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Schooling Matters
March 25, 2014  Chengdu  Michelle Obama
You see, the truth is that I grew up like many of you. My mom, my dad, my brother and I, we lived in a tiny apartment in Chicago, which is one of the largest cities in America. My father worked at the local water plant…
While we certainly weren’t rich, my parents had big dreams for me and my brother. They had only a high school education themselves, but they were determined to send us both to universities.
So they poured all of their love and all of their hope into us, and they worked hard. They saved every penny. And I know that wasn’t easy for them, especially for my father. You see, my father had serious illness called multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症). And as he got sicker, it got harder for him to walk, and it took him longer to get dressed in the morning.
But no matter how tired he felt, no matter how much pain he was in, my father hardly ever missed a day of work, because he was determined to give me and my brother a better life. And every day, like so many of you, I felt the weight of my parents’ sacrifices on my shoulders. Every day, I wanted to make them proud.
So, while most American kids attend public schools near their homes, when it was time for me to attend high school, I took an exam and got into a special public high school where I could get a better education. But the school was very far from my home, so I had to get up early every morning and ride a bus for an hour, sometimes an hour and a half if the weather was bad. And every afternoon, I’d ride that same bus back home and then immediately start my homework, often studying late into the night – and sometimes I would wake up at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning to study even more.
And it wasn’t easy. But whenever I got tired or discouraged, I would just think about how hard my parents were working for me. And I would remember something my mother always told me – she said, “A good education is something that no one can take away from you.”
小题1:The passage can be sorted as a        
A.self-introductionB.short storyC.news reportD.speech draft (草稿)
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE about Michelle Obama and her family?
A.Her parents were poor but had good educational backgrounds.
B.She attended a public high school near her home.
C.Her father suffered a serious disease and became disabled.
D.She was aware of her parents’ sacrifices and expectations.
小题3:Which of the following words best describes Michelle’s father?
小题4:What does Michelle mainly want to tell readers in this excerpt?
A.We should work hard and get good educations.
B.Our parents always have high expectations for us.
C.She is an ordinary person from an ordinary family.
D.The road to the US First Lady is not easy.


小题2:细节题:从第四段的句子:And every day, like so many of you, I felt the weight of my parents’ sacrifices on my shoulders 可知米歇尔奥巴马意识到父母对她的期望和牺牲,选D。
小题3:细节题:从第四段的句子:But no matter how tired he felt, no matter how much pain he was in, my father hardly ever missed a day of work, because he was determined to give me and my brother a better life可知米歇尔的爸爸是意志力坚强的人,选C。
小题4:推理题:根据最后一段的句子:And I would remember something my mother always told me – she said, “A good education is something that no one can take away from you.” 好的教育是别人拿不走的东西,所以是想让读者知道我们要努力获得好的教育,选A

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Depression (抑郁症) is a serious problem today.Depression causes workers to be unproductive,causing companies and countries to lose billions of dollars.One expert says that depression is like cancer because it is “widespread,costly and deadly”.Depression hits one person in five around the world.
Although people have believed depression to be a problem among the rich and educated,studies show that depression is a problem among everyone.Over any six­month period,between five to seven percent of the world’s population will be suffering from a serious depression.Suicide rates among people suffering from the disease in its extreme,or clinical form were 80 percent higher than in the population at large,and sufferers were four times more likely to have heart attacks.People who suffer from depression often have problems sleeping,getting up on time,and doing work productively.
Depression,which researchers agree has its origin in the genes,brings loss of confidence and ability to concentrate—making it impossible for employees and managers to work efficiently.
Depression is made more serious in China by Chinese’s inability to face it.Many people believe that depressed people are either weak or lazy.Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.“Most patients in China just don’t get help,”a Chinese doctor says.“In my hospital,I have to see 30 or 40 patients in a morning,just have time to say ‘Hello,how do you feel?’”
In Western countries,people are not afraid to admit that they have depression,but most do not tell it to their boss,because they fear that they will be stricken_off_the_rolls.“In my experience,aging bosses are the most willing to admit they have it.Because they feel the most secure about themselves,” an American doctor says.
Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that they can get the right treatment.
小题1:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.It is widely believed that everyone may suffer from depression.
B.Depression brings great problems to its sufferers in their life and work.
C.Depression is a commonly­existing problem only in rich countries.
D.The poorer and the less educated a person is,the less he will suffer from depression.
小题2:.Compared to normal people,the depressed people are likely to be________.
A.very unconfident and often absent­minded
B.easy to avoid being hit by heart attacks
C.working efficiently and productively
D.either weak or lazy
小题3:Depression becomes more serious in China because of________.
A.the understanding of the problem
B.the lack of treatment and doctors
C.their unwillingness to tell it to their boss
D.the doctors’ careless work
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.People are suffering from depression because of the shortage of specialists.
B.The aging bosses around the world dare to say they are depressed.
C.More and more patients will turn to specialists for help.
D.Western people are braver than Chinese people.
小题5:What does the underlined words in the 5th paragraph mean?
C.Promoted. D.Recommended.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

