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Angry survivors(幸存者)demanded answers on Sunday after a terrible accident at “Love Parade 2010”, a music festival in Germany, killed 19 people and left hundreds hurt.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her shock over Saturday’s tragedy in the western city of Duisburg., “This was a very sad day,” Merkel said.
Witnesses(目击者)said that people pushed into the narrow tunnel, the only entrance to the Love Parade festival, from both sides until it was dangerously overcrowded. The panic began as festival-goers began to lose consciousness(意识)as they were crushed against the walls and each other. The dead included eight foreigners, from Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, China, Bosnia and Spain. More than 340 people were injured.
After the panic, a lot of emergency vehicles(救援交通工具), including helicopters, could be seen carrying away the injured people. The festival itself, however, went on. Police were afraid that ending the music altogether could cause further unrest among the crowd.
“The event was a real mess,” Patrick Guenter, a 22-year-old baker, said. “Although the festival was full, they kept letting people in,” he added. “It seems the organizers didn’t plan the route. And no one knew what was going on.” said Taggart Bowen-Gaddy, 20, an American from Philadelphia.
Officials said 4,000 police officers and 1,000 security guards provided security for the event, which attracted up to 1.4 million people.
“I warned one year ago that Duisburg was not a suitable place for the Love Parade. The city is too small and narrow for such events. It is a pity that…” German police union chief Rainer Wendt said.
The chief organizer, Rainer Schaller, said the popular event would never be held again, “out of respect for the victims and their families”.
小题1:How many Germans were killed in the stampede at “Love Parade 2010”?
小题2: How did the German Chancellor Angela Merkel feel about the tragedy?
A.She was very disappointed.B.She was very surprised.
C.She was very puzzled.D.She was very touched.
小题3: According to Patrick Guenter and Taggart Bowen-Gaddy, _______.
A.the event was well-organized
B.the performance was wonderful
C.Duisburg was suitable for the Love Parade
D.the organization was very bad
小题4: We can infer from the passage that _____.
A.Rainer Wendt’s warning went unnoticed
B.Rainer Wendt was a chief organizer of “Love Parade 2010”
C.the popular event would be held in the next year
D.Duisburg is a suitable place for the Love Parade
小题5: According to the passage, we learn that ______.
A.the Love Parade has been canceled forever
B.the Love Parade is a very popular sport event
C.the festival was ended after the panic
D.there are many entrances to the Love Parade


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Kenya is losing an average of 100 of its 2,000 lions each year because of growing human settlements, increasing farming, climate change and diseases, according to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).
“Lions have a special place in Kenyans’ life,” said Paul Udoto, a spokesman for the organization.  “Other than being the symbol of national strength, they are among the Big Five, a main attraction for visitors to Kenya.”
There were 2,749 lions in Kenya in 2002 and their population dropped to 2,280 by 2004 and to about 2,000 today, according to KWS figures.
“The fall of the lion population is worrying and every effort needs to be made to make sure that Kenya either protects its population of 2,000 lions at present or increases the numbers to an ecologically (生态上地) acceptable level,” said Mr. Udoto.
“There is no doubt that the numbers are in free fall. I’d be surprised if they even last as long as 20 years,” said Laurence Frank, project director of Living With Lions, a Kenya-based animal protection organization. “When I first came here 30 years ago, I would always hear lions roaring across the land at night and see their tracks in the morning. Now that is very rare.”
“The reason is simple. As the numbers of people grow and the numbers of cows increase, they take up much of the lion’s space. Alongside that there are other ways, including poisoning, to kill lions.”
Animal lovers are making a new strategy to save the animals. Part of the measures will include tracking lions fitted with radio collars (无线电项圈) in the Amboseli area in southern Kenya, close to the border with Tanzania.
Wildlife officials in Tanzania face similar challenges in protecting their lions, but there is far less human encroachment(侵犯) on the animals’ homeland there than in Kenya.
小题1:The lion population is falling in Kenya for the following reasons EXCEPT __________.
A.climate changeB.too many visitorsC.diseaseD.human activities
小题2:In Paragraph 2, Paul Udoto wants to show __________.
A.the importance of lions in Kenya
B.the tourist attractions in Kenya
C.Kenyan’s special lifestyle
D.Kenya’s national symbol
小题3:We know from Laurence Frank’s words that __________.
A.lions are losing their attraction for visitors to Kenya
B.the lion population will be controlled from now on
C.lions will disappear within twenty years in Kenya if not protected
D.more cows are needed to feed lions in Kenya
小题4: What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Kenya is losing its Big Five.
B.Kenyan wildlife is in danger.
C.Lions face extinction in Kenya.
D.Lions’ place in Kenyans’ life is falling.
小题5:What will the following passage most probably talk about?
A.Lions’ past living condition in Kenya.
B.Ways of improving lions’ condition.
C.Radio collars tracing lions.
D.Lions’ present living condition in Tanzania


