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London: It's well known that Charles Darwin's famous theory of evolution (进化) annoyed many people because it was against the Biblical view of creation. But few know that it also created problems for Darwin at home with his deeply religious wife, Emma.
"Darwin held back the publication of On the Origin of Species to avoid offending (触怒) his wife," says Ruth Padel, the naturalist's great-great-granddaughter. "Emma told him that he seemed to be putting God further and further off", Padel says in her north London home. "But they talked it through, and Emma once said, ‘Don’t change any of your ideas for fear of hurting, me.’ ”
As the world celebrates the 200th birthday of the man who changed scientific thought forever and the 150th anniversary of his book today, even his opponents admitted he was a giant figure.
Though opposition to his theory, continues, it is the elegant explanation of how species evolutes through natural selection that makes his 200th birthday such a major event.
More than 300 celebrations have been planned in Britain alone, where Darwin's face graces (使增光) the 10-pound bill along with that of Queen Elizabeth II.
Shrewsbury, the central England town where Darwin was born and raised, is holding a month-long festival for its most famous son. Down House, his former home near London, will hold a permanent exhibition recreating some of his most famous experiments.
Many more events have been planned all over the world.
What would he be doing if he were alive today? Padel thinks he would properly be studying DNA and the immune system.
45.The main purpose of the author is______.
A.to say something about Darwin and his wife
B.to introduce Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution
C.to sing high praise for the book On the Origin of Species
D.to report some celebrations of Darwin's 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of his books
46.Which of the statements is NOT true based on the passage?
A.Everyone agrees with Darwin now.
B.Darwin was brought up in Shrewsbury.
C.Emma was not really fond of his theory.
D.Darwin was very interested in living things.
47.The underlined phrase "held back" in the second paragraph probably means______.
A.prevented from                                                         B.kept a secret
C.cared about                                                                 D.put off
48.It can be inferred that the passage is most probably______.
A.a scientific report                                                     B.a news report
C.an English composition                                           D.a text

45---48   DABB  

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The wedding took place in a Birmingham hotel.The bride and her father arrived in a new black American sports car.Her father looked nervous and uncomfortable in front of the cameras.The bride wore a silk wedding dress.She smiled nervously at the waiting photographers and went to a room on the first floor where she met her future husband for the very first time.Carla Germaine and Greg Cordell were the winners of a radio station's competition.The aim of the competition was to find two strangers prepared to marry without having met each other.Miss Germaine,23,is a model.Mr Cordell,27,is a TV salesman.They were among the two hundred people who entered for a peculiar “experiment”organized by BMRB radio in Birmingham,England.Greg and Carla were among eight finalists who were interviewed live on radio.They took a lie detector(测谎仪) test and the station also spoke to their friends and family about their personalities.The competition judges included an astrologer (占星家)who eclared that they were suited.
The couple celebrated their wedding with a wedding breakfast and a party for 100 guests in the evening,but not everyone shared their joy.Miss Germaine's mother looked anxious throughout the wedding and Mr Cordell's parents are reported to be less than delighted.
Organizations,including the marriage guidance service Relate,have criticized the marriage.As one person put it,“We have enough problems getting young people to take marriage seriously without this.Marriage should always be about love.”
The couple are now on a Caribbean honeymoon followed by journalists.Their other prizes include a year's free use of a wonderful apartment in the centre of Birmingham,and a car.But will it last?
1.How did the couple's parents react to the wedding?
A.The bride's mother shared their joy.
B.The bride's father felt uncomfortable about the wedding.
C.The bridegroom's parents were quite delighted.
D.The bridegroom's parents were not that joyful.
2.Some experts believe that  _______ .
A.marriage without the couple's meeting each other first ends up in divorce
B.young people nowadays are too careless about marriage
C.taking a lie detector test can not solve all the marriage problems
D.most young people take marriage seriously except this couple
3.One of the prizes for the couple is  _______ .
A.to spend their honeymoon wherever they like
B.to use an apartment free for some time
C.to have a wedding dress free
D.to own an American sports car
4.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Two Strangers and a Wedding
B.A Wedding Based on Love
C.A Short?Lived Marriage
D.A Well?Matched Couple


