例1.The discovery of new evidence led to . A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught 答案为C. [解析] lead to这个词组中to是介词.后面跟名词.于是B被排除.the thief是动名词逻辑上的主语.构成动名词的复合结构.与catch之间应是被动关系.故排除A.常见的带介词to的短语有:(get) be used to, look forward to.look up to, stick to, object to, be devoted to, pay attention to等. 例2.Though money, his parents managed to send him to university. A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in 答案为C. [解析] lack是及物动词.后接宾语money.his parents与lack是逻辑上的主谓关系.要用现在分词作状语.译文:虽然缺钱.他的父母亲还是设法让他上了大学. 例3.He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk the good opportunity. A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost 答案:B [解析] risk后面只能带动名词做宾语.含义为“冒--之险 . 例4. to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin. A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed 答案为C. [解析] 在非谓语动词中.用动名词或不定式来作主语.而分词和介词短语不能作主语.因此A.D被排除.在这个句子中.will do是谓语.缺少主语.要用动名词作主语.expose与one's skin是动宾关系.所以要用动名词的被动式being exposed.译文:在阳光下晒太长时间对人的皮肤有坏处. 例5. into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put 答案:A [解析] put sth. into use “让--投入使用 .显然.put 和句子主语the hotline 构成被动关系.所以用表示被动的过去分词. 例6.It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just a look at the sports stars. A. had B. having C. to have D. have 答案:C [解析] 动词不定式充当目的状语. 例7.With a lot of difficult problems , the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled 答案为C [解析]动词不定式to settle作为difficult problems的定语表示现在或将来要解决的难题,过去分词settle作定语表示已经解决的难题.现在分词的被动式being settled作定语表示正在解决的难题. 例8.More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, advantage of the health and relaxation benefits. A. taking B. taken C. having taken D. having been taken 答案:A [解析] take advantage of 和句子主语More and more people 构成主动关系.且和句子谓语sign up for 同时发生.所以选择A. 例9. Sandy could do nothing but to his teacher that he was wrong. A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit 答案为A. [解析] 该句中的but是介词.后接动词不定式.当谓语动词是do.does或did时.后接不带to的不定式,是其他动词时.后接带to的不定式.该句的谓语是could do nothing.要填动词原形admit.译文:山德不得不向老师承认自己错了. 例10. He sent me an e-mail, to get further information. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope 答案为B. [解析] 现在分词hoping表示与send me an e-mail同时发生的动作.一些考生认为应该填不定式作目的状语.不定式作目的状语时.句子的正确形式是:He sent me an e-mail to get further information.不需要hope一词.如果要选择“hoped 时.句子的正确形式是:He sent me an e-mail and hoped to get further information.“hope 和“sent 作并列谓语. 第三节 巩固练习 Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence. 1. anything about the accident ,he went to work as usual. A. Not known B. Known not C. Knowing not D. Not knowing 2. -Have you decided when ? -Yes, tomorrow morning. A. to leave B. to be leaving C. will you leave D. are you leaving 3. I really enjoy that kind of job. A. do B. doing C. to do D. to be doing 4. -There’s a hole in your bag. -l know. I am going to have it . A. mend B. mending C. mended D. to be mended 5. The next morning she found the man in bed, dead. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying 6. Tell him the window. A. to shut not B. not to shut C. to not shut D. not shut 7. The furniture on October 15 was seriously damaged because of a road accident . A. being delivered B. having delivered C. having been delivered D. delivered 8. He had his leg in the match yesterday. A. to break B. broken C. break D. breaking 9. I can’t imagine that with them. A. do B. to do C. being done D. doing 10. Most of the people to the party were famous scientists. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting 11. -Good morning. Can I help you? -I’d like to have this package , madam. A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed 12. Slowly she opened the letter, . A. her hands trembled slightly B. slightly her hands were trembled C. her hands slightly trembling C. trembling her hands slightly 13. All will be present at the conference . A. parties concerned B. parties concerning C. concerned parties D. concerning parties 14. more attention, the trees could have grown better. A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given 15. She reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by the side of the path. A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest 16. Last summer I took a course on . A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be made C. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made 17. The murderer was brought in, with his hands behind his back. A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 18. The secretary worked late into the night, a long speech for the president. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing 19. I can hardly imagine Peter across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed 20. -The light in the office is still on. -Oh, I forgot . A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off 21. The Olympic Games, in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing 22. Not having finished his homework, to watch the game. A. so he was forbidden B. he forbade C. he was forbidden D. mother forbid him 23. The world population is the result of recent advances in medical science. A. increased B. increase C. being increasing D. Increasing 24. it with me and I’ll see what I can do. A. When left B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave 25. Cleaning women in big cities usually get by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay 26. European football is played in 80 countries, it the most popular sport in the world. A. making B. makes C. made D. to make 27. Robert is said abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying 28. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, it more difficult. A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make 29. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door, “Sorry to miss you; will call later. A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading 30. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects 31. It is impossible to avoid by advertisements in a modern society. A. to be influenced B. being influenced C. to influence D. influenced 32. Some people believe that some numbers show the side of a person’s personality. A. hiding B. hid C. hidden D. hide 33 -How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? -key the problem is to meet the demand by the customers. A. to solving-making B. to solving-made C. to solve-making D. to solve-made 34. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen 35. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows . A. it what to do with B. what to do it with C. what to do with it D. to do what with it 36. The research is so designed that once nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun 37. The teacher asked us so much noise. A. don’t make B. not make C. not making D. not to make 38. time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player. A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given 39. Walking past the park, I couldn’t help some children flying kites. A. stop to watch B. stopping watch C. stopping to watch D. to stop to watch 40. Generally speaking, according to directions, the drug has no side-effect. A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken 查看更多










