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In South America, the rich soil of the Amazon River basin(流域)in Brazil is known as “black gold”. Scientists found that the secret of this rich soil was charcoal(木炭). Local people made it from animal bones and tree branches. They mixed the charcoal with the soil about 1.500 years ago.
Now, scientists in the United States have done a modern demonstration. They say charcoal fertilization offers a revolutionary way to improve soil quality for hundreds or even thousands of years.
Mingxin Guo and his team at Delavare State University heated tree leaves, corn stalks(茎), small pieces of wood and poultry waste into “biochar”(生物碳). They reported their findings at a recent meeting of the American Chemical Society in New Orleans.
Biochar could be good news for farmers with poor soil and hungry populations to feed. Professor Guo says it could even help against global warming. Intensive(集约的) farming and overuse of chemical fertilizer give out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Biochar does the opposite, he says. It traps carbon in the ground.
The researchers planted winter wheat in containers of soil in a greenhouse — some with biochar, some without. Professor Guo says the wheat grows much better in the pots with biochar. The soil was added two percent charcoal to. But he says even a one percent treatment will increase productivity.
The results demonstrated that biochar can increase organic matter in soil. Loss of nutrients in soil is an increasing problem worldwide as farmers try to grow more food for growing populations.
Next, the team will carry out a five-year study of biochar with spinach(菠菜), green peppers and tomatoes.
Mingxin Guo says he learns about the “black gold” in Brazil from a magazine story. He explains that it was discovered in the jungle, in the area where waters flow to the Amazon, in the 1960’s. But it was not until recent years that scientists began to bring public attention to it.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The researchers will go on proving their theory.
B.The leading researcher learns the theory from the magazine.
C.Charcoal was discovered 1,500 years ago.
D.Common farming can produce more carbon dioxide.
小题2:Biochar has the following advantages EXCEPT that ________.
A.it can improve the condition of the soil
B.it can be used as a kind of energy
C.it can help against global warming
D.it can increase productivity of the corn
小题3:According to the research, the biochar can help against global warming because it can ________.
A.reduce the carbon dioxide
B.keep the carbon in the soil
C.reduce the loss of nutrients in the soil
D.absorb the carbon dioxide
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.Using Charcoal to Make soil into “Black Gold”
B.Using Charcoal to Reduce the Carbon Dioxide
C.How Amazon River Basin Produces “Golden Black”
D.Guo’s Research on Producing Biochar


小题1:A 推理题。根据文章倒数第二段Next, the team will carry out a five-year study of biochar with spinach(菠菜), green peppers and tomatoes.可知还有一个新的5年计划来研究生物碳。说明研究人员还将继续他们的研究。故A正确。
小题2:B 细节题。根据They say charcoal fertilization offers a revolutionary way to improve soil quality for hundreds or even thousands of years.和t could even help against global warming. Intensive(集约的) farming and overuse of chemical fertilizer give out carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Biochar does the opposite, he says. It traps carbon in the ground.和Professor Guo says the wheat grows much better in the pots with biochar. The soil was added two percent charcoal to. But he says even a one percent treatment will increase productivity.可知ACD三项都是生物碳的好处。只有B项文章没有提及。
小题3:B 细节题。根据文章第四段最后一句. It traps carbon in the ground.可知B项,也就是它能够让碳被保留在土壤里。故B正确。
小题4:A 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是科学家对于生物碳的研究,生物碳有很多的好处,能够让我们的土壤更肥沃,能够抵抗全球变暖还能增加产量。故A正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I give two examples as to why intelligent life may not actually exist, though I admit that for me, or even for a physicist who devoted his or her entire life to researching and studying the universe, it's shocking to claim that completely no life exists elsewhere.
Keeping that in mind, I'd just like to consider conditions elsewhere in the known universe. You really only need to look at our own solar system or the Earth at certain periods in its own history to appreciate that most places are much worse and much less suitable for life than our mild, watery globe.
So far, space scientists have discovered about seventy planets outside the solar. But it appears that if you wish to have a planet suitable for life, you just have to be very lucky, and the more advanced the life is, the luckier you'll have to be. I'm by no means a space observer, but I can recognize some particularly fortunate breaks we've had on the Earth. For example:
We are, to a degree, at the right distance from the perfect type of star, the one that is big enough to radiate a huge amount of energy, but not so big as to bum itself out quickly. Had our sun been ten times as huge, it would have burnt out completely after only ten million years, instead of ten billion and surely we would not exist. Too near, everything on the Earth would have boiled and withered away; any further, everything would have frozen over.
