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Dear Mayor,
I would like to draw your attention to the depressing state of the environment in our city. Increased vehicles have made the air polluted. Citizens find it difficult to breathe. Dumping toxic chemicals into the river has polluted the drinking water and ground water.
All of us, as concerned citizens, have discussed these problems in various meetings. We have come up with the following proposals(提议).
The green roads are no longer green. Many trees and bushes have been cut. We propose restricting the movement of vehicles. Besides, we should make it compulsory(强制性的)to use anti-pollution devices on all vehicles. We should also plant more plants and trees along roads.
The Bada Nadi River has become a dumping ground of toxic chemicals from some factories. These toxic chemicals have killed nearly all the life in the river and polluted our drinking water and ground water. We propose that the Bada Nadi River be declared a protected water body. All the dumping should be banned and heavy fine should be imposed on the offenders(违法者). To tackle the problem of managing toxic waste, we propose setting up a water treatment plant so that only clean water is discharged into the river. Cleaning up the river and introducing various fishes and plants to the river will bring it back to life.
Lastly, the noise pollution caused by honking(鸣)horns and blaring loudspeakers has caused distress to one and all. Many people have suffered from noise-related illnesses. We propose a blanket ban on the use of loudspeakers. And“no horn zones”should also be declared in residential hospitals and school areas.
I would request you to seriously consider our proposals and act accordingly.
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
A kind-hearted citizen
小题1:The author wrote this letter in order to ______.
A.express his/her thanks to the mayor
B.complain about the environment
C.share his/her opinions about city life
D.make his/her suggestions on managing toxic waste
小题2:In order to protect the Bada Nadi River, the author suggests _______.
A.anti-pollution devices should be used on vehicles
B.planting more trees and bushes along roads
C.restricting the movement of vehicles
D.banning dumping dangerous chemicals into the river
小题3:The underlined word “tackle”in the fourth paragraph means“_______”.
A.put offB.deal with
C.set upD.turn down


小题1:推理判断题。根据第一段的I would like to draw your attention to the depressing state of the environment in our city.可知作者认为我们城市的环境处于令人沮丧的状态,所以作者因环境差而抱怨。
小题2:推理判断题。根据第四段的All the dumping should be banned and heavy fine should be imposed on the offenders(违法者).可知为了保护拿帝河,作者建议应该禁止倾倒有毒垃圾而且对所有违法者沉重的罚款。故选D。    
小题3:词义猜测题。we propose setting up a water treatment plant so that only clean water is discharged into the river. 我们建议建立一个污水处理厂,因此只有干净的水排入河里,从中可知这是作者提出的处理有毒垃圾的建议。故选B。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There has been a dramatic increase in the number of natural disasters over the past few years,and it is assumed that global warming and climate change could cause even more disasters in the future.Some of the world’s leading cities are facing disasters like floods and heat waves.
London’s flood defences are getting older. Since 1982, the Thames Barrier(水闸) has protected the city from the threat of flooding,but it was only designed to last until 2030 and close once every two or three years. About 21 years later the barrier now closes five or six times a year and according to Environment Agency predictions, by 2050 the barrier will be closed on almost every tide if the problem is not addressed.
There are 26 underground stations, 400 schools, 16 hospitals, an airport and 80 billion worth of property in London's flood risk area, so large scale flooding would be disastrous.
Over a six­week period in July and August 2008,more than 11400 — mainly elderly people — died in France from dehydration (脱水) and extremely high body temperature in a deadly heat wave. Heat waves of similar intensity (强度) are expected every seven years by 2050, so what can be done to make sure such a disaster does not happen again?
One solution is to have air­conditioners installed in elderly care homes. But this is considered a short­term solution, as the increase in demand for electricity also increases carbon emissions.
In Paris the local authorities are encouraging architects to design new types of buildings such as the building “Flower Tower”, which uses a covering of bamboo to act as a natural air­conditioner.
Shanghai is the fastest growing city on Earth. It has a population of 18 million and is only 4 meters above sea level. Sea levels are predicted to rise by 20 cm within the next century.
