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Each new school year brings fresh reminders of what educators call the summer learning gap. Some call it the summer learning setback(退步). Simply speaking, it means the longer kids are out of school, the more they forget. The only thing they might gain is weight.
Most American schools follow a traditional nine-month calendar. Students get winter and spring breaks and about ten weeks of summer vacation. Some schools follow a year-round calendar. They hold classes for about eight weeks at a time, with a few weeks off in between. The National Association for Year-Round Education says there were fewer than three thousand such schools at last count. They were spread among forty-six of the fifty states.
But many experts point out that the number of class days in a year-round school is generally the same as in a traditional school. Lead researcher Paul von Hippel said, “Year-round schools don't really solve the problem of the summer learning setback. They simply spread it out across the year.”
Across the country, research shows that students from poor families fall farther behind over the summer than other students. Experts say this can be prevented. They note that many schools and local governments offer programs that can help.
But calling them “summer school” could be a problem. The director of the summer learning center at Johns Hopkins, Ron Fairchild, said research with groups of different parents in Chicago and Baltimore found that almost all strongly disliked the term “summer school”. In American culture, the idea of summer vacation is connected to beliefs about freedom and the joys of childhood. The parents welcomed other terms like “summer camp”, “enrichment”, “extra time” and “hands-on learning”.
小题1:According to the first paragraph the summer learning gap          .
A.helps children to gain weight
B.leads children to work harder
C.improves children’s memories
D.affects children’s regular studies
小题2:Compared to traditional schools, students in the year-round ones           .
A.perform better and have more learning gains
B.have much less time for relaxation every year
C.have generally the same number of class days
D.hold more classes with more free weeks off
小题3:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Students from poor families often fall behind after the vacation.
B.Year-round schools can solve the problem of the learning gap.
C.There are schools in each state following a year-round calendar.
D.Nothing can help the students who fall behind after the vacation.
小题4:Why did almost all parents dislike the term “summer school”?
A.They cherish the children’s rights of freedom very much.
B.They are worried about the quality of the “summer school”.
C.They want their children to be forced to make up the gap.
D.They can’t afford the further study during vacation.
小题5:What would be the best title of this passage?
A.Opening Summer Camps
B.Forbidding Summer Schools
C.Spreading Year-Round Education
D.Minding the Summer Learning Gap


试题分析:文章讨论的是在美国的假期以后出现在学生中的Summer Learning Cap。
小题1:D 推理题。根据第一段第二行, it means the longer kids are out of school, the more they forget.可知learning gap影响了学生的学习。故D正确。
小题2:C 细节题。根据第3段1,2行But many experts point out that the number of class days in a year-round school is generally the same as in a traditional school.可知和传统的学校相比,在全年的学校的学生有同样数量的上课时间。C正确。
小题3:A 细节题。根据第四段1,2行research shows that students from poor families fall farther behind over the summer than other students.可知可知在假期后,贫穷家庭的学生成绩会落后。A正确。
小题4:A 推理题。根据最后一段2,3行the idea of summer vacation is connected to beliefs about freedom and the joys of childhood.可知可知大部分家长不喜欢 “summer school”,因为他们珍惜孩子自由的时间。A正确。
小题5:D 主旨大意题。文章讨论的是在美国的假期以后出现在学生中的Summer Learning Cap。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Being organized is an important skill for school and life.When you’re well organized,you can stay focused,instead of spending time hunting things down and getting sidetracked.What does it mean to be organized?For schoolwork,it means having one notebook or place where you store all your assignments,so you know what you have to do and when.Keeping clearly labeled binders or folders for handouts and keeping all your schoolwork neat and in a specific place—these are the main parts of organization.
For home stuff,being organized means having a place to put your things and putting them back as you go.It means hanging your coat up instead of dropping it on the floor or throwing it on a chair.It means keeping your schoolbag,your shoes,and your clean underwear in the same places so you always know where to find them.
