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A board game is a game played on a pre-marked surface or “board” according to a set of rules. Board games have been played in most cultures and societies throughout history. Do you think of yourself as a bit of an expert at board games like chess or Go?
Maybe you’re not quite as good as you think. New research from the University of Manchester and Oxford suggests complex games like these are impossible to learn fully. They may even be too complex for the human mind to understand.
Researchers studied two-player games, to try and understand the strategies which people use to make decisions during the game. Some games with two players are simple, with only a small number of possible moves. Players can quickly work out the best strategy but that means the game soon becomes boring.
It gets more interesting when there are many possible moves. That’s why people are so fascinated by complex board games like chess or Go, or some card games. But what the researchers found was that with difficult games, players find it hard to work out the best strategy and their actions become less reasonable.
This research is part of the field called game theory: the study of human strategic decision-making. Much thinking on how people play complex games is based on something called “the balance point”, which is when players have a perfect knowledge of what they are going to do and of what their rivals are going to do.
When you add more than two players then of course the game becomes even harder to understand. Trading on the stock market is an example of a complex multi-player game.
小题1:Which of the following games belongs to board games?
小题2:It can be inferred in the passage that _______.
A.the simpler the board game is, the better it is
B.people dislike board games for the complex moves
C.players are easy to lose patience when in difficult games
D.it’s possible for people to understand complex games thoroughly
小题3:If players want to get to the balance point, they should ______.
A.ask other players to work out the best strategy
B.have a good knowledge of the games they are playing
C.figure out the next actions of themselves and their opponents
D.come to a quick decision about what to do next by themselves
小题4:In which section can we read this passage in a newspaper?
小题5:The author intends to tell us ___________.
A.a new research about board games
B.the importance of playing board games
C.how the players win board games
D.how to learn board games fully


小题1:细节题:从文章第一段的句子:A board game is a game played on a pre-marked surface or “board” according to a set of rules.可知麻将是一种board game,选D
小题2:推理题:从文章第四段的句子:But what the researchers found was that with difficult games, players find it hard to work out the best strategy and their actions become less reasonable.可知在困难的游戏中,人们很容易失去耐心,选C
小题3:细节题:从文章第五段的句子:which is when players have a perfect knowledge of what they are going to do and of what their rivals are going to do.可知如果玩的人想找到平衡点,他们要弄明白自己和对手的下一步的行动,选C
小题5:写作意图题:从文章第二段的句子:Maybe you’re not quite as good as you think. New research from the University of Manchester and Oxford suggests complex games like these are impossible to learn fully.可知作者想要告诉读者的一个关于棋类游戏的新的研究,选A

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Pessimistic,anxious and depressed people may have a higher risk of dementia (痴呆),US researchers reported on Thursday.
A study of a group of 3,500 people showed that those who scored high for pessimism on a standardized personality test had a 30 percent increased risk of developing dementia 30 to 40 years later.
Those scoring very high on both anxiety and pessimism scales had a 40 percent higher risk,the study showed.
“There appears to be a dose­response pattern.That is,the higher the scores,the higher the risk of dementia,”Dr Yonas Geda,a neuropsychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minnesota who led the study,said in a statement.
Geda and his colleagues looked at the medical records of 3,500 men and women who lived near the clinic between 1962 and 1965.
They all took the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory,a standard personality and life experience test,Geda’s team told a meeting of the American Academy of Neurology in Miami.
In 2004,the team interviewed the participants or family members.
Those who scored higher for anxiety and pessimism on the test were more likely,as a group,to have developed dementia by 2004,including Alzheimer’s disease and vascular (血管的) dementia.
This did not mean a person who is pessimistic could assume he or she has a higher risk of developing dementia.
“One has to be cautious in interpreting a study like this,”Geda said.
“One cannot make a leap from group level data to the individual.Certainly the last thing you want to do is to say,‘Well,I am a pessimist;thus,I am doomed to develop dementia 20 or 30 years later,’because this may end up becoming a self­fulfilling prophecy (预言).”