The universe is a surprising place, and our existence within it is a wonder. If a long and unimaginably complex sequence of events dating back 4.6 billion years or so hadn't happened in a particular manner at a particular time --if, to take just one example, the dinosaurs hadn't been wiped out by a meteor(流星)--we might still be a few centimeters long, with whisker(胡须) and a tail, and you'll be reading this in a cave somewhere.
小题1:What's the best title for this passage?
A.No Life Exists out of the Earth
B.Seventy Planets Discovered
C.A Place Full of Wonders
D.Perfect Conditions for Life
小题2:What makes the Earth more suitable for life than other planets in the solar system?
A.The Earth is the only planet that can receive energy from the sun.
B.The sun is at the right distance from us and in proper size.
C.The distance between the planets was neither too long nor too near.
D.The dinosaurs were no longer a threat to the Earth.
小题3:What does the underlined phrase "withered away" in the 4th paragraph mean?
A.Exploded.B.Expanded.C.Floated away.D.Dried and died.
小题4:Where does the text probably come from?
A.A history book.B.A magazine.C.A science fiction.D.A famous novel.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A study shows that nearly ninety percent of teens report that they have tried alcohol. That’s an increase of 23 percent in just four years!
Each year, 1.1 billion cans of beer are drunk by students aged 15-19 years old. Beer is the most common alcoholic drink among teens—81 percent of the drinkers had tried it. Beer is followed by wine with 63 percent, hard liquor(烈酒) with 53 percent and wine coolers with 35 percent.
When the young people are asked why they drank, the most common answer is that drinking is “something to do”. If a teen’s parents drink alcohol, the teenager is more likely to start drinking at an early age. Also, tens see all of their friends drinking alcohol so they think it is the must-to-do thing. Peer pressure is probably the hardest thing teens have to deal with. What’s more, teens often drink alcohol because it makes them feel older and cooler.
Researchers asked 56,000 students about their drinking habits and grades, to see how drinking might affect their grades in school. The results seem to be clear. Students who got a C level or lower tend to use three times as much alcohol as those who got B’s or A’s.
Alcohol use can be deadly. About 8,100 young people are killed per year in alcohol-related accidents. Eight young people die per day as a result of a drunk-driving accident. Between 50 and 65 percent of all teen suicides (自杀) occur after the young people drink.
So you see, drinking the alcohol doesn’t always end up with a good time. The next time you try to push someone to drink or someone tries to push you to drink, please remember this. One drink can set the habit for life. Why not throw it away?
小题1:The reasons for teens’ drinking alcohol are mentioned EXCEPT that _______________.
A.they think it is cool to drink alcohol
B.their parents set a bad example to them
C.alcohol can make them happier
D.peer pressure plays an important role
小题2:What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.Drinking alcohol makes students stupid.
B.Good students never try alcohol.
C.Drinking habits have something to do with IQ.
D.Students with poor grades tend to use more alcohol.
小题3:The passage was written mainly to ______________________.
A.show the bad effect of drinking alcohol
B.show how many teenagers drink alcohol
C.tell teenagers not to try alcohol
D.tell the reasons why teenagers drink alcohol.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Passage 1
The information Highway is the road that links computer users to a large number of on-line services; the Web, e-mail, and software, to mention just a few. Not long ago, the information Highway was a new road, with not many users. Now, everyone seems to want to take a drive, with over 30 million families connected worldwide. Not surprisingly, this well-traveled highway is starting to look like a well-traveled highway. Traffic jams can cause many serious problems, forcing the system to close down for repair. Naturally, accidents will happen on such a crowed road, and usually victims are some files, gone forever. Then, of course, there’s Mr. Cool, with his new broad-band connection, who speeds down the highway faster than most of us can go. But don’t trick yourself; he pays for that speeding.
Passage 2
Want to know more about global warming and how you can help prevent it? Doctor Herman Friedman, who is considered a leading expert on the subject, will speak at Grayson Hall next Friday. Friedman studied environmental science at three well-known universities around the world before becoming a professor in the subject. He has also traveled around the world observing environmental concerns. The gradual bleaching (变白) of the Grate Barrier Reef, which came into the public eye in 2002, in his latest interest. Signed copies of his colorful book, which was published just last month, will be on sale after his talk.