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a half times its original value.
The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer — Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.
Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Mauritius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.
Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.
小题1:Over a century ago, Mauritius _______.
A.was an independent country
B.belonged to India
C.was one of the British colonies
D.was a small island in the Pacific Ocean
小题2:The mistake on the stamps was made _______.
A.in MauritiusB.at Mauritius Government House
C.in a post officeD.in London
小题3:Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for _______.
A.fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds
B.twelve Two Penny Blues
C.one One Penny Orange-Red
D.one Two Penny Blue


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Starving polar bears are eating one another in the Arctic. Flowers are blooming too soon and die. The ice caps are melting so fast that rising water levels will threaten coastal towns along Florida within several decades. These are just a few examples of the terrible consequences of climate change supported by a new analysis in Nature.
In the past three decades, average global temperatures have risen about 0. 6°C and are projected to jump by about 1. 7°C by the end of the century, says Cynthia Rosenzweig, who leads the Climate Impacts Group at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University in New York. “We’ve already seen that a relatively low amount of warming,” she says, “can lead to a broad range of changes. ”
The unnatural warming caused by man-made greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide produced by cars and coal-powered plants, brings trouble for entire ecosystems. In North America alone, scientists have identified 89 species of plants, such as the American holly that have flowered earlier in the spring. In Spain, apple trees bloom 35 days ahead of schedule in response to the higher temperatures. Other wildlife, like the insects that use certain plants for food and the birds that feed on the insects, must then move forward their seasonal stirrings(萌动) and mating(交配) patterns to survive.
To try to follow this time shift, some birds such as robins, the classic symbol of winter’s thaw(解冻时期), are returning to Colorado from their migrations some two weeks earlier than in years past. All these changes can throw a food chain in disorder. Some bird species that arrive before the insects reappear may starve to death.
“Around the world, plants and animals are waking up to an earlier alarm clock than they used to,” says Terry Root, a biologist from Stanford University.  
小题1:The underlined word “projected”(in Paragraph 2) probably means “____”.
小题2:According to the third paragraph, as a result of climate change ____ .
A.the warm weather wakes animals up earlier
B.certain trees bloom a season ahead of time
C.the birds need to change patterns of living
D.the American holly will flower in late spring
小题3:What can we know about robins according to the passage?
A.Farmers depend on them to tell the time.
B.They used to come back when spring came.
C.They used to predict the change of weather.
D.They usually migrate when seasons change.
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Man is to blame for global warming
B.Great changes take place on Earth
C.Bird migration and climate change
D.Global warming changing nature’s clock


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

After more than a year of bitter political debate, President Obama sat down in the White House East Room on March 23 and signed the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law with a pen,and then another pen,and another. Obama used 22 pens to sign the $938 billion health care bill.
The practice of using different pens to sign important legislation(法规)dates at least as far back as Franklin Roosevelt. The reason is fairly simple. The pen used to sign historic legislation itself becomes a historical artifact. The more pens a President uses, the more thank-you gifts he can offer to those who helped create that piece of history. The White House often give pens to supporters of the newly signed legislation. When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, he reportedly used more than 75 pens and gave one of the first ones to Martin Luther King Jr. And in 1996, President Clinton gave the four pens he used to sign the Line-Item Veto bill to those most likely to appreciate the bill's consequence.
Once they're given away, some pens end up in museums; others are displayed proudly in recipients'(接受者) offices or homes. But they sometimes appear again, like in the 2008 presidential campaign(竞选活动), when John Macain promised to use the same pen given to him by President Reagan to cut pork from the federal budget.
Not every President goes for the multipen signature, however. President George W. Bush preferred signing bills with only one pen and then offering several unused "gift" pens as souvenirs.
小题1:.We can learn from paragraph 1 that the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act        .
A.has been passed easily
B.was put forward one year ago
C.becomes law in the USA
D.is unimportant
小题2:How are the pens dealt with after being used by President Obama?
A.Supporters of the newly signed legislation are likely to get some of them.
B.Obama will keep them.
C.They will be just set aside
D.They will be sold to the public at a high price.
小题3:What can we learn about John Macain?
A. He was ever President in the USA.
B. He took part in the 2008 presidential campaign.
C. He never used the pen given by Reagan.
D. He was only concerned about his own business.   
小题4:What does this passage mainly tell us ?
A. Obama signed the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
B. It is a practice to use multiple pens to sign important legislation in the USA.
C. Pens are necessary in the signature.
D. All the presidents like the multipen signature.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

