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New research shows that overweight or even mildly obese people have a lower risk of early death than people considered to be normal weight.
Researchers examined the results of 97 studies. Most of the studies were less than 10 years old. They included almost three million adults from around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, Brazil, India and Mexico.
The researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics found that people who are considered overweight or slightly obese were five to six percent less likely to die from all causes than people of normal weight. People with higher obesity ratings, however, had almost a 30 percent greater risk of death compared to normal-weight individuals.
Katherine Flegal was the lead author of the study. She says she was not surprised that overweight people would not have a higher risk of death.
“Because we’d actually already read a lot of this literature and realized it was likely that mortality rates (死亡率) for overweight would be at least not higher than normal weight. I guess I was a little bit surprised that it was definitely lower. And I was also surprised that the lower rates of obesity also didn’t seem to differ from normal weight.”
But she says the difference in death rates appears to be small between normal-weight people and those who are overweight or mildly obese.
The study has raised new questions about “body mass index,”(体重指数) or BMI. This is a measurement of body fat as a ratio(比率) of height to weight. In recent years, many public health experts have promoted body mass index as a way to predict the risk of health problems. Bu t a person's BMI can be misleading in some cases.
Steven Heymsfield ,the executive director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, says people can be physically fit and in good health, but might weigh more because they are more muscular.
Still, Dr. Heymsfield says people should not think gaining extra weight is OK just because of the new findings. He says being at a healthy weight lowers the risk for heart disease and diabetes(糖尿病).
小题1:According to the new findings, the researchers found that __________ .
A.People with high obesity have a lower risk of early death than people with low obesity
B.People with overweight have a greater risk of early death than people of normal weight.
C.People with mild obesity are less likely to die than people of normal weight.
D.People with obesity live much longer than people of normal weight.
小题2:What does the underlined word “literature” in paragraph 6 mean ?
A.works like novels and poems
B.books and articles on a particular subject
C.printed material
D.magazines and newspapers
小题3:Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
A.BMI is commonly used to measure body fat as a ratio of height to weight.
B.Not all people with a little higher BMI are fat .
C.Many public health experts encourage more people to use BMI as a way to predict the risk of health problem
D.Because of the ne w findings, people should think about gaining extra weight.


小题1:C细节理解题。从文章开头New research shows that overweight or even mildly obese people have a lower risk of early death than people considered to be normal weight.可知C项正确。
小题3:D细节理解题。从文章最后一段Dr. Heymsfield says people should not think gaining extra weight is OK just because of the new findings.可知D选项内容错误。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

As a result of pollution, Lake Erie, on the borders of the USA and Canada, is now without many living things.
Pollution in water is not simply a matter of “poisons” killing large numbers of fish overnight. Very often the effects of pollution are not noticed for many months or years because the first organisms (生物体) to be affected are either plants or plankton (浮游生物). These organisms are the food of fish, birds, and other creatures. When this food disappears, the fish and birds die too. In this way a whole food chain can be wiped out, and it is not until dead fish and water birds are seen at the river’s edge or on the sea shore that people realize what is happening.
Where do the substances which pollute water come from? There are two main sources, sewage(污水) and industrial waste. As more detergent (洗涤剂)is used in homes, more of it is finally put into our rivers, lakes and seas.  Detergents harm water birds by breaking down the natural substances which keep their feathers waterproof. Sewage itself, if not properly treated, makes the water dirty and prevents all forms of life in rivers and the sea from receiving the oxygen they need. Industrial waste is even more harmful since there are many highly poisonous materials in it, such as copper and lead.
So if we want to stop this pollution, the answer is simple. Sewage and industrial waste must be made clean before flowing into the water reservoirs. It may already be too late to save some rivers and lakes, but others can still be saved if the correct action is taken at once.
小题1:Pollution in water is noticed ________.
A.when the first organisms are affected
B.when many fish and birds die
C.when poisons are poured into water
D.As soon as the balance of nature is destroyed
小题2:Living things die in a lake or river because there is no ________.