小题1:The Information Highway________.   
A.appeals to a large number of users
B.is crowded with car drivers
C.offers just a few on-line services]
D.is free from traffic accidents
小题2:How does MR .Cool manage to travel the Information Highway so fast?
A.By storing fewer files.
B.By repair the system.
C.By using a broad-band connection.
D.By buying a better computer.
小题3:What can be learned from Passage 2?
A.There will be a book show at Grayson Hall
B.Friedman is now studying the Great Barrier Reef.
C.Friedman is a leading expert on computer science.
D.There will be a talk on global warming this week.
小题4:Passage 2 is most probably       
A.An ad for a new book.
B.A poster about a lecture.
C.A note to a doctor in a university.
D.An introduction to a professor.
小题5:According to the passage, which of the following statement is not true?
A.Doctor Herman Friedman is a famous expert on environmental science.
B.A new book has been published recently by Doctor Herman Friedman.
C.The colorful new book, signed by him, will be sold before the talk.
D.Doctor Herman Friedman has studied the changes of the Grate Barrier Reef.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

As a result of pollution, Lake Erie, on the borders of the USA and Canada, is now without many living things.
Pollution in water is not simply a matter of “poisons” killing large numbers of fish overnight. Very often the effects of pollution are not noticed for many months or years because the first organisms (生物体) to be affected are either plants or plankton (浮游生物). These organisms are the food of fish, birds, and other creatures. When this food disappears, the fish and birds die too. In this way a whole food chain can be wiped out, and it is not until dead fish and water birds are seen at the river’s edge or on the sea shore that people realize what is happening.
Where do the substances which pollute water come from? There are two main sources, sewage(污水) and industrial waste. As more detergent (洗涤剂)is used in homes, more of it is finally put into our rivers, lakes and seas.  Detergents harm water birds by breaking down the natural substances which keep their feathers waterproof. Sewage itself, if not properly treated, makes the water dirty and prevents all forms of life in rivers and the sea from receiving the oxygen they need. Industrial waste is even more harmful since there are many highly poisonous materials in it, such as copper and lead.
So if we want to stop this pollution, the answer is simple. Sewage and industrial waste must be made clean before flowing into the water reservoirs. It may already be too late to save some rivers and lakes, but others can still be saved if the correct action is taken at once.
小题1:Pollution in water is noticed ________.
A.when the first organisms are affected
B.when many fish and birds die
C.when poisons are poured into water
D.As soon as the balance of nature is destroyed
小题2:Living things die in a lake or river because there is no ________.
小题3:The underlined word “waterproof” in the third paragraph means “         ”.
A.full of waterB.not allowing water to go through
C.covered with waterD.cleaned by water
小题4:Which of the following things is /are harmful according to the passage?
A.Industrial waste and chemicalsB.Water in the river
C.Coal and woodD.plastic


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

How to Tell If Someone Is Happy or Sad on the Phone
Scientists have come up with some researches on what makes different types of people“tick”.
The scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed new mobile phone technology called Emotion Sense that can tell if a caller is happy, angry or sad.
Scientists hope to fit the speech recognition system to standard mobile phones and use it to determine emotions—it will also use a GPS tracking system to log where the call is made.
 And they’ve already made some pretty major breakthroughs into really getting under the skin of us humans.
The results from the pilot scheme make interesting scientific reading. Among the key revelations (﹦facts) are that callers feel happier at home and sadder at work.
To break it down, scientifically, it shows 45 percent of all emotions produced at home are “happy”and 54 percent of emotions at work are “sad”.
Meanwhile, people show more “intense”(﹦nervous) emotions in the evening than they do in the morning.
Of course, this could just be because most people feel too tired in the morning to get overly “intense”. Eating breakfast and getting to work on time is usually enough of an achievement.
Anyway, the Emotion Sense technology has been developed by psychologists(心理学家) and computer scientists who say it uses speech recognition software and phone sensors(传感器) attached to standard smart phones to judge how callers’ emotions are changed by everyday factors.
The sensors analyze voice samples and these are then divided into five categories: happiness, sadness, fearfulness, anger or neutral-—boredom or passivity(消极) would fit into this last category.
