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Electrical devices(仪器)could soon use power made by human energy. Scientists say
they have developed an experimental device that produces electricity from the physical movement of a person walking. British scientist Max Donelan and other scientists in Canada and the United States developed the device.
The device connects to a person’s knee. As the person walks, the device captures energy each time the person slows down. To do this, the device helps with the slowing down movement of the leg. The movements of the walking person push parts of a small machine
that produces electricity. Using the device, an adult walking quickly could produce thirteen watts of electricity in just a minute. Donelan says walking at that speed could produce enough power to operate a laptop computer for six minutes.
There are several possible uses for the device. Developers say it could help people who work in areas without electricity to operate small computers. The device could also be used in hospitals to operate heart pacemakers(起搏器). It could even be used to assist in the movement of robotic arms and legs.
The experimental version of the device weighs about one and a half kilograms, but it is too costly for most people to buy. But the researchers hope to make a lighter, less costly version. An improved version shou1d be ready in one year.
The developers hope the device will one day help developing countries. Near1y twenty five percent of people around the world live without electric power.
A similar product was invented in 2005 by Larry Rome of the University of Pennsylvania. He created a bag carried on a person’s back that also produces power from wa1king.
The knee device does not produce as much electricity as the bag. But the bag requires the walker to carry a load of twenty to thirty kilograms.
小题1:The second paragraph mainly talks about     .
A.who developed the device
B.how the device works
C.several possible uses for the devices
D.how much electricity the device can produce
小题2:What is the disadvantage of the experimental version of the device?
A.It is too heavy for the walker to bear.
B.It is too complex for people to use.
C.It is too expensive for most people to afford.
D.It will slow down one’s walking speed.
小题3:Compared with the device designed by Larry Rome, this new device     .
A.produces power without adding more loads to the walker
B.can produce more power in a much shorter time
C.needs to be equipped with a battery
D.can help the walker wa1k faster
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that the electrical device can     .
A.help housewives operate the washing machine
B.make it much easier for us to go online
C.produce more electricity than that invented by Larry Rome
D.be applied in medicine to operate heart pacemakers
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.First device powered by walking wi1l soon be on the market
B.Advanced technology brings in a new way to operate heart pacemakers
C.Device gives new meaning to the idea of power walking
D.Human energy will become a main source of electricity


小题2:细节推断题。根据第四段中的it is too costly for most people to buy可知这种实验版的设备费用太高,大多数人买不起。故选C。
小题3:推理判断题。根据末段可知,过去Larry Rome发明的设备虽然也是靠行走获取能量,但是需要步行者背重达20到30公斤的负荷,而这种佩戴在膝盖上的设备重量只有1.5公斤,不需增加步行者的太多负担。故选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文章第3段the device could also be used in hospitals to operate heart pacemakers可直接选出答案D项。A项文中没有涉及到,B项表述不科学,根据文章最后一段可以推断C项表述错误。故选D。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Back in old times, people had little knowledge about the universe and nature. Things we now consider to be common sense were mysteries to our ancestors.
Over the years, major breakthroughs have been made in science and many phenomena have been explained. But still, there are always questions we can't yet answer, and The Guardian has listed some of them.
1. What makes us human?
Just looking at your DNA won't tell you - human DNA is 99 percent identical to that of the chimpanzee and, believe it or not, 50 percent identical to a banana's! A lot of the things we once thought were unique about us - language and tool use, recognizing ourselves in the mirror and so on – have since been seen in other animals. Perhaps it's our culture that makes the difference or maybe our ability to use fire. It's also possible that our capacity (能力) for co-operation and our trading skills are what make us unique.
2. Why do we dream?
Given the fact that we spend around a third of our lives sleeping, shouldn't we know everything about it? Unfortunately, scientists are still searching for a complete explanation of what happens when we sleep and why we dream.
Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud believed dreams were the expressions of wishes that we can't fulfill in our real lives. Others have wondered whether dreams are just random "noise" coming from a sleeping brain.
3. Could we someday live forever?
Apart from accidents, most people die because of diseases that can be treated and aging. And since many diseases, such as diabetes(糖尿病) and cancer, are diseases of aging, treating aging itself could be the key to extending our lives.