Planning is part of being organized,too.Planning means deciding what you will do and when you will do it.Calendars,lists,and schedules can help you plan.You can buy or draw a calendar and keep it near your workplace.Making a schedule or a “to­do” list for yourself is a good idea.Looking at your list helps you keep track of what you need to do.Add new things as you get assignments,and check off things when you’ve done them.Use your list to help you decide which thing is the most important to work on first.
It takes some extra efforts to organize yourself and your stuff.But once you’re organized,you feel great.The less time you spend hunting around for things or panicking about homework,the more time you have for better things,like reading a good book or playing.
小题1:According to the first paragraph,“being organized” probably means “________”.
A.looking for something with others here and there
B.doing something according to the plan made ahead of time
C.getting together every now and then
D.telling you what you have to do every day
小题2:If you are well organized at home,you will________.
A.leave all the things as they are
B.hang your coat on a chair
C.know where your clean underwear is
D.ask your mom where your shoes are
小题3:Which one of the following is the right order of being organized?
a.Deciding what you have to do and when.
b.Finding a notebook where you can write down your “to­do” list.
c.Getting rid of the things that have been done in the list.
d.Making a “to­do” list for yourself.
小题4:What may be the best title for this passage?
A.Planning Is Part of Being Organized
B.A Good Beginning Is Half Done
C.Being Organized—an Important Skill
D.Where There Is a Will There Is a Way


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A board game is a game played on a pre-marked surface or “board” according to a set of rules. Board games have been played in most cultures and societies throughout history. Do you think of yourself as a bit of an expert at board games like chess or Go?
Maybe you’re not quite as good as you think. New research from the University of Manchester and Oxford suggests complex games like these are impossible to learn fully. They may even be too complex for the human mind to understand.
Researchers studied two-player games, to try and understand the strategies which people use to make decisions during the game. Some games with two players are simple, with only a small number of possible moves. Players can quickly work out the best strategy but that means the game soon becomes boring.
It gets more interesting when there are many possible moves. That’s why people are so fascinated by complex board games like chess or Go, or some card games. But what the researchers found was that with difficult games, players find it hard to work out the best strategy and their actions become less reasonable.
This research is part of the field called game theory: the study of human strategic decision-making. Much thinking on how people play complex games is based on something called “the balance point”, which is when players have a perfect knowledge of what they are going to do and of what their rivals are going to do.
When you add more than two players then of course the game becomes even harder to understand. Trading on the stock market is an example of a complex multi-player game.
小题1:Which of the following games belongs to board games?
小题2:It can be inferred in the passage that _______.
A.the simpler the board game is, the better it is
B.people dislike board games for the complex moves
C.players are easy to lose patience when in difficult games
D.it’s possible for people to understand complex games thoroughly
小题3:If players want to get to the balance point, they should ______.
A.ask other players to work out the best strategy
B.have a good knowledge of the games they are playing
C.figure out the next actions of themselves and their opponents
D.come to a quick decision about what to do next by themselves
小题4:In which section can we read this passage in a newspaper?
小题5:The author intends to tell us ___________.
A.a new research about board games
B.the importance of playing board games
C.how the players win board games
D.how to learn board games fully


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You know how wonderful you are,and you know that others know how wonderful you are,but what do you do when admiration crosses over the line into jealousy?For most teens there will come a day when you realize that one of your friends is jealous and that this jealousy is hurting your friendship.When this happens it can seem like there is nothing that you can do,but the good news is that there is.Don't let jealousy spoil your relationships.Tackle it head on and you might be back to normal much sooner than you think.

It can be hard to walk up to a friend and ask them what the problem is,but if you want to save your friendship you'll have to do just that.Don't approach them and ask why they are jealous of you (unless of course you want to appear totally conceited),just take some time alone with them and let them know that you've been feeling like there's been something coming between you.If they refuse to respond,then use the opportunity to explain how you have been feeling.Chances are that something you say will strike a nerve and your friend will open up as well.
