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20.The new secretary is           and therefore the manager is satisfied with her work.(  )

分析 这位新秘书工作效率很高,因此经理对他的工作很满意.

解答 答案B.
A.effective"有效的,起作用的"B.efficient"有效率的,生效的"C.specific"特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的"D.sufficient"足够的;充分的".因此根据语境therefore the manager is satisfied with her work可知答案选B.

点评 本题考查形容词词义辨析.形容词词义辨析一直是高考的热点之一,它注重考查考生结合语境准确选用词语的能力,由于英语词汇丰富,考生掌握起来有一定难度,因此平时应注意动词短语的积累,理解其含义和用法,再联系句子所表述的意思和语境,选出正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.I have found that spreading kindness is not always about(48)what you do for someone,but it can also be what you say.One day I was standing in line at the gas station.Ahead of me were(49)four/4other people.(50)None of them had a smile on their face and they all seemed to be in a hurry.After the cold,snowy winter,we were having a warm,sunny day.I wanted to cheer them up,so I spoke up and said,"I don't know(51)which/whether/if one of you ordered this fantastic day for us,but l want to say I really appreciate(52)it and thank you."After that,the five of us smiled(53)and/so we started talking to each other.What I had said made(54)a big difference to everyone's day.You can see that it is much easier to spread kindness(55)with/through/in/by words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Many French academics,teachers and parents complain because they feel that intellectual levels are falling rapidly!The figures prove it:young people visit museums less,spend their lives chatting on the Internet,read nothing but Stephen King,while watching American soaps such as Friends or reality shows like Star Academy on television,music player glued to their cars,and the games console handy.
It is,however,easy to see these habits  in a positive light.Music is the favorite leisure activity:86% of 14-to18-year-olds put it at the top of their activities,above the cinema(71%),clubbing(68%),sport(56%) and television(48%).For 90% of young people aged 14to 18,radio is also very popular:they listen to it every day without exception.International popular music has a strong showing,but songs in French are still in the majority(60%).
Young people do,of course,watch a lot of television,but less than their elders,and if they tend to choose mostly soaps and reality TV shows,that is because these are the programs people talk about,which encourages social interaction.Do young people read less than they used to?Maybe,but that's also true of the elders.Young people still read more than their elders.When asked,"Do you like reading?",94% of 14-to-18-year-olds say they do,and 81% are convinced that computers will never replace books.
Contrary to popular belief,reading continues to occupy an extremely important place in leisure-time activities,but the reading matter young people choose has changed considerably:there is a greater variety of media(computers and new technologies) and young people admit to taste they would perhaps have been ashamed of in the past.For example,comic strips,Stenphen King or other authors not recognized by mainstream culture,such as Betty Mahmoody (Not Without My Daughter),Mary Higgins Clark or Jostein Gaader (Sophie's World).As Beatrice Toulon,Editor in Chief of the magazine Phosphore,see it,"They don't read the same things as their parents did,but they are not afraid to admit it.They have their own culture,which they flaunt(炫耀) openly!"

51.The underlined part"in a positive light"in Paragraph 2can best be replaced byC.
A.in the long term
B.during the daytime
C.from an optimistic angle
D.beyond reasonable doubt
52.Which activity is the most popular with young French people?A
53.We can infer that young French peopleB.
A.are ashamed of their tastes
B.are proud of their own culture
C.share their parents'tastes in reading
D.admit that they read less than their parents
54.What is the author's attitude towards intellectual levels in France?D
55.Which of the following can be best title for the passage?C
A.The Future of Books
B.More Books,Less TV
C.Young People and Culture in France
D.Young People and Their Elders in France.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Christmas is no fun when you're poor.Twenty years ago I was a young,(61)struggling(struggle),substitute(替补) teacher whose calls into work had been few.Money was tight,bills were due(62)somy wife and I couldn't even afford to get Christmas gifts for each other.The only gifts we could get for our children were a few soft toys that I had found (63)sold(sell)at half price in the supermarket.I opened the door and brought in the gifts I(64)had hidden(hide) in our old car's trunk.Then I handed(65)themto my son and daughter.I watched with a sad smile as they did their best to tear off the wrapping(包装) paper.As they pulled out t heir toys,though,I noticed their(66)eyeslit up and they jumped up and down.My daughter(67)happily(happy) hugged her toy and then hugged her Mom and me as well.I laughed as I watched my children play with their toys(38)forhours,and Thanked God for the (69)greatest(great) bifilar ever been given.Till today I still treasure (70)the gift of pure love that my son and daughter gave me that day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.-Have you finished your work yet?
-No,I'll finish it in ________ fifteen minutes.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-Do you still have the __ of travelling to Tibet alone during the summer holiday?
-Of course!It's been my dream for ages.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Do you know electricity can change the way we taste food?Proving this fact is a revolutionary electric fork designed by Japanese researchers that can make any dish taste salty.
According to Hiromi Nakamura,a Post Doc Research Fellow at Tokyo's Meiji University,the technology can be very useful for people on special diets.Patients with high blood pressure,for instance,can easily go on a low-salt diet and still enjoy delicious food.And with the fork,there's absolutely no risk of over-salting their food.Luckily,the voltage(电压) is so small that there is no risk of electrocution(触电) either.
The idea of adding electricity to food was first exposed as an experiment at the Computer
Human Interaction Conference in Austin,Texas,in 2012.Nakamura and her team connected a wire to a 9-volt battery and passed it through a straw placed in a cup of sweet lemonade.Volunteers reported that the charged lemonade tasted‘blander',because the electricity created the taste of salt.
Nakamura has improved the technology to be able to transfer an electric charge to food through forks and chopsticks."The metallic part of the fork is one electrode(电极),and the handle is the other,"Nakamura explained."When you take a piece of food with the fork and put it in your mouth,you connect the circuit.When you remove the fork from your mouth,you disconnect the circuit.So it actually works as a switch."
Simon Klose,host of food program Munchies,who recently visited Nakamura to try out the
fork himself,called this form of‘food hacking'one of the greatest eating experiences he'd ever had.
"When I first heard of electric food,it sounded scary,"he said.He later continued to use a charged fork to eat pieces of fried chicken,and found that the saltiness considerably increased as the electricity was connected.
Nakamura has been eating‘electric'food for the past three to four years in an attempt to
understand it better."For me,‘food hacking'is about strengthening or weakening real food,"she said."It may seem like we're cooking but we're actually working on the human senses."