Our knowledge of what causes us to age - and what allows some animals to live longer than others - is expanding rapidly. And though we haven't quite worked out all the details, we've worked out some pieces of the puzzles such as DNA damage and metabolism (新陈代谢), which are all leading to the invention of drugs that can slow down the aging process.
If we're lucky enough to lengthen our lives, we might even get to see the day when all of these questions are answered.
小题1:The main point of the passage is ______.
A.to inform people of the knowledge about the universe and nature
B.to introduce major breakthroughs that have been made in science
C.to present some questions we can't yet answer
D.to explain what were once mysteries to our ancestors
小题2:Chimpanzees and bananas are mentioned as examples to prove that ______.
A.human beings are actually not different from other animals
B.animals have completely different DNA from that of plants
C.both animals and plants share the same amount of DNA
D.DNA alone is not good enough to make humans different
小题3:The underlined word "identical" is closest in meaning to ______.
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.What were mysteries to our ancestors are considered to be common sense now.
B.Now we know much more about dreams than our ancestors did in the past.
C.With the invention of new drugs people can possibly live even longer.
D.If all the diseases can be treated people can theoretically live forever.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to one another.
I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and suddenly, I became invisible, absent from the conversation.
The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communication technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction. With email and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice-mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.
As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated, the emotional distance index goes up. You can’t even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.
I am not against modern technology. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail system, and an email account. Giving them up isn’t wise. They’re a great help to us. It's some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.
More and more, I find myself hiding behind e­mail to do a job meant for conversations or being relieved with voice-mail picking up because I don't really have time to talk. The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.
小题1:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.The Advance of Modern Technology
B.The Consequences of Communication Technology
C.The Story of Communication Revolution
D.The Automation of Modern Communication
小题2:Which is NOT TURE according to the passage?
A.The author has decided not to use his phone when he is with his friend.
B.Modern technology makes it hard for people to have a face-to-face talk.
C.The limited use of communication device brings much inconvenience to the author.
D.The industry intended to keep people in touch is taking them away from each other.
小题3:The writer feels that the use of modern communication is ______.
小题4:The passage implies that ______.
A.modern technology is bridging the people
B.modern technology is separating the people
C.modern technology is developing too fast
D.modern technology is interrupting people


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Can we give a hand to those endangered animals? Yes, we may only do a little bit, but together our small actions add up to a lot.
1. Protect wildlife habitat.
Perhaps the greatest threat that faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. Cutting down forests, farming, and development all result in loss of wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species live, habitat destruction can quickly force a species to extinction. By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals can be protected together naturally. Parks and reserves are now all too often the only habitats that are left untouched by habitat destruction.
2. Reduce the threat of invasive (入侵的) species.
The spread of non-native species has greatly reduced native populations around the world. Invasive species compete with native species for resources (资源) and habitat. They can even prey on native species directly, forcing native species towards extinction.
3. Place decals (贴花纸) on windows.
It is reported that as many as one billion birds in the United States die each year because of collisions (碰撞) with windows. You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing decals on the windows in your home and office.
4. Slow down when driving.
Many native animals have to live in developed areas and this means they must move in human-living areas. One of the biggest obstacles (障碍) to them is that created by roads. Roads divide habitat and present a constant risk to any animal attempting to cross from one side to the other. So when you’re out and about, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife.
小题1: What would be the best title for this passage?
A.How animals go to extinction
B.The importance of protecting wildlife
C.What to do to help save wildlife
D.How to protect wildlife habitat
小题2:By writing the underlined sentence, the writer means that _____.
A.more parks and reserves should be built
B.we should have more habitats free of destruction
C.there is a need for improvement in parks and re-serves
D.parks and reserves are good examples of protecting wildlife
小题3:People are advised to put decals on windows to _____.
A.decorate the houses and beautify the environment
B.protect the windows from birds hitting
C.attract more birds to make homes nearby
D.avoid birds hitting the windows by mistake
小题4:The underlined phrase “prey on” in the passage means _____.
A.drive awayB.live withC.kill for foodD.fight with


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Watercress is positively packed with healthy vitamins and minerals. The writings of both the Romans and the Ancient Greeks record the consumption of watercress by all classes. Hippocrates, “the father of medicine”, was so convinced that watercress was a great healer that he built his first hospital next to a stream so that he could grow a plentiful supply of the shiny green leaves for his patients. The Romans chewed watercress in large quantities, believing that it would cure baldness. They, too, looked with favor on watercress as a salad.