When you figure out what is annoying your friend,ask him or her what (s)he thinks would make the situation better.If,for example,(s)he says that (s)he feels like (s)he doesn't get to spend any time with you because of your being off with your new friends from the swim team then maybe you could invite her along the next time or block off one day a week for just the two of you.Remember,though,that whatever solution you decide on should be a compromise.Don't limit your own talents or opportunities simply because your friend is unhappy.Try instead to include him or her in your new life and see how that works out.
Even the best of friendships can be tinged by jealousy.This destructive emotion is rarely productive and can turn best friends into worst enemies.Before taking extreme action,chat with your jealous friend to see if the two of you can work out a compromise.If you can't,be prepared to know exactly how far you will go to keep your friend and how far you won't.
小题1:According to the author,the jealousy emotion is ________.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to confront your friend when jealousy happens?
A.Walking up to him/her and asking him/her why he/she is jealous of you.
B.Walking up to him/her and asking him/her what the problem is.
C.Spending some time with him/her and letting him/her know how you feel.
D.Spending some time with him/her and letting him/her know you think there's something coming between you.
小题3:The purpose of the passage is ________.
A.to explain what causes jealousy
B.to offer some advice on making friends
C.to introduce the way to cope with a jealous friend
D.to explain how destructive the jealous emotion is
小题4:What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.There's always a solution to solve the problem of jealousy.
B.Jealousy can turn best friends into worst enemies.
C.You may lose a friend to keep your own gifts,chances or self?development.
D.You should go a long way with your friend to work out a solution


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Space is where our future is — trips to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Most people would think that aside from comets(彗星) and stars, there is little else out there. But, since our space journey started we have left so much trash(垃圾) there that scientists are now concerned that if we don't clean it up, we may all be in mortal (致命的)danger.
The first piece of space junk was created in 1964, when the American satellite Vanguard I stopped operating and lost its connection with the ground center. However, since it kept orbiting around the Earth without any consequences, scientists became increasingly comfortable abandoning(抛弃) things that no longer served any useful purpose in space.
It is estimated (估计)that there are now over 500,000 pieces of man-made trash orbiting the Earth at speeds of up to 17,500 miles per hour. The junk varies from tiny pieces of paint chipped off rockets to cameras, huge fuel tanks, and even odd items like the million-dollar tool kit that astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn Piper lost during a spacewalk.
The major problem with the space trash is that it may hit working satellites and damage traveling spacecraft(飞船). Moreover, pieces of junk may collide(碰撞) with each other and break into pieces which fall back to the Earth. To avoid this, scientists have invented several ways for clearing the sky. Ground stations have been built to monitor larger pieces of space trash to prevent them from crashing into working satellites or space shuttles. Future plans include a cooperative effort among many nations to stop littering in space and to clean up the trash already there.
小题1:What was the first piece of man-made space trash­?
A.A camera.B.A tool kit.
C.A fuel tank.D.A broken satellite.
小题2:Why were scientists NOT concerned about space trash in the beginning?
A.It no longer served any useful purpose.
B.It was millions of miles away from the Earth.
C.It did not cause any problems.
D.It was regarded as similar to comets and stars.
小题3:Which of the following statements is true about space junk?­
A.It is huge, heavy machines.
B.It never changes position.
C.It floats slowly around the Earth.
D.It may cause problems for space shuttles.
小题4:What has been done about the space trash problem­?
A, Scientists have cleaned up most of the trash.
B. Large pieces of space trash are being closely watched.
C. Many nations have worked together to stop polluting space.
D. Ground stations are built to help store the trash properly in space.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Inside their one-store, metal-roofed house on Vancouver Island’s west coast,Janet Schwartz and her domesticated(驯养的) deer, Bimbo, are returning to their normal lives. The law-represented by men and women dressed in black uniforms and carrying guns — is no longer threatening to forcibly separate Schwartz and Bimbo,freeing the l0-year-old deer to the fates (命运) of the surrounding rainforest and its hungry wolves and black bears.
“We love each other,”said Schwartz who turned 70 on Saturday. “she’ll come up to me and she’ll kiss me right on the lips,like a man kisses a woman’’
For four days last week,Schwartz’ life turned as rocky as the rough logging road that connected her life to the outside world. Conservation officers had arrived with orders to loose Bimbo. Schwartz was told she wasn’t allowed to touch Bimbo any more. It seemed somebody had complained,said Environment Minister Terry Lake earlier in the week, noting it’s illegal to keep wild animals as pets.