小题1:How many emotions can the sensors tell?
小题2:What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.Scientists have put something testing people’s emotions under humans’ skin.
B.There were some breakthroughs in this technology in getting something from people’s skin.
C.In this technology, people’s skin was broken through.
D.There were improvements in testing people’s emotions.
小题3:Why do most people feel less intense in the morning than in the evening?
A.Because morning is the start of a new day.
B.because they feel too tired in the morning.
C.Because of humans’ physiological structure.
D.Because of the fresh air and bright sunlight.
小题4:Which of the following hasn’t been put into the standard mobile phones?
A.Speech recognition software.B.Phone sensors.
C.GPS sensors.D.Translation system.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Pollutants coming from automobile operation have begun to cause many environmental problems. It has been calculated, for example, that 70% of the carbon monoxide(一氧化碳), 45% of the nitrogen oxides(氮氧化合物), and 34% of the hydrocarbon (碳氢化合物) pollution in the United States can be traced directly to automobile exhausts (废气). In addition, rubber, motor oil and other materials accumulate on roadways and are washed into streams, with effects nearly as serious as those of untreated waste water.
In an effort to improve the situation, the U.S. government has made regulations on the use of the constituents (成分) of automobile exhaust gas that are known to cause air pollution. These constituents fall roughly into three types: hydrocarbons that pass through the engine unburned; carbon monoxide, also a product of incomplete burning; and nitrogen oxides which are formed when nitrogen and oxygen are in contact at high temperatures. Besides their own poisonous character, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react in the presence of sunlight to form harmful smog. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are rather easily controlled by the use of higher burning temperatures in engines. Unfortunately, the conditions that produce minimum emission of hydrocarbons tend to raise emission of nitrogen oxides. In a way this difficulty is solved by adding recycled exhaust gas to the fuel mixture, thus avoiding the oversupply of oxygen that favors formation of nitrogen oxides.
California, which has the most strict air-pollution laws in the United States, requires further special compounding of gas to control emissions, and several states have ordered that alcohol be mixed with gas, as this will reduce emissions of the carbon monoxide by 35 per cent and the hydrocarbons by 15 per cent.
小题1:The author uses figures in Paragraph 1 ________.
A.to reflect the rapid growth of automobile use
B.to highlight the importance of environment protection
C.to show the consequence of automobile exhausts
D.to criticize the low quality of cars
小题2:How are nitrogen oxides formed according to the text?
A.Nitrogen and oxygen are put together in great heat.
B.Carbon monoxide and oxygen are mixed together.
C.Hydrocarbons pass through the engine.
D.Nitrogen is burned incompletely.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.Carbon monoxide can be controlled in the engine.
B.Smog will form when hydrocarbons meet nitrogen oxides in the sunlight.
C.Hydrocarbons have no poisonous character themselves.
D.The conditions that decease emission of hydrocarbons will increase emission of nitrogen oxides.
小题4:According to the text, alcohol is added to gas in order to ______.
A.increase awareness of environment protection
B.control air pollution
C.increase the fuel efficiency
D.replace gas gradually


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Shopping green can make an important contribution to protecting the planet and conserving its resources.
Today’s consumer faces a wider range of choices than ever before, Add to that the steady stream of sales campaigns, and shopping smart only gets harder. To buy economically and reduce waste, safeguard health and protect the environment, you’ll need to follow some basic principles and have a clear idea of what you want.
1. Do Your Homework
Before making any major purchase, take the time to research it. Plentiful resources are usually available online. Avoid buying in a hurry, and don’t be persuaded by overenthusiastic salespeople. Sleep on it if necessary—you won’t regret giving yourself some extra time to think.
2. Take the Long View
Consider the running costs as well as the initial price of any item you buy. Many environmentally friendly products cost more to buy, but save you money in the long run. Choose items that are made to last. For example, pick a sofa that has a hardwood or steel frame rather than one made of softwood, which may break easily.
3. Skip the Disposable Option
Buy reusable products like washable cloth towels, handkerchiefs, serviettes(餐巾)and cleaning cloths rather than paper, single-use varieties. Avoid other disposable supplies like cups, glasses, and chopsticks, too.