An estimated 250,000 people move to Shanghai every year in search of work, placing extra demands on energy consumption. China relies heavily on coal­fired power stations, but these emissions increase temperatures and, in turn, warmer seas increase the risk of typhoons.
小题1:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Big Cities Facing Big DisastersB.Big Disasters in the Future
C.The Increase of Natural DisastersD.Solutions to Natural Disasters
小题2:What problem should be settled now in London?
A.How to protect the city’s property.
B.Where to build its flood defences.
C.How to use the Thames Barrier to protect the city.
D.How to improve the function of the old flood defences.
小题3: Which of the following measures can’t solve the heat wave disaster in Paris?
A.Putting up new types of buildings with a covering of bamboo.
B.Having air­conditioners installed in elderly care homes.
C.Forbidding the city to build “Flower Tower”.
D.Encouraging architects to design new types of buildings.
小题4:The major threats to Shanghai are ________.
A.increasing population and coal­fired power stations
B.rising sea levels and typhoons
C.extremely high temperature and rising sea levels
D.extra demands on energy consumption and typhoons
小题5:The purpose of the passage is ________.
A.to tell us how to protect the big cities
B.to give advice on how to defend natural disasters
C.to explain what causes flood and heat waves
D.to warn us of the increasing natural disasters in big cities


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

An American educational expert, Frederick M. Hess, says that a long summer vacation doesn’t make sense in today’s world.
This summer, 50 million kids will spend much time talking online, watching TV, playing video games and asking older brothers or sisters to take them to the supermarket. They will also be putting their academic futures at risk.
During much of the 20th century, many Americans worked in factories that did not need a college degree but still offered a high salary. Also, in the 19th century, there was no air condition. And poor hygiene (卫生) meant that crowded schools had health risks.
Things have changed. For today’s students, academic skills are key to future success. Many countries don’t give kids an American-style summer vacation. They offer no more than seven consecutive (连续的) weeks of vacation. Most American school districts offer up to 13 weeks. To compete in global marketplace, Americans must be prepared to go up against international competitors.
Summer vacation also causes challenges for today’s families. In the 1960s, more than 60% of families had a stay-at-home mum. Now, two-thirds of American children live families where every adult works. For these families, summer vacation can be more burden than break. Someone must watch the kids.
But the biggest problem may be how summer vacation hurts academic achievement. Scientist have found that disadvantaged students lose important ground in the summertime.
A school year can allow time-limited teachers to conduct richer and more imaginative lessons. Schools would have more time for sports, languages, music and the arts.
小题1:Before the 20th century, a long summer vacation might ______.
A.reduce income for Americans
B.reduce health risks for students
C.cause career failure for Americans
D.cause loss in global market for America
小题2: How long does an American-style summer vacation last?
A.No more than two months.
B.Less than three months.
C.As long as three months.
D.As long as four months.
小题3:According to the text, who will benefit from a long school year?
A.American students, teachers and parents.
B.American students, parents and shop owners.
C.American students, parents and international competitors.
D.American students, teachers and international competitors.
小题4:How many reasons did the writer give to support his/her opinion?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Electrical devices(仪器)could soon use power made by human energy. Scientists say
they have developed an experimental device that produces electricity from the physical movement of a person walking. British scientist Max Donelan and other scientists in Canada and the United States developed the device.
The device connects to a person’s knee. As the person walks, the device captures energy each time the person slows down. To do this, the device helps with the slowing down movement of the leg. The movements of the walking person push parts of a small machine
that produces electricity. Using the device, an adult walking quickly could produce thirteen watts of electricity in just a minute. Donelan says walking at that speed could produce enough power to operate a laptop computer for six minutes.
There are several possible uses for the device. Developers say it could help people who work in areas without electricity to operate small computers. The device could also be used in hospitals to operate heart pacemakers(起搏器). It could even be used to assist in the movement of robotic arms and legs.
The experimental version of the device weighs about one and a half kilograms, but it is too costly for most people to buy. But the researchers hope to make a lighter, less costly version. An improved version shou1d be ready in one year.
The developers hope the device will one day help developing countries. Near1y twenty five percent of people around the world live without electric power.
A similar product was invented in 2005 by Larry Rome of the University of Pennsylvania. He created a bag carried on a person’s back that also produces power from wa1king.