And there is NOT any specific way to prevent dementia,although many studies have shown that a healthy diet,exercise,keeping active in other ways,doing puzzles and other activities lower the risk.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?
A.It is impossible for people to avoid dementia.
B.People who always have negative feelings may have a higher risk of getting dementia.
C.If we have a healthy diet,we would have no chance of getting dementia.
D.A person who is pessimistic has a higher risk of developing dementia.
小题2:According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?
A.There are many ways to prevent dementia effectively.
B.A person who is pessimistic is sure to get dementia.
C.Those who lead a happy life will not get dementia when they are old.
D.Those who scored high for pessimism might have a higher risk of dementia.
小题3:Which of the following does NOT help reduce the risk of getting dementia according to the passage?
A.A healthy diet.B.Proper exercises.
C.Doing puzzles.D.Getting up early.
小题4:Which of the following words is not close to the meaning of the word “pessimistic”?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Can noncombustion (非燃烧) technology create a no-pollution way to drive?Imagine pulling into a service station to fuel up your car. But not at the gas pump or electric battery charger —at the air pump! That’s not hot air, either! The next generation of cars may run on thin air. Wouldn’t that be an incredible way to cut both pollution and dependence on foreign oil?
If you’ve ever inflated a balloon and then let it go, you’ve got the basics to test-drive the amazing MiniCAT, currently being developed by Noteur Development International (MDI), headquartered in Luxembourg. Invented by Formula One racing car designer Guy Negre, this experimental vehicle is unlike any car you’ve ever seen. While your family’s traditional car or SUV draws its horsepower using combustion, the only fuel that MiniCAT needs (CAT stands for Compressed Air Technology) is the air we breathe.
Start with about 25,000 gallons of air. Now, press it all into a space smaller than your school locker—because that’s the size of two super-strong, high-pressure air tanks, made from fiber and fixed beneath the air car. 
Confining that much air inside those small tanks generates an internal pressure of over 4,000 pounds per square inch. That’s over 300 times normal air pressure.
When this cold, high-pressure air enters MiniCAT’s unique engine, it interacts(交互作用) with warmer air to create pressure waves that pump the engine’s engineered pistons (活塞) to move the car. MiniCAT’s projected top speed is 60 miles per hour, with a range of 120 miles on a full air supply.
小题1:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Ways to cut down air pollution.
B.Cars that run on thin air.
C.Formula One racing car designer.
D.Dependence on foreign oil.
小题2:What is MiniCAT according to the passage?
A.The name of a car.
B.The name of a balloon.
C.The name of a car company.
D.The name of a car designer.
小题3:The underlined world “Confining” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by ___________.
小题4:What does the last paragraph tell us?
A.How much pressure the air creates.
B.How the car works.
C.What the normal air pressure is.
D.How the air gets into the engine.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Going to college and living away from home for the first time can be terribie.Students tend to have higher academic achievements in college when they enjoy living in the dormitory.Most colleges and universities have many programs that help first-year students adjust to studying and living in a new community.Take advantage of these programs and make new friends as you adjust to your college life.
         .Greet and meet everyone in the dorm.Find out their class schedules and hobbies.You may be able to find study partners this way.Most students are just like you being away from their home the first time.Don't be afraid toknock on your neighbors'doors and introduce yourself.The residence(居住区)staff will also help you in adjusting tocollege iife.Get to know them as soon as possible.
Get along with your roommate.Your roommates can be eitherr your lifelong friends or enemies.Try to be friends to them.Respect each other, including their space.Do not use your roommates’ belongings without permission.Communicate among each other regarding your daily schedule, study or sleep habits and off campus guest visits. Always say hello.
Get involved.To adjust to college life away from home,you need to got involved in college activities.Join clubs.Attend events that are hosted by your residence life and academic departments.Attend those events with your new friends. Most colleges have many events throughout the semester.Student union is a great place to meet new friends and learn about the upcoming events.