4. Take the Local Route
Buy local products that are in season. It’s usually cheaper and fresher and has less harm to the environment. Markets and roadside stands are good sources. Some supermarkets also buy from local producers. Support it if you have one.
5. Avoid Wasteful Packaging
Better not buy products that have too much packaging. It’s estimated that approximately 10 percent of every shopping bill is actually paying for packaging—which you normally just throw away! Moreover, significant amounts of energy are used in the production of packaging. Purchasing refillable and renewable containers can also help cut this kind of waste.
小题1:What could be the best title for this passage?
A.Protection of the Planet
B.Green Shopping Principles
C.Environmentally Friendly Products
D.Resource Conservation
小题2:The underlined phrase “sleep on it” has the similar meaning with      .
A.think it overB.forget about it
C.set it asideD.put it into action
小题3:Why does the author advise us to buy lasting products?
A.Because they are less expensive to buy.
B.Because they save money in the long run.
C.Because they will never break.
D.Because they are local products.
小题4:Which of the following can be considered green shopping?
A.Following the stream of sales campaigns.
B.Buying disposable chopsticks.
C.Focusing on packaging.
D.Purchasing from local markets.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Teaching a child to read at a young age gives him a valuable start in life. Reading is the basic part of education and a child’s reading ability will influence his school success greatly. Learning difficulties, many of which begin from poor reading skills, can damage a school child’s confidence and affect his future achievement. Young children are programmed to learn and they can learn better with encouragement. Ten to twenty minutes of reading a day still leaves plenty of time for play.
Many parents are concerned that learning to read is too challenging a task for a pre-school child, but they should also remember that most children learn to speak by the time they are 3. Learning a language is probably the single most challenging task any individual can undertake, yet children do it without formal instruction, achieving the fluency much better than adult language students.
There is a window of opportunity in terms of IQ development, which is most open during a child’s early years. A scientific study, carried out by Dr. Peter Huttenlocher at the University of Chicago, showed that the number of connectors, called synapses(神经元突触), between the nerve endings in a newborn baby’s brain is similar to the number in the average adult brain. These synapses increase rapidly during early childhood. By 12-24 months a child’s brain has about 50% more synapses than the average adult brain. After that the synapses which are not in use begin to atrophy(衰退). For most people, from age 16, the number remains steady. It begins to drop again as we move into our golden years. Doing intellectual activities at a young age, such as learning to read, can stimulate(刺激)and preserve these connectors in the brain resulting in a long-term beneficial(有益的)effect on IQ development.
Another notable study is probably the Milwaukee project. This study took a group of babies, all of whose mothers had low IQs, and gave them special training for seven hours a day, five days a week, until they started first grade. By the age of 6 these children had an average IQ 30 points higher than their contemporaries. The overwhelming conclusion is that the early intellectual stimulation can have a positive, long-term effect on a child’s brain development.
From birth you should talk to and explain things to your baby. Reading to him can be a wonderful way of spending quality time with your child. The enjoyment of books and being familiar with the idea of print will pave the way for(为……铺平道路)learning to read later.
If your child is a fast learner you can help him realize his potential by introducing him to the joy of the printed word at an early age. This will lay the foundations(基础)for both a high achieving school career and a lifelong love of reading. If your child shows early signs of reading difficulties, your efforts may help him get rid of such problems before he goes to school.
It can be difficult to teach your own child because emotional(引起情绪激动的)issues arise easily. Online programs for learning to read English are excellent options. They allow children to repeat new materials as many times as they need to, without wearing out the parents’ patience.
小题1:What does the passage mainly discuss?
A.Children should be taught to read at an early age.
B.Children can read better than most adult students.
C.Children have more synapses than most adults.
D.Children are supposed to learn to read on the Internet.
小题2:Why does the author mention the study by Dr. Peter Hutten locher?
A.To remove parents’ worry.
B.To explain IQ development.
C.To explain how a baby’s brain works.
D.To show the parents’ wrong ideas.
小题3:How can children benefit from learning to read at a young age?
A.It can build up great confidence in their mind.
B.It can help preserve the connectors in their brains.
C.It can help produce more connectors in their brains.
D.It can help them find both their weaknesses and strengths.
小题4:At the end of this passage the author advises _______.
A.parents not to get angry too often
B.children to enjoy reading as early as possible
C.children not to wear out their parents’ patience
D.parents to get their children to take an online program

