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1996 Production of the United States
Director: Charles Russell
Major Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger (As John Kruger)
Vanessa Williams (As Lee Cullen)
James Caan (As Robert Deguerin)
After Last Action Hero, Junior and True Lies have been warmly received by the whole world, the best known film actor Arnold Schwarzenegger once again stars as an unbeatable and witty tough man. Together with the pop star Vanessa Williams, he has made it among the 1996’s best movies as well as The Rock and Mission : Impossible. John Kruger, an agent for the Federal Witness Protection Program, is to protect Lee Cullen, an employee of the Cyrez Corporation. Cyrez is supposed to be developing technology for US defense, but they are secretly selling it to the Russian Mafia. Cullen has two computer disks as proof and she is willing to testify (作证). However the disks she gives to the Feds have disappeared and she herself is in danger. Kruger hides her in New York’s Chinatown. Robert Deguerin, Kruger’s director, turns out to be a spy for the Cyrez Corporation. He tries to cheat Kruger into taking them to Cullen. Kruger gets on the plane with Deguerin but gives him the wrong address. A gun battle is started and Kruger parachutes (跳伞) out of the plane. Kruger is reported to be a spy! He is forced to escape and finds Johnny and asks for his help. The three of them break into the Cyrez Corporation to read the disk. Deguerin and the others are waiting, but are outsmarted. In a shipyard of Baltimore, Deguerin and Kruger battle it out. The shipment is stopped and Kruger clears his name.
小题1:The film is directed by _____.
A.Michael BayB.Brian De PalmaC.Charles RussellD.Robert Deguerin
小题2:According to the introduction, Arnold Schwarzenegger once took an important part in the film _________.
A.The RockB.True LiesC.Mission: ImpossibleD.All the above
小题3:The Cyrez Corporation is unlawful because ______.
A.it is developing technology for US defence.
B.It is secretly selling some disks to the Russian Mafia.
C.It is selling technology for US defence to others.
D.It is to protect witness for the Feds.
小题4:Kruger, Johnny and Cullen break into the Cyrez Corporation in order to ______.
A.steal the lost disk
B.find out where Deguerin is
C.stop the shipment
D.find some necessary information from the disk
小题5:What does the underlined word “outsmart” mean?


小题1:根据短文开头介绍:Director: Charles Russell.
小题2:根据文章的第一句:“After Last Action Hero, Junior and True Lies have been warmly received by the whole world, the best known film actor Arnold Schwatzenegger once again stars as an unbeatable and witty tough man.”可知。
小题3:根据第四句:“Cyrez is supposed to be developing technology for US defense, but they are secretly selling it to the Russian Mafia.”可知。
小题4:根据倒数第四句:“The three of them break into the Cyrez Corporation to read the disk.” 可知。
小题5:根据倒数第三句:“Deguerin and the others are waiting, but are outsmarted” 可知。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Odland remembers like it was yesterday working in an expensive French restaurant in Denver. The ice cream he was serving fell onto the white dress of a rich and important woman.
Thirty years have passed, but Odland can’t get the memory out of his mind, nor the woman’s kind reaction (反应) . She was shocked, regained calmness and, in a kind voice, told the young Odland. “It’s OK. It wasn’t your fault.” When she left the restaurant, she also left the future Fortune 500 CEO (总裁) with a life lesson: You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.
Odland isn’t the only CEO to have made this discovery. Rather, it seems to be one of those few laws of the land that every CEO learns on the way up. It’s hard to get a dozen CEO’s to agree about anything, but most agree with the Waiter Rule. They say how others treat the CEO says nothing. But how others treat the waiter is like a window into the soul.
Watch out for anyone who pulls out the power card to say something like, “I could but this place and fire you,” or“I know the owner and I could have you fired.” Those who say such things have shown more about their character(人品) than about their wealth and Power.
The CEO who came up with it, or at least first wrote it down, is Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson. He wrote a best-selling book called, Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management.
“A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter, or to others, is not a nice person,” Swanson says. “I will never offer a job to the person who is sweet to the boss but turns rode to someone cleaning the tables.”
49. What happened after Odland dropped the ice cream onto the woman’s dress?
A. He was fired.                            B. He was blamed.
C. The woman comforted him.                D. The woman left the restaurant at once.
50. Odland leaned one of his life lessons from ________.
A. his experience as a waiter.           B. the advice given by the CEOs
C. an article in Fortune                    D. an interesting best-selling book
51. According to the text, most CEOs have the same opinion about __________.
A. Fortune 500 companies                     B. the Management Rules
C. Swanson’s book                               D. the Waiter Rule
52. From the text can learn that __________.
A. one should be nicer to important people         B. CEOs often show their power before others
C. one should respect others no matter who they are
D. CEOs often have meals in expensive restaurants


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A tourist comes out of the airport. There are a lot of taxis, but he asks every taxi-driver’s name, and takes the third taxi. It costs 5 from the airport to the hotel. “How much does it cost for the whole day?” the tourists asks. “100,” says the taxi-driver. This is very expensive, but the tourist accepts the price.
The taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere. He shows him all monuments and all the museums. In the evening they go back to the hotel. The tourist gives the taxi-driver 100 and says, “What about tomorrow?” The taxi-driver looks at the tourist. “ Tomorrow? It’s another 100 tomorrow.” But the tourist says, “That’s OK. If that’s the price. See you tomorrow.” The taxi-driver is very pleased. The day the taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere again. And in the second evening they go back to the hotel. The tourist gives the taxi-driver another 100 and says, “I’m going home tomorrow.” He likes the tourist, above all, 100 a day is a good money. “So you are going home, where do you come from?” he asks.
“I come from New York.”
“New York!” says the taxi-driver, “I have a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah, Do you know her?”
“Of course I know her. She gave me 200 for you.”
小题1:The tourist is _______.
an Englishman
a Frenchman.
a Swedish.
an American.
小题2:The tourist asks every taxi-driver his name because_______
A.he is afraid f being cheated
B.he knows one of the taxi-drivers
C.he knows of one of the taxi-drivers
D.there is a friend of his among the taxi-drivers.
小题3:Why is the taxi-driver very pleased with the tourist?
A.None but the tourist agrees to the price given without arguing with him
B.His sister knows the tourist.
C.His sister had brought so much money to him
D.He wants to be the guide of the tourist.
小题4: We can conclude that _______
A.he tourist will give the taxi-driver another 200
B.the tourist makes fun of the taxi-driver
C.the tourist will give the taxi-driver half of sum
D.the taxi-driver insists that the tourist should pay him another 200


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr. Johnson took the only escape route—through the boot(行李箱).
Mr. Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch(沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank. “Fortunately, the water began to come in only slowly,” Mr. Johnson said. “I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”
Mr. Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot. Then he began his struggle to escape.
Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life. It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew the back seat to get into the boot. I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help came.”
It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot. Then Mr. Johnson found a wrench and began to work on the boot lock. Fifteen minutes passed by. “It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in. I forced the lid down into the mud and scrambled clear as the car filled up.”
His hands and arms cut and bruised(擦伤), Mr. Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby, where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife, Mrs. Lucy Bates. Huddled in a blanket, he said, “That thirty minutes seemed like hours.” Only the tips of the car wheels were visible, police said last night. The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.
小题1:What is the best title for this newspaper article?
A.The Story of Mr. Johnson, A Sweet Salesman
B.Car Boot Can Serve As The Best Escape Route
C.Driver Escapes Through Car Boot
D.The Driver Survived A Terrible Car Accident
小题2:Which of the following objects is the most important to Mr. Johnson?
A.The hammer.B.The coin.
C.The screw. D.The horn.
小题3:Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.Mr. Johnson’s car stood on its boot as it fell down.
B.Mr. Johnson could not escape from the door because it was full of sweet jam.
C.Mr. Johnson’s car accident was partly due to the slippery road.
D.Mr. Johnson struggled in the pouring mud as he unscrewed the back seat.
小题4:“Finally it gave” (Paragraph 5) means that _______. 
A.Luckily the door was torn away in the end
B.At last the wrench went broken
C.The lock came open after all his efforts
D.The chance was lost at the last minute
小题5:It may be inferred from the passage that _______. 
A.the ditch was along a quiet country road
B.the accident happened on a clear warm day
C.the police helped Mr. Johnson get out of the ditch
D.Mr. Johnson had a tender wife and was well attended


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer and the grandson of black slaves. His family moved to Cleveland when he was 9. There, a school teacher asked the youth his name.
“J. C.” , he replied.  
She thought he had said “Jesse”, and he had a new name.
Owens ran his first race at age 13. After high school, he went to Ohio State University. He had to work part time so as to pay for his education. As a second-year student, in the Big Ten games in 1935, he set even more records than he would in the Olympic Games a year later.
A week before the Big Ten meet, Owens accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. His back hurt so much that he could not exercise all week, and he had to be helped in and out of the car that drove him to the meet. He refused to listen to the suggestions that he give up and said he would try, event by event. He did try, and the results are in the record book.
The stage was set for Owens’ victory at the Olympic Games in Berlin the next year, and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic (体育的) but also political. Hitler did not congratulate any of the African-American winners.