小题3:The underlined word “waterproof” in the third paragraph means “         ”.
A.full of waterB.not allowing water to go through
C.covered with waterD.cleaned by water
小题4:Which of the following things is /are harmful according to the passage?
A.Industrial waste and chemicalsB.Water in the river
C.Coal and woodD.plastic


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Beautiful cars surrounded by even more beautiful models--it’s no secret why the 2012Beijing Auto Show was popular.
The exhibition was held between April 23 and May 2. Although renowned companies showed off their top models, it wasn’t just their expensive sports cars that grabbed people’s attention.
Concept cars are a way for designers to test out their ideas on the public with complete freedom. They can try out cars with special features that could not be massively(批量) produced easily.
Designers don’t have to follow industry rules;they don’t even need to worry about whether their cars would be fllowed on the roads.
At the Beijing Auto Show,the@Ant by Chery was one concept car to draw a lot of attention.China Daily called it‘‘the very definition of a concept car”.
The vehicle is powered by electricity and is capable of driving itself.But the magic doesn’t end there.
The@Ant was inspired by actual ants.According to Car News China,with the help of automated telemetric systems,@Ants are able to“see” other@Ants and compare  destination information. If two are heading the same way for a while, the vehicles connect, with one car’s rear (后面的)wheels matching up with the front wheels of another car.Up to 10@Ants can be put together and will automatically connect to form a“train".This  will help save energy while traveling, as well reducing traffic jams.
The car sounds like a great idea.Further research will be needed to turn this concept  car into something for the market,but concepts like Chery’s  show how carmakers are  working for cleaner and greener vehicles.It’s like what the@Ant motto says,“Exploring future human beings’lifestyles”.
小题1:The concept car is getting popular because         .
A.it looks like an ant
B.it is beautifully designed
C.it is exhibited as a top model
D.it conveys a new idea for the future
小题2:How can the@Ants help save energy while travelling according to the passage?
A.By connecting each other and running together.
B.By driving themselves without man’s control.
C.By comparing their destination information.
D.By reducing traffic jams on the roads.
小题3:What the designers of the concept car need to do at the Auto Show is         .
A.to test the safety of the concept car
B.to follow the rules in the car industry
C.to show their unique idea of complete freedom
D.to see if concept cars can be massively produced
小题4:The best title of the passage is         .
A.Concept Cars Are Driving to the Future
B.The@Ant Draws a Lot of Attention
C.The@Ant Is a Top Model of Concept Cars
D.Concept Cars Are Cleaner and Greener


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many people look fondly at their school days.    a lot of these memories are often attached to events that have little to do      learning, many people are surprised by how much they miss being in the      and actually learning something new.
Although most people feel that their lives would be      by going back to school for further study, some people find that their busy schedules would make this     . However, with the rise of technology like the    , it is now easier than ever to continue feeding your mind without    obligations like family and work. This is due to the rise of online education options.
Online education is a subset of what is known as electronic learning or e-learning. All that you need to successfully use online education is      to a computer that has an internet     . There are so many online education options,      it is quite common for colleges to    online education courses to assist people who are      in distance education.
The main      of online education is that it allows you to     at your own pace and on your own time. Depending on the nature of the courses, online education will provide you with a certain time      for you to compete it .
One of the biggest    of online education is that it does not provide you with the face-to-face interaction with a teacher. But you can      with other students through the use of discussion boards, messaging programs,     and web-conferencing programs.
As people become busier, online education has      in popularity. It has greatly improved the number of services it provides and is considered a great education option. So if you are busy but your mind is still     more of a challenge, you may find that online education is the perfect food for your mind!
A.WhenB.While C.AsD.Since
A.out of questionB.out of the questionC.likelyD.easy
A.hunting forB.searching forC.calling forD.longing for


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Electrical devices(仪器)could soon use power made by human energy. Scientists say
they have developed an experimental device that produces electricity from the physical movement of a person walking. British scientist Max Donelan and other scientists in Canada and the United States developed the device.
