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1.A ________  (平衡的)diet should contain some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.

2.Children have a natural _________ (好奇心)about the world around them.

3.I have ________(受益) a lot from reading aloud every morning.

4.Just at that moment they found a young man ________ (徘徊)in the street outside their house.

5.I don’t support the plan; on the ________(正相反), I’m strongly against it.

6.He doesn’t like to be v       , instead, he prefers to solve problems in a peaceful way.

7.Pollution should be p        in our daily life.

8.It is known to that smoking is h        to our health.

9.Take care of the environment, or you’ll find yourself s        by rubbish.

10.Success isn’t m        by how much money you earned, but what you do for others.

















3.考查固定短语。benefit from得益于,这里用完成时故用 benefited.

4.考查动词短语。find sb doing 发现某人在做某事,故用wandering.

5.考查固定短语。on the contrary正相反,是固定短语。



8.考查固定短语。be harmful to对……有害,是固定短语。

9.考查固定短语。find sb done发现被怎样了,故用过去分词surrounded.






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I. 单词拼写。 根据汉语或首字母的提示写出单词,使句子完整与正确。1. C__________ (好奇心)can drive children to know more about the world around them.

2. People with good ____________(礼貌) will be welcome everywhere.  

3. Mr. Green a___________ to Mrs. Brown yesterday for destroying some flowers in her garden.

4. As they had been ____________(包围)by our army for a week, the enemy had no choice but to surrender (投降).

5. Millions of people in Africa are still s_________to death at present because of hunger.

6. Why should I say sorry when it’s not my f_________.

7. A new computer s__________(系统) was introduced into our school last year.

8. It was the first time that he had lived ___________(独立地).

9. It is o________ that foods, such as rice, sugar, butter, oils and so on can give us energy.

10. We ____________ (寻找) for somewhere to live but failed.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省济南一中等四校高一下学期期期中联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】A ________  (平衡的)diet should contain some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.
【小题2】Children have a natural _________ (好奇心)about the world around them.
【小题3】I have ________(受益) a lot from reading aloud every morning.
【小题4】Just at that moment they found a young man ________ (徘徊)in the street outside their house.
【小题5】I don’t support the plan; on the ________(正相反), I’m strongly against it.
【小题6】He doesn’t like to be v       , instead, he prefers to solve problems in a peaceful way.
【小题7】Pollution should be p        in our daily life.
【小题8】It is known to that smoking is h        to our health.
【小题9】Take care of the environment, or you’ll find yourself s        by rubbish.
【小题10】Success isn’t m        by how much money you earned, but what you do for others.


科目:高中英语 来源:20102011重庆九龙区杨家坪中学高二下学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:其他题


1.. The building has been made a_______ to disabled people.   

2.Very often, the s_____ of electricity cannot meet the demand in the town.. 

3.The plan received w           support throughout the country.

4.. She         ( 保证) that she will be there on time.   

5.. It is             (荒谬的 ) to drive so fast across the busy street during the rush hour. 



科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年海南省高一第一学期期末考试 题型:单词拼写



I. 单词拼写。 根据汉语或首字母的提示写出单词,使句子完整与正确。(一词一空,共10小题,计10分)

1. You are quite right. We t__________ agree with your opinion.

2. I dislike him personally, but I a_________ his art.

3. Sea water c__________ many kinds of mineral(矿物质), including salt.

4. The farmer was in danger because he was b________ by a snake this morning.

5. It is said that the band will come here to give a p_________ at the concert for the children.

6. Robots are gradually ______( 代替 ) humans in many factories in Japan.

7. The first day of _________(八月) is Army Day in China.

8. The policemen asked the two _______(过路人) about the traffic accident.

9. Sanya is so ____(诱人的) in winter that a large number of visitors come to spend their holiday.

10. Nowadays many students use ____________(电子的) dictionaries to look up new words .



科目:高中英语 来源:09-10学年福建省高一下学期3月月考(英语) 题型:单词拼写


1.He was a_________ a gold medal for his great contribution to the country.

2.You had better ________(咨询)your doctor about your headache.

3.On the ____________ (到达) of the famous singer, all his fans began to cheer loudly.

4.Our boss could have sold more goods if he had promised to offer a 40% ___________

5.As the minutes ticked away they began to lose ___________(耐心).

6.It was just ____________(难以置信的)that I got the highest mark in my test.

7.The ticket p_________ three people to go into the exhibition.

8.The child was found _________(闲逛) on the streets alone.

9. The proud man said he would rather s_______ to death than beg for food.

10.We consider it necessary to c________ theory with practice.


