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There are some things humans can go without. We can lose a kidney (肾)or a lung, an arm or two and still live perfectly well. But some fish put us to shame. They can get by without stomachs.

One such fish is the stout longtom(尖嘴魚 ). The group it belongs to carries a more appropriate name: the needlefish. All needlefish lack stomachs. Their ancestors had them, but later they were lost.
The stout longtom can reach 1.3 meters in length, and lives near the sea surface. Like all needlefish, it can jump out of the water to escape its enemies. Tropical(热带) fishermen are sometimes injured by needlefish. In 1977, a 10-year-old Hawaiian boy was killed when a needlefish jumped through his brain. The longtom eats smaller fish. Its teeth are not good at cutting fish into pieces, so it swallows fish whole.
Ryan Day from Australia and his colleagues wanted to know how the longtom digests its meaty meals without a stomach, so they ran some chemical tests about the fish.
Day’s results show that the longtom can consume food without the help of a stomach. It uses a special material called trypsin(胰岛素) that can break down proteins without acid — although the approach is less efficient than using a stomach.
Because it’s a meat-eating animal, the longtom gets a lot of protein in its food, so it can afford this slightly less efficient system for absorbing it. Two plant-eating fish that Day studies actually had higher levels of trypsin in their body, as their food was low in protein.
Day thinks that the longtom and its stomachless relatives might actually have arrived at an energy-saving solution. He says that although the stomach is critical to many kinds of animal, the organ is “a fairly expensive organ to run”. This perhaps explains why some animals have got rid of theirs.
小题1:What does the underlined phrase “get by” mean?
小题2:Ryan Day ran the chemical tests in order to find out how the longtom ______.
A.catches smaller fish in the water
B.can jump so high to escape its enemies
C.digests the smaller fish in its body
D.uses acid to break down the protein
小题3:What plays a key role in the longtom’s digestion process?
A.AcidB.Trypsin.C.The stomach.D.Protein in its body.
小题4:Ryan Day’s results show that ______.
A.the longtom often waste energy
B.the longtom can make acid easily
C.the longtom’s high-protein food helps its unique way of consuming food.
D.meat-eating fish have higher levels of trypsin in their bodies than plant-eating fish


小题1:A 词义题。根据第一段We can lose a kidney (肾)or a lung, an arm or two and still live perfectly well可知。
小题2:C 细节题。由第四段的wanted to know how the longtom digests its meaty meals without a stomach可知
小题3:B 细节题。根据第五段第二行that can break down proteins without acid — although the approach is less efficient than using a stomach可知。
小题4:B 推理题。由文章第六段Because it’s a meat-eating animal, the longtom gets a lot of protein in its food, so it can afford this slightly less efficient system for absorbing it. Two plant-eating fish that Day studies actually had higher levels of trypsin in their body, as their food was low in protein.可知。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Five cloned pigs,whose organs are much less likely to be rejected(排斥) by a patient,have been born in the U.S.
More than 62,000 people in the U.S. alone are waiting to ____ donated hearts,lungs and so on.The number of human donors falls far short of ____.Pig organs are of a(n) ____ size to human organs,and some scientists hope they might be used to help meet the ____.But previous attempts to transplant pig tissue into humans have ____.
The five pigs ____ a gene that adds a sugar to the surface of pig cells.The sugar would ____ immune(免疫的) rejection of the tissue.“This advance provides a near­time ____ for overcoming the problem that there is not enough human organs for transplants,”says an expert.“This is the ____ gene for overcoming the ____ stage of rejection.”
____,scientists warn that much more work is necessary ____ organs from copies of the pigs could be transplanted into humans.Human genes will need to be added,to ____ rejection of the organ in the long term.There are also ____ that pig viruses could infect patients.
Cloning techniques were ____ to the production of the pigs.Genes can only be knocked out(去除) in a single cell.Cloning of these single cells then allowed the ____ of a whole animal in which the gene was knocked out in every cell.But the PPL researchers have ____ in knocking out only one copy of the gene.The team will now attempt to knock out both copies of the gene.
