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When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get good scores in certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or anxious situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.
   For example, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him. He tries to find out all he can, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. He probably isn’t sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. And, if he can’t make things work out right, he doesn’t feel ashamed that he fails; he just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook(人生观) on life, special feeling about life, and knows how he fits into it.
    If you look at children, you’ll see great difference between what we call “bright” children and “not bright” children. They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amounts of intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out more about life --- he tries to get in touch with everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.
小题1:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.What’s real meaning of intelligence
B.What’s the “bright” children’s behavior
C.What’s a special outlook on life
D.How to live and behave in a new situation
小题2:In the author’s opinion the biggest difference between “bright” children and “not bright” children lies in ____________.
A.the amount of intelligence
B.the different situations they face
C.the different attitudes to life
D.the background of life
小题3:What might the author continue to talk about in the passage that follows?
A.how to determine what intelligence is
B.How an unintelligent person should be taught
C.how to judge whether a person is intelligent
D.how education should be changed



科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A book review tells not only what a book is about,but also how successful it is at what it is trying to do.Professors often assign book reviews as practice in careful analytical(分析的) reading.
As a reviewer,you bring together the two strands of accurate,analytical reading and strong,personal response when you indicate(指出) what the book is about and what it might mean to a reader(by explaining what it meant to you).In other words,reviewers answer not only the WHAT but the SO WHAT question about a book.Thus,in writing a review,you combine the skills of describing what is on the page,analyzing how the book tried to achieve its purpose,and expressing your own reactions.
Most book reviews start with a heading that includes all the basic information about the book,like:
Place of publication,publisher,date of publication.
Number of pages.
Like most pieces of writing,the review usually begins with an introduction that lets your readers know what the review will say.The first paragraph usually includes the author and title again,so your readers don’t have to look up to find this information.You should also include a very brief description of the contents of the book,the purpose or audience for the book,and your reaction and evaluation.
Then you move into a section of background information that helps place the book in context and discusses how to judge the book.Next,you should give a summary of the main points,quoting(引用) and explaining key phrases from the author.Finally,you get to the heart of your review—your evaluation of the book.In this section,you might discuss some of the following issues:
?How well the book has achieved its goal.
?What possibilities are suggested by the book.
?What the book has left out.
?How the book compares with others on the subject.
?What specific points are not convincing.
?What personal experiences you’ve had related to the subject.
It is important to use labels to carefully distinguish your views from the author’s,so that you don’t confuse your readers.
Then,like other essays,you can end with a direct comment on the book,and tie together issues raised in the review in a conclusion.
There is,of course,no set form,but a general rule is that the first one­half to two­thirds of the review should summarize the author’s main ideas and at least one­third should evaluate the book.
小题1:According to the text,personal response of a book reviewer refers to “________”.
A.accurate and analytical reading
B.the reviewer’s indication of what the book is
C.the reviewer’s indication of what the book meant to a reader
D.skills of describing what is on the page
小题2:What is the most important part of a book review?
A.The heading.B.The evaluation.
C.The conclusion.D.The introduction.
小题3:Readers will get puzzled if ________.
A.there is no heading in a book review
B.the book review is not complex enough
C.the reviewer’s point of view is mixed with the author’s
D.there are some different issues listed in the book review
小题4:What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Steps to read a book.
B.Tips for writing a book review.
C.The way to develop your idea.
D.Things not to be avoided in a book review.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

