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Beautiful cars surrounded by even more beautiful models--it’s no secret why the 2012Beijing Auto Show was popular.
The exhibition was held between April 23 and May 2. Although renowned companies showed off their top models, it wasn’t just their expensive sports cars that grabbed people’s attention.
Concept cars are a way for designers to test out their ideas on the public with complete freedom. They can try out cars with special features that could not be massively(批量) produced easily.
Designers don’t have to follow industry rules;they don’t even need to worry about whether their cars would be fllowed on the roads.
At the Beijing Auto Show,the@Ant by Chery was one concept car to draw a lot of attention.China Daily called it‘‘the very definition of a concept car”.
The vehicle is powered by electricity and is capable of driving itself.But the magic doesn’t end there.
The@Ant was inspired by actual ants.According to Car News China,with the help of automated telemetric systems,@Ants are able to“see” other@Ants and compare  destination information. If two are heading the same way for a while, the vehicles connect, with one car’s rear (后面的)wheels matching up with the front wheels of another car.Up to 10@Ants can be put together and will automatically connect to form a“train".This  will help save energy while traveling, as well reducing traffic jams.
The car sounds like a great idea.Further research will be needed to turn this concept  car into something for the market,but concepts like Chery’s  show how carmakers are  working for cleaner and greener vehicles.It’s like what the@Ant motto says,“Exploring future human beings’lifestyles”.
小题1:The concept car is getting popular because         .
A.it looks like an ant
B.it is beautifully designed
C.it is exhibited as a top model
D.it conveys a new idea for the future
小题2:How can the@Ants help save energy while travelling according to the passage?
A.By connecting each other and running together.
B.By driving themselves without man’s control.
C.By comparing their destination information.
D.By reducing traffic jams on the roads.
小题3:What the designers of the concept car need to do at the Auto Show is         .
A.to test the safety of the concept car
B.to follow the rules in the car industry
C.to show their unique idea of complete freedom
D.to see if concept cars can be massively produced
小题4:The best title of the passage is         .
A.Concept Cars Are Driving to the Future
B.The@Ant Draws a Lot of Attention
C.The@Ant Is a Top Model of Concept Cars
D.Concept Cars Are Cleaner and Greener


小题1:细节题:根据第二段Concept cars are a way for designers to test out their ideas on the public with complete freedom.及下文描述,可知这种概念汽车主要是传达了对于未来生活的新思想.故选D.
小题2:细节题:根据倒数第二段. If two are heading the same way for a while, the vehicles connect, with one car’s rear (后面的)wheels matching up with the front wheels of another car.描述,可知他们可以通过彼此连接在一起,一起前行来节约能量.故选A.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to one another.
I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and suddenly, I became invisible, absent from the conversation.
The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communication technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction. With email and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice-mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.
As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated, the emotional distance index goes up. You can’t even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.
I am not against modern technology. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail system, and an email account. Giving them up isn’t wise. They’re a great help to us. It's some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.
More and more, I find myself hiding behind e­mail to do a job meant for conversations or being relieved with voice-mail picking up because I don't really have time to talk. The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier.
小题1:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.The Advance of Modern Technology
B.The Consequences of Communication Technology
C.The Story of Communication Revolution
D.The Automation of Modern Communication
小题2:Which is NOT TURE according to the passage?
A.The author has decided not to use his phone when he is with his friend.
B.Modern technology makes it hard for people to have a face-to-face talk.
C.The limited use of communication device brings much inconvenience to the author.
D.The industry intended to keep people in touch is taking them away from each other.
小题3:The writer feels that the use of modern communication is ______.
小题4:The passage implies that ______.
A.modern technology is bridging the people
B.modern technology is separating the people
C.modern technology is developing too fast
D.modern technology is interrupting people