The team will also ____ tests to investigate whether a virus from the pigs could infect human cells.“Although a lot of the work is very ____,we’re still very far off being able to grow an organ,” says Julia,who is working on this project and quite ____ to creating similar knock­out pigs with researchers at the University of Missouri.
A.only B.rare
A.prevent B.ignore


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Harvard student Julie Zauzmer turned 20 on January 22, and her birthday couldn’t have been better: She got to working the overnight shift at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter.
That might seem an extraordinary act of selflessness for someone turning 20. But there’s increasing evidence that commitment to community service is becoming much more ordinary to today’s young adults.
“Young adults are doing more volunteer service than in any point in history,’’ said Scott Seider, an assistant professor of education at Boston University who studies the civic development of young adults.
At Harvard, the Winthrop Street Homeless Shelter is one of 86 social service programs associated with the Phillips Brooks House Association, which is a student-run nonprofit organization. Students can work with deaf children, bring pets to nursing homes, and prepare Chinese students to become US citizens, and so on.
Volunteerism develops well outside of colleges, too. Applications to AmeriCorps have risen to a very high level, jumping from 91,399 in 2008 to 258,829 in 2010. City Year, which puts young people in high-poverty schools as tutors and mentors for at-risk students, has had a 140 percent increase in applications since its 2007-2008 service year. Citizen Schools, which uses volunteers to work with students in middle schools, has had a 28 percent jump in applicants between 2008 and 2009.
“Most of my friends know it’s their duty to give back before they settle down,’’ said Samantha Wolf, a 23-year-old Boston University graduate serving with City Year in a Mattapan school.
City Year corps member Antonio Gutierrez, 22, graduated last year from Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., and is applying for admission to law schools, but this year he is tutoring and mentoring students at the Blackstone Elementary School in the South End.
“I grew up in similar circumstances,’’ said Gutierrez, who said he was a weak student until enrichment programs changed his academic trajectory (轨迹). Raised by a single mother in low-income housing across the street from City Year’s South End Headquarters, he used to watch the red-jacketed corps members come and go, and decided to become one someday.
小题1:We learn from what Scott Seider says in Paragraph 3 that young people today       .
A.study harder than before
B.do more volunteering than ever before
C.don’t care much about others
D.like to find jobs in their communities
小题2:What’s the goal of the program of City Year?
A.It helps to find jobs for college students.
B.It offers shelters to the homeless people.
C.It helps to build schools for poor students.
D.It engages young people to teach at high-poverty schools.
小题3:What do we know about Antonio Gutierrez?
A.He wants to give back as a volunteer.
B.He has always been an excellent student.
C.He never expected to become a volunteer.
D.He now works as a teacher.
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.Volunteering spirit has disappeared
B.How to become a college student
C.College students learn to give back
D.The real life of young adults today


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Can software bring dead tongues back to life? Probably yes.
A computer algorithm(计算程序)works almost as well as a trained linguist(语言学家) in reconstructing how dead "protolanguages" would have sounded, says a new study.
"Our computer system is doing a basic job right now," says Alex Bouchard-Côté, an assistant professor in the department of statistics at the University of British Columbia and lead author of the paper describing the algorithm. But the program does a good enough job that it may be able to give linguists a head start, the statistician added.
For centuries, scholars have reconstructed languages by hand: looking at the same word in two or more languages and making educated guesses about what that word's "ancestor" may have sounded like. For example, the Spanish word for man ("hombre") and the French word for man ("homme") developed from the Latin word "homo." The way linguists compare words from descendant(后代)languages to reconstruct the parent language is called, appropriately, the comparative method.
The early 19th-century linguist Franz Bopp was the first to compare Greek, Latin and Sanskrit using this method. Jacob Grimm, one of the Brothers Grimm of fairy tale fame, used the comparative method to show how Germanic languages developed from a common ancestor.