Watercress sandwiches were traditionally a breakfast item in nineteenth-century Europe. The most basic type of watercress sandwich has two pieces of white bread with a mixture of butter and watercress greens . A nickname(绰号)for the vegetable, in fact, was “poor man’s bread”, because watercress was often eaten on its own for breakfast by families that could not afford the bread to go with it.
Watercress is a member of the mustard(芥菜) family. It contains vitamins C(66mg per 100g), K and A, and is also a valuable source of minerals such as iron, potassium, copper and calcium. The mustard oils in its silky leaves and stems(茎)contain an ingredient known as PEITC. Recent research has proved that PEITC can prevent the growth of cancer cells and, in some cases, actually destroy them.
The best watercress has silky green leaves without any marks and has undamaged stems, The older the plant, the darker are its leaves and the thicker its stems. This means a higher concentration of oils and vitamins. Young watercress, on the other hand, may be harvested after only twenty-eight days growth and has a milder taste. It is  best to eat watercress fresh and raw , to keep more of its valuable nutrients, but it can be lightly cooked and used as an alternative to spinach—another dark green vegetable—in various recipes. From soups to salads, watercress is now considered around the world as a natural and healthy super food.
小题1:From paragraph 1, we can learn that________.
A.watercress is usually grown in wet areas
B.the ancient Greeks only used watercress for medicine
C.watercress is the most ancient vegetable known to man
D.the Romans rubbed watercress on their heads to cure baldness
小题2:The underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to “_________”.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE about watercress?
A.It belongs to the same family as spinach.
B.It contains mustard oils only in leaves.
C.It can help guard against cancer.
D.It is rich in vitamins C and B.
小题4:Compared with older watercress, young watercress      .
A.has lighter green leaves
B.contains more minerals
C.is better for medical use
D.is more suitable for eating raw
小题5:What would be the best title for the text?
A.The history of watercressB.watrcress, a medicinal plant
C.Watercress, the amazing foodD.New findings about watercress


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New research shows that overweight or even mildly obese people have a lower risk of early death than people considered to be normal weight.
Researchers examined the results of 97 studies. Most of the studies were less than 10 years old. They included almost three million adults from around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, Brazil, India and Mexico.
The researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics found that people who are considered overweight or slightly obese were five to six percent less likely to die from all causes than people of normal weight. People with higher obesity ratings, however, had almost a 30 percent greater risk of death compared to normal-weight individuals.
Katherine Flegal was the lead author of the study. She says she was not surprised that overweight people would not have a higher risk of death.
“Because we’d actually already read a lot of this literature and realized it was likely that mortality rates (死亡率) for overweight would be at least not higher than normal weight. I guess I was a little bit surprised that it was definitely lower. And I was also surprised that the lower rates of obesity also didn’t seem to differ from normal weight.”
But she says the difference in death rates appears to be small between normal-weight people and those who are overweight or mildly obese.
The study has raised new questions about “body mass index,”(体重指数) or BMI. This is a measurement of body fat as a ratio(比率) of height to weight. In recent years, many public health experts have promoted body mass index as a way to predict the risk of health problems. Bu t a person's BMI can be misleading in some cases.
Steven Heymsfield ,the executive director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, says people can be physically fit and in good health, but might weigh more because they are more muscular.
Still, Dr. Heymsfield says people should not think gaining extra weight is OK just because of the new findings. He says being at a healthy weight lowers the risk for heart disease and diabetes(糖尿病).
小题1:According to the new findings, the researchers found that __________ .
A.People with high obesity have a lower risk of early death than people with low obesity
B.People with overweight have a greater risk of early death than people of normal weight.
C.People with mild obesity are less likely to die than people of normal weight.
D.People with obesity live much longer than people of normal weight.
小题2:What does the underlined word “literature” in paragraph 6 mean ?
A.works like novels and poems
B.books and articles on a particular subject
C.printed material
D.magazines and newspapers
小题3:Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
A.BMI is commonly used to measure body fat as a ratio of height to weight.
B.Not all people with a little higher BMI are fat .