MOSCOW, Sept. 4 (Xinhuanet)--- At least 335 people including 155 children, were killed in the three---day hostage crisis (人质危机) in a southern Russian school, Russia’s Deputy Prosecutor General Sergei Fridinsky said on Saturday.
“We are still identifying the bodies. We have recovered 322 bodies, and 155 of them are children,” Fridinsky was quoted by the Itar-Tass news agency as saying.
The prosecutor said the death toll would probably grow as the clean-up operation is continuing at the site, but it will not rise considerably.
Emergency workers pulled the bodies out of the school on Saturday, after Russian special forces rescued more than 400 children and adults hostages in a special operation that has suppressed (平定)the hostage -taking standoff by Friday night.
Valery Andreyev, regional chief of the Federal Security Service (FSS), said Friday that over 30 armed militants took part in the hostage-taking crisis and Russian troops captured three of them alive on Friday, according to the Interfax news agency.
He said people of Russian origin and foreign nationals were among the killed hostage-takers. Earlier official information showed that ten Arab militants were killed in Friday’s raid (突袭).
Andreyev said a large amount of explosives (爆炸物)and mines planted by hostage-takers in the school have been found.
Rusian Presidnet Vladimir Putin made a surprise visit early Saturday to the southern Russian town of Beslan where commandos (突击队) stormed the school to end the hostage crisis. He accused the attackers of trying to spark an racial conflict that would engulf (卷入)Russia’s troubled Caucasus Mountains region.
63. It can be inferred that the Russian hostage crisis began on ________.
A. Wednesday    B. Monday     C. Friday            D. Saturday
64. The passage suggests that the terrorists _________.
A. hadn’t got any preparation before the attack
B. had informed the government to attack the school
C. had made a sudden attack to the school without any preparation
D. had prepared for the attack in advance
65. The underlined word “spark” in the last paragraph refers to _______.
A. speak out                B. lead to   C. start                       D. make
66. The last sentence of the passage indirectly states _______.
A. the purpose of the attackers’ taking over the   hostage
B. the fighting between attackers and special forces was very fierce
C. Russian President was very sad about the hostage
D. there were many attackers in Caucasus Mountains region


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)
Around six weeks ago, Kaileen came running into the house, just getting off the bus from school. She was all excited about a story about homeless pets because of Hurricane (飓风) Katrina and all that was going on to help them. She said that this information came from her animal newspaper (your KIND News). Kaileen has a great love and compassion (同情心) for animals, so her excitement did not surprise me. Her next ideas, however, did. She said that we should go around right then to our neighbors and collect all their change to send to the animal shelters (保护所).
I thought this was a school project, but in fact, it was not. This was what Kaileen wanted to do on her own! Well, it warmed me all over. To see your child so willing to help others just lets you feel that maybe you had done something right in raising (养育) her.
Anyway, I told her to make a card and send it out to our neighbors first. With the help of her older brother, Kaileen soon made a lovely card that asked our neighbors to help these pets by giving their spare change. She gave them a few days and a date she would come by to pick up any donations (捐赠). 
Well, I had to go out and buy a donation box. Kaileen collected $279.50!!! I just thought you would like to know how KIND News had touched a little one’s heart and given her the idea to show her compassion for animals. Thank you — we really enjoy your paper.
36. The passage is probably taken from ______. 
A. a report about a warm-hearted girl
B. an advertisement for an animal shelter 
C. a thank-you letter to a newspaper
D. a donation program for homeless pets 
37. What was the author’s feeling about Kaileen’s idea? 
A. Pleased and excited. 
B. Surprised and moved.
C. Tired and sad.                         
D. Worried and angry.
38. From the passage we learn that KIND News ______.
A. collects donations for homeless people 
B. sets up many shelters for homeless animals 
C. tells children how to keep pets healthy 
D. encourages children to help homeless pets 
39. We can infer that the passage is written by Kaileen’s ______.
A. parent          B. teacher         C. brother      D. neighbor