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The dyed bun scandal (染色馒头丑闻) deals another blow to shoppers' confidence in buying food products, as well as the reputation of local sellers. Li Zhen reports on shoppers’ reactions in Shanghai.
An investigation by the municipal government revealed that Shanghai Shenglu Food Company produced more than 3,000 steamed buns daily. These were then sold across the city, including large supermarkets such as Hualian, Lianhua and Dia.
Fewer steamed buns were for sale at this Lianhua Supermarket. More than 32,000 buns were taken off store shelves when the scandal emerged.
Mr. Wang, Sales Manager of Lianhua Supermarket, said, “We removed the dyed steamed buns produced by Shenglu as soon as we learned of the incident. We gave customers who had bought the steamed buns from our outlets refunds with their receipts. Despite the scandal, our sales volume has been fine so far.”
However, most customers we met remained concerned about food safety. Steamed buns are a regular breakfast food for Ms. Gao. She used to buy them mostly from supermarkets because she felt it was in a clean and safe environment.
But now, she has second thoughts about buying the popular snack.
Ms. Gao, Shanghai shopper, said, “I can’t believe that even steamed buns from the supermarkets are no longer safe. The only places I trusted to shop at were major supermarkets and specialist shops. But now even there, product quality cannot be guaranteed. I really don't know where to buy my goods from in the future.
Shoppers at supermarkets who still bought steamed buns said they had few options. “I feel like giving up supermarkets. But I really don’t know where to do my food shopping. I can't make these things myself.” said Ms. Tang, Shanghai shopper.
小题1:The colored buns were sold in some large supermarkets EXCEPT ______.
A.HualianB.Lianhua C.ShengluD.Dia
小题2: What Ms. Gao and Ms. Tang said suggests that ______.
A.they still trust major supermarkets when shopping
B.they will make food by themselves
C.they will never go to supermarkets
D.they feel confused about where to buy safe food
小题3:The underlined word in the last paragraph can be replaced by ______.
A.choices B.ideas C.hintsD.marks
小题4:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Major supermarkets removed the dyed steamed buns.
B.Dyed steamed buns brought great loss to major supermarkets.
C.Famous supermarkets are involved in the bun scandal.
D.Dyed bun scandal hurts consumers’ confidence.
小题5:Where can you most probably read the passage?
A.In a fashion magazine.B.In a newspaper.C.In a guideline book.D.In an official document.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

1. 我细细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。
I ___________________the text and realized that it was __________________ women in the countryside.
2. 我发现林巧稚把毕生都奉献给了病人,而自己却选择了独身。
I discovered that Lin Qiaozhi __________ her patients and had chosen not to have a family ___________.
3. 多亏了他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中又多了些方法。
______________his research, the UN has more tools in the battle ______________.
4. 他们主要是想保持土壤肥沃且免受病害。
They ______________ keeping their soil ___________________.
5. 在人们感到沮丧的时候,他可以使他们开怀大笑,于是他们就对自己的生活感到比较满足。
He made people laugh at a time when they ______________, so they could feel _____________their lives.
6. 不是所有文化背景下的人都以同样方式寒暄,接触陌生人时,距离太近或太远都会使他们不舒服。
Not all cultures ______________________the same way, _____________________ in the same way with
touching or distance between people.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

