精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.You need warm clothes to ________(保护) you against cold.
2.It is impossible to make up the ________(失去的) time.
3.I am afraid you can't sit here. sir. This seat is ________(预订的).
4.Famers used to ________(捕猎) us and the rhinos.
5.He ________(申请) for a job as an English teacher.
6.I wrote a letter ________(建议) that he should carry out the plan at once.
7.It ________(包含) a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.
8.The new government will come to ________(掌权) next month.
9.Our city will have ________(有效的) measures to stop the pollution.
10.The dog just ________(咬) me in the leg.
1. protect 2. lost 3. reserved 4. hunt 5. applied
6. suggesting 7. contains 8. power 9. effective 10. bit

科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1.I ________(打赌) that we would win the football match.
2.She won't ________(允许狗进入) this yard.
3.Anyone ________(没有通行证) can not enter this military base.
4.He was hit by a falling tree and killed ________(当场).
5.He gave the police ________(详细描述) of the incident.
6.I warn you: I'm beginning to ________(失去耐心) with you.
7.________(说实话),I don't agree with you.
8.He ________(妒忌) Tom's success.
9.He refused my advice ________(以友好的方式).
10.These girls are walking ________(肩并肩).
11.He lacks ________(幽默感).


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1.His parents were also accused of ________(帮助他逃跑).
2.Three people died in the accident and 12 were ________(严重受伤).
3.If we leave it as it is. it will ________(失血而死).
4.I can hardly believe the fact that she ________(毒死她的丈夫).
5."I didn't mean to upset you. " he said ________(温柔地).
6.I felt my reputation ________(受到伤害) by the newspaper article.
7.At last. we managed to ________(塞进6个人) into the car.
8.The police will only interview the child ________(当着父母的面).
9.There is ________(很多压力) on us senior students.
10.Good food and plenty of exercise ________(必不可少的) a healthy life.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:翻译题

1. We all went to see the film,________(包括我在内).
2. The tiger is ________(产于) India.
3. The mother asked us not to talk about her daughter ________(当着她的面).
4. The audience ________ that the singer ________(要求他再唱) again.
5. The book is ________(公认) a great work.
6. Nobody obeyed the teacher's ________(停止聊天的命令).
7. The film ________(以……为基础) a novel by D.H.Lawrence.
8. ________(提出了许多建议) at yesterday's meeting.
9. When the police arrived,the crowd ran away ________(朝四面八方).
10. Where are you from? I can't ________(听出你的口音).


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:翻译题

1.How many ________(竞争者) from how many countries ________(进行比赛)?
2.I heard that the reception was ________(举办) by the Prime Minister.
3.He is now ________(采访) Lili,a Chinese girl.
4.He finally ________(承认作弊) in the exam.
5.Teachers will never ________(取代) by computers in the classroom.
6.The new law only ________(和……有关) marriage.
7.We have only two periods of ________(体育课).
8.Now you are asked to make a poster to ________(为……登广告) a sporting event.
9.Even though I tried hard,I finally failed to ________(遵守我的诺言).