“It was all right with me,” he said years later. “I didn’t go to Berlin to shake hands with him, anyway.”
Having returned from Berlin, he received no telephone call from the president of his own country, either. In fact, he was not honored by the United States until 1976, four years before his death.
Owens’ Olympic victories made little difference to him. He earned his living by looking after a school playground, and accepted money to race against cars, trucks, motorcycles, and dogs.
“Sure, it bothered (烦扰) me,” he said later. “But at least it was an honest living had to eat.”
In time, however, his gold medals (奖牌) changed his life. “They have kept me alive over the years,” he once said. “Time has stood still for me. That golden moment dies hard.”
小题1:Owens got his other name “Jesse” when _______.
A. he went to Ohio State University
B. his teacher made fun of him
C. his teacher took “J. C.” for “Jesse”
D. he won gold medals in the Big Ten meet
小题2: In the Big Ten meet, Owens _______.
A.hurt himself in the backB.succeeded in setting many records
C.tried every sports event but failedD.had to give up some events
小题3:We can infer from the text that Owens was treated unfairly in the U.S. at that time because _______.
A.he was not of the right raceB.he was the son of a poor farmer
C.he didn’t shake hands with HitlerD.he didn’t talk to the US president on the phone
小题4:When Owens says “They have kept me alive over the years”, he means that the medals ________.
A.have been changed for money to help him live on
B.have made him famous in the U.S.
C.have encouraged him to overcome difficulties in life
D.have kept him busy with all kinds of jobs
小题5:Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Jesse Owens, a Great American Athlete
B.Golden Moment—a Life-time Struggle
C.Making a Living as a Sportsman
D.How to Be a Successful Athlete


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Women, Race & Class
Angela Y Davis
Analysing the differences and similarities between the experiences of black and white women, Davis casts new light on the struggle for human rights.
The Words to Say it
(an autobiographical novel)
Marie Cardinal
translated by Pat Goodheart
Marie Cardinal's groundbreaking book was the first and remains the complete book about the personal experience of psychoanalysis (精神分析学). It reveals her traumatic (创伤的)childhood and institutionalisation(收容), followed by her escape to the cul-de-sac(死路)where her analyst(精神分析医师)lived. There, for many years, she made the journey towards recovery through Freudian psychoanalysis. A worldwide bestseller, translated into eighteen languages, it remains one of the most highly-praised books of our age.
Millie Murray
Jade Wilson is smart, young, black and ambitious. And she's just been given the chance of a lifetime - a try-out for the Commonwealth Games swimming team. Jade lives with her mum, Jojo, a successful business woman. Jojo is overprotective of Jade, but she has her reasons. As a young model with a wonderful career ahead of her, she fell pregnant(怀孕) with Jade, and, much as she loves her daughter, she's determined not to let anything get in the way of Jade's success. So when Jade starts dating Dicey, there is hell to pay. Will Jade survive her Mum's constant nagging (唠叨)? And what if she were to get pregnant - would she, could she, do the same as Jojo and give up her career? As things start hotting up with Dicey, Jade is faced with some very tough choices... .
The book is very popular with people all over the world.
小题1:Which of the following can prove the book The Words to Say it is very successful ?
A.It is the first book about psychoanalysis.
B.It has a successful beginning and ending.
C.It has translated into 18 languages.
D.It remains the complete book about personal experiences.
小题2:From the third part we can learn that ________about Jade Wilson’s mother, Jojo.
A.She didn’t care about Jade.
B.She gave it up because of lack of interest in her career.
C.She wouldn’t like Jade to be what she was.
D.She was willing to accept Jade’s boy friend first.
小题3:The sentence “there is hell to pay” in the third part probably means _____.
A.there are a lot of ghosts
B.there is a lot of trouble
C.the price has to be paid
D.it cost too much to do something
小题4:Which book do you buy if you want to read about women’s rights?
A.Women, Race & ClassB.Jade
C.The Words to Say itD.Marie Cardinal
小题5:What is it that makes the book The Words to Say it different from two other books in writing style?  
A.It is an autobiographical novel
B.Its contents and writer
C.Its translations
D.The leading character in the book


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Use your American Express Card to enjoy one-day privileges at four of America’s greatest museums. Note the participating museums, and their exciting special exhibitions that you will not want to miss, listed below.
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
February 11 — May 8, 2005
Italian furniture expert Fausto Calderai and Indian photographer Dayanita Singh present an exhibition of chairs from the museum’s collection and “chair photographs” from around the world presented in a Venetisan-style hall housing world-famous masterpieces.