Call home when you need to.College life can be very exciting in the beginning. Most students get lonely and homesick during the middle of the semester or during festivals,It is normal to feel sad.Call home or even visit home when you need to. Talk to your friends back home.Understand that many people love and support you and they are very proud of you.
小题1:What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Advice on how to adjust to college life.
B.Things that can be done in a dormitory.
C.Places to live in when going to a college.
D.Ways of making friends with roommates.
小题2:What can be proper to fill in the blank in Paragraph 2?
A.Greet people everywhere.B.Meet new friends.
C.Share your hobbies.D.Adjust to college life.
小题3:Which of the following is not proper in getting along with your roommates?
A.Say hello to them frequently.
B.Respect them and their space.
C.Use their belongings secretly.
D.Know about their living habits.
小题4:According to the text,when you feel homesick at college,you can       
A.find study partnersB.join clubs
C.call your parentsD.talk to new friends
小题5:In which part of a website might the text appear?
A.Style and fashion.B.Science and technology.
C.Sports and health.D.Culture and education.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Is the ‘Go to College’ Message Overdone?
Even in a weak job market, the old college try isn’t the answer for everyone. A briefing paper from the Brookings Institution warns that “we may have overdone the message” on college, senior fellow Isabel Sawhill said.
“We’ve been telling students and their families for years that college is the only way to succeed in the economy and of course there’s a lot of truth to that,” Ms. Sawhill said. “On average it does pay off… But if you load up on a whole lot of student debt and then you don’t graduate, that is a very bad situation.”
One comment that people often repeat among the years of slow job growth has been the value of education for landing a job and advancing in a career. April’s national unemployment rate stood at 7.5%, according to the Labor Department. The unemployment rate for high-school graduates over 25 years old who hadn’t attended college was 7.4%, compared with 3.9% for those with a bachelor’s degree or more education. The difference is even bigger among those aged 16-24. The jobless rate for those with only a high school diploma in that age group is about 20%. At the same time, recent research by Canadian economists cautions that a college degree is no guarantee of promising employment.
Ms. Sawhill pointed out that among the aspects that affect the value of a college education is the field of one’s major: Students in engineering or other sciences end up earning more than ones who major in the arts or education. The cost of tuition and the availability of financial aid are other considerations, with public institutions generally a better financial bargain than private ones.
She suggested two avenues for improving the situation: increasing vocational(职业的)-technical training programs and taking a page from Europe’s focus on early education rather than post-secondary learning. “The European countries put a little more attention to getting people prepared in the primary grades,” she said. “Then they have a higher bar for whoever goes to college—but once you get into college, you’re more likely to be highly subsidized(资助).”
She also is a supporter of technical training—to teach students how to be plumbers, welders and computer programmers—because “employers are desperate” for workers with these skills.
小题1:People usually think that _____.
A.the cost of technical schooling is a problem
B.one will not succeed without a college degree
C.technical skills are most important for landing a job
D.there is an increased competition in getting into a college
小题2:What does the underlined part “taking a page from” mean?
A.Hearing from.B.Changing from.
C.Differing from.D.Learning from.
小题3:What can we infer from the passage?
A.Public institutions charge more for education.
B.European universities are stricter with students.
C.Students with certain skills are in great demand.
D.Canadian students prefer to major in engineering.
小题4:Ms. Sawhill may probably agree that _____.
A.too much stress has been put on the value of college degrees
B.technical training is more important than college education
C.a college degree will ensure promising employment
D.it’s easier for art students to find favorite jobs


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A noted American psychologist once remarked that childhood is a magical period in one’s life.Indeed it is, for during        one undergoes a step-by-step transformation not only in mental capacity, but also in physical and verbal skills.Each step         an increase in the difficulty of a child’s conceptual and learning abilities.During the early stages of childhood, from infancy to about five, the child learns         skills including using the toilet, bathing and dressing himself independently.At this stage, he also learns to be very observant, curious, imaginative and creative.His ability to remember things also       at this stage. He remembers details that an adult may have difficulty in remembering.Gradually , he learns elementary skills in problem-solving.At school, particular in        classes, the child is especially creative.Given a piece of paper and some colored pencils, he draws a variety of        from his surroundings as well as from his          circle.It is not surprising to see a child draw a monster to represent an abusive father, and an angel to represent a loving and caring mother.