The knee device does not produce as much electricity as the bag. But the bag requires the walker to carry a load of twenty to thirty kilograms.
小题1:The second paragraph mainly talks about     .
A.who developed the device
B.how the device works
C.several possible uses for the devices
D.how much electricity the device can produce
小题2:What is the disadvantage of the experimental version of the device?
A.It is too heavy for the walker to bear.
B.It is too complex for people to use.
C.It is too expensive for most people to afford.
D.It will slow down one’s walking speed.
小题3:Compared with the device designed by Larry Rome, this new device     .
A.produces power without adding more loads to the walker
B.can produce more power in a much shorter time
C.needs to be equipped with a battery
D.can help the walker wa1k faster
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that the electrical device can     .
A.help housewives operate the washing machine
B.make it much easier for us to go online
C.produce more electricity than that invented by Larry Rome
D.be applied in medicine to operate heart pacemakers
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.First device powered by walking wi1l soon be on the market
B.Advanced technology brings in a new way to operate heart pacemakers
C.Device gives new meaning to the idea of power walking
D.Human energy will become a main source of electricity


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Television is a relatively stable advertising medium. In many ways, the television ads today are almost the same to those two decades ago. Most television ads still feature actors, still run 30 or 60 seconds, and still show a product. However, the different medium of the Internet causes unique challenges to advertisers, forcing them to adapt their practices and techniques.
In the early days of Internet marketing, online advertisers used banner (框式广告) and pop-up ads (弹出式广告) to attract customers. These techniques reached large audiences, led to many sales leads, and came at a low cost. However, a small number of Internet users began to consider these advertising techniques annoying. Yet because marketing strategies relying heavily on banners and pop-ups produced results, companies invested growing amounts of money into purchasing these ad types. As consumers became more complicated, frustration with these online advertising techniques grew. Independent programmers began to develop tools that blocked banner and pop-up ads.
A major development in online marketing came with the introduction of pay-per-click ads. Unlike banner or pop-up ads, which originally required companies to pay every time a website visitor saw an ad, pay-per-click ads allowed companies to pay only when an interested potential customer clicked on an ad. More importantly, however, these ads are not affected by the pop-up and banner blockers. As a result of these advantages and the incredible growth in the use of search engines, which provide excellent places for pay-per-click advertising, a great number of companies began turning to pay-per-click marketing. However, as with the banner and pop-up ads, pay-per-click ads came with their shortcomings. When companies began pouring billions of dollars into this emerging medium, online advertising specialists started to notice the presence of what would later be called click fraud (欺诈): representatives of a company with no interest in the product advertised by a competitor click on the competitor’s ads simply to increase the marketing cost of the competitor. Click fraud grew so rapidly that marketers sought to diversify (摆脱) their online positions away from pay-per-click marketing through new mediums.
Although pay-per-click advertising remains a common and effective advertising tool, marketers adapted yet again to the changing elements of the Internet by adopting new techniques such as pay-per-performance advertising. As the pace of the Internet’s evolution increases, it seems all the more likely that advertising successfully on the Internet will require a strategy that avoids constancy (持续性) and welcomes change.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The pace of the Internet’s evolution is increasing and will only increase in the future.
B.Internet advertising fails to reach Internet users, causing ads to be blocked.
C.The Internet has experienced dramatic changes in short periods of time.
D.Rapid development of the Internet calls for new advertising strategies and mediums.
小题2:As an advertising medium, the television and the Internet mainly differ in ________.
A.the type of individual each medium reaches
B.whether the medium is interactive
C.the pace at which the medium develops
D.the cost of advertising with each medium
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is a typical click fraud?
A.Using software to block competitors’ advertisements.
B.Clicking on the pay-per-click ads of competitors.
C.Clicking on the banner advertisements of opponent companies.
D.Using search engine to attack the pages of competitors.
小题4:What does the author imply about the future of pay-per-performance advertising?
A.It will eventually become less popular just like other forms of Internet advertising.
B.It will not face shortcomings due to its differing approach to online marketing.
C.Internet users will develop free software to block its effectiveness.