DNA left at a crime scene could be used in the future to build up a picture of an offender’s face, it was revealed tonight.
A first step towards genetic mugshots has been taken by researchers in the US who link specific DNA markers with face shape. To identify the genes, they focused on known mutations(突变) that cause changes of the face and head. Normal versions of these genes were found to influence individual features. For instance, one gene affected the lips, another the shape and configuration of bones around the eyes, and a third the appearance of the mid-face and skull. In total, 20 genes had “significant effects” on facial appearance.
Lead scientist Professor Mark Shriver, from Pennsylvania State University, said: “We use DNA to match to an individual or identify an individual, but you can get so much more from DNA. Currently we can’t go from DNA to a face, or from a face to DNA, but it should be possible.” The implications are far reaching, raising the possibility of creating a data bank of facial types based on genetic markers. DNA from a crime scene could then be used to produce a rough image of the face of an offender or victim. Such genetic mugshots may be more reliable than computer-generated “e-fits” based on witnesses’ recollections. Other uses of the technique might include proving the identity of fathers in paternity cases, or visualising our remote ancestors from fossil DNA.
The scientists wrote in the online journal Public Library of Science Genetics: “Such predictive modelling could be forensically useful; for example, DNA left at crime scenes could be tested and faces predicted in order to help to narrow the pool of potential suspects. Further, our methods could be used to predict the facial features of descendants, deceased ancestors, and even extinct human species. In addition, these methods could prove to be useful diagnostic tools.” The team developed a model which first established a range of physical face shapes from people of mixed West African and European ancestry from the US, Brazil and Cape Verde. Measurements were taken of thousands of point co-ordinates on grids placed over 3D images of the faces.
Statistical methods were then used to determine the relationship between facial differences and the effects of gender, ethnic ancestry and individual gene variants.
小题1:The underlined word “mugshots” in the second paragraph most probably means _________.
A.different facesB.characteristicsC.pictures of faces D.genders
小题2:What can be inferred from the passage?
A. DNA has been used to build up a picture of an offender’s face.
B. It may be much easier to catch criminals with the help of DNA.
C. In all, 20 genes had “significant effects” on facial appearance.
D. One gene can affect more than one part of your face.
小题3:According to Professor Mark Shriver, we know_________.
A.they can merely match to an individual or identify an individual
B.there is a possibility of going from DNA to a face
C.DNA could be used to produce a rough image of an offender’s face
D.this technology is more reliable than computer-generated “e-fits”
小题4:What is the most possible title of the passage?
A.Creating a data bank of DNA
B.Recognizing the DNA of criminals
C.Predicting the location of offence using DNA
D.Building image of offender’s face from DNA