The device connects to a person’s knee. As the person walks, the device captures energy each time the person slows down. To do this, the device helps with the slowing down movement of the leg. The movements of the walking person push parts of a small machine
that produces electricity. Using the device, an adult walking quickly could produce thirteen watts of electricity in just a minute. Donelan says walking at that speed could produce enough power to operate a laptop computer for six minutes.
There are several possible uses for the device. Developers say it could help people who work in areas without electricity to operate small computers. The device could also be used in hospitals to operate heart pacemakers(起搏器). It could even be used to assist in the movement of robotic arms and legs.
The experimental version of the device weighs about one and a half kilograms, but it is too costly for most people to buy. But the researchers hope to make a lighter, less costly version. An improved version shou1d be ready in one year.
The developers hope the device will one day help developing countries. Near1y twenty five percent of people around the world live without electric power.
A similar product was invented in 2005 by Larry Rome of the University of Pennsylvania. He created a bag carried on a person’s back that also produces power from wa1king.
The knee device does not produce as much electricity as the bag. But the bag requires the walker to carry a load of twenty to thirty kilograms.
小题1:The second paragraph mainly talks about     .
A.who developed the device
B.how the device works
C.several possible uses for the devices
D.how much electricity the device can produce
小题2:What is the disadvantage of the experimental version of the device?
A.It is too heavy for the walker to bear.
B.It is too complex for people to use.
C.It is too expensive for most people to afford.
D.It will slow down one’s walking speed.
小题3:Compared with the device designed by Larry Rome, this new device     .
A.produces power without adding more loads to the walker
B.can produce more power in a much shorter time
C.needs to be equipped with a battery
D.can help the walker wa1k faster
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that the electrical device can     .
A.help housewives operate the washing machine
B.make it much easier for us to go online
C.produce more electricity than that invented by Larry Rome
D.be applied in medicine to operate heart pacemakers
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.First device powered by walking wi1l soon be on the market
B.Advanced technology brings in a new way to operate heart pacemakers
C.Device gives new meaning to the idea of power walking
D.Human energy will become a main source of electricity


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Teaching a child to read at a young age gives him a valuable start in life. Reading is the basic part of education and a child’s reading ability will influence his school success greatly. Learning difficulties, many of which begin from poor reading skills, can damage a school child’s confidence and affect his future achievement. Young children are programmed to learn and they can learn better with encouragement. Ten to twenty minutes of reading a day still leaves plenty of time for play.
Many parents are concerned that learning to read is too challenging a task for a pre-school child, but they should also remember that most children learn to speak by the time they are 3. Learning a language is probably the single most challenging task any individual can undertake, yet children do it without formal instruction, achieving the fluency much better than adult language students.
There is a window of opportunity in terms of IQ development, which is most open during a child’s early years. A scientific study, carried out by Dr. Peter Huttenlocher at the University of Chicago, showed that the number of connectors, called synapses(神经元突触), between the nerve endings in a newborn baby’s brain is similar to the number in the average adult brain. These synapses increase rapidly during early childhood. By 12-24 months a child’s brain has about 50% more synapses than the average adult brain. After that the synapses which are not in use begin to atrophy(衰退). For most people, from age 16, the number remains steady. It begins to drop again as we move into our golden years. Doing intellectual activities at a young age, such as learning to read, can stimulate(刺激)and preserve these connectors in the brain resulting in a long-term beneficial(有益的)effect on IQ development.
Another notable study is probably the Milwaukee project. This study took a group of babies, all of whose mothers had low IQs, and gave them special training for seven hours a day, five days a week, until they started first grade. By the age of 6 these children had an average IQ 30 points higher than their contemporaries. The overwhelming conclusion is that the early intellectual stimulation can have a positive, long-term effect on a child’s brain development.
From birth you should talk to and explain things to your baby. Reading to him can be a wonderful way of spending quality time with your child. The enjoyment of books and being familiar with the idea of print will pave the way for(为……铺平道路)learning to read later.