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

While learning the science lessons, I used to get a doubt--why ear, nose, tongue and eyes should be called as special senses? The basic reason is that these are the channels through which we maintain contact with the surroundings. Though apparently it may feel like these are individual sensory organs, they do show some connectivity. Interestingly, our hearing is less sharp after we eat a heavy food. Isn’t it good for a sound nap after a stomach-full meal? That does not mean we go deaf after a meal, but the hearing pitch(强度)does change after a heavy meal.
We usually give credit of the taste to our tongue, but do you know that unless saliva(唾液)dissolves something, our tongue cannot recognize the taste of the food eaten. Taste is nothing but the food chemicals dissolved in the saliva being sensed by the taste buds(味蕾)present on the tongue. Try to dry off your tongue and mouth with a tissue paper and then taste something.
Women are much better smellers than men. They are born with this characteristic ability and can correctly recognize the exact fragrance of the sample. We all can store almost 50,000 different smells, which are strongly tied to the memories.
Pupils(瞳孔)do not respond to light alone, but to the slightest bit of noise around too. Thus surgeons, watchmakers and those professionals who have to perform a much delicate job do prefer to have a sound-free environment. Even a small noise can enlarge their pupils, change the focus and make their vision less clear.
Each and every one of us has a particular or individualistic or characteristic smell, which is unique to us, except the twins. This smell is very subtle yet can be sensed even by a newborn. It may be due to this smell that the newborn recognizes the presence of his parents around.
小题1:What may happen after you have had a rich lunch?
A.Your eyes become weak and can not see well.
B.You may feel energetic and fresh.
C.Your hearing pitch may be decreased.
D.Your tongue may lose the function of taste.
小题2:. What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?
A.Our tongues can’t be dried while eating something.
B.If your tongue is dried without any saliva on it, it will not work.
C.A tissue paper is the only thing that can be used to dry our tongues.
D.If your tongue is dried with a tissue paper, it may work as well as before.
小题3:What makes each person different from anyone else except twins according to the passage?
A.The number of sensory organs.
B.The functions of sensory organs.
C.The particular smell of a person.
D.The style of one’s behavior.
小题4:Which of the following may be the best title of this passage?
A.The Sensitivity of Sensory Organs
B.The Functions and Connections of Sensory Organs
C.A Newborn’s Sensory Organs
D.Different Senses Between Men and Woman


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

LIKE many teachers, Cristi Derow and Jennifer Bradley have spent most of their careers giving classroom lectures to students who sat passively in their seats.
The Lewisvillle, Texas, school teachers were aware that the hours they spent on preparing lessons were too often wasted on many students. So Forestwood High School, Texas, used the “flipped (翻转的) classroom” method of instruction. “We’ve completely done away with our lecture,” Derow said. And homework assignments “are all done in class,” Bradley said.
With the flipped concept, a student’s usual homework assignment is to watch pre-recorded lectures on their computers or smart phones.They walk into class ready to discuss the topic, collaborate(合作) with other students and work on assignments based on what they learned from the video. Free from lecturing, the teachers can use class time to look deeper into the subject and focus on difficult concept. As students change from a passive to an active role, they learn critical thinking skills, learn to collaborate and become independent learners.
Instead of doing homework assignments alone at home, students are now “working together, talking about it,” Bradley said. “If they don’t agree on an answer, they debate it and have to justify their answers. It’s a higher level of learning.”
Her students give the flipped classroom high marks.
Sarah Lee, 14, watches the 30-minute videos on a home computer. She likes the ability to rewind the tapes if she doesn't understand a concept. She also likes being able to watch the lessons on her own schedule.
One of her classmates, Dawson Depperschmidt has the same idea and thinks the time she spends in the classroom is more productive. “It gives us more time to learn at school,” Dawson said. “You get more in-depth in class.
小题1:What can we conclude from the first two paragraphs?
A.Teachers in Lewisville enjoyed giving classroom lectures.
B.It takes time for students to concentrate and understand in class.
C.Many students took an inactive part in lecture-style classes.
D.Teachers in Lewisville found that there was no need to prepare lessons.
小题2:What difference does the “flipped classroom”method make to students?
A.They have more arguments with classmates.
B.They have to be independent and cooperative.
C.They need to do more homework at home.
D.They have to prepare lectures by themselves.
小题3:What does the underlined word “productive” mean?
A.reducing difficultiesB.trying new methods
C.achieving a lotD.causing troubles
小题4:What are the benefits of the “flipped classroom” method?
a. Teachers have time to solve deeper problems
b. Students are engaged in a higher level of learning.
c. Students study according to their own schedule.
d. Teachers don’t have to design homework for students
A.a, b, c,B.a, c, dC.b, c, dD.a, b, d