C.Many public health experts encourage more people to use BMI as a way to predict the risk of health problem
D.Because of the ne w findings, people should think about gaining extra weight.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Mayor,
I would like to draw your attention to the depressing state of the environment in our city. Increased vehicles have made the air polluted. Citizens find it difficult to breathe. Dumping toxic chemicals into the river has polluted the drinking water and ground water.
All of us, as concerned citizens, have discussed these problems in various meetings. We have come up with the following proposals(提议).
The green roads are no longer green. Many trees and bushes have been cut. We propose restricting the movement of vehicles. Besides, we should make it compulsory(强制性的)to use anti-pollution devices on all vehicles. We should also plant more plants and trees along roads.
The Bada Nadi River has become a dumping ground of toxic chemicals from some factories. These toxic chemicals have killed nearly all the life in the river and polluted our drinking water and ground water. We propose that the Bada Nadi River be declared a protected water body. All the dumping should be banned and heavy fine should be imposed on the offenders(违法者). To tackle the problem of managing toxic waste, we propose setting up a water treatment plant so that only clean water is discharged into the river. Cleaning up the river and introducing various fishes and plants to the river will bring it back to life.
Lastly, the noise pollution caused by honking(鸣)horns and blaring loudspeakers has caused distress to one and all. Many people have suffered from noise-related illnesses. We propose a blanket ban on the use of loudspeakers. And“no horn zones”should also be declared in residential hospitals and school areas.
I would request you to seriously consider our proposals and act accordingly.
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
A kind-hearted citizen
小题1:The author wrote this letter in order to ______.
A.express his/her thanks to the mayor
B.complain about the environment
C.share his/her opinions about city life
D.make his/her suggestions on managing toxic waste
小题2:In order to protect the Bada Nadi River, the author suggests _______.
A.anti-pollution devices should be used on vehicles
B.planting more trees and bushes along roads
C.restricting the movement of vehicles
D.banning dumping dangerous chemicals into the river
小题3:The underlined word “tackle”in the fourth paragraph means“_______”.
A.put offB.deal with
C.set upD.turn down


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Australian scientists are trying to give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle and sheep in order to cut he greenhouse gases they send out, which are thought to be responsible for global warming.
Thanks to special bacteria in their stomachs, kangaroo flatulence(肠胃气胀)contains no methane(甲烷)and scientists want to transfer that bacteria to cattle and sheep who produce large quantities of the harmful gas.
While the usual image of greenhouse gas pollution is a billowing smokestack (烟囱) pushing out carbon dioxide, farm animals’ passing wind contribute a sur­prisingly high percentage of total emissions (排放物)in some countries.
“Fourteen percent of emissions from all sources in Australia are from enteric methane from cattle and sheep,” said Athol Kleve, a senior research scientist with the Queensland state government.
“And if you look at another country such as New Zealand, which has got a much higher agricultural base, they're actually up around 50 percent, ” he said.
Researchers say the bacteria also make the diges­tive process much more efficient and could potentially save millions of dollars in feed costs for farmers.
But it will take researchers at least three years to isolate (分离) the bacteria, before they can even start to develop a way of transferring it to cattle and sheep.
Another group of scientists, meanwhile, has suggested Australians should farm fewer cattle and sheep and just eat more kangaroos.
The idea is controversial (有争议的), but about 20 percent of health-conscious Australians are believed to eat the national symbol already.
“It's low in fat, it’s got high protein levels and it's very clean in the sense that basically it's the free-range (放养的) animal,” said Peter Amp of the University of New South Wales's institute of environmental studies.
小题1:Scientists intend to put bacteria into cattle and sheep _________.
A.so that they can make full use of special bacteria
B.to help Australian farmers to earn more money
C.so that they can protect Australian ecosystem
D.to prevent them from sending out harmful gases
小题2:Athol Kleve seems to believe that ________.
A.cattle and sheep produce more carbon dioxide
B.less cattle and sheep are raised in New Zealand
C.farm animals are responsible for greenhouse gases
D.New Zealand has the most animals in the world
小题3:What do the underlined words “the idea” in para­graph 9 refer to?
A.Australians should farm fewer cattle and sheep and just eat more kangaroos.
B.The bacteria could make the digestive process much more efficient.
C.Australians should give kangaroo - style stomachs to cattle and sheep.
D.The bacteria could save millions of dollars in feed costs for farmers.