  例:A farmer ∧ his son were at work near a river when

(a) and

they heard a cry coming from it. They all ran

(b) both

towards the river. When they reached the bank


  they saw a girl struggling in the water.


  Today I went to see a film after supper. On her way to


the cinema, I met an old English woman, that had lost


her way. I gave up the chance (机会) to see a film and took


her to her hotel. While going there, I told her great


changes had been taken place here in the past few


year and she told me something about her country.


Though I had missed the film, however I felt very


happiness, for I had not only helped her get out of


trouble but also practise my spoken English. If had


not worked hard at English, I would have been unable help her.



After sunset on our last day at the farm I walked out into the desert. In this, the first pleasant moment for a walk after long hot hours, I thought I was the only thing out of doors. Suddenly I stopped. Before me a rattlesnake lay fixed, its head not yet drawn back to strike but only turned a little to watch what I would do. Many snakes will run away at the sight of a man but this rattlesnake felt no necessity to get out of any-body's way. He held his ground in calm watch-fullness waiting for me to show my intentions. My first aim was to take no notice of him; I had never killed an animal if I was not forced to kill. But I remembered that there were children, dogs and horses at the farm as well as men and women with thin clothes on; my duty was to kill the snake. I went back to the farm and returned with a stick. The rattlesnake had not moved; he lay like a wire but more quickly than I could stride he shot into a bush and set up his rattling, warning me by this that I had made an unreasonable attack and attempted to take his life and that if I insisted he would have no choice but to take mine if he could. For a moment I listened to this terrifying sound and then I struck into the bush with my stick and, chop-ping about, dragged him out of the bush with his back broken.
He struck once more at the stick but a moment later his neck was broken and he was soon dead althoughwww.ks5u.com when I picked him up by the tail his mouth opened, proving that a dead snake may still bite. There was blood in his mouth and poison was dropping; it was not only a dis-gusting(令人作呕的) sight but a pitiful one too. I dropped the body into a green bush and, as I did so, I saw him in my imagination, crawling over the sands as he might have done if I had let him go.