To many students, high school is just a basic routine. You go to class in the morning, take a break for lunch and go home in the afternoon.
This isn't quite that simple for pupils at Royal West Academy. As if classes and homework weren’t already enough, students are also required to complete a range of extracurricular activities, or ECAs.
The range of ECAs being offered at the school is various, including everything from guitar and jewelry-making clubs, fund-raising marches, to student committees, swimming and tennis.
“I love ECAs. I’m so happy we have them,” said grade 11 student Adrienne, who is a soccer player and member of the graduation committee. “They motivate the students, and they’re a great bonding experience. I think that without them, not half as many students would be joining up for the soccer team.”
Requiring students to complete ECAs is a sign of the times. That’s because young people are preparing for the future in ways that weren’t considered necessary before. This is an era when ECAs are seen as important. Whether it’s for leadership experience, sports, craft skills or volunteer these things are seen as rounding out the individual and improving their future.
ECAs can also help students discover their likes and dislikes. But as the old song says, you can’t always get what you want, especially when so many students are all trying to sign up for the most popular activities.
ECAs can cut into study and homework time if you’re not careful. You really have to get organized or you’ll fall apart.
小题1:The students at Royal West Academy may do the following ECAs except ______.
A.to play musical instruments
B.to raise money for an organization
C.to attend sports events
D.to have classes discussions
小题2:From what Adirienne said, we know that _______.
A.most of his classmates are interested in football
B.one can make many new friends in ECAs
C.students get encouraged to join in ECAs
D.half of his classmates are unwilling to join in ECAs.
小题3:Why are ECAs important now?
A.They prepare the students for their future.
B.They can make students get what they want.
C.they can help students find their strong points.
D.They can reduce students’ learning time.
小题4:From the last paragraph, we can infer that _______.
A.ECAs can increase your burden of learning
B.you may fall down when playing in ECAs
C.too many ECAs may leave you in trouble
D.you need to organize other students in ECAs


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Each new school year brings fresh reminders of what educators call the summer learning gap. Some call it the summer learning setback(退步). Simply speaking, it means the longer kids are out of school, the more they forget. The only thing they might gain is weight.
Most American schools follow a traditional nine-month calendar. Students get winter and spring breaks and about ten weeks of summer vacation. Some schools follow a year-round calendar. They hold classes for about eight weeks at a time, with a few weeks off in between. The National Association for Year-Round Education says there were fewer than three thousand such schools at last count. They were spread among forty-six of the fifty states.
But many experts point out that the number of class days in a year-round school is generally the same as in a traditional school. Lead researcher Paul von Hippel said, “Year-round schools don't really solve the problem of the summer learning setback. They simply spread it out across the year.”
Across the country, research shows that students from poor families fall farther behind over the summer than other students. Experts say this can be prevented. They note that many schools and local governments offer programs that can help.
But calling them “summer school” could be a problem. The director of the summer learning center at Johns Hopkins, Ron Fairchild, said research with groups of different parents in Chicago and Baltimore found that almost all strongly disliked the term “summer school”. In American culture, the idea of summer vacation is connected to beliefs about freedom and the joys of childhood. The parents welcomed other terms like “summer camp”, “enrichment”, “extra time” and “hands-on learning”.
小题1:According to the first paragraph the summer learning gap          .
A.helps children to gain weight
B.leads children to work harder
C.improves children’s memories
D.affects children’s regular studies
小题2:Compared to traditional schools, students in the year-round ones           .
A.perform better and have more learning gains
B.have much less time for relaxation every year
C.have generally the same number of class days
D.hold more classes with more free weeks off
小题3:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Students from poor families often fall behind after the vacation.
B.Year-round schools can solve the problem of the learning gap.
C.There are schools in each state following a year-round calendar.
D.Nothing can help the students who fall behind after the vacation.
小题4:Why did almost all parents dislike the term “summer school”?
A.They cherish the children’s rights of freedom very much.
B.They are worried about the quality of the “summer school”.
C.They want their children to be forced to make up the gap.
D.They can’t afford the further study during vacation.
小题5:What would be the best title of this passage?
A.Opening Summer Camps
B.Forbidding Summer Schools
C.Spreading Year-Round Education
D.Minding the Summer Learning Gap


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Today we had a discussion in class about heroes,” said Ayesha to her father. “The teacher asked us to name our favorite heroes.”
“What did you say?” asked her father curiously.
“I said Kareena Kapoor,” said Ayesha proudly.
“Why do you like Kareena?” asked her father.
“She is so pretty, Daddy!” shouted Ayesha. “So I want to look like her!”
“But how do you plan to do that?”
“I don’t know, but I want to look like her.”
“When I see you, I see a very pretty girl. You may not be Kareena, but you are just as fine as Ayesha,” said her father seriously. “Adopting(挑选)film actors as our heroes and heroines(女偶像)is part of being young, but in the process don’t put yourself down,” he added. “But if you are trying so hard to be Kareena, you will stop being Ayesha.” Ayesha began to look interested. Her father added, “Each of us is unique, We have come down to the earth to develop our own beautiful gifts. You are such a fine singer, for example. Can you see how this might be your own wonderful gift to the world? Focus on being yourself, child, and you will achieve great things in life.
“OK, Dad,” she said. “I love the way Kareena looks but I am now going to focus on being the best Ayesha I can be.”
“That’s my girl,” said her father, giving her a big hug.
小题1:Kareena Kapoor is most probably a ______.
A.popular writerB.famous actress
C.school teacherD.pretty singer
小题2:Which of the following words can best describe Ayesha’s father?”
小题3:We know from the passage that _______.
A.Ayesha’s teacher liked watching films very much
B.Kareena Kapoor became famous for her courage
C.Ayesha changed her wrong attitude to Kareena in the end
D.Ayesha followed her father’s advice and determined to be herself