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We all make excuses.
But the successful ones are those who can kill the excuses like the miserable maggots they are.
I’m too tired. I don’t have the time. I don’t feel motivated. I’d rather do nothing. I don’t have the money, equipment, space. I can’t because …
We’ve all made the excuses. Here’s how to kill them.
See the positive. Excuses are usually made because we don’t feel like doing something — we’re accentuating the negative. Instead, see the fun in something, the joy in it. And maintain a positive attitude, or you’ll never beat the excuses.
Take responsibility. Excuses are ways to get out of owning up to something. If we don’t have the time, money, equipment, etc., then it’s not our fault, right? Wrong. Take responsibility, and own the solution.
Find a solution. Just about every problem has a solution. Don’t have time? Start with just 5-10 minutes. Make the time. Wake earlier. Do it during lunch. Don’t have the energy? Do it when you have higher levels of energy. You’re smart. Figure out the solution.
See your goal. This is your motivation — your reason for doing it. Sure, you could just lay on the couch, but if you think about why you really want to pursue a goal, you’ll be motivated. Visualize that goal and just get started.
Be accountable. Have a workout partner, a project partner, a team, someone to report to. If you have to meet a coach or partner, you’re more likely to do something.
Watch this. Then go an do it.  
小题1:How many tips mentioned in the text to prevent excuses?
小题2:The second paragraph is developed mainly by _______
A.providing common examples.
B.following the order of time.
C.making comparisons of excuses.
D.analyzing common excuses
小题3:The definition of the underlined word” visualize” would most probably be ______
A.to view the outline of something by means of an X-ray.
B.to weaken or spoil the quality or efficiency of something.
C.to form a mental image of something incapable of being viewed.
D.to express the formal image of something capable of being seen.
小题4:Why do you need a partner according to the passage?
A.because you are likely to make a report to someone.
B.because it’ll be more possible for you to do something wih a partner.
C.because you need a coach to help you do something.
D.because you like to do something with a partner or a coach.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Can we give a hand to those endangered animals? Yes, we may only do a little bit, but together our small actions add up to a lot.
1. Protect wildlife habitat.
Perhaps the greatest threat that faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. Cutting down forests, farming, and development all result in loss of wildlife habitat. In areas where rare species live, habitat destruction can quickly force a species to extinction. By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals can be protected together naturally. Parks and reserves are now all too often the only habitats that are left untouched by habitat destruction.
2. Reduce the threat of invasive (入侵的) species.
The spread of non-native species has greatly reduced native populations around the world. Invasive species compete with native species for resources (资源) and habitat. They can even prey on native species directly, forcing native species towards extinction.
3. Place decals (贴花纸) on windows.
It is reported that as many as one billion birds in the United States die each year because of collisions (碰撞) with windows. You can help reduce the number of collisions simply by placing decals on the windows in your home and office.
4. Slow down when driving.
Many native animals have to live in developed areas and this means they must move in human-living areas. One of the biggest obstacles (障碍) to them is that created by roads. Roads divide habitat and present a constant risk to any animal attempting to cross from one side to the other. So when you’re out and about, slow down and keep an eye out for wildlife.
小题1: What would be the best title for this passage?
A.How animals go to extinction
B.The importance of protecting wildlife
C.What to do to help save wildlife
D.How to protect wildlife habitat
小题2:By writing the underlined sentence, the writer means that _____.
A.more parks and reserves should be built
B.we should have more habitats free of destruction
C.there is a need for improvement in parks and re-serves
D.parks and reserves are good examples of protecting wildlife
小题3:People are advised to put decals on windows to _____.
A.decorate the houses and beautify the environment
B.protect the windows from birds hitting
C.attract more birds to make homes nearby
D.avoid birds hitting the windows by mistake
小题4:The underlined phrase “prey on” in the passage means _____.
A.drive awayB.live withC.kill for foodD.fight with


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last night’s meteor(流星) shower left many people in the community dissatisfied and demanding answers. According to Gabe Rothsclild, Emerald Valley’s mayor, people gathered in the suburbs of the city, carrying heavy telescopes, expecting to watch the brightly burning meteors passing through the sky. What they found instead was a sky so brightened by the city’s lights that it darkened the light of the meteors passing overhead.
“My family was so frustrated,” admitted town resident Duane Cosby, “We wanted to make this an unforgettable family outing, but it turned out to be a huge disappointment. ”
Astronomers—scientists who study stars and planets—-have been complaining about this problem for decades. They say that light pollution prevents them from seeing objects in the sky that they could see quite easily in the past. They call on people and the government to take measures to fight against it.
There is yet a population besides professional and amateur star observers that suffers even more from light pollution. This population consists of birds, bats frogs, snakes, etc. For example, outdoor lighting severely affects migrating(迁徙的)birds. According to the International Dark-Sky Association. “100 million birds a year throughout North America die in crashes with lighted buildings and towers. ”
Countless more animals casualties(伤亡)result from the use of artificial lighting. Clearly, people enjoy the benefits of lighting their evenings, but some scientists think it can be harmful for humans, too. They worry that exposure to light while sleeping can increase person’s chances of getting cancer.
Emerald Valley is only one community that is becoming aware of the negative effects of light pollution. For years, Flagstaff,Arizona,has enforced lighting regulations in its city in order to assist astronomers at the Lowell Observatory. Similar efforts have been made worldwide, and a movement is underway to remind us to turn off lights when we are not using them, so that other creatures can share the night.
小题1: What is the author concerned about according to Paragraph 4?
A.Birds may take other migration paths
B.Animals’ living habits may change suddenly
C.Varieties of animals will become sharply reduced
D.Animals’ survival is threatened by outdoor lighting
小题2:Lighting regulations in Flagstaff, Arizona are put into effect to
A.Lessen the chance of getting cancer
B.create an ideal observation condition
C.ensure citizens a good sleep at night
D.enable all creatures to live in harmony
小题3: What message does the author most want to give us?
A.Saving wildlife is saving ourselves
B.Great efforts should be made to save energy
C.Human activities should be environmentally friendly
D.New equipment should be introduced for space study