The difference between that and Bouchard-Côté's program, the statistician says, "is we do it on a larger scale." As a proof of concept, Bouchard-Côté fed words from 637 Austronesian languages (spoken in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and more) into the new algorithm, and the system came up with a list of what the ancestor words of all those languages would have sounded like. In more than 85 percent of cases, the automated reconstruction came within one character of the ancestor word commonly accepted as true by linguists.
The algorithm won't replace trained human linguists, but could speed up language analysis.
Using a computer to do large-scale reconstruction offers another advantage. Bouchard-Côté says, “With big data sets, you can really start finding regularities … You might find that certain sounds are more likely to change than others."
So Bouchard-Côté's team tested the "functional load hypothesis(假设)," which says that sounds that are more important for two clearly different words are less likely to change over time. A formal test of this hypothesis in 1967 looked at four languages; Bouchard-Côté's algorithm looked at 637.
"The revealed pattern would not be obvious if we had not been able to reconstruct large numbers of protolanguages," Bouchard-Côté and his coauthors write in the new study.
In addition to simply helping linguists understand how people spoke in the past, studying ancient languages can perhaps answer historical questions. For example, Bouchard-Côté says, "Say people are interested in finding out when Europe was settled. If you can figure out if the language of the settling population had a word for wheel, then you can get some idea of the order in which things occurred, because you would have some records that show you when the wheel was invented.”
小题1:The underline word “protolanguages” in the first paragraph probably refers to __________.
A.the languages that couldn’t be reconstructed by hand
B.parent languages that existed in the past
C.languages developed from a common ancestor
D.languages used to explain things that occurred in the past
小题2:We can learn from the fourth and fifth paragraphs that the reconstruction of “protolanguage” by scholars __________.
A.is commonly accepted as false
B.dates back to the 19th century
C.focuses on European languages
D.is conducted using the comparative method
小题3:According to Bouchard-Côté, reconstructing the dead "protolanguages" might     _______.
A.arouse people’s interest in when Europe was settled
B.allow us to find answers to some historical questions
C.enable us to picture the way linguists communicated
D.help figure out how the wheel was invented
小题4:The author probably wants to prove the computer algorithm program led by Bouchard-Côté ___________.
A.will bring every dead language back to life
B.can take the place of linguists in language analysis
C.is of great help to promote language analysis with big data sets
D.can merely reconstruct Asian-Pacific “protolanguages”


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If English means endless new words,difficult gramrnar and sometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Haven’t you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?
According to a new study by a British university,learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power,Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter.This is the area of the brain which processes information.It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles.
The study also found the effect is greater,the younger people learn a second language.
A team led by Dr Andrea Mechelli,from University College London,took a group of Britons who only spoke English.They were compared with a goup of “early bilinguals.’’who had learnt a second language before the age of five,as well as a number of later learners.
Scans showed that grey matter density(密度)in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language.But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language,the smaller the difference.
“Our findings suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language,”said the scientists.
It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.
Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales has researched the link between bilingualism and maths skills. ‘‘Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible,”he said.“You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas.”
The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second language between the ages of 2 and 34. Reading,writing,and comprehension were all tested.The results showed,that the younger they started to learn,the better.“Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world,’’explained the scientists.
小题1:The main subject talked about in this passage is         
A.language can help brain power
B.man's ability of learning a second language
C.science on learning a second language
D.language learning and maths study
小题2:In the second paragraph,the writer mentions “exercise” in order to     
A.say language is also a kind of physical labor
B.make people believe language learning helps grey matter work well
C.show the importance of using the language when you learn the language
D.prove that one needs more practice when he(she)is learning a language
小题3:The underlined word‘‘bilinguals”in Paragraph 4 probably means       
A.people who can speak two languages
B.second language learners
C.researchers on language learning
D.active language learners
小题4:We may know from the scientific findings that        
A.the experience of learning a second language has bad effect on people’s brain
B.there is no difference between a later second language learner and one who doesn’t know a second language
C.the earlier you start to learn a second language,the higher the grey matter density is
D.the ability of learning a second language is changing all the time
小题5:In the last two paragraphs,the author wants to tell us that      
A.learning a second language is the same as studying maths
B.Italian is the best choice for you as a second language
C.you’d better choose the ages between 2 and 34 to learn a second language
D.early learning of a second language helps you a great deal in studying other subjects


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time; _________________, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s. In the same way children, learning to do all the other things without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle, compare their own performances(表现)with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, let alone correct them. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Soon he became dependent on the teacher.