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

IT’S never a real problem for us when the weather gets cold. We can put on more clothes, stay next to a fireplace, turn on the air conditioner or simply travel to a warmer city to spend the winter – people have many different ways of coping with the cold.
But things are not as easy for plants. Unlike humans, plants can’t move to escape the cold or generate heat to keep themselves warm. So how do they manage to survive the freezing winter?
It turns out that plants have their own strategies too, said a study published on Dec 22 in the journal Nature.
According to researcher Amy Zanne of George Washington University, US, the cold is a big challenge for plants. Their living tissues can be damaged when they freeze. “It’s like a plant’s equivalent to frostbite (冻疮),” Zanne told Science Daily. Also, the process of freezing and thawing (解冻) can cause air bubbles to form in the plant’s water transport system. “If enough of these air bubbles come together as water thaws they can block the flow of water from the roots to the leaves and kill the plant,” she explained.
To live through cold weather, plants have developed three traits, according to the study. Some plants, such as oak trees, avoid freezing damage by dropping their leaves before the winter chill sets in – effectively shutting off the flow of water between roots and leaves – and growing new leaves and water transport cells when the warm spring returns.
Other plants, pine trees for example, protect themselves by narrowing their water transport cells, which makes it easier for cells to travel among air bubbles.
The third strategy is also the most extreme – some plants die on the ground in winter and start growing as new plants from seeds when conditions get warmer.
However, the study also found that these smart strategies were developed very slowly – over millions of years of evolution. This leads scientists to worry that plants may not be able to deal with human-caused climate change, which has only started occurring over the past few decades.
Scientists are hoping that this study can help people find possible ways to save plants from the threat of climate change.
小题1:What is the article mainly about?
A.Why plants are not afraid of the winter chill.
B.The ways that plants survive cold weather.
C.Changes in plants’ water transport system in winter.
D.How plants evolve to keep up with climate change.
小题2:According to the article, if a plant freezes in the winter, ______.
A.it produces more living tissues to stay alive
B.its leaves quickly fall out and its roots begin to die
C.lots of air bubbles form in its water transport system
D.its water transport system could be blocked in the spring
小题3:How do oak trees usually survive the cold winters?
A.By dropping their leaves before winter.
B.By narrowing their water transport cells.
C.By widening their water transport cells.
D.By leaving only the seeds alive and growing from the seeds in the spring.
小题4:What are scientists worried about when it comes to plants according to the article?
A.Plants may not be able to adapt to the increasingly cold climate.
B.Human activities might have a great impact on the pace of plants’ evolution.
C.Plants may not be able to evolve fast enough to adapt to human-caused climate change.
D.The strategies plants develop are not good enough to protect them against cold.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The English test will be removed from China’s college entrance exam by 2020, according to details of exam and admission reform revealed by the Ministry of Education. The national college exam, known as the “Gaokao” has been used to evaluate Chinese students for three decades. The Ministry of Education has worked out a plan for reforming exams and enrollment. The Ministry will solicit(征求) public opinions before its release. Instead, tests will be held several times a year to allow students to choose when and how often they sit the exam so as to ease study pressure and change China’s once-in-a-lifetime exam system.
The plan and suggestion for its implementation(实施) will be announced in the first half of next year. It will be piloted in selected provinces and cities and promoted nationwide from 2017. A new exam and admission system will be established by 2020, according to the education ministry.
The decision has aroused a heated discussion among Shanghai educators and parents who doubted the reform would reduce the burden of learning English or if the substitute test could reflect a student’s English skills and help students learn English better.
“The reform shows China is learning from the West to give students more test-taking chances. But more chances might become more of a burden since Chinese students are likely to repeat the test until they get the highest score,” said Cai Jigang, a professor at Fudan University’s College of Foreign Languages and Literature and chairman of the Shanghai Advisory Committee for College English Teaching at Tertiary level.
Yu Lizhong, chancellor of New York University Shanghai, where classes are in English and students are required to have a high standard of English, said the most important aspect of the reform lay in what to test and how to test.
“As far as I see, the reform doesn’t mean English is no longer important for Chinese students after it will be excluded from the college entrance exam,” Yu said. “In a way, English is even more important than before since the test would only serve as reference, while every college and university, even every major, can have different requirements of a student’s English skills under a diverse evaluation system.”
Yu said some students will have their study pressure reduced if the major they choose doesn’t need excellent English while others still need to study hard if they want to be among the best students.
The education ministry said the reform would not affect students attending the college entrance exam over the next three years.
小题1:What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.English will become less and less important in the stage of compulsory education.
B.It has been 30 years since English became one subject of national college entrance exam.
C.China’s once-in-a-lifetime exam system is unacceptable at all.
D.The system that tests are held several times does more good than once-in-a-lifetime exam system.
小题2:According to the passage, Shanghai educators and parents argue that________.
A.the new exam and admission system will make no difference.
B.English shouldn’t be removed from China’s college entrance exam.
C.the reform may accomplish the very opposite.
D.Western educational system does not apply to China.
小题3:What does the passage try to express in the underlined sentence?
A.Students needn’t lay a good foundation during the period of high school.
B.Whether students should study English hard may depend on their major.
C.Students can constantly struggle for perfection only in their major.
D.English must be close to full mark.
小题4:What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To advise students not to devote themselves to English.
B.To call on Education Department to remove English from “Gaokao”.
C.To support the act of Ministry of Education
D.To encourage students to do as they have planned.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece of reading. It is unusual for what it contains: the news from local crime to international politics, from sports to business to fashion to science, and the comments and special features(特写)as well, from editorial page to feature articles, from interviews to criticism of books, art, theatre, and music. A newspaper is even more unusual for the way one reads it never completely, never straight through, but always by jumping from here to there, in and out, glancing at one piece, reading another article all the way through, reading just a few paragraphs of the next.
A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many different readers, but far more than any one reader is interested in. What brings this variety together in one place is its topicality, that is, its immediate relation to what is happening in your world and your locality now. But this immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it also mean that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than temporary value. For all these reasons, no two people really read the same paper: what each person does is to put together, out of the pages of that day’s paper, his own selection and order, his own newspaper. For all these reasons, reading newspapers efficiently which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time, demands skill and self-awareness(意识) as you change and apply the techniques of reading.
小题1:What does the underlined word in the second paragraph mean ?
A.wide coverageB.speed in reporting news
C.various style  D.popularity among readers
小题2:According to the passage, the reason why no two people really read the same newspaper is that ___________.
A.people are interested in the same kind of news
B.different people prefer different newspapers
C.people scan for the news they are interested in
D.people have different views about what a good newspaper is
小题3:A good newspaper offers “a variety” to readers because ___________.
A.readers like to read different newspapers
B.it has to cover things that happen in a certain locality
C.readers are difficult to please
D.it tries to serve different readers
小题4:The best title for this passage would be ___________.
A.The Characteristics of a Good Newspaper
B.The Importance of a good Newspaper
C.Good Newspapers and Bad Newspapers
D.Some Advice on How to Read a Newspaper