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New research shows that overweight or even mildly obese people have a lower risk of early death than people considered to be normal weight.
Researchers examined the results of 97 studies. Most of the studies were less than 10 years old. They included almost three million adults from around the world, including the United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, Brazil, India and Mexico.
The researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics found that people who are considered overweight or slightly obese were five to six percent less likely to die from all causes than people of normal weight. People with higher obesity ratings, however, had almost a 30 percent greater risk of death compared to normal-weight individuals.
Katherine Flegal was the lead author of the study. She says she was not surprised that overweight people would not have a higher risk of death.
“Because we’d actually already read a lot of this literature and realized it was likely that mortality rates (死亡率) for overweight would be at least not higher than normal weight. I guess I was a little bit surprised that it was definitely lower. And I was also surprised that the lower rates of obesity also didn’t seem to differ from normal weight.”
But she says the difference in death rates appears to be small between normal-weight people and those who are overweight or mildly obese.
The study has raised new questions about “body mass index,”(体重指数) or BMI. This is a measurement of body fat as a ratio(比率) of height to weight. In recent years, many public health experts have promoted body mass index as a way to predict the risk of health problems. Bu t a person's BMI can be misleading in some cases.
Steven Heymsfield ,the executive director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, says people can be physically fit and in good health, but might weigh more because they are more muscular.
Still, Dr. Heymsfield says people should not think gaining extra weight is OK just because of the new findings. He says being at a healthy weight lowers the risk for heart disease and diabetes(糖尿病).
小题1:According to the new findings, the researchers found that __________ .
A.People with high obesity have a lower risk of early death than people with low obesity
B.People with overweight have a greater risk of early death than people of normal weight.
C.People with mild obesity are less likely to die than people of normal weight.
D.People with obesity live much longer than people of normal weight.
小题2:What does the underlined word “literature” in paragraph 6 mean ?
A.works like novels and poems
B.books and articles on a particular subject
C.printed material
D.magazines and newspapers
小题3:Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?
A.BMI is commonly used to measure body fat as a ratio of height to weight.
B.Not all people with a little higher BMI are fat .
C.Many public health experts encourage more people to use BMI as a way to predict the risk of health problem
D.Because of the ne w findings, people should think about gaining extra weight.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It’s 8:30, time for John to start work. So he turns on his radio. Then he eats breakfast. As he eats, he reads his e-mail and reviews his to-do list. Then he sits on the sofa and thinks about an article he needs to write ... Wait a minute! Radio? Breakfast? Sofa? What kind of workplace is this? Well, actually it is John’s house, and he is a telecommuter —  he works at home, communicating with the workplace through the Internet.
Like John, millions of people — and their employers — are finding that telecommuting is a great way to work. Telecommuters can follow their own timetables. They work in the comfort of homes, where they can also look after young children or elderly parents. They save time and money by not traveling to work. Their employers save, too, because they need less office space and furniture. Studies show that telecommuters change jobs less often. This saves employers even more money. Telecommuting helps society, too, by reducing pollution and traffic problems.
Jobs that are suited to telecommuting include writing, design work, computer programming and accounting. If a job is related to working with information, a telecommuter can probably do it.
小题1:From the passage we can learn that John does his job           .
A.by telephonB.through the Internet
C.in his officeD.away from home
小题2:One of the advantages of telecommuting is that you can        .
A.work for several employersB.enjoy a lot of traveling
C.get along well with other workersD.work on your own schedule
小题3:Telecommuters change jobs less often, so         .
A.their employers can save money
B.their employers will give them a higher pay
C.they can get more work experience
D.they will have a longer paid holiday
小题4:The underlined phrase “suited to” in the third paragraph probably means “       ”.
A.acceptable forB.bad forC.difficult forD.fit for