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Many people believe that teaching children music makes them smarter, better able to learn new things. But the organizers of a new study say there's no scientific evidence that early musical training affects the intelligence of young people.
An estimated 80 percent of American adults think music lessons improve children's abilily to learn or their performance in school. They say that the satisfaction for learning to play a new song helps a child express creativity.
Researchers at Harvard University, however, have found that there's one thing musi­cal training does not do. They say it does not make children more intelligent. Samuel Mehr is a graduate student at Harvard's School of Education. He said it is wrong to think that learning to play a musical instrument improves a child's intellectual development. He says the evidence comes from studies that measured the mental ability of two groups of 4-year-olds and their parents. One group attended music class, the other went to a class that places importance on the visual arts—arts that can be seen.
"The evidence there is 'no'. We found no evidence for any advantage on any of these tests for the kids participating in these music clases," said Mehr.Samuel Mehr says researchers have carried out many studies in an effort to learn whether musical training can make children smarter. He says the results have been mixed. He says only one study seems to show a small percentage increase in IQ, intellectual scores among students after one year of music lessons. He does not believe that IQ is a good measure of child's intelligence. He says researchers in his study compared how well children in the musical training group did on mental processing tasks or projects, then the results were compared to those of children who did not take lessons. There was no evidence that the musical training group did much better on the mental tasks than the other group.
The researchers comfirmed the results with a larger group of children and their par­ents.Mr Mehr says music lessons may not offer children a fast easy way to gain entry to the best schools later of their life. But he says the training is still important for cultural reasons. In his words, "We teach music because music is important for us."
小题1:According to the new study, musical training______.
A.makes children smarter
B.helps a child express creativity
C.does not make children more intelligent
D.improve children's ability to learn in school
小题2:Samuel Mehr may agree that______.
A.the children who attended music class are smarter than those who attended arts class
B.IQ is a good measure of a child's intelligence
C.we needn't to teach children music
D.music training is still important for cultural reasons
小题3:In order to confirm his view, Samuel Mehr______.
A.conducted more than one research
B.interviewed many American adults
C.taught two groups of 4-yetr-olds music and arts
D.offered children a fast way to be admitted to the best schools
小题4:The artical may be taken from a report about _____.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Growing strawberries in pots

·The best way to start growing strawberries is to buy pot-grown strawberry plants m spring:5plants are plenty for a hanging basket and 10 for the average 13 inch-sized pot.
·Plant them immediately in soil-based compost(混合肥料) and they will produce a modest crop in their first year.The second year should see a bumper(特大的)crop,followed by a slightly lower yield(产量)the third summer .Then start again with fresh stock
·Careful watering and feeding are essential Ifyou are to harvest a good crop,you must never
let the compost dry out,particularly when the fruit is forming and ripening;if you do.most of your
crop will drop off血e bush almost immediately.
·Water well then leave the pots for up to 3 weeks,until they reach the point of drying out Be
Careful not to overwater them during the winter months.
Pruning apple trees
·A one-year-old tree is known as a “maiden”. It has a single stem when purchased. Immediately after planting, cut it back by about half to leave 4 good buds at the base of the stem.. This will force growth from the base or the plant during the summer.