D.Although it improves on pay-per-click advertising, it still suffers from click fraud.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Imagine a classroom missing the one thing that’s long been considered a necessary part to reading and writing?Paper,No notebooks,no test paper.Nor are there any pencils or pens,which always seem to run out of ink at the critical moment.
A“paperless classroom”is what more and more schools are trying to achieve.Students don't do any handwriting in this class. Instead, they use palm (手掌) size, or specially-designed computers. The teacher downloads texts from Internet libraries and sends them to every student's personal computer.
Having computers also means that students can use the Web. They can look up information on any subject they're studying from math to social science.
High school teacher Judy Herrell in Florida, US, described how her class used the Web to learn about the war in Afghanistan (阿富汗) over one year ago.
"We could touch every side of the country through different sites? from the forest to refugee camps (难民营)," she said. "Using a book that's three or four years old is impossible."
And exams can go online too. At a high school in Tennessee, US, students take tests on their own computers. The teacher records the grades on the network for everyone to see and then copies them to his own electronic grade book.
A paperless classroom is a big step towards reducing the waste of paper. High school teacher Stephanie Sorrell in Kentucky, US, said she used to give about 900 pieces of paper each week to each student.
"Think about the money and trees we could save with the computers," she said.
But, with all this technology, there's always the risk that the machines will break down. So, in case of a power failure or technical problems, paper textbooks are still widely available for these hi-tech students.
小题1:What does the part of the last sentence in the first paragraph, “run out of ink at the critical moment”, mean?
A.Pens may not write well at the critical moment.
B.Pens get lost easily, so you may not find them at the critical moment.
C.Pens may have little or no ink at the critical moment.
D.Pens use ink, while pencils don't.
小题2:In a paperless classroom, what is a must?
小题3:The high school teacher, Judy Herrell, used the example of her class to show that _______.
A.the Web could take them everywhere
B.the Web taught them a lot
C.the Web is a good tool for information
D.the Web better than the textbooks, can give the latest and comprehensive (全面的) information
小题4:The paperless classrooms will benefit _____ the most.
小题5:What does the phrase in the last paragraph, “break down”, mean?
A.Break into pieces.B.Stop working
C.Fall down.D.Lose control.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Robots are smart. With their computer brains, they help people work in dangerous places or do difficult jobs. Some robots do regular jobs. Bobby, the robot mail carrier, brings mail to a large office building in Washington, D.C. He is one of 250 robot mail carriers in the United States. Mr. Leachim, who weights two hundred pounds and is six feet tall, has some advantages as a teacher. One is that he does not forget details. He knows each child’s name, their parents’ names, and what each child knows and needs to know. In addition, he knows each child’s pets and hobbies. Mr. Leachim does not make mistakes. Each child goes and tells him his or her name, then dials an identification (识别) number. His computer brain puts the child’s voice and number together. He identifies the child with no mistakes.
Another advantage is that Mr. Leachim is flexible. If the children need more time to do their lessons they can move switches. In this way they can repeat Mr. Leachim’s lesson over and over again. When the children do a good job, he tells them something interesting about their hobbies. At the end of the lesson the children switch Mr. Leachim off.
小题1:The first paragraph of the passage tells us
A.human beings are not as smart as robots
B.robots will take the place of man to rule the earth
C.we can only use robots to do some regular jobs
D.robots can help people in many different ways
小题2:What is the most important thing Mr. Leachim can do in his lessons?
A.To meet the needs of each student.
B.To talk to the students in different languages.
C.To keep everyone’s interest in his lessons.
D.To introduce more hobbies to the children.
小题3:The underlined word “flexible” probably means
A.not strictB.not hard
小题4:Which of the following statements may be TRUE according to the passage?
A. There are 250 robot teachers in the United States.
B. Mr. Leachim is run and controlled by electricity.
C. Bobby works in a large office building in Washington D.C.
D. The lessons taught by Mr. Leachim are given on a TV set.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

To master a language one must be able to speak and understand the spoken language as well as to read and write.Lenin and his wife Krupskaya translated a long English book into Russian.But when they went to England in 1980, English people couldn’t understand what was said to them.These days more foreigners are coming to China and more and more Chinese are going out to foreign countries to work or study.So the spoken language is becoming more and more important.Speaking, of course, can’t go without listening.If you want to pronounce a word correctly, first you must hear it correctly.The sounds of the Chinese and English language are not exactly the same.If you don’t listen carefully, you’ll find it difficult or even impossible to understand the native speakers.