60.The electric fork may benefit people whoB.
A.need to go on a diet       B.have high blood pressure
C.prefer food free of salt   D.show interest in tasty food
61.Paragraph 4mainly tells usA.
A.how the electric fork works       B.what makes the circuit connected
C.how the technology was improved   D.why the electric fork was invented
62.From the passage,we learn that the electric forkA.
A.creates virtual taste   B.changes people's diets
C.helps cure diseases     D.replaces salt in cooking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water ________.(  )
A.if not managed carefully
B.if are not managed carefully
C.unless not managed carefully
D.unless are not managed carefully


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.A.What do you think of the competition between China and the US?
B.What do you think of the image of"tiger mom?"
C.How do your daughters take the criticism about you after your book was published?
D.You said you would not get her Christmas gifts or anything when your daughter refused to repeatedly practice the music.How did your husband respond?
E.What do you think makes a good mother?
F.What does your husband think of your method of bringing up kids?

Chua's answer:Well,actually I think there are many ways of being a good mother.In my book my focus is just a memory about my own family story,me trying to raise my own children in a kind of traditional Chinese way.I make mistakes and I make fun of myself.It's amazing the way the book has been received internationally,because.I didn't intend my book to be telling other people of view and I am a proud strict"tiger mom".But I'm not trying to tell other people what are the best ways to teach or raise their children.
Chua's answer:Well,the title may sound a little frightening.Let me tell you why I chose the title.I was born in the year of the tiger.And"battle Hymn"in the United States comes from"The Battle Hymn of the Republic".The book is really about finding some sort of balance:how can we find the balance between the eastern way of parenting and the western way of parenting.In mays the book as been misunderstood maybe because of the title.
Chua's answer:I didn't write this book to have any foreign policy implications.But it's been taken into the foreign policy realm.It is of course true that there is a connection between child-raising and the future of nations.We are raising,as parents,the next generation.So I think Henry is right.We tapped into this thing of insecurity,American's fear about the rising power of china.A friend of mine told me that if the book hasd been called The Battle Hymn of an Italian Mother or The Battle Hymn of a Mexican Mother,nobody would have cared.It's really"China".you know.
Chua's answer:I don't think he opposes my idea of raising children.I'd like to think we have a combination,which is the right solution.You need a balance.From my perspective,what I give my kids is something that I thought was lacking in the US educational system.You know,they hate memorization,while in China you have too much of it.In the US,learning should be fun,a lot of games,.So I b rought hard work and disciplines.My husband and I think this is a great thing always teaching them to question the authority and to ask why.Don't accept everything just because somebody tells you.Figure it out yourself.I really think you need to combine both these qualities if you want creativity and dynamism.
Chua's answer:They both are stronger than I am.I am really proud of them.Their friends and communities supported them.At a time,I couldn't even look at the Internet because there are so many negative comments.And they would find the good ones and text them to me,saying"here's a good one mommy,hang in there."This experience has actually brought my family together.Believe it or not,not just my kids,also my parents and my three younger sisters have supported me.