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(BBC News April 18) All flights in and out of the UK and several other European countries have been cancelled as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland moves south.
Up to 4,000 flights are being cancelled with airspace closed in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark among others.
The UK’s air traffic control service (Nats) said no flights would be allowed in UK airspace until at least 07:00 BST on Friday for fear of engine damage.
Safety group Eurocontrol said the problem could last for 48 hours.
The volcano is still erupting and the wind direction is expected to continue bringing clouds into UK and European airspace for some time to come.
The UK’s airspace restriction was the worst in living memory, a Nats spokesman said. Some 600,000 people are thought to have been affected.
Nats suggested that the restrictions were unlikely to be lifted (解除) after 07:00, saying it was “very unlikely that the situation over England will improve in the foreseeable future”.
Passengers were advised to contact their carriers before travelling.
Transport Secretary Lord Adonis said he was “closely monitoring the situation” and would be meeting with key transport officials on Friday morning.
Experts have warned that the tiny particles of rock, glass and sand contained in the ash cloud from the still-erupting volcano could be sufficient to jam aircraft engines.
The Health Protection Agency said the ash from the eruption did not bring a significant risk to public health because of its high altitude.
However, the British Lung Foundation has warned people with lung conditions to keep their medication (医疗护理) with them as a precautionary measure.
These are some of the knock-on effects:
● Eurocontrol says Germany is monitoring the situation and considering partial airspace closures.
● The two main airports in Paris and many others in the north of France are closing. 
● There is severe disruption (崩溃) in France and Spain, where all northbound flights are cancelled. 
● Nats is due to make an announcement shortly as to the arrangements that will be in place
through to 13:00 BST on Friday.
● British Airways offers refunds or an option to rebook after all its domestic flights are suspended.
Flybe announces it has cancelled all flights up until 13:00 BST on Friday and more than 25 services due to run after that.
British sports teams have been hit by travel problems after flights were grounded.
60. What may passengers do on hearing the news according to the passage?
A. They may cancel their international flights.
B. They may contact the airlines before traveling.
C. They may take measures to protect their lungs from the ash.
D. They may stay indoors till the volcanic eruption dies down.
61. Why have some European countries cancelled flights after the volcanic eruption?
A. Because the volcanic ash may make passengers ill.
B. Because people refuse to take the international flights.
C. Because the volcanic ash may jam or damage the engine.
D. Because the flights may be hit by the rocks from the eruption.
62. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. All the flights are likely to return to normal in 48 hours.
B. British people had experienced a worse airspace restriction before that.
C. Germany is monitoring the situation and considering closing all airspace. 
D. The UK airspace restrictions are unlikely to be lifted in the foreseeable future.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

BEIJING—Beijing is to spend up to us $ 20 billion to change the Chinese capital into a 21st century one for the 2008 Olympics.
The government manages to host the 2008 games. The general aim is for Beijing to have the same environmental standards as Paris, London or Washington by 2008.
Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent to pipe natural gas to the city’s home, taking away dirty coal burning gradually while 60,000 buses will be changed to liquefied(液化的)gas.
The money also will be used for relocating(重新部署) the polluting factories and building green belts. By 2008 around 90 percent of Beijing’s waste will be treated, compared to only 40 percent at present.
Olympic officials have already announced that around 50 large projects are being dealt with to improve traffic congestion(拥堵) and cut down pollution. They include construction of Beijing’s first light railway, a 40.5-kilometer line which is expected to be completed in 2006.
Beijing, besides, plans to build an 82.25-kilometer-long subway to add to the existing 53 kilometers. Nine major roads will be rebuilt or widened.
Beijing also plans to build a 70-meter-wide green belt along the waterways to protect water quality as well as increase the green areas.
56.The government will pipe natural gas to the city’s home in order to_________.
A.solve the problem of being short of fuel
B.reduce the pollution of our capital
C.bring down the cost of daily life
D.keep up with the development of modern society
57.From the last three paragraphs we know the fact that _________.
A.lengthening the existing 53-kilometer subway is among the 50 large projects
B.a 40.5-kilometre line will be added to Beijing’s first light railway
C.the length of the subway will be up to 135.25 kilometers in 2006
D.a 70-meter-wide green belt will supply us with enough water
58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The environment of London is better than Toronto.
B.In the first paragraph “a 21st century one” refers to a modern and advanced capital.
C.Beijing is badly polluted mainly by coal burning
D.Liquefied gas is more expensive than petrol.
59.This news report mainly talks about ___________.
A.how Beijing is becoming a 21st century city
B.how many projects are being dealt with to improve traffic of Beijing
C.how Beijing is being built into a first class Olympic host city
D.the use of the 20 billion US dollars