Why should we teachers waste time on such tiring work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer. Let’s end all this nonsense(荒谬的)of grades, exams and marks. Let us throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated persons must someday learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.
We should, of course, offer help to them just as they ask for it. The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one’s life is nonsense in a world as complicated(复杂的)and rapidly changing as ours. Don’t worry! If something is basic, they will go out into the world and learn it.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 8 words.)
小题2:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
Teachers seem to think that a child can’t find out a mistake or correct it without their help.
小题3:Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.
(No more than 10 words.)
小题4:According to the passage, what should a teacher do? (No more than 15 words.)
A teacher should ______________________________________________________________
小题5:What is the author’s attitude towards grades, exams and marks at school?
(No more than 5 words.)
The author thinks _____________________________________________________________


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You might think that Western students are less shy when it comes to mingling with the opposite sex, but the truth is that pupils in the UK can feel just as awkward. Britons are actually quite reserved and being at university can make them feel out of their comfort zone. Everyone finds it difficult to talk to the other gender on campus.
However, there is a way of dealing with this shyness in Britain, and it is called “Freshers Week”. Freshers Week is designed to help people socialize and lose their inhibitions(顾虑; 抑制力). It is a one-week long party for first year students to welcome them before lectures and coursework begin.
I remember my first week at university - it was terrifying. I looked at the schedule for Freshers Week and was amazed at how much was planned. Every hall of residence organizes its own events to help students become friends with the people they live with. My hall was called “Goldney Hall” and the week ahead included a talent show, a comedy night, and themed parties, including one for which we had to dress up as golfers.
The first event I went to was a school kids party at which everyone dressed up as if they were in school. This party encouraged me to talk to all the people on my floor. One boy, who lived opposite my room, was very handsome and I felt nervous speaking to him at first. But when we met at the party dressed in silly school outfits, I remember feeling a lot more relaxed speaking to him.
It sounds strange, but drinking and dressing up seems to be how Britons overcome their shyness at university. My Freshers Week was hectic, but I managed to forget how scared I was.
One thing’s for sure: nothing helps you lose your inhibitions(顾虑; 抑制力) quite like dressing up as a golfer – complete with a golf club, checked hat and tweed jacket!
小题1:What does the underlined phrase mean in the fifthparagraph?
A.scaredB.disappointedC.happyD.very busy
小题2:In Britain, universities organize the “Freshers Week”to__________.
A.help the first year students to get rid of the shyness.
B.help the first year students to know about the campus.
C.intruduce the teachers to the first year students.
D.help the first year students to adapt to the campus life as soon as possible.
小题3:Which of the following statements is true according to the paragraph?
A.My first week life at university was happy.
B.The Western students also don’t know what to do when they meet the opposite sex.
C.Drinking and dressing up is how Britons overcome their scare at university.
D.Dressing up as a golfer can’t help you overcome the shyness.
小题4:What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A.My first year in the university.
B.What is the “Freshers Week”?
C.My busy first week campus life.
D.How to get rid of the first year students’ shyness.
小题5:Why did the school kids dressed up as if they were in school in the party?
A.because they felt a lot more relaxed speaking to others.
B.because they felt shy speaking to others.
C.because they felt nevous speaking to others.
D.because they felt frightened speaking to others.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Children who spend more time reading with their parents have a greater chance of becoming better readers than those who don’t. With help from their parents, children can learn techniques(技巧) to improve their reading skills.
“A lot of parents think after their child learns to read, they should stop reading to them,” Donna George said. “They are sadly mistaken.”
