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     Facebook, the world's biggest social networking site, is celebrating its sixth birthday. The site's founder, Mark Zuckergerg, states that Facebook will continue to work as hard as it has worked in the last six years in order to stay the web's number one communication site.
     The company started in a dorm room in 2004. Today it has 150 million active users, more than the 130 million of its competitor MySpace.
     Facebook is different from other social networking sites because you can communicate with people you really know and trust. Before, most people didn't want to share their real identities online. Facebook has
given people a safe and trusted environment for people to interact online. It has changed the way people
view the world. A friend from any country is only a few clicks away.
     It was back in February 2004 when Zuckerberg started "the Facebook" from a Harvard student's
room. The aim was to help students get in touch with each other over the Internet. Within 24 hours over a
thousand students had signed up and soon after that the network spread out to other universities.
     By 2005 a research study showed that about 85% of the students in the network had a Facebook
account. Another survey showed that Facebook was almost as important as an iPod. At the end of 2005
Facebook came to the UK. And up to today the site has been translated into 35 languages.
     Six years after its start, Facebook has escaped the universities and colleges. More than half of its users are not at college any more and the fastest growing group are the 30 to 40-year-olds. Every day 15 million users update their profiles to tell their friends and the world what's happening to them. They also share
photos, upload videos, chat, make friends, join groups and simply have fun.
1. Facebook is different from other social networking sites mainly because _______.
A. it is set up by Zuckerberg in a dorm room                                        
B. it has changed the way people view the world                                    
C. it makes people communicate with each other online                              
D. it provides a safe and trusted environment to communicate online                
2. Which of the following is NOT true about Facebook?                              
A. It's the world's biggest social networking site.                              
B. The site of Facebook has been translated into 35 languages.                      
C. The number of its active users is 20 million more than My Space today.          
D. Facebook is considered more important than iPod to the students of the UK.      
3.On the Facebook the users can update their profiles besides ______.            
a. uploading videosb. enjoying picturesc. joining groups              
d. shopping on linee. chatting with friendsf. making new friends        
A. abcde                                                                            
B. abcef                                                                            
C. acdef                                                                            
D. abcdf                                                                            
4. The passage mainly discusses _______.                                            
A. when Facebook is started                                                 
B. what Facebook is used for                                                        
C. how Facebook is developed                                               
D. why Facebook is so popular                                                      

科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     It was 1504,and Columbus was making another trip to the New World. Columbus and his men
needed fresh water and food after three months at sea. They saw an island and went on shore. On
the island there were unfriendly Indians who refused to give food to them. Columbus' men were
afraid of the Indians, but he had a clever plan. He used sign language to tell the Indians about his
mysterious (神秘的) power to turn off the light in the sky. He knew about a lunar eclipse (月蚀)
the next night because the information was in his almanac (天文历书). Columbus told the Indians,
" Tomorrow night I'll turn off the light in the sky." But they didn't believe him . When the eclipse
began the next night ,the Indians became very frightened . They begged Columbus to turn on the
light again , and they quickly gave him all the food and water he wanted. Immediately Columbus
and his men hurried back to the ship and sailed away in the moonless night.
1.Columbus and his men stopped at the island because_______________.
A. they wanted to meet the Indians there
B. they hoped to get supplies of food and water
C. they had never been on the island before
D. they had planned to visit it          
2.The Indians ___________ Columbus and his men.
A. were glad to see      
B. were kind to
C. welcomed            
D. were not kind to
3.Columbus ________ to tell the Indians that he had mysterious power.
A. used movements of hands and expressions in his face
B. spoke in the language of the Indians
C. drew a lot of signs
D. wrote in the language of the Indians
4."The light in the sky " here means __________.
A. the sun    
B. the moon    
C. the stars    
D. the daylight
5.The Indians gave Columbus food and water because they _________.
A. believed Columbus was a man with mysterious power
B. were interested in Columbus' trip
C. wanted to help Columbus
D. were clever