As he graduates to the later stages of childhood bordering on the teenage years, the child learns the          of human relations and socialization by interacting with his peers—his friends and schoolmates. He also learns to         with new life situations, including dates and part-time work. Given a tight schedule of schoolwork, the child learns to prepare his own schedules of work and play; the more________ and less serious ones manage to take time out of their busy schedules of assignments, reports and tests and examinations to go with their friends on relaxation entertainment.
A.practical B.cautiousC.enthusiasticD.stubborn


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What’s the greenest place in America? If you answered something like the warm sunlight of Santa Barbara, you’d be wrong. The greenest place in America has almost no sign of nature— the buildings outnumber the trees— and the air isn’t all that great. What it has is density(密度)and efficiency— the twin qualities that finally define green in the global warming time. Applying those standards,the greenest place in America is New York City— particularly,the overcrowded,overpriced island of Manhattan, which produces 30% less per-capita(人均)greenhouse gas than that of the nation.
It’s that density that makes Manhattan so green. Manhattan’s population density is 800 times the national average. Density comes with negatives,certainly— small living spaces,air pollution— but it also enables amazing efficiencies.Over 80% of Manhattanites travel to work by public transport, by bike or on foot— compared to an average of about 8% everywhere else in the country. Manhattan’s apartment buildings are far more energy-efficient than the houses in the suburbs.
What’s true of New York City is more or less true of other American urban areas, which explains why a growing part of the environmental movement now focuses on greening cities, hoping to attract more Americans back downtown. There’s an effort to make cities more sustainable(可持续的),by improving public transport,reducing air pollution and upgrading energy efficiency. But even more important, it is quite urgent to change decades of government policies that have been in favor of the suburbs,with disastrous consequences for energy,the environment and the climate.
That’s exactly the difficult point. For all the high efficiency and convenience and richness of living in a city,there are disadvantages too.New York,for example,has some of the highest childhood asthma(哮喘)rates in the U.S.
So it’s welcome news that New York has continued to push its P1aNYC scheme, a long-term program to make the city greener and more sustainable over the next decades. Recently it announced an update to the plan that includes phasing out heavy heating oils in New York City apartment buildings by 2030,to be replaced with cleaner natural gas.
小题1:Manhattan is considered as the greenest place in America because of its__________
A.buildings and treesB.density and efficiency
C.sunlight and natureD.transport and population
小题2:We can infer from the passage that___________.
A.New Yorkers have urged the city government to carry out green policies
B.the public transport and living space are quite satisfactory in New York
C.life in the countryside is more comfortable and energy efficient than that in cities
D.the significance of making cities greener is gained in promoting energy efficiency
小题3:The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to___________.
A.New York cityB.PlaNYC scheme
C.ManhattanD.Santa Barbara
小题4:The underlined part “phasing out” in the last paragraph probably means___________.
A.rapidly promoting dealing with
B.widely suggesting researching on
C.gradually stopping using
D.immediately forbidding producing
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Manhattan the Greenest Place in America?
B.The Higher Density,the Greener City?
C.PlaNYC Scheme:New York City’s Future
D.Living in Cities Does Good to the Environment


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

To many students, high school is just a basic routine. You go to class in the morning, take a break for lunch and go home in the afternoon.
This isn't quite that simple for pupils at Royal West Academy. As if classes and homework weren’t already enough, students are also required to complete a range of extracurricular activities, or ECAs.
