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   When I was a boy we had a small 13 inch color television set in our living room. It had a button to 1the channels on it. However,we 2 changed channels. We lived in the country and our antenna (天线) could only 3 one channel clearly. When I went to school my friend who lived in town would 4 all of the shows he watched on the channels I couldn’ t get and I would share the shows he didn’ t see. It was a 5 way to pass an afternoon and I always looked forward to it.

   These days I have access to over one hundred 6 . However,I often find myself 7 some rerun from my childhood on an old station. On my 8 there are shows,videos,and stories from all over the world. 9 , time and time again I find myself getting 10 . Then I will turn my computer 11 and pick up an old book to read 12 . My daughter has a smartphone that she can use with a skill that makes my head spin(眩晕) . 13 can get any information from the Internet in mere 14 . Still,it seems a bit too fast for me at times. I don't 15 slowly consulting the dictionary or an encyclopedia(百科全书) instead.

   Sometimes I think I was bom a little too early for this world,16 one thing that I do 17 is that in this crazy,mixed-up,super-information society you still need to find the 18 direction. You still need to turn your antenna to love. You still need to 19 daily life with kindness. Without these things life has no 20 ; you gain no wisdom and have no joy.

1. A. change   B. add   C. remember   D. use

2. A. always   B. rarely   C. sometimes   D. often

3. A. pick up   B. give up   C. open up   D. put up

4. A. play   B. write   C. describe   D. organize

5. A. strange   B. fun   C. special   D. fast

6. A. channels   B. videos   C. stories   D. shows

7. A. making   B. watching   C. missing   D. reading

8. A. television set   B. mobile phone   C. computer   D. book

9. A. Therefore   B. Moreover   C. However   D. Otherwise

10. A. sleepy   B. tired   C. lazy   D. bored

11. A. on   B. off   C. up   D. down

12. A. instead   B. too   C. later   D. soon

13. A. I   B. She   C. We   D. They

14. A. hours   B. days   C. seconds   D. months

15. A. mind   B. like   C. avoid   D. consider

16. A. so   B. but   C. if   D. when

17. A. forget   B. admit   C. face   D. know

18. A. same   B. right   C. prepared   D. unexpected

19. A. cover   B. provide   C. compare   D. connect

20. A. purpose   B. reason   C. usage   D. meaning

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. D 18. B 19. D 20. D


本文是议论文,小时候,作者家 里的电视只能收到一个台,但是作者 却每天盼着下午跟朋友分享节目内 容;如今作者在电视或者电脑上能收看到全世界各种各样的节目,但是却无所适从。

1. A.根据下句中的 changed channels可知,电视上的那个旋钮是用来“换 (change) ”台的。

2. B.根据下句中的one channel可知, 因为只有一个台清晰,所以作者“几 乎不(rarely) ”换台。

3. A.根据常识可知,天线是用来“接 收(pick up) ”电视讯号的。

4. C.根据本句中的I wouid share the shows he didn’ t see 可知,作#相 朋友分享彼此看到的电视节目,因 此这里是说朋友向作者“描述 (describe) ”他看到的电视节目。

5. B.根据本空后的I always looked forward to it可知,作者认为跟崩友 分享彼此看到的电视节目很“有趣 (fun) ”。

6. A.根据本空后的on an old station可知,这里是指作者现在可以收到 上百个“频道(channels) ”,但总是在 一个老的电视台收看儿时电视节目的重播。

7. B.本空后的renm指的是重播的电 视节目,故此处运选watchings

8. C.下文中的my computer提示了本题答案。

9. C. 

10. D. 

11. B.根据下文中的 pick up an old book to read 可知,尽管作者电脑里有全世界各地的节 目、视频和故事,“但是(However) ” 作者一次又一次发现自己感到“无 聊(bored) ”,所以作者会“关掉 (turn ... off) ”电脑。

12. A.此处指用看书“替代(instead) ”看 电脑上的内容。

13. B.根据上句内容可知,作者的女 儿有部智能手机/而且使用很熟 练,所以这里指作者的女儿能通过 手机上网找到任何信息,故此处应. 选 She。

14. C.根据下句中的fast可知,作者 的女儿只用几“秒(seconds ) ”就能 找到她需要的信息。

15. A.根据上句内容可知,作者不适 应女儿的速度,所以他不“介意 (mind) ”慢慢查字典或者百科全书 寻找自己需要的信息。

16. B. 

17. D. 

18. B.有时候作者认 为自己太老了,跟不上这个世界的 节奏,“但是(but) ”作者“知道 (know) ”一件事:在当今信息爆炸 的疯狂世界里,我们仍然需要找到 “正确的(right) ”方南。

19. D.根据上句中的_turn your antenna to love可知,作者认为我们应该心中有爱,把每天的生活都 和善良“联系(connect) ”起来。

20. D..根据本空前后句内容可知,没 有爱和善生活将没有“意义 (meaning) ”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第40期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Snow White. Paper. Freak(怪人) . These are some of the not-so-nice names that I was called in sixth and seventh grade. That's because I was bom with a medical condition called albinism(白化病) , which I'11 have for the rest of my life.