  1. 1.

    At the sight of the author, the rattlesnake        .

    1. A.
      shot into a bush
    2. B.
      lay motionless but got ready to meet danger
    3. C.
      drew itself up to strike
    4. D.
      took no notice of his presence
  2. 2.

    The author had to kill the rattlesnake because       .

    1. A.
      it stood in his way
    2. B.
      it attempted to take his life
    3. C.
      it presented a disgusting sight
    4. D.
      its presence was a danger to the people and animals at the farm
  3. 3.

    Which of the following best describes the rattlesnake?

    1. A.
      It attacked man without any reason.
    2. B.
      It would not attack unless it was attacked.
    3. C.
      It ran away at the sight of man.
    4. D.
      It exposed itself to danger.
  4. 4.

    It is implied at the end of the passage that the author____.

    1. A.
      regretted having killed the snake
    2. B.
      was glad that he had killed the snake
    3. C.
      felt a little sorry for the snake
    4. D.
      could not help thinking about the dead snake


"We do look very different; we're older. Leo's 38, I'm 37. We were 21 and 22 when we made that film. You know, he's fatter now -- I'm thinner.". So says Kate Winslet, who is thrilled at the 3-D re-release of Titanic to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the ship's demise. “ It happens every time I get on any boat of any kind." She recalls. There are all the people who want her to walk to the front of the ship and re-create her famous pose, arms flung wide. Most people remember the tragedy: The British passenger ship -- said to be unsinkable -- hit an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912, during its maiden voyage from England to New York City. More than 1,500 people died. But little known is what the world learned from the sinking to prevent future incidents.
Probably the greatest deficiency (不足)of the Titanic was that she was built 40 years before the widespread use of the wonderful invention radar(雷达). Her only defense against icebergs and hidden obstacles was to rely on manned lookouts. On that fateful night the eyesight of trained lookouts only provided 37 seconds of warning before the collision.
Traveling at nearly 30 miles an hour the Titanic was moving far too fast to avoid the huge iceberg. The warning did prevent a head-on collision as the officer on the bridge managed to turn the ship slightly.
The last ship to send a warning was the California. She was within ten miles of the Titanic during the disaster, but her radio operator went to bed at midnight and never received any of the SOS messages from the Titanic. That was one of the important lessons learned from the catastrophe, the need for 24-hour radio operators on all passenger liners.
Another lesson learned was the need for more lifeboats. The Titanic remained afloat(漂浮) for almost three hours and most of the passengers could have been saved with enough lifeboats.
1,500 passengers and workers died in the 28 degree waters of the Atlantic. Out of the tragedy, the sinking did produce some important maritime reforms. The winter travel routes were changed to the south and the Coast Guard began to keep an eye on the location of all icebergs. The new rules for lifeboats were obvious to all. There must be enough lifeboats for everybody on board.
The most important lesson learned was that no one would ever again consider a ship unsinkable- no matter how large or how well constructed. Never again would sailors place their faith in a ship above the power of the sea.
【小题1】The text mainly tells us ______.

A.the reason why the Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean
B.how the unsinkable ship of Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean
C.the lessons that we could learn from the accident of theTitanic
D.the things we should do to protect the lives on the ship
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following could we infer?
A.If the captain had been more careful, he could have had the chance to save the Titanic.
B.If radar had existed 40 years ago, the Titanic would have never disappeared from the world.
C.If the lookout had had much more experience, he could have had the time to save the Titanic.
D.If there had been enough lifeboats on the Titanic, the Titanic would not have sunk in the Atlantic.
【小题3】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Lessons from the TitanicB.Technology is Important
C.Demands of PassengersD.Power of Sea
【小题4】What’s the sailors’ attitude towards the ships after the tragedy?
A.They think there really exists the unsinkable ship.
B.They think ships could eventually defeat the sea.
C.They think there is no power that could control the sea.
D.They think the bigger the ship is, the safer it is.