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Jim Carrey is one of the most recognized faces in the world-and certainly because of his rubbery face.
     Born in Ontario, Canada on January 17th, 1962 to a poor family, young Jim Carrey led a tough life, yet
one good thing came out of it. He developed a great sense of humor to cope with life. At 15, he started
performing at a Toronto comedy club. Later he moved to LA and soon came to the attention of Rodney and
went on his tour.
     Jim Carrey got his big break in 1990 0n the comedy show In Living Color. There Carrey perfected many
characters, most widely-known one "Fire Marshal Bill", who always went up in flames. The show stopped
when critics claimed that it encouraged kids to play with fire. This argument put Carrey's name in the headlines
for the first time.
     He broke into feature films in one single successful year, 1994, making it the Year of the Funny Face.
First there was Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, a surprise hit showing Carrey's wacky (古怪) style. Next came
TheMask, tailor-made for him and a hit with audiences. There was still Dumb and Dumber, which ended up
on top of the box office.
     Carrey has slowed down, but his films have continued to make waves if not quite of the previous quality.
There was Barman Forever, then a sequel to Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, which didn't quite retake the
sparkle (光彩) of the earlier one: Next came Liar, Liar, a terrific success everywhere, putting him back on
top. Then came The Truman Show, a film which proved Jim Carrey was more than just a funny face. Snubbed
(冷落) by the Oscars, he was clearly considered golden by the fans.
1. All of the following films are considered of excellent quality EXCEPT _____.
[     ]
A. Liar, Liar
B. Dumb and Dumber
C. The Truman Show
D. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
2. Which of the following statements about Jim Carrey is TRUE?
[     ]
A. He has achieved his fame completely due to his face.
B. His hard early life helped develop his style of humor.
C. He received universal praises for his part in In Living Color.
D. Not many people like his performing style.
3. The underline word"sequel" in Paragrah 5 probably refers to _____.
[     ]
A. an adapted film of the original
B. a film that continues a story
C. a comedy show of a strange style
D. a comment on a funny film
4. What can be the best title of the passage?
[     ]
A. Jim Carrey-More Than a Funny Face
B. Jim Carrey-Famous "Fire Marshal Bill"
C. Jim Carrey's Great Films
D. Jim Carrey's Acting Career


科目:高中英语 来源:北京高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     The days of the hunter are almost over in India. This is partly because there is practically nothing left to
kill, and partly because some steps have been taken, mainly by banning tiger-shooting, to protect those animals
which still survive.
     Some people say that Man is naturally a hunter. I disagree with this view. Surely out earliest forefathers,
who at first possessed no weapons, spent their time digging for roots, and were no doubt themselves often
hunted by meat-eating animals.
     I believe the main reason why the modern hunter kills is that he thinks people will admire his courage in
overpowering dangerous animals. Of course, there are some who truly believe that the killing is not really the
important thing, and that the chief pleasure lies in the joy of the hunt and the beauties of the wild countryside.
There are also those for whom hunting in fact offers a chance to prove themselves and risk death by design;
these men go out after dangerous animals like tigers, even if they say they only do it to rid the countryside of
a threat. I can respect reasons like these, but they are clearly different from the need to strengthen your high
opinion of yourself.
     The greatest big-game hunters expressed in their writings something of these finer motives (动机). One
of them wrote.
     "You must properly respect what you are after and shoot it cleanly and on the animal's own territory (领
地).You must fix forever in your mind all the wonders of that particular day. This is better than letting him
grow a few years older to be attacked and wounded by his own son and eventually eaten, half alive, by other
animals. Hunting is not a cruel and senseless killing-not if you respect the thing you kill, not if you kill to
enrich your memories, not if you kill to feed your people."
     I can understand such beliefs, and can compare these hunters with those who hunted lions with spears
(矛) and bravely caught them by the tail. But this is very different from many tiger-shoots I have seen, in
which modern weapons were used. The so-called hunters fired from tall trees or from the backs of trained
elephants. Such methods made tigers seem no more dangerous than rabbits.
1. There is no more hunting in India now partly because _____.
A. it is dangerous to hunt there
B. hunting is already out of date
C. hunters want to protect animals
D. there are few animals left to hunt
2. The author thinks modern hunters kill mainly _____.
A. to make the countryside safe
B. to earn people's admiration
C. to gain power and influence
D. to improve their health
3. What do we learn about the big-game hunters?
A. They hunt old animals
B. They mistreat animals
C. They hunt for food
D. They hunt for money
4. What is the author's view on the tiger-shoots he has seen?
A. Modern hunters lack the courage to hunt face-to-face
B. Modern hunters should use more advanced weapons
C. Modern hunters like to hunt rabbits instead of tigers
D. Modern hunters should put their safety first