If your child is a fast learner you can help him realize his potential by introducing him to the joy of the printed word at an early age. This will lay the foundations(基础)for both a high achieving school career and a lifelong love of reading. If your child shows early signs of reading difficulties, your efforts may help him get rid of such problems before he goes to school.
It can be difficult to teach your own child because emotional(引起情绪激动的)issues arise easily. Online programs for learning to read English are excellent options. They allow children to repeat new materials as many times as they need to, without wearing out the parents’ patience.
小题1:What does the passage mainly discuss?
A.Children should be taught to read at an early age.
B.Children can read better than most adult students.
C.Children have more synapses than most adults.
D.Children are supposed to learn to read on the Internet.
小题2:Why does the author mention the study by Dr. Peter Hutten locher?
A.To remove parents’ worry.
B.To explain IQ development.
C.To explain how a baby’s brain works.
D.To show the parents’ wrong ideas.
小题3:How can children benefit from learning to read at a young age?
A.It can build up great confidence in their mind.
B.It can help preserve the connectors in their brains.
C.It can help produce more connectors in their brains.
D.It can help them find both their weaknesses and strengths.
小题4:At the end of this passage the author advises _______.
A.parents not to get angry too often
B.children to enjoy reading as early as possible
C.children not to wear out their parents’ patience
D.parents to get their children to take an online program


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Imagine a classroom missing the one thing that’s long been considered a necessary part to reading and writing?Paper,No notebooks,no test paper.Nor are there any pencils or pens,which always seem to run out of ink at the critical moment.
A“paperless classroom”is what more and more schools are trying to achieve.Students don't do any handwriting in this class. Instead, they use palm (手掌) size, or specially-designed computers. The teacher downloads texts from Internet libraries and sends them to every student's personal computer.
Having computers also means that students can use the Web. They can look up information on any subject they're studying from math to social science.
High school teacher Judy Herrell in Florida, US, described how her class used the Web to learn about the war in Afghanistan (阿富汗) over one year ago.
"We could touch every side of the country through different sites? from the forest to refugee camps (难民营)," she said. "Using a book that's three or four years old is impossible."
And exams can go online too. At a high school in Tennessee, US, students take tests on their own computers. The teacher records the grades on the network for everyone to see and then copies them to his own electronic grade book.
A paperless classroom is a big step towards reducing the waste of paper. High school teacher Stephanie Sorrell in Kentucky, US, said she used to give about 900 pieces of paper each week to each student.
"Think about the money and trees we could save with the computers," she said.
But, with all this technology, there's always the risk that the machines will break down. So, in case of a power failure or technical problems, paper textbooks are still widely available for these hi-tech students.
小题1:What does the part of the last sentence in the first paragraph, “run out of ink at the critical moment”, mean?
A.Pens may not write well at the critical moment.
B.Pens get lost easily, so you may not find them at the critical moment.
C.Pens may have little or no ink at the critical moment.
D.Pens use ink, while pencils don't.
小题2:In a paperless classroom, what is a must?
小题3:The high school teacher, Judy Herrell, used the example of her class to show that _______.
A.the Web could take them everywhere
B.the Web taught them a lot
C.the Web is a good tool for information
D.the Web better than the textbooks, can give the latest and comprehensive (全面的) information
小题4:The paperless classrooms will benefit _____ the most.
小题5:What does the phrase in the last paragraph, “break down”, mean?
A.Break into pieces.B.Stop working
C.Fall down.D.Lose control.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Electrical devices(仪器)could soon use power make by human energy, Scientists say they have developed an experimental device that produces electricity from the physical movement of a person walking , British scientist Max Donelan and other scientists in Canada and the United States developed the device.
The device connects to a person’s knee, As the person walks, the device captures energy each time the person slows down, To do this ,the device helps with the slowing sown movement of the leg, The movements of the walking person push parts of a small machine that produces electricity, Using the device, an adult walking quickly could produce thirteen watts of electricity in just a minute, Donelan says walking at that speed could produce enough power to operate a laptop computer for six minutes.