The range of ECAs being offered at the school is various, including everything from guitar and jewelry-making clubs, fund-raising marches, to student committees, swimming and tennis.
“I love ECAs. I’m so happy we have them,” said grade 11 student Adrienne, who is a soccer player and member of the graduation committee. “They motivate the students, and they’re a great bonding experience. I think that without them, not half as many students would be joining up for the soccer team.”
Requiring students to complete ECAs is a sign of the times. That’s because young people are preparing for the future in ways that weren’t considered necessary before. This is an era when ECAs are seen as important. Whether it’s for leadership experience, sports, craft skills or volunteer these things are seen as rounding out the individual and improving their future.
ECAs can also help students discover their likes and dislikes. But as the old song says, you can’t always get what you want, especially when so many students are all trying to sign up for the most popular activities.
ECAs can cut into study and homework time if you’re not careful. You really have to get organized or you’ll fall apart.
小题1:The students at Royal West Academy may do the following ECAs except ______.
A.to play musical instruments
B.to raise money for an organization
C.to attend sports events
D.to have classes discussions
小题2:From what Adirienne said, we know that _______.
A.most of his classmates are interested in football
B.one can make many new friends in ECAs
C.students get encouraged to join in ECAs
D.half of his classmates are unwilling to join in ECAs.
小题3:Why are ECAs important now?
A.They prepare the students for their future.
B.They can make students get what they want.
C.they can help students find their strong points.
D.They can reduce students’ learning time.
小题4:From the last paragraph, we can infer that _______.
A.ECAs can increase your burden of learning
B.you may fall down when playing in ECAs
C.too many ECAs may leave you in trouble
D.you need to organize other students in ECAs


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Each new school year brings fresh reminders of what educators call the summer learning gap. Some call it the summer learning setback(退步). Simply speaking, it means the longer kids are out of school, the more they forget. The only thing they might gain is weight.
Most American schools follow a traditional nine-month calendar. Students get winter and spring breaks and about ten weeks of summer vacation. Some schools follow a year-round calendar. They hold classes for about eight weeks at a time, with a few weeks off in between. The National Association for Year-Round Education says there were fewer than three thousand such schools at last count. They were spread among forty-six of the fifty states.
But many experts point out that the number of class days in a year-round school is generally the same as in a traditional school. Lead researcher Paul von Hippel said, “Year-round schools don't really solve the problem of the summer learning setback. They simply spread it out across the year.”
Across the country, research shows that students from poor families fall farther behind over the summer than other students. Experts say this can be prevented. They note that many schools and local governments offer programs that can help.
But calling them “summer school” could be a problem. The director of the summer learning center at Johns Hopkins, Ron Fairchild, said research with groups of different parents in Chicago and Baltimore found that almost all strongly disliked the term “summer school”. In American culture, the idea of summer vacation is connected to beliefs about freedom and the joys of childhood. The parents welcomed other terms like “summer camp”, “enrichment”, “extra time” and “hands-on learning”.
小题1:According to the first paragraph the summer learning gap          .
A.helps children to gain weight
B.leads children to work harder
C.improves children’s memories
D.affects children’s regular studies
小题2:Compared to traditional schools, students in the year-round ones           .
A.perform better and have more learning gains
B.have much less time for relaxation every year
C.have generally the same number of class days
D.hold more classes with more free weeks off
小题3:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Students from poor families often fall behind after the vacation.
B.Year-round schools can solve the problem of the learning gap.
C.There are schools in each state following a year-round calendar.
D.Nothing can help the students who fall behind after the vacation.
小题4:Why did almost all parents dislike the term “summer school”?
A.They cherish the children’s rights of freedom very much.
B.They are worried about the quality of the “summer school”.
C.They want their children to be forced to make up the gap.
D.They can’t afford the further study during vacation.
小题5:What would be the best title of this passage?
A.Opening Summer Camps
B.Forbidding Summer Schools
C.Spreading Year-Round Education
D.Minding the Summer Learning Gap

