Then it has lie down and sleep. 查看更多



Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Moral Side of Murder

A. urgent

B. restore

C. severely

D. desperate

E. surgeon

F. emergency

G. donor

H. moderately

I. quietly

J. guy

Case A: You’re a doctor in the    room and six patients come to you. They’ve been in a very terrible trolley car crash. Five of them were    injured and one was     injured. You could spend all day caring for the one severely injured victim but in that time the five would die. Or you could look after the five,     them but the severely injured person would die.

Case B: You’re a transplant     and you have five patients, each in      need of organ transplant in order to survive, one needs a heart, one a lung, one a kidney, one a liver and the fifth a pancreas (胰脏). You have no organ     and you’re about to see them die. Then it occurs to you that in the next room there’s a healthy      who came in for a check up. He’s taking a nap. You could go in very  , yank out the five organs. The person would die you could save the five.

What’s the right thing to do? What becomes of the principle at each time?


III. 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As goods and services improved, people were persuaded to spend their money on changing from old to new, and found the change worth the expense. When an airline equipped itself with jets, for example, its costs (and therefore air fare) would go up, but the new planes meant such an improvement that the higher cost was justified. A new car (or wireless, washing machine, electric kettle) made life so much more comfortable than the old one that the high cost of replacement was fully repaid. Manufacturers still cry their goods as persuasively as ever, but are the improvements really worth paying for? In many fields, things have now reached such a high standard of performance that further progress is very limited and very, very expensive. Airlines, for example, go to enormous expense in buying the latest prestige jets, in which vast research costs have been spent on relatively small improvements. If we abandon these vast costs we might lose the chance of cutting minutes away from flying times; but wouldn’t it be better to see airfares drop dramatically, as capital costs become relatively insignificant? Again, in the context of a 70 m. p. h. Limit, with lines of cars traveling so close as to control each other’s speeds, improvements in performance are actually irrelevant; improvements in handling are unnecessary, as most production cars grip(抓牢) the road perfectly, and comfort has now reached a very high level. Small improvements here are unlikely to be worth the thousands that anybody replacing an ordinary family car every two years may have spent on them. Let us instead have cars — or wireless, electric kettles, washing machines, television sets — which are made to last, and not to be replaced. Significant progress is obviously a good thing, but the insignificant progression from model-change to model-change is not.

1. The author is obviously challenging the social norm (社会规范) that ________________.

A. it is important to improve goods and services

B. development of technology makes our life more comfortable

C. it is reasonable that prices are going up all the time

D. slightly improved new products are worth buying

2. According to this passage, airfares may rise because ______________.

A. the airplane has been improved

B. people tend to travel by new airplanes

C. the change is found to be reasonable

D. the service on the airplane is better than before

3. According to the author, passengers would be happier if they ____________.

A. could fly in the latest model of good planes

B. could get tickets at much lower prices

C. see the airlines make vital changes in their services

D. could spend less time flying in the air

4. When manufactures have improved the performance of their products to a certain level, then it would be _______________.

A. justified for them to cut the price

B. unnecessary for them to make any new changes

C. difficult and costly to further better them

D. insignificant for them to cut down the research costs

5. In the case of cars, the author advises that we _____________.

A. cancel the speed limit                       B. further improve their performance

C. change models every two years          D. improve their durability (耐久性)




W: You look so happy.

M: I have just (44) p_____ the College English Test Band 4.

W: Oh, really? (45)C_________! Could you tell me some more information (46) a_______ it?

M: Of (47) c_______. Recently CET-4 has introduced three new types of questions, that is, Compound Diction, Translation and Short Answer Questions. The (48) p______ of Compound Dictation is to test students’ ability to (49) u_____ information in the listening materials. The Translation (50) t_______ is to test students’ ability to understand the reading materials. And in the Short Answer Questions section, (51) s________ are required to answer questions.

W: Then, (52) h__________ can I do a good job?

M: Well, regular practice will help you a (53) a_________.

(44) __________

(45) __________

(46) __________

(47) __________

(48) __________

(49) __________

(50) __________

(51) __________

(52) __________



 Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Moral Side of Murder

A. urgent

B. restore

C. severely

D. desperate

E. surgeon

F. emergency

G. donor

H. moderately

I. quietly

J. guy


Case A: You’re a doctor in the and six patients come to you. They’ve been in a very terrible trolley car crash. Five of them were  2.injured and one was  3. injured. You could spend all day caring for the one severely injured victim but in that time the five would die. Or you could look after the five, 4.  them but the severely injured person would die.

Case B: You’re a transplant 5.  and you have five patients, each in  6.  need of organ transplant in order to survive, one needs a heart, one a lung, one a kidney, one a liver and the fifth a pancreas (胰脏). You have no organ 7.  and you’re about to see them die. Then it occurs to you that in the next room there’s a healthy  8.  who came in for a check up. He’s taking a nap. You could go in very9. , yank out the five organs. The person would die you could save the five.

What’s the right thing to do? What becomes of the principle at each time?





M:Hi, do you have a bed (76) a        for tonight?   

J:Let me (77) c       . Which room would you (78) p       ? A single room or a double one?     

M:I want a single room. What’s the (79) p       ?       

J:Do you have a membership?

M:No, I don’t.

J:Then it’s 25 dollars. You can save 3 dollars if you have a membership.

M:How can I get a membership?

J:You can (80) a       for it. The application (81) f       is 32 dollars. Or if you stay in an International hotel for six nights, you’ll automatically get a membership card.

M:I see. Thanks.

J:Here’s your (82) k        and your sheets.               

M:Oh yes, is there a kitchen here?

J:Sure there is, it’s on the first floor. Don’t (83) h        to ask me if you have other questions.

M:I (84) d        noise. Is my room near the street?   

J:No, it is (85) p        quiet.                     