About 809 primary school pupils from Southwest China’s quake-hit Sichuan Province arrived in eastern Shandong Province on a special train to attend classes there. The pupils, all from Leigu Township, Beichuan County, a badly-hit area in Sichuan, will study for about two months in schools in Shandong’s capital city of Jinan.
They have been arranged to study in four schools in Jinan and enjoy free schooling, food and accommodation. Each pupil would be given a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan. “To let them come to Jinan is not only for study, but also for recovery from the quake trauma (精神创伤).” said Zou Shiping, Jinan’s vice mayor. In Mingzhu Primary School in Jinan, a wall of pictures became a special way for the local pupils to welcome their friends from the quake zone. Dormitories were also specially decorated for them.
“This is the best meal that I have had for a long time.” a student from Wenchuan said after her first breakfast in the new place. Huang Zujie, Jinan Education Bureau’s deputy director, said, “We will let the children feel just as they are in their hometown.” Huang said the schools had invited chefs of Sichuan cuisine to let the pupils taste their familiar hometown meals. A second group of about 500 middle school students from Sichuan will soon come to Jinan for classes.
小题1:Where did those 809 primary school pupils arrive?
A.Hebei Province.B.Qing Dao.C.JinanD.Beichuan County.
小题2:Which statement below is RIGHT?
A. Students come to Jinan for study.
B. Students come to Jinan for recovery from the quake trauma.
C. Students come to Jinan for a visit.
D. Both A and B.
小题3:Which statement is NOT true according to the short passage?
A.The pupils needn’t pay for food and they will eat Shandong meals.
B.A second group of 500 middle school students from Sichuan will soon come to Jinan for classes.
C.Pupils from Leigu Township were arranged to study in four schools in Jinan.
D.Each pupil would be given a monthly subsidy of 30 yuan.
小题4:How many students from Sichuan Province will come to Jinan for classes altogether?
A. About 1,309.   About 809.       C. About 500.       D. About 2,000.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Chilean rescued miner Edison Pena ran the New York City Marathon on November 7th , less than a month after he was rescued from a collapsed (坍塌的) mine that trapped him and the other 32 miners for 69 days. Pena ran 10 km daily through the mine’s tunnels (巷道) to beat the anxiety, wearing cut-down boots until rescuers sent him a pair of sports shoes through a narrow hole that served as the miners’ “lifeline” to the surface.
“When I ran in the darkness, I was running for life,” Pena told a news conference in New York. “I was running to show that I wasn’t just waiting around. I also wanted God to see that I really wanted to live.” The miners were discovered alive on August 22---17 days after the mine collapsed, but it took many more days for rescuers to dig a hole big enough to bring them out.
The New York Road Runners, which organizes the marathon, had invited Edison Pena to the event after hearing his story. They thought he could ride in the lead vehicle or hold the finish line tape, but Pena said last week he did not want to watch, he wanted to run. “I was very eager to take on this big challenge,” he said. “I wanted to show the world I could run.” He hoped to run the 26.2-mile race in about six hours. “I have a knee injury, but I am eager to cross the finish line,” he said.    
An Elvis Presley fan who asked rescuers to send the singer’s music down into the mine, Pena broke into song at the news conference with the Presley hit Return to Sender.
On the morning of November 7th, Pena, known as “the runner” by fellow miners trapped with him, set out to cover the course along with thousands of other runners and completed the race in five hours and 40 minutes.
小题1:When trapped underground, Pena ran a long way every day to _______.
A.find a way to get outB.dig a lifeline to the ground
C.keep himself from coldnessD.get rid of his uneasy feelings
小题2: According to the passage, Pena _______.
A.was not expected to run the marathon at first
B.failed to achieve the goal he had set for the marathon
C.wore sports shoes while working underground
D.was asked to sing a Presley’s song at a news conference
小题3: During the rescue of the Chilean trapped miners, the digging of the escape hole lasted about _________.
A.17 daysB.22 daysC.52 daysD.69 days
小题4:Pena can be best described as _________.
A.smart-minded B.strong-willedC.hard-working D.warm-hearted


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Smoking not only can wrinkle (起皱纹) the face and tarn it yellow—it can do the same to the whole body, researchers reported on Monday.
The study, published in the Archives of Dermatology, shows that smoking affects the skin all over the body—even skin protected from the sun.
"We examined non - facial skin that was protected from the sun, and found that the total number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day and the total years a person has smoked were linked with the amount of skin damage a person experienced," Dr.Yolanda Helfrich of the University of Michigan, who led the study, said in a statement.
"In participants older than 65 years, smokers had significantly more fine wrinkling than nonsmokers.Similar findings were seen in participants aged 45 to 65 years," Helfrich "s team added in their report.
The researchers tested 82 people, smokers and nonsmokers, taking pictures of the inner right arms. They ranged, in age from 22 to 91 and half were smokers.Independent judges decided how wrinkled each person' s skin was.
When skin is exposed to sunlight, notably the face, it becomes coarse, wrinkled and discolored with a pale yellow tint, Helfrich ' s team wrote.
Several previous studies have found that cigarette smoking contributes to premature(过早的)skin aging as measured by facial wrinkles, the study said, but little has been done to measure the aging of skin not exposed to light.
The report did not discuss die mechanism involved but previous research has found that cigarette smoke, among other things, causes blood vessels (血管) beneath the skin to constrict (紧缩), reducing blood supply to the skin.
Smoking can also damage the connective tissue that supports both die skin and the internal organs,.
小题1:When your skin is exposed to sunlight long, it-becomes all of the following but _____.
小题2:How wrinkled a person's skin is doesn't relate to _____.
A.the number of cigarettes a person smokes.
B.the kind and characteristics of skin
C.how long a person smokes
D.how long skin is under sunlight
小题3:From the passage smoking results in skin aging mainly because _____.
A.it will lower blood supply to skin
B.it can make you feel tired
C.it can make skin come off
D.it can make blood run faster
小题4:The main purpose of the passage is to _____.
A.inform people about the result of the study
B.advise people how to protect skin
C.warn people not to smoke again
D.introduce a new way of avoid skin aging