During those tense days,sleepless nights were made even more restless by nightmares,said Schwartz. There were news stories and Facebook pages which supported Schwartz and by Friday,the government had changed its mind. Schwartz could keep her pet with the help of a veterinarian and conservation officers.
“It makes me feel good,”said Schwartz of the announcement.“She is my life.and I’ve had her since the day she’s been born.”
The relationship began when a friend found the orphaned fawn (幼鹿) along a nearby logging road,more than a kilometer away from her current home,said Schwartz. The friend brought the fawn over because she knew Schwartz had raised a deer before.
Schwartz named the fawn(小鹿) Bimbo,based on a Gene Autry song that was playing inside her home at the time,and began feeding the animal goat’s milk. Days turned into months and years, and now Bimbo is a part of the family.
小题1:According to Paragraph 1 , Janet Schwartz’s life is returning to normal because           
A.no one disturbs her life againB.she can continue to keep the deer
C.she has married againD.Bimbo has returned to the forest
小题2:Why didn’t Schwartz want to loose the deer?
A.It was the only companion in her house
B.She wanted to study the lifestyle of the deer.
C.The deer had become part of her life.
D.She had a veterinarian to help her.
小题3:Conservation officers ordered Janet to loose Bimbo because            
A.the deer was not properly taken care of
B.the deer brought harm to the neighborhood
C.it was against the law to keep the deer as a pet
D.the deer made too much noise
小题4:What made the government change its mind?
A.Schwartz’s love for the deer.
B.The threat to the deer in the wild.
C.The change of the law.
D.The influence from the press and the Web.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get good scores in certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or anxious situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.
   For example, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him. He tries to find out all he can, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. He probably isn’t sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. And, if he can’t make things work out right, he doesn’t feel ashamed that he fails; he just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook(人生观) on life, special feeling about life, and knows how he fits into it.
    If you look at children, you’ll see great difference between what we call “bright” children and “not bright” children. They are actually two different kinds of people, not just the same kind with different amounts of intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out more about life --- he tries to get in touch with everything around him. But the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.
小题1:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.What’s real meaning of intelligence
B.What’s the “bright” children’s behavior
C.What’s a special outlook on life
D.How to live and behave in a new situation
小题2:In the author’s opinion the biggest difference between “bright” children and “not bright” children lies in ____________.
A.the amount of intelligence
B.the different situations they face
C.the different attitudes to life
D.the background of life
小题3:What might the author continue to talk about in the passage that follows?
A.how to determine what intelligence is
B.How an unintelligent person should be taught
C.how to judge whether a person is intelligent
D.how education should be changed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Barack Obama, Lady Gaga and Steve Jobs—what do they have in common? They are, of course, all Americans. And according to a survey by social networking site badoo. com, they all best illustrate(举例说明) the word “cool”.

But just what does it mean to say someone is “cool”? Most would answer that it is something to do with being independent-minded and not following the crowd.
Yale University art professor Robert Farris Thompson says that the term “cool” goes back to 15th century West African philosophy(哲学).  “Cool” relates to ideas of grace(优雅) under pressure.
“In Africa, ” he writes, “coolness is a positive quality which combines calmness, silence, and life.”
The modern idea of “cool” developed largely in the US in the period after World War II. “Post-war ‘cool’ was in part an expression of war-weariness (n. 厌战情绪)
. . . it went against the strict social rules of the time,” write sociologists Dick Pountain and David Robins in Cool Rules:Anatomy of an Attitude.
But it was the American actor James Dean who became the symbol for “cool” in the hugely successful 1955 movie Rebel without a Cause.  Dean plays a tough guy who disobeys his parents and the authorities. He always gets the girl, smokes cigarettes, wears a leather jacket and beats up bullies(欺凌弱小者). In the movie, Dean showed what “cool” would mean to American young people for the next 60 years.
