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268. The limited supply of water has been put into practice, take care to turn off the running ____ before you leave.

A. radio                       B. traffic lights             C. gas                          D. Tap


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Drink drivers could be prohibited from driving under the influence if new technology from Nissan is introduced.

The Japanese car maker has developed a new odor (气味) detection system designed to prevent drivers from operating a car if they are over the legal limit. The system works by using a series of sensors (传感器) to detect the level of alcohol the driver has consumed.

A high-sensitivity alcohol odor sensor is built into the gear stick (变速杆), which is able to detect the presence of the driver’s palm as he or she attempts to start driving. If the alcohol level detected is above a pre-determined limit, the system automatically locks the transmission(变速器), immobilizing the car. A voice alert is also issued via the car navigation system telling the driver that he or she is over the limit.

Extra sensors are also placed in the driver and passenger seats and a warning is issued if these sensors detect the presence of alcohol in the air inside the vehicle cabin.

While still in the developmental stage the concept of drink driving detectors being built into cars has generally been welcomed by many drivers.

Nissan said the technology is part of a project aimed at halving the number of fatalities (灾祸) and serious injuries in Nissan cars by 2015 compared to 2005 levels.

The detection system works _______________.

       A. by detecting the smell of alcohol in the vehicle cabin

       B. by measuring the volume of the alcohol in vehicle cabin

       C. by detecting the weight of the school in the vehicle cabin

       D. by using a car navigation system

What do we know about the detection system?

       A. The detection system is still in the developmental stage.

       B. The new technology from Nissan has been introduced.

       C. The driving detectors are being built into cars.

       D. The system has already been used in some car companies.

The driver’s attitude toward the detection system is that of _______________.

       A. annoyance                B. welcome           C. unconcern                D. doubt

What’s the main idea of the passage?

       A. Nissan will release drink-proof cars.

       B. Traffic accidents will be decreased.

       C. A project halving the number of accidents.

       D. A new odor detection system.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Now I know that we black people are much more likely to have high blood pressure and diabetes(糖尿病) than white people. And they often lead to heart attacks and other untreated diseases. For example, black people are three to four times more likely than white people to have high blood pressure and twice as likely as the white population to die of a stroke(中风).

New research has found out the surprisingly high levels of salt in many of black people’s favorite meals. I stopped putting extra salt in my food at the table long ago and I try to cut down on the salt I use in cooking. The recommended daily level of salt for adults is 6 grams. It is easy to see that if you avoid processed(加工过的) foods and use salt in your cooking within the limit, you won’t exceed the daily level.

The research showed how much salt there is in some foods that we buy from restaurants and takeaways. An average salad with rice and peas has 6.2 grams of salt. This is more salt than you are supposed to eat for the whole day.

A researcher talked about the importance of home cooking rather than take-outs. At home, he pointed out, not only can you hold control of the salt shaker, but also you can create tasty food which is low on salt. The researcher later provided curry goat and rice and peas. They were low on salt, but completely delicious.

I do not suppose Jamaicans are going to stop buying takeaways soon. But if you suffer from high blood pressure, it is probably better not to buy them often.

1.The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 refers to ______.

A.white people                          B.black people

C.untreated diseases                      D.high blood pressure and diabetes

2.What has the new research found out according to Paragraph 2?

A.Black people take in too much salt.

B.Black people’s meals are very special.

C.Processed foods have too much salt in them.

D.6 grams of salt per day is enough for an adult.

3.What would the writer probably suggest black people do?

A.Order no salad in a restaurant.             B.Take in no salt for several days.

C.Stop cooking their favorite meals.           D.Eat less takeaways.

4.The researcher provided curry goat and rice and peas in order to ______.

A.thank those who came to his home for his research

B.let people know that eating less salt makes one healthier

C.show that tasty food with less salt can be made at home

D.prove the less salt the food has the more delicious it is

5.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Watch the salt.                         B.Take care, black people.

C.Say no to takeaways.                     D.Say no to high blood pressure.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年湖南省怀化市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Virginia is set to begin enforcing the toughest drunken-driving punishment, one that will require thousands of first-time offenders—whether they were highly drunk or slightly over the limit—to install in their cars blood- alcohol testing devices that can lock the ignition. The devices work like this—A driver must blow into a blood alcohol device linked to the car’s ignition. If the result is higher than the legal limit, the car will not start. The device also requires random “rolling retests” once the driver is on the road.

Virginia’s current law requires only repeated offenders or those with a blood alcohol level of 0.15 or higher to have an ignition interlock device in their cars.

The new law, which takes effect in July, will roughly increase the number of people required to use ignition interlock devices four times, and offenders will have to pay about $ 480 for a typical six-month installation.