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Humans might be the most highly-evolved species on the planet, but most animals possess skills we can only dream of having. Imagine how much electricity we could save if we could see in the dark the way cats do. Imagine leaping from tree to tree like a monkey. Giraffes, which are otherwise calm and good-natured, sleep only 4.6 hours a day.
We realized a long, long time ago that nature provides the best blueprint for invention. We’ve borrowed canals from beavers and reflectors from cat’s eyes. Although the words “bionics”(仿生学) became popular only after the 1960s, history shows that nature has always provided ideas on solving everyday problems. Our archives(档案) don’t go back to the time of Leonardo da Vinci and his bird-like flying machines, but we can take you to the late 19th century, where we applied those same principles for building our first practical airplanes.
To prepare for their flight at Kitty Hawk, the Wright brothers studied the movements of pigeons to figure out how they stayed high up when they were heavier than air. Their success inspired scores of successors to improve on the airplane by studying various aspects of nature. One of Orville Wright’s pupils caught and stuffed seagulls to examine their wingspan. Meanwhile, two French inventors examined spinning sycamore(梧桐) seeds in an effort to apply those same motions, reversed, to a helicopter .
Some examples are more obvious than others. The outside of the airplane designed by the Wright brothers looks like a minimalistic(简单抽象艺术) structure. On the other hand, Barney Connett’s fish submarine actually looks like a fish.
Some bio-inspired concepts have yet to be invented. In the 1960s, the US Army commissioned several university professors to conduct research on the motor skills animals in hope of applying those same abilities to tanks. Tanks that run like horses or jump like grasshoppers(蚂蚱)-sounds shocking, doesn’t it? But imagine how life would change if we could achieve that.
小题1:“Cats”, “monkeys” and “giraffes” mentioned in paragraph 1 are examples to show______.
A.they are highly-evolved species as humans
B.animals have skills that humans do not possess
C.humans can learn animals’ skills
D.they are skillful in different ways
小题2:What happened after the Wright brothers’ success?
A.People carried out a systematic study on pigeons.
B.People studied more animals and plants to develop the airplane.
C.People could fly their airplane for fun.
D.People kept their airplane at a French gallery.
小题3:Which of the following is true about the research carried out by the US Army?
A.It has cost a large sum of money.
B.It has changed our life.
C.It has improved the abilities of tanks
D.It has not succeeded yet.
小题4:What does the writer want to tell in the passage?
A.many inventions get ideas from nature.
B.Some animals possess unique skills.
C.People should protect nature.
D.Bionics is far from perfect