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

MIANYANG—At a corner of the city’s Jiuzhou Stadium, one of the biggest camps set up for those left homeless in the earthquake, 62-year-old Liu Yaorong was leaning against a window on Thursday.
Pointing to a quilt and clothes he received from the local government, he said: “These are all I have. My home collapsed in the quake, and everything in the town was flooded.”
He used to live in Xuanping town of Beichuan county which was destroyed by the quake. Adding to his misery, rivers blocked by landslides(山崩) led to flooding in the town.
But Liu said he was lucky because he was healthy, otherwise he would not have the energy to walk 10 hours on damaged and dangerous mountainous roads to escape the flood on Monday. He said the trip used to take him about 90 minutes when the roads were in good condition.
The journey was difficult and “rocks kept falling,” he said, showing injured legs and black, split toenails.
Liu said his three sons were working in eastern cities as migrant workers.
“I’ve been living alone in the mountains for more than 20 years. My wife died 30 years ago,” he said in a low voice.
During his journey to Mianyang, Liu said he saw many elderly people who chose to stay.
“Soldiers were persuading them to leave for fear of floods,” he said.
Talking about his home before the quake struck, Liu’s mood lifted. “I raised pigs and chickens, and grew vegetables. I could have rice, meat and greens almost every day,” he said.
“But now, I have only biscuits and instant noodles.”
Liu said one of his sons returned home from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, after the quake, but left because the father refused to go with him.
“I don’t want to leave home. And I know it is difficult for them out there. How could I add to their burden?” he asked, his eyes red.
“I still want to go back to my home. Given a small piece of land, I could live by myself.”
It is learnt that resettlement plans for displaced people have not been finalized.
However, not every elderly person is as strong-willed as Liu.
Psychologists said the elderly need as much comfort as children. Lu Jianguo, a psychologist from Chengdu Medical College, said “We will first let them cry and tell their stories, and then help them regain confidence.”
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Liu Yaorong spent 8.5 hours more than usual covering the roads in escaping the flood.
B.The flood was followed by an earthquake in Xuanping in the same day.
C.Liu Yaorong was in time to escape the quake without being hurt.
D.Being healthy, Liu Yaorong was the only old man to escape the flood.
小题2:The underlined word “ misery  ”in the third paragraph most probably means “      ”.
小题3:What’s Liu Yaorong’s attitude towards self-relief after the earthquake?
小题4: What would be the best title for the news report?
A.Elderly react more quickly to flood disaster
B.Elderly try hard to deal with quake disaster
C.Elderly prefer to stay at their own home
D.Elderly are well cared for by government


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

LONDON (Reuters Life!) ---- Forget about talking your children into considering life as a doctor or a teacher and start training them for the talent show.
A survey of British parents showed the aspirations (志向) of their children are greatly different from what they dreamed about when considering who they wanted to be when they grew up.
Although astronaut (宇航员) still remains fairly high on the list of careers (事业) kids dream about these days, others like doctor and teacher have been taken the place of by the desire (欲望) to win good name and money as a sporting hero, pop star or actor.
The parents of children aged 5 to 11 said the choice of lawyer had dropped by only one place on a top 10 list to sixth, while teacher had dropped to ninth from top in the last 25 or more years.
The survey for British TV channel “Watch” found a great difference between the genders (性别) of today’s young people when compared with their parents’ dreams 25 years or more ago.
Playing professional football, being an astronaut and joining the firefighting service topped the boys’ choices, while girls are more likely to be dreaming of taking to the stage as a pop star or actress or joining the medical profession.
When asked what they would like their children to do for a living, today’s parents still like the academic (学术的) professions (职业), with law and medicine scoring highly, while being a boss came third.
Parents also praised job happiness above wealth (财富) when it comes to their hopes for their children.
Nearly 70 percent of the parents surveyed thought that they failed to follow their dreams when it came to their career, with 37 percent thinking it was caused by a lack of aspiration and not having the necessary conditions.
1. From the passage we know that most parents still hope that in the future their children can take up ______.
A. jobs such as musicians, singers and dancers
B. jobs related to academic professions like lawyers and doctors
C. jobs in which they will not be endangered
D. jobs which will be well paid only
2. The first paragraph is to advise parents to ______.
A. change their children’s dreams     B. correct their children’s dreams
C. follow their children’s dreams         D. forget their children’s dreams
3. According to the survey for British TV channel “Watch”, which of the following is the boys’ best career choice?
A. A pop star      B. An actor        C. A doctor         D. A firefighter 
4. What can be learnt from the passage?
A. Parents’ hope for their children’s career did not change too much.
B. Parents pay much attention to the income of their children.
C. Less than half of the parents who were surveyed didn’t follow their dreams.
D. Most parents didn’t have the necessary conditions to realize their dreams.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Many reasons cause the change of children’s dreams.
B. Parents’ dreams are different from children’s.
C. Parents are changing their own dreams.
D. Children’s dreams are always changing.

