveled highway. Traffic jams can cause many serious problems, forcing the system to close down for repair. Naturally, accidents will happen on such a crowed road, and usually victims are some files, gone forever. Then, of course, there’s Mr. Cool, with his new broad-band connection, who speeds down the highway faster than most of us can go. But don’t trick yourself; he pays for that speeding.
Passage 2
Want to know more about global warming and how you can help prevent it? Doctor Herman Friedman, who is considered a leading expert on the subject, will speak at Grayson Hall next Friday. Friedman studied environmental science at three well-known universities around the world before becoming a professor in the subject. He has also traveled around the world observing environmental concerns. The gradual bleaching (变白) of the Grate Barrier Reef, which came into the public eye in 2002, in his latest interest. Signed copies of his colorful book, which was published just last month, will be on sale after his talk.
小题1:The Information Highway________.   
A.appeals to a large number of users
B.is crowded with car drivers
C.offers just a few on-line services]
D.is free from traffic accidents
小题2:How does MR .Cool manage to travel the Information Highway so fast?
A.By storing fewer files.
B.By repair the system.
C.By using a broad-band connection.
D.By buying a better computer.
小题3:What can be learned from Passage 2?
A.There will be a book show at Grayson Hall
B.Friedman is now studying the Great Barrier Reef.
C.Friedman is a leading expert on computer science.
D.There will be a talk on global warming this week.
小题4:Passage 2 is most probably       
A.An ad for a new book.
B.A poster about a lecture.
C.A note to a doctor in a university.
D.An introduction to a professor.
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following statement is not true?
A.Doctor Herman Friedman is a famous expert on environmental science.
B.A new book has been published recently by Doctor Herman Friedman.
C.The colorful new book, signed by him, will be sold before the talk.
D.Doctor Herman Friedman has studied the changes of the Grate Barrier Reef.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Shopping green can make an important contribution to protecting the planet and conserving its resources.
Today’s consumer faces a wider range of choices than ever before, Add to that the steady stream of sales campaigns, and shopping smart only gets harder. To buy economically and reduce waste, safeguard health and protect the environment, you’ll need to follow some basic principles and have a clear idea of what you want.
1. Do Your Homework
Before making any major purchase, take the time to research it. Plentiful resources are usually available online. Avoid buying in a hurry, and don’t be persuaded by overenthusiastic salespeople. Sleep on it if necessary—you won’t regret giving yourself some extra time to think.
2. Take the Long View
Consider the running costs as well as the initial price of any item you buy. Many environmentally friendly products cost more to buy, but save you money in the long run. Choose items that are made to last. For example, pick a sofa that has a hardwood or steel frame rather than one made of softwood, which may break easily.
3. Skip the Disposable Option
Buy reusable products like washable cloth towels, handkerchiefs, serviettes(餐巾)and cleaning cloths rather than paper, single-use varieties. Avoid other disposable supplies like cups, glasses, and chopsticks, too.
4. Take the Local Route
Buy local products that are in season. It’s usually cheaper and fresher and has less harm to the environment. Markets and roadside stands are good sources. Some supermarkets also buy from local producers. Support it if you have one.
5. Avoid Wasteful Packaging
Better not buy products that have too much packaging. It’s estimated that approximately 10 percent of every shopping bill is actually paying for packaging—which you normally just throw away! Moreover, significant amounts of energy are used in the production of packaging. Purchasing refillable and renewable containers can also help cut this kind of waste.
小题1:What could be the best title for this passage?
A.Protection of the Planet
B.Green Shopping Principles
C.Environmentally Friendly Products
D.Resource Conservation
小题2:The underlined phrase “sleep on it” has the similar meaning with      .
A.think it overB.forget about it
C.set it asideD.put it into action
小题3:Why does the author advise us to buy lasting products?
A.Because they are less expensive to buy.
B.Because they save money in the long run.
C.Because they will never break.
D.Because they are local products.
小题4:Which of the following can be considered green shopping?
A.Following the stream of sales campaigns.
B.Buying disposable chopsticks.
C.Focusing on packaging.
D.Purchasing from local markets.