The measure has caused a debate between groups battling drunken driving and those representing offenders. Such groups as Mother Against Drunken Driving and The Washington Regional Alcohol Program say that Virginia’s 274 alcohol-related road deaths and more than 5,500 injuries in 2010 remained unacceptably high despite years of cracking down on drunken driving. Ignition interlock devices, they say, reduce repeat offenses. But some public defenders and lawyers argue that the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders at the legal blood alcohol limit 0.08, and that the court system will be burdened by more cases going to trial and lower-income drivers will be affected by the fees.

Del. Sal R. Iaquinto, who sponsored the bill, had a simple reply for concerns about the costs of the interlock devises: “How much does a life cost?” “Blowing into a tube for six months, you will remember that,” Iaquinto said, “And you’re not likely to offend again.”

1.The underlined word “ignition” in Paragraph 1probably refers to the part in a car where ___________.

A.the alarm goes off   B.the engine starts    C.the door opens     D.the car is fueled

2.Who are required to install the blood alcohol devices according to the current law?

A.The first time drunken-driving offenders.

B.The drivers who are not able to pay offence fees.

C.The repeat drunken-driving offenders.

D.Drivers whose blood alcohol level is below 0.15.

3.The reason why some defenders and lawyers oppose the new law is that ____________.

A.fewer cases go to trial

B.lower-income drivers will not afford to drink again

C.interlock devices increase repeat offenses

D.the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders

4.The debate aroused by the measure implies that ___________.

A.prevention is better than cure             B.no law is absolutely perfect

C.punishment is the key to all                D.justice has long arms

5.What is Del. Sal R. Iaquinto’s attitude towards the new law?

A.Negative.          B.Indifferent.        C.flexible.           D.workable.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年甘肃天水一中甘谷一中高三第八次联考检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Fat and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team " Football, tennis, cricket - anything with a round ball.I was useless," he says now with a laugh.But back then he was the one always made fun of in school gym classes in Devonshire, England.

It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him.At first he went biking alone in a nearby forest.Then he began to ride the bike along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind on building up his body, increasing his speed and strength.At the age of 18, he ran his first marathon.

The following year, he met John Ridgway and was hired as an instructor at Ridgway's School of Adventure in Scotland, where he learnt about Ridgway's cold - water exploits.Greatly interested, Saunders read all he could about North Pole explorers and adventures, then decided that this would be his future.

In 2001, after becoming a skillful skier, Saunders started his first long - distance expedition towards the North Pole.It took unbelievable energy.He suffered frostbite (冻疮) ,ran into a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit, pulling his supply -loaded sled (雪橇) up and over rocky ice. Next October, Saunders, 27, heads south from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, a 2900 - kilometer journey that has never been completed on skis.

1.What change happened to Saunders after he was 15 yeas old?

A.He became good at most sports.

B.He began to build up his body.

C.He joined a sports team.

D.He made friends with a runner.

2.The underlined word "exploits" (Paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to______.





3.Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Saunders?

a.He ran his first marathon.         b.He skied alone in the North Pole.

c.He rode his bike in a forest,        d.He planned an adventure to the South Pole.





4.What does the story mainly tell us about Saunders?

A.He is a success in sports.

B.He is the best British skier.

C.He is Ridgway's favorite student.

D.He is good instructor at school.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年北京市高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Drink drivers could be prohibited from driving under the influence if new technology from Nissan is introduced.

The Japanese car maker has developed a new odor (气味) detection system designed to prevent drivers from operating a car if they are over the legal limit. The system works by using a series of sensors (传感器) to detect the level of alcohol the driver has consumed.

A high-sensitivity alcohol odor sensor is built into the gear stick (变速杆), which is able to detect the presence of the driver’s palm as he or she attempts to start driving. If the alcohol level detected is above a pre-determined limit, the system automatically locks the transmission(变速器), immobilizing the car. A voice alert is also issued via the car navigation system telling the driver that he or she is over the limit.

Extra sensors are also placed in the driver and passenger seats and a warning is issued if these sensors detect the presence of alcohol in the air inside the vehicle cabin.

While still in the developmental stage the concept of drink driving detectors being built into cars has generally been welcomed by many drivers.

Nissan said the technology is part of a project aimed at halving the number of fatalities (灾祸) and serious injuries in Nissan cars by 2015 compared to 2005 levels.

1.The detection system works _______________.

A.by detecting the smell of alcohol in the vehicle cabin

B.by measuring the volume of the alcohol in vehicle cabin

C.by detecting the weight of the school in the vehicle cabin

D.by using a car navigation system

2.What do we know about the detection system?

A.The detection system is still in the developmental stage.

B.The new technology from Nissan has been introduced.

C.The driving detectors are being built into cars.

D.The system has already been used in some car companies.

3.The driver’s attitude toward the detection system is that of _______________.





4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Nissan will release drink-proof cars.

B.Traffic accidents will be decreased.

C.A project halving the number of accidents.

D.A new odor detection system.