There are several possible uses for the device ,Developers say it could help people who work in areas without electricity to operate small computers, The deice could also be used in hospitals to operate heart pacemakers(起博器),It could even be used to assist in the movement of robotic arms and legs.
The experimental version of the device weighs about one and a half kilograms, but it is too costly for most people to buy, But the researchers hope to make a lighter, less costly version.An improved version should be ready in one year.
The developers hope the device will one day help developing countries, Nearly twenty five percent of people around the world live without electric power.
A similar product was invented in 2005 by Larry Rome of the University of Pennsylvania,He created a bag carried on a person’s back that also produces power from walking, The knee device does not produce as much electricity as the bag ,But the bag requires the walker to carry a load of twenty to thirty kilograms.
小题1:The second paragraph mainly talks about       .
A.who developed the device
B.how the device works
C.several possible uses for the devices
D.how much electricity the device can produce
小题2:What is the disadvantage of the experimental version of the device?
A.It is too heavy for the walker to bear
B.It is too complex for people to use
C.It is too expensive for most people to afford
D.It will slow down one’s walking speed.
小题3:Compared with the device designed by Larry Rome ,this new device       .
A.produces power without adding more loads to the walker
B.can produce more power in a much shorter time
C.needs to be equipped with a battery
D.can help the walker walk faster
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that the electrical device can       .
A.help housewives operate the washing machine
B.make it much easier for us to go online
C.produce more electricity than that invented by Larry Rome
D.be applied in medicine to operate heart pacemakers
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.First device powered by walking will soon be on the market
B.Advanced technology brings in a new way to operate heart pacemakers
C.Device gives new meaning to the idea of power walking
D.Human energy will become a main source of electricity


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the near future,we may be using our eyes to operate our smart-phones and tablets,even when it comes to playing popular games like Fruit Ninja.
The Gaze Group has been developing eye-controlled computer technology for nearly 20 years.But those devices have been firstly designed to help those with disabilities,and are very expensive.
“After a while,we figured out that probably the best way is to go for a mass-market way,” says Gaze’s Sune Alstrup Johansen.“where everybody would have this available."
Johansen and some of his colleagues have formed a new company,the Eye Tribe,which is hoping to develop the technology on a mass commercial level.
The technology works with the help of the computing device toward the user’s face. After making sure of the user’s eye movements,the technology is then able to easily find where a person’s eyes are moving,and then allow the eyes to control a cursor(光标).
“Our software can then determine the location of the eyes and know where you’re looking on the screen to make sure what you’re looking at,“reads an explanation on the Eye Tribe site.
There has been a gradual change toward hands-free technology in recent years, particularly in the gaming world.Recently Xbox released the Kinect device,which lets users control their Xbox and play certain games using only their hands,legs and voices. But still,most of these devices have been more of a gimmick than a practical way to use one’s hands to control a mobile device.Johansen said a replaceable filter(滤光器)would be a cheap,convenient way for most consumers.
And even as companies like The Eye Tribe work to create such a product for the average user, making the eye-controlled technology more accessible and less expensive will have similar benefits for physically disabled users.
For more articles on modern science,please CLICK here.
小题1:Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
A.An introduction of a new device.
B.An introduction of smart-phones.
C.An introduction of eye-controlling technology.
D.An introduction of a new technology for the disabled.
小题2:The underlined word“gimmick” probably means         .
A.a trickB.a wayC.a lieD.a dream
小题3:According to the passage,we can learn that      .
A.the eye-controlling technology was first developed for the blind
B.the present developing 0f the technology will bring no good
C.there is no such a phone as we can use only with our eyes at present
D.the eye-controlling technology is only intended for the disabled people
小题4:This passage is probably taken from         .
A.an experiment report B.a science fiction
C.a school textbookD.a science website