George offers her services to parents at the Title I Learning Centers. She said reading aloud to children may be the most valuable(有价值的) thing parents can do. “It is better for children to hear things at a higher level than where they are,” George said. “Parents are their child’s first teacher.” Parents help their children build listening, phonics(拼读法), comprehension(阅读理解) and vocabulary skills when they read aloud to them.
Before parents can identify reading problems, they should escape the enemy----television and limit the time their children spend watching television. George suggested not allowing kids to have a TV in their bedrooms, setting a schedule of when kids can watch or keeping a list of how many programs children watch. Louise Joiners said while her 14-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son enjoy reading, the television sometimes becomes a distraction. So she tries to build the situation by suggesting books the entire family will enjoy reading together, like the Harry Potter series.
Parents who do not read themselves should not depend on their children being enthusiastic about it. If parents would read to their children at least 15 minutes every day, children would not have so many problems in school. It is the parents’ job to help build that desire in their children, and of course to know what kind of books to read is also important.
小题1:The underlined word “distraction” means something that     .
A.can improve children’s reading.
B.can make children interested
C.can make children not pay their attention
D.can help children’s right way of reading
小题2:In the fourth paragraph     is the most important.
A.reading speedB.reading environment
C.reading skillsD.reading materials
小题3:If the passage is not completed, what will be written after the passage?
A.What TV programs children can watch during reading.
B.Advice is given to control their children.
C.Parents choose reading materials for their children.
D.How children improve their reading by themselves.
小题4:Which one would be the best title for the passage?
A.Parents Are Their Child’s First Teacher.
B.How to Improve Children’s Reading Ability.
C.Children Spend More Time Reading with Parents.
D.How Parents Make Their Child a Better Reader.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Pilling a cat can be a 'terrible” experience. Cats don’t want something pushed down their throats, and they’ll fight with all their strength to prevent it. In fact, it’s amazing how powerful their small bodies can be.
The easiest way of pilling a cat is to press the pill into powder. Then mix the powder with a small amount of wet food. If your cat usually eats dry food, she will probably view the wet food as a treat and eat it up.
If your cat won’t eat the wet food that contains the pill or if she is too ill to eat, you can get a “pill gun”. There are some basic instructions. Getting your cat’s mouth to open is going to be the most difficult part. First, be sure the pill is in a handy place. Then you can put your cat on a bookshelf with her bottom in a corner or you can put her on your lap firmly tied. Have your cat facing to the right if you’re right-handed. With your left hand, hold your cat at the cheekbones, putting your palm (手掌) at the top of her head. Keeping your finger off the trigger (扳机), with your right hand, Insert the pill gun until the pill is positioned over the tongue and open throat Be sure to give your cat a treat directly after giving the pill.
If you don’t feel comfortable using a pill gun, you can try giving the pill by hand. Push your cat’s head backwards just far enough so that her nose is pointing towards the ceiling. At this point, most cats will slightly open their mouths. With the little finger or ring finger of the hand holding the pill, open the bottom jaw a little more. You may need to hold her top jaw with your other hand while doing this. Aim straight and lightly throw the pill or drop it. Most cats will then swallow the pill.
小题1:Pilling a cat can be a terrible experience because cats ______.
A.are amazingly powerful and dangerous
B.may fight with all their strength against pills
C.refuse something pressed down their throats
D.are difficult to treat once they’ve got ill
小题2:Which of the following statements is true according to the second paragraph?
A.Wet food with medicine is usually a treat to cats.
B.Cats used to dry food must reject wet food.
C.The easiest pilling is to press the pill into powder.
D.Cats arc most likely interested in something new.
小题3:Using a “pill gun”, you had better hold your cat ______ if you’re left-handed.
A.facing to the rightB.with your right hand
C.at the headD.on your lap firmly
小题4:A cat probably opens its mouth naturally when ______.
A.its nose is straight upwardsB.it is touched by fingers
C.its head is turning aroundD.it is served with its favorite pills