For more information:www.gardnermuseum.org
New York    
The Noguchi Museum
Noguchi and Graham
December 1, 2004 — May 1,2005
Noguchi’s long-term collaboration with dancer Martha Graham is regarded by many as a high point in the history of both modern dance and art. The exhibition highlights nine of the sets created through this collaboration.
For more information:www.noguchi.org
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
In Full view:American Painting (1720 — 2005)
January 11 — April 10, 2005
Founded in 1805, the Pennsylvania Academy has been home to America’s artists for 200 years. The Academy collects and exhibits the works of famous American artists, and is well-known for training fine artists. 2005 at the Academy begins with the largest exhibition of the Academy’s distinguished American collection in the institution’s history.
For more information:www.pafa.org
Seattle Museum of Glass
Murano:glass from the Olnick Spanu Collection
Through November 7, 2004
This exhibition includes over 200 pieces of beautiful glass from Murano, the island of glassblowers near Venice, Italy. Watch live glass-blowing shows in the Hot Shop and see other modern glass exhibitions.
For more information:www.museumofglass.org
小题1:Which of the following websites offers information about the furniture show?
小题2:We learn form the text that Martha Graham is ______.
A.a dancerB.a glassblower
C.a painterD.a photographer
小题3:If you want to know the history of American painting, you may visit ______.
A.The Noguchi MuseumB.Seattle Museum of Glass
C.Isabella Stewart Gardner MuseumD.Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in the memoir(回忆录)of Ralph W. Tyler who is one of the most famous men in American education.
Born in Chicago in 1902, brought up and schooled in Nebraska, the 19-year-old college graduate Ralph Tyler became hooked on teaching while teaching as a science teacher in South Dakota and changed his major from medicine to education.
Graduate work at the University of Chicago found him connected with honorable educators Charles Judd and W. W. Charters, whose ideas of teaching and testing had an effect on his later work. In 1927, he became a teacher of Ohio State University where he further developed a new method of testing.
Tyler became well-known nationality in 1938, when he carried his work with the Eight-Year Study from Ohio State University to the University of Chicago at the invitation of Robert Hutchins.
Tyler was the first director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, a position he held for fourteen years. There, he firmly believed that researchers should be free to seek an independent spirit in their work.
Although Tyler officially retired in 1967, he never actually retired. He served on a long list of educational organizations in the United States and abroad. Even in his 80s he traveled across the country to advise teachers and management people on how to set objectives(目标) that develop the best teaching and learning within their schools.
6. Who are most probably interested in Ralph W. Tyler’s memoir?
A. Top managers.   B. Language learners.
C. Serious educators.   D. Science organizations.
7. The words “hooked oh teaching” underlined in Paragraph 2 probably mean ________.
A. attracted to teaching                            B. tired of teaching
C. satisfied with teaching                    D. unhappy about teaching
8. Where did Tyler work as the leader of a research center for over 10 years?
A. The University of Chicago.                B. Stanford University.
C. Ohio State University.                    D. Nebraska University.
9. Tyler is said to have never actually retired because ________.
A. he developed a new method of testing    
B. he called for free spirit in research
C. he was still active in giving advice      
D. he still led the Eight-Year Study
10. What cannot we learn about Ralph W. Tyler in this article?
A. When and where he was born.
B. Where he studied and worked.
C. His devotion to American education.
D. His life with his family.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There was a story many years ago of a school teacher--- Mrs. Thompson. She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didn’t play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.
Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when, like all her other students, Teddy brought her a Christmas present too. It was his mother’s perfume(香水)。
Teddy said, “Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to.” After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she stopped teaching reading, writing and math. Instead, she began to teach children.
Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The boy’s mind seemed to come alive. The more she encourage him, the faster he improved. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.
Six years went by before she got a note from Teddy. He wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole lift. He went to college. Mrs. Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M. D.(医学博士).
The story doesn’t end there. On his wedding day, Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson’s ear, “Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference.”
Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back, “Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you.”
小题1:What did Mrs. Thompson do on the first day of school?
A.She made Teddy feel ashamed.B.She asked the children to play with Teddy.
C.She changed Teddy’s seat to the front row.
D.She told the class something untrue about herself.
小题2:What did Mrs. Thompson find out about Teddy?
A.He often told lies.B.He was good at math.
C.He needed motherly care.D.He enjoyed playing with others.
小题3:In what way did Mrs. Thompson change?
A.She taught fewer school subjects.B.She became stricter with her students.
C.She no longer liked her job as a teacher.D.She cared more about educating students.
小题4:Why did Teddy thank Mrs. Thompson at his wedding?
A.She had kept in touch with him.B.She had given him encouragement.
C.She had sent him Christmas presents.D.She had taught him how to judge people.