What if it isn’t a dog-eat-dog world? What if caring for a dog or for a mom with Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症) makes you stronger and allows you to live longer?
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley are challenging our long-held belief that humans are born to be selfish.
Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection was misunderstood by his male followers, the researchers say. Rather than “every man for himself”, Darwin believed that humans are successful as a species precisely because of our educational, selfless and sympathetic characteristics.
Why has it taken so long for Darwin’s central revelation(揭示) to be properly understood? “We’ve had too many men in social science,” Berkeley psychology professor Dacher Keltner told me in an interview. “Female scientists acknowledge that caring for people is part of human nature according to the research, which shows the human ability to care exists in our brains and nerve systems.”
In my book Passages in Caregiving , I urge women who take the whole responsibility for taking care of an elderly parent or a sick relative to build a “Circle of Care”. Reach out to your brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors and community volunteers to help you care, because no one can perform this overwhelming role alone. You will be as shocked as I to learn how the most selfless caregivers are rewarded with longer life.
Sympathy is not a woman’s word. In fact it makes all of us stronger under stress and more highly respected by our peers. For so long we have repeated the false saying “Nice guys finish last”. But the 40 richest Americans committed to doing good by donating half their fortunes are no spring chickens. So here is my new explanation:Nice guys die last.
【小题1】The first paragraph serves to       .

A.give the background of the topic
B.blame the world for selfishness
C.urge people to care for a dog
D.bring out the topic of the passage
【小题2】In Passages in Caregiving, women are advised to     .
A.share the responsibility of caring with others
B.take good care of themselves
C.learn how to live a longer life
D.help as many people as possible
【小题3】The underlined words “no spring chickens” in the last paragraph refer to        .
A.rich peopleB.poor peopleC.young peopleD.aged people
【小题4】Why does the author mention the 40 richest Americans’ commitment in this passage?
A.To argue against offering sympathy.
B.To use it as an example to support his opinion.
C.To show their generosity to society.
D.To call on people to learn from them.
【小题5】Which of the following might be the BEST title of the passage?
A.Selflessness could be the secret to longer life
B.Darwin’s theory of evolution is out of date now
C.Measures must be taken to improve the world
D.Males and females have different opinions about selflessness


With only about 1,000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone (克隆) the animal and save the endangered species(物种). That's a move similar to what a Texas A&M University researchers have been undertaking for the past five years in a project called “Noah's Ark”.
Noah's Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos(胚胎),semen and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen(氮). If certain species should become extinct , Dr. Duane Kraemar, a professor in Texas A&M University Medicine, says there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.
It is estimated that as many as 2,000 species of mammals , birds reptiles will become extinct in over 100 years . The panda, native only to China , is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years .
This week , Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit . They are now trying to implant the embryo into a host animal.
The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.
“The nuclear transfer(核子移植) of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available(capable of being used) panda eggs could be a major problem,” Kraemer believes. “They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy(having a baby). It takes a long time and it’s difficult, but this could be groundbreaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort, ”adds Kraemer, who is one of the leaders of the Project at Texas A & M, the first–ever attempt at cloning a dog.
“They are trying to do something that’s never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah’s Ark. We’re both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly appreciate their effort and there’s a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. It’s a research that is very much needed.”
【小题1】 The aim of “Noah’s Ark” project is to ________.

A.make efforts to clone the endangered pandas
B.save endangered animals from dying out
C.collect DNA of endangered animals to study
D.transfer the nuclear of one animal to another
【小题2】According to Professor Kraemer , the major problem in cloning pandas would be the lack of _______.
A.available panda eggsB.host animals
C.qualified researchersD.enough money
【小题3】The best title for the passage may be ______.
A.China’s Success in Panda Cloning
B.The First Cloned Panda in the World
C.Exploring the Possibility to Clone Pandas
D.China---the Native Place of Pandas Forever