   It's not just school that can be difficult,though. When I'm walking down the street,strangers stare. People come up and pet my hair,like I'm a little dog. Other times they talk to me like I'm 5 years old. My brain works just fine. Thank you very much!

   Living with the condition has its challenges. My skin bums really easily,so I have to wear sunscreen every day. I have trouble seeing super-small things and super-faraway things. Reading a menu or the chalkboard at school is hard,so I use a cool handheld telescope that works as a magnifier(放大镜) .I also have an eye condition called nystagmus,which makes it hard for me to focus. I use a cane(手杖) whenever I'm walking in an unfamiliar area to detect any obstacles(障碍物) .

   In eighth grade,things started to change for the better because I met a girl named Rachel,who is now my best fhend. She doesn't judge me. I love the fact that she doesn't care what anyone else thinks of her. It has helped me realize that I don't need to care what anyone thinks of me,either.

   There are actually benefits to my condition. For one,I might qualify for a scholarship. And I got a free iPad,because it helps enlarge some of the text I need to read at sphool. And check out my eyes!I have a special eye color. I iove looking unique.

   I know that I will always have to deal with being bullied and having visual problem,but when you go through stuff that's hard,it makes you a stronger person.

11. Why do people pet the author's hair?

   A. Because her hair looks beautiful.

   B. Because they want to comfort her.

   C. Because they think she looks strange.

   D. Because there is something on her hair.

12. The author uses a cane.

   A. to fight against bullying

   B. to support her body

   C. to help her to focus

   D. to find her way

13. What does the author learn from her friend Rachel?

   A. Never judge by appearances alone.

   B. Where there is a will,there is a way.

   C. Never care much about what people think of you.

   D. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

14. The illness makes the author learn to.

   A. be tough   B. be proud

   C. study hard   D. make friends


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                  Is conversation a lost art?

   The next time you eat at a restaurant,take some time to look around you. What do you notice? 1 How many of them are engaged(忙于) in face-to-face conversations? On the other hand,how many of them have their heads down using a smartphone?

   Thanks to smartphones and the Internet,we’ re able to text,email,or make phone calls all day long.2 Experts argue,however,that the types of communication made possible by modem technology have come at the expense of real,face-to-face conversations. Even though we re connecting more than ever,the exchanges aren't as deep as in-person conversations.

   Do we really spend that much time on electronic devices(设备), though? 3 According to a recent study,today's young Americans (ages 8-18) spend more than seven-and-a-half hours every day on electronic devices,such as smartphones,televisions,computers,and video games.

   So what's the big deal? Many experts have noted that a reliance(依赖) upon electronic communica- tions can have a negative effect on social skills and writing skills. 4 While digital communications teach certain skills and habits,face-to-face conversations teach other skills that are important for our overall well-being.

   5 Experts urge people to unplug more often. Set aside time without electronics to share face-to-face conversations with friends and family. Keeping a healthy balance between on-screen and off-screen discussions will make you a better communicator in all areas of your life.

   A. Researchers have found the answer is yes.

   B. Pay particular attention to the other people around you.

   C. How can we be sure we don't lose the art of conversation?

   D. When you're sad or lonely,a smile may make a huge difference.

   E. This can make it harder to keep healthy relationships as an adult.

   F. In many ways,v/e re communicating more than

   G. There's an average of 11 hours of media content in those seven-and-a-half hours.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When I first met Bud,I knew we were going to be friends,even though he was white and I was black. We first met at the All-City Chorus. 1 We stood side by side in the chorus,and he always made me look good,even if I missed a note.

   Bud went to an all-white high school in a beautiful,all-white neighborhood. There were very few big buildings in his coiiimunity. As a matter of fact,you would have to walk four or five blocks to get to the nearest shopping center. 2 In his basement,he had a complete mini-gym. In his bedroom,he had a nice desk,complete with reference books and his own little TV on which he could play his video games.

   3 My family lived in a nice apartment in an all-black housing project. Our project housed many families,so we were used to living in small crowded houses. 4 There were all kinds of stores nearby. For beauty,we had basketball courts and the rose garden in front of the project building.

   We were never jealous or looked down on one another,either. We both felt we had lost something because we lived in worlds set apart from others. Bud's only contact(接触) with blacks of his age was in the All-City Chorus. 5 And it was not as interesting as it would have been if he had grown up with people of different groups and races living together. I felt the same way. Both races could learn a great deal from one another,and I knew this because Bud and I surely did learn from each other.