·In the second year ,prune in winter by cutting all side branches back by about one-third, Make sure each cut is made cleanly just above an outward-facing bud. In the third and fourth years, new side branches will have emerged from the previous year’s growth. Cut back all these new side branches by a third, pruning to an outward-facing bud.
·By the fifth year the tree should have a well-balanced shape. From then on ,cut back all new branches by one-third in winter .Remove any diseased wood and broken branches, and ensure the centre is open to air circulation
小题1:The two pieces of advice probably appear in          
A.a scientific repotB.a gardening guideC.a book reviewD.a fashion column
小题2:A good crop of strawberries mainly depends on             
A.the size of a potB.the season of harvesting
C.the number of plants in a potD.careful watering and feeding
小题3:Cutting back all  side branches by a third is to        
A.remove the diseased and broken branches
B.keep the whole tree open to air circulation
C.force the apple tree to grow from the base in winter
D.help the apple tree to form a well-balanced shape
小题4:The two pieces of advice suggest that planting is closely related  to               


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is generally believed that we are getting cleaned when we step under a shower. We are, but we’re also giving a home to lots of tiny little creatures we didn’t even know about. A showerhead carries thousands of bacteria called Mycobacterium.These can cause problems like coughs and tiredness, and a general feeling of poorliness (身体不舒服). When you turn on the water, the bacteria go from the showerhead onto and into your body.
This is a finding of Norman R. Pace and his team at the University of Colorado, in the US. The scientists investigated bacteria in all kinds of human environment, including showers.Pace's team looked at 45 showerheads in nine American cities. They discovered that 30 percent of them had large amounts of flying Mycobacterium.
But Pace said that they pose few threats to the health.Only those with a weak immune system might need to worry.He told the New York Times that the bacteria are not as unpleasant as might be thought.He said that having a shower is no more dangerous than anything else we do in the morning.
But for those who feel sick about the idea of all those microorganisms (微生物), he had some advice. Let the water run for 30 seconds before getting into the shower. Why? The number of bacteria is smaller than that when the water is just turned on. If that seems like a waste of water, he added that you could also change your showerhead every few months.
However, Pace had good news too. He has also been testing the air in US subways. Apart from iron particles (粒子), which are ground off the track by the wheels of trains, subway air is fresh. The reason is that a train’s movement pumps fresh outdoor air into the tunnels.
Pace explained that he wanted to understand the natural microbial environments of public places. This kind of knowledge might help discover the microbes to be used in a bioterrorist (生物恐怖分子) attack.
小题1:From the finding of Norman R. Pace, after taking a shower, we might cough or feel tired because      .
A.it’s easy to get a cold when taking a bath
B.the showerhead carries many bacteria causing illness
C.we don’t get cleaned while showering
D.we don’t get a weak immune system
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Hot water could kill most of bacteria in showerheads.
B.Of 45 showerheads surveyed in nine cities, 30 carried large amounts of Mycobacterium.
C.Changing showerheads is the only way to avoid microorganisms.
D.Shower water contains much less bacteria after being left to run for 30 seconds.
小题3:We can learn from the third paragraph that       .
A.having a shower in the morning is more dangerous than at other time
B.the bacteria always threat people’s health
C.there is no reason to fear microorganisms for people with strong immune system
D.it is better to do some exercise in the morning than have a shower
小题4:The underlined word “pose” in the third paragraph probably means “______”.
A.cause B.avoid C.describeD.promise
小题5:What contributes to fresh air in US subways?
A.The train’s movement.B.Iron particles.
C.Train wheels.D.Air conditioners on the trains.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Chinese parents are very generous when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the United States or Australia. They also want their children to take extra-course activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a head start in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter.
However, what most parents fail to see is that the best early education they can give their children is usually very cheap.
Parents can see that their children’s skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize, though, is that today’s children lack self-respect and self-confidence.
The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever.
Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.
Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking demands patience and time. It is an enjoyable but difficult experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence.
Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play with will make him curious and arouse his interest. He will spend hours looking at them,tying to fix them ,your child might become an engineer when he grows up. These activities are not only teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.
小题1:Parents in China according to this passage    .
A.are too strict with their children
B.are too rich to educate their children
C.have some problems in educating their children correctly
D.have no problems in educating their children strictly
小题2:The writer of the passage does not seem to be satisfied with    .
A.the parents’ ideas of educating their children
B.the education system of the school
C.children’s skills in cooking at home
D.children’s hobbies in the classroom
小题3:Doing some cooking at home helps children    .
A.learn how to serve their parents
B.learn how to become strong and fat
C.get a lot from it and prepare themselves for the future
D.make their parents believe that they are clever
小题4:According to the last paragraph we can conclude that    .
A.broken radios and television sets are useful
B.one’s interest and curiosity may be useful for his later life
C.an engineer must fix many broken radios
D.a good student should spend much time repairing radios