Well, what about writing? Like speaking, it’s to exchange ideas.People generally use shorter words and shorter sentences in their writing.The important thing is to make your idea in your head and then to write it in clear lively language
Chinese students read far too slowly.If you read fast, you understand better.If you read too slowly, by the time you have reached the end of a page you have forgotten what the beginning is about.When you meet with new words, don’t look them up in the dictionary.Guess the meaning from the context.You may not guess quite correctly the first time, but as new words come up again and again in different contexts, their meaning will become clearer and clearer.If you look up every word, you’ll never finish a book.
Students of a foreign language need a particular knowledge, the knowledge of the life, history and geography of the people whose language they’re studying.They should study these subjects in the foreign language, not only in translation.In this way one can kill two birds with one stone: learn a foreign language and get some knowledge of the foreign country at the same time.
小题1:How many points are there in the passage?
小题2:In his first point the writer told us
A.how to speak English
B.how to read and write
C.why spoken English is important
D.why English people couldn’t understand Lenin
小题3:In his last point the writer advised us
A.to kill two birds with one stone
B.to learn two languages at a time
C.to study all the subjects in a foreign language
D.to get some knowledge of the foreign country whose language you are studying.
小题4:“To kill two birds with one stone” means
A.to get some particular knowledge
B.to get more than what one pays
C.the stone is too big
D.the birds are blind enough


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Recently there was a major discovery in the scientific research—the mapping of all DNA in a human gene(基因) is complete.Couple of years ago, this seems an impossible task for scientist to accomplish.All this progress in science leads us to believe that the day, when the human being will be cloned, is not far away.Human cloning has always been a topic of argument, in terms of morality or religion.
Taking a look at why cloning might be beneficial, among many cases, it is arguable that parents who are known to be at risk of passing a genetic limitation to a child could make use of cloning.If the clone was free of genetic limitations.then the other clone would be as well.The latter could foe inserted in the woman and allowed to ripen to term.Moreover, cloning would enable women, who can't get pregnant, to have children of their own.
Cloning humans would also mean that organs could be cloned, so it would be a source of perfect transfer organs.This, surely would be greatly beneficial to millions of unfortunate people around the world that are expected to lose their lives due to failure of single (or more) organ (s).It is also arguable that a ban on cloning may be unlawful and would rob people of the right to reproduce and limit the freedom of scientists.
Arguments against cloning are also on a perfectly practical side.Primarily, I believe that cloning would step in the normal "cycle" of life.There would be a large number of same genes, which reduce the chances of improvement, and, in turn, development—the fundamental reason how living things naturally adapt to the ever-changing environment.Life processes failing to do so might result in untimely disappearance.Furthermore, cloning would make the uniqueness that each one of us possesses disappear.Thus, leading to creation of genetically engineered groups of people for specific purposes and, chances are, that those individuals would be regarded as "objects" rather than people in the society.
Scientists haven't 100 per cent.guaranteed that the first cloned humans will be normal.Thus this could result in introduction of additional limitations in the human "gene-pool".
Regarding such arguable topics in "black or white" approach seems very innocent to me personally.We should rather try to look at all "shades" of it.I believe that cloning is only legal if its purpose is for cloning organs; not humans.Then we could regard this as for "saving life" instead of "creating life".I believe cloning humans is morally and socially unacceptable.
小题1:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Genetic limitation will be beneficial for some women
B.A large number of genes will prevent us from developing
C.Prohibition of cloning might limit the freedom of scientists
D.First cloned humans might be normal according to scientists
小题2:What's the author's opinion on cloning?
A.Cloning should be entirely banned.
B.Cloning should be used in creating life.
C.Cloning will take away the right to reproduce.
D.Cloning is acceptable if it is used for cloning organs.
小题3:Where can you read this article?
A.In a story book
B.In a magazine
C.In a science fiction
D.In a brochure
小题4:Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