   A. Bud's house was another point of interest.

   B. Because of this,he felt his life was sheltered.

   C. We never had to walk far to the nearest store.

   D. My home and neighborhood were totally different.

   E. People said we both had the same kind of personality.

   F. I could sing a little,but Bud really had a very good voice.

   G. After practice,the two of us would always go to McDonald's.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   The ice roads of Canada's far north are only made of ice that spreads for many miles across nothing but open,frozen lakes. The 1 that truckers bring to these barely-accessible areas are always extremely important to the mines there. If an important piece of machinery does not get 2 , the company will have to 3 eight months for the next delivery to be sent,because the ice roads are only 4 for 3-4 months of the year. After that,they become 5 as the ice thickness feegins to thin in places.

   Driving on the ice roads isn’t a(n) 6 that every truck driver can do,though. Most drivers who try this sort of work 7 at the first sound of the ice cracking under the great 8 of their trucks. Others make it across the frozen ice to their destination but decide the 9 for them isn't worth the money,10 even the slightest mistake or fault in the road could cost a driver his / her life.

   The trucks all travel in groups at a slow and 11 pace,and keep the same distance from each other to reduce the chance of a(n) 12,but if a truck has to 13 for any length of time a major disaster could occur. The 14 is not able to bear the pressure of a constant weight in one spot,and if a truck breaks down,it is a race against 15 to get it moving again. If a truck does break through the ice and 16 ,a trucker has less than a minute to get out of the icy water before he 17 .

   Dianne Rowland,18 of an ice road trucker,said she would not let her husband go again 19 she saw a television series that told the story of ice road truckers. Their three daughters 20 their mother.

1. A. workers   B. materials   C. foods   D. drinks

2. A. finished   B. made   C. designed   D. delivered

3. A. spend   B. save   C. wait   D. kill

4. A. usable   B. valuable   C. acceptable   D. suitable

5. A. disappointing   B. different   C. disturbing   D. dangerous

6. A. job   B. offer   C. interest   D. journey

7. A. stay around   B. stay up   C. turn around   D. turn up

8. A. height   B. weight   C. speed   D. size

9. A. pain   B. trouble   C. distance   D. stress

10. A. because   B. when   C. until   D. but

11. A. relaxed   B. steady   C. gentle   D. careful

12. A. event   B. mistake   C. accident   D. change

13. A. repair   B. move   C. continue   D. stop

14. A. ice   B. truck   C. space   D. destination

15. A. money   B. energy   C. time   D. courage

16. A. disappear   B. sink   C. tremble   D. crash

17. A. dies   B. returns   C. tries   D. drives

18. A. friend   B. daughter   C. mother   D. wife

19. A. before   B. although   C. after   D. while

20. A. listened to   B. agreed with   C. pointed to   D. talked with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     One of the most historic and significant landmarks in the United States is the San Francisco cable car system. It 1. (run) by the San rancisco Municipal Transportation Agency. The system dates back to 1878. 2. the California Street line first opened. In all,there are three lines 3. (current) operating in the city. There used to be 23 lines in use throughout the city 4. (connect) the diverse communities that make up San Francisco.

     Initially,the simple reason cable cars were used in the city 5. (be) because of its landscape.San Francisco is very hilly,which makes 6.impossible for buses to climb. The solution for this problem was the cable car.

     There are two types of cars today. Single-ended cars and double-ended cars. The single-ended cars have open-sided sections. These cars seat 29 passengers. They travel in both 7. (direction) by using a turntable that turns the car at the end of the line. The double-ended cars are a bit 8.(large) , and can hold up to 68 passengers. It has 34 seats,and grips(把手) for 9. (addition) 34 standing passengers. People who ride the San Francisco cable cars are stepping into part 10.California’s history.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   “If I can help even one of you be more successful,” says the 1. (speak) standing in front of a crowd of 400 people, “then I've done my job."

   Its 2. (amaze) how often people say“If I can help just one ...” That seems 3. a very low standard. Just one? Why not 10 ? Or as many as possible?

   How many people would feel confident if their child's third grade teacher 4. (say) ,“If I can help just one student be successful,then Ive done my job?” What about the 5. , . students in the class? Its acceptable to aim for everyone and miss a few. There is no great value,however,in 6. (aim) for a few and being satisfied when you get them.

   Providing value in the world means that the things you say and the things you do have the power 7. (help) more than one person or one company. If 8. you do provides value for the vast minority,you're 9. (absolute) talking to the wrong audience or setting your goals too low. Whatever 10. cause is,something has to change.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一 个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写 出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

     Looking after animals can help children learn that animals have needs similarly to their own. In addition,there is evidence that have a pet can reduce stress in people of all age. For example,walking dogs have additional health benefits for both children or parents. Choosing a pet is a decision who needs a great deal of care. Unlike a soft toy,any pet will suffer from if not treated properly. Therefore,children should be taught how to look after an animal and also how to feed and exercise it. Sometimes,pets that look cute can aggressive. tiSufcEP So children shouldn’t disturb them where they are tired or asleep.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. You don't work as hard as (you should,you do) .