Today the focus of “cool” has changed to athletics (体育运动) stars. Often in movies about schools, students gain popularity on the athletics field more than in the classroom. This can be seen quite clearly in movies like Varsity Blues and John Tucker Must Die.
But many teenagers also think being smart is cool. Chess and other thinking games have been becoming more popular in schools.
“Call it the Harry Potterization of America—a time when being smart is the new cool,” writes journalist Joe Sunnen.
小题1:Barack Obama, Lady Gaga and Steve Jobs are mentioned in the first paragraph to ________.
A.introduce the topicB.draw our attention
C.tell us what they have in commonD.tell us what is “cool”
小题2:If you were considered “cool” in Africa in the 15th century, you ________.
A.thought and acted differently from the majority
B.had a calm and quiet attitude towards life
C.didn’t observe rules and authorities
D.had all kinds of “bad” manners
小题3:The heroes in Varsity Blues and John Tucker Must Die are likely to be those who ________.
A.do very well in their studies
B.are very skilled at sports
C.are good at chess and other thinking games.
D.have supernatural powers like Harry Potter
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?
A.It is generally considered “cool” to be independent-minded and not to follow the crowd.
B.“Cool” was used as early as the 15th century.
C.Disobeying one’s parents and the authorities is considered “cool” among American young people nowadays.
D.Getting the first place in an exam can also be considered “cool”.
小题5:What does the article mainly talk about?
A.The origin of the word “cool”.
B.The kinds of people who are “cool”.
C.The changing meaning of the word “cool”.
D.How to be a “ cool” person.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Our love of music and appreciation of musical harmony is learnt and not based on natural ability, a new study by University of Melbourne researchers has found. The researchers said previous theories about how we appreciate music were based on the physical functions of sound, the ear itself and a born ability to hear harmony.
The study shows that musical harmony can be learnt, and it is a matter of training the brain to hear the sounds. So if you thought that the music of some foreign culture (or Jazz) sounded like the crying of cats, it’s simply because you haven’t learnt to listen by their rules.
The researchers used 66 volunteers with a range of musical training and tested their ability to hear combinations of notes(音符) to determine if they found the combinations familiar or pleasing. They found that people needed to be familiar with combinations of notes. If they found the notes unfamiliar they also found the sound unpleasant. This finding put an end to centuries of theories claiming that physical functions of the ear determine what we find attractive.
The study found that trained musicians were much more sensitive to unpleasant notes than non-musicians. When they couldn’t find the note, the musicians reported that the sounds were unpleasant, while non-musicians were much less sensitive. This shows the importance of training or nurturing(培养) the brain to like particular sound of combinations of notes, like those found in jazz or rock.
Depending on their training, a strange chord(和弦) sound was pleasant to some musicians, but very unpleasant to others. This showed us that even the ability to hear a musical note is learnt.
To confirm this finding, they trained 19 non-musicians to find the notes of a random selection of western chords. Not only did the participants’ ability to hear notes improve rapidly, afterward they reported that the chords they had learnt sounded more pleasant -- regardless of how the chords were played.
The question of why some combinations of musical notes are heard as pleasant or unpleasant has long been debated. “We have shown in this study that for music, beauty is in the brain of the beholder(观看者)”, a researcher said.
小题1:According to the study, people find foreign music quite unpleasant because_____.
A.they hear the music much too often
B.they don’t like the person playing it
C.they have no idea about how to listen
D.they have no born musical ability at all
小题2:Although non-musicians were less sensitive to music, they can still_____.
A.be trained to like particular music
B.make friends with real musicians
C.find the beauty of chords without training
D.enjoy the beauty of music when played by musicians
小题3:The 19 non-musicians were trained in order to show_____.
A.the brain likes particular combinations of notes
B.not a strange note was pleasant to all musicians
C.how the chords were played was very important
D.people’s ability to hear a musical note can be learnt
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Love of musical harmony can’t be taught.
B.Love of music is not natural but nurtured.
C.Listening to music can improve your brain.
D.You can be a musician without being trained.