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Vans, Keds, Dollies—they sound like the names of rock bands,but if you have teenagers, you'll know they’re actually the latest in teenage footwear.
But experts are now warning that the current shoe fashions will be causing teenagers discomfort in the short term and storing up years of foot, knee and back pain in the future. Here, the experts identify the problems caused by teenagers’ shoe choice.

Slip­on shoes with elastic (弹性的) sides are particularly popular among teenage boys—with Keds and Vans the most sought-after brands.
The main problem is that they are just too flat—so flat that the heel, which strikes the ground first, also becomes damaged and painful.

The worst shoes of all are such light and thin dolly shoes. The problem is partly their flatness, as with Keds and Vans. However ballet pumps, which have no string or heel, have other specific problems.
“As the shoe has no fastening device, it relies on the toes to keep the shoe on, causing an awkward gait (步法) , this leads to short—and long-term problems such as calluses (茧子), heel and knee pain.”

These shoes can also cause problems with gait. They may look good, but the heels on these are so high they can force the wearer’s body weight forward, making them very unstable.
Teens who wear these shoes regularly are also in danger of joining those millions of women with constant back pain.
So what do podiatrists (足科医生)have on their wish list, especially for everyday wear?
Something in a natural, breathable fabric, with a string to hold it on,with a small heel and a deep toe­box that does not press the toes,such as Clark's,Marks & Spencer or Rhino.
If your teen insists on wearing “bad” shoes, get them some simple foot orthotics(矫形器) in the shoes. These support and correct the movement of the foot and, properly fitted by a podiatrist, can often transform their walk and halt the damage.
小题1:Of all the shoes mentioned in the passage, which can cause the worst problems?
A.Ballet Pumps.B.Wedges & Stilettos.C.Keds and VansD.Marks & Spencer.
小题2:The underlined word “halt” in the last paragraph probably means________.
小题3:From this passage we can infer________.
A.podiatrists are expert at producing branded shoes
B.fashionable shoes all have orthotics in them
C.experts are strongly against wearing popular shoes
D.trendy shoes may ruin teenager’ health


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community.As a result,all students must ____sixty hours of service learning,____ they will not receive a degree.Service learning is a kind of learning that helps the community.__ __ of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river,working in a soup kitchen,or instructing a student.__ __ a service experience,students must keep a journal(日志) every day and then write a ____ about what they have learned.
Supporters claim that there are many ____ of service learning. Perhaps most importantly,students are forced to think ____ their own interests and become ____ of the needs of others.Students are also able to learn real-life skills that ____ responsibility,problem-solving,and working as part of a team.____,students can explore possible careers ____ service learning.For example,if a student wonders what teaching is like,he or she can choose to work in a school classroom a few afternoons each month.
____ there are many benefits,opponents(反对者)____ problems. First,they ____ that the main reason students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills.Because service learning is time-consuming,students spend ___ time studying the core subjects.Second,they believe that forcing students to work without ____ goes against the law.By requiring service,the school takes away a student's freedom to choose.
In my view,service learning is a great way to ____ to the community,learn new skills,and explore different careers.____,I don't believe you should force people to help others—the ____ to help must come from the heart.I think the best ____ is one that gives students choices: a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service.Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility,and as young adults,we must learn to handle both wisely.
A.deal withB.look intoC.point outD.take down