小题4:Which of the statements is the advantage Peter Amp lists about kangaroo?
A.it is rich in protein B.it is cheaper than beef
C.it is high in fatD.it is more delicious than sheep


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Antidepressant(抗忧郁)drugs such as Prozac were viewed in the early 1900's as wonder pills that would remove depressive blues for good. But in the past five years, growing scientific evidence has shown these drugs work for only a minority of people. And now a research journal says that these antidepressants can make many patients' depression worse. This alarming suggestion centres on the very chemical that is targeted by antidepressants-serotonin(血清素). Drugs such as Prozac are known as selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors(or SSRIs). Their aim is to increase the level of this  “feel-good” chemical in the brain.
But the new research, published in the journal Frontiers In Evolutionary Psychology, points out that serotonin is like a chemical Swiss Army knife, performing a very wide range of jobs in the brain and body. And when we start changing serotonin levels purposely, it may cause a wide range of unwanted effects. These can include digestive problems and even early deaths in older people, according to the study's lead researcher Paul Andrews. “ We need to be much more cautious about use of these drugs,” says Andrews, an assistant professor of evolutionary psychology at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.
Previous research has suggested that the drugs provide little benefit for most people with mild depression, and actively help only a few of the most severely depressed. Famous psychologist Irving Kirsch has found that for many patients, SSRIs are no more effective than a placebo pill. A research in 2010 on Danish children found a small, but significant, increase in the risk of heart problems among babies whose mothers had used SSRIs in early pregnancy. The key to understanding these side-effects is serotonin, says Andrews. Serotonin is also the reason why patients can often end up feeling still more depressed after they have finished a course of SSRI drugs. He argues that SSRI antidepressants disturb the brain, leaving the patient an even greater depression than before.
“After long use, when a patient stops taking SSRIs, the brain will lower its levels of serotonin production,” he says, adding that it also changes the way receptors in the brain respond to serotonin, making the brain less sensitive to the chemical. These changes are believed to be temporary, but studies indicate that the effects may continue for up to two years.
Most disturbingly of all, Andrews' review features three recent studies which, he says , show that elderly antidepressant users are more likely to die earlier than non-users, even after taking other important variables into account. One study, published in the British Medical Journal last year, found patients given SSRIs were more than 4 per cent more likely to die in the next year than those not on the drugs.
“Serotonin is an ancient chemical,” says Andrews. “It is regulating many different processes, and when you disturb these things, you can expect that it is going to cause some harm.”
Stafford Lightman, professor of medicine at the University of Bristol, and a leading UK expert in brain chemicals and hormones, says Andrews’ review highlights some important problems, yet it should also be taken with a pinch of salt. “This report is doing the opposite of what drug companies do,” he says. “Drug companies selectively present all the positives in their research, while this search selectively presents all the negatives that can be found. Nevertheless, Andrews' study is useful in that it is always worth pointing out that there is a downside to any medicine. ” Professor Lightman adds that there is still a great deal we don't know about SSRIs-not least what they actually do in our brains.
When it comes to understanding why the drugs work only for a limited part of patients, U.S.  scientists think they might now have the answer. They think that in many depressed patients, it’s not only the lack of feel-good serotonin causing their depression, but also a failure in the area of the brain that produces new cells throughout our lives. This area, the hippocampus, is also responsible for regulating mood and memory. Research suggests that in patients whose hippocampus has lost the ability to produce new cells, SSRIs do not bring any benefit.
小题1:According to paragraph 2, serotonin, like a chemical Swiss Army knife, can             .
A.make many patients' depression worse
B.cause a wide range of unwanted effects
C.affect human body and brain in various ways
D.provide little benefit for most depressed people
小题2:In Stafford Lightman's opinion,                    .
A.drug companies don't know the negative effect of antidepressants
B.Andrews focused on different things from the drug companies
C.scientists have found what SSRIs do in the brain
D.Andrews' research has no medical value
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE about SSRIs?
A.They are used to increase the “feel-good” medical in the brain.
B.They can work even when the hippocampus can't produce new cells.
C.They create a risk of heart problems in pregnant women.
D.They are responsible for controlling mood and memory.
小题4:What is the text mainly about?
A.The aim of drug companies
B.The function of SSRIs
C.The side-effects of antidepressants
D.The cause of depression

