I → me. 这里与husband一起作assured的宾语. 第七节 数 词 查看更多



阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150 词左右的英语短文。
    I have known Fei for five years as we used to be in the same class in junior middle school but
are now studying in different high schools. For a long time we seldom contacted each other until
one day one year ago when we met on QQ. From then on, we had a good time chatting online
now and then. He impressed me so much with his wise and humorous answers that soon I took to
him. We sent text messages nearly every day. The more I knew him, the more I like him. Whenever
I felt unhappy, I would send messages to him to get his warm comfort. I believed that he also had a
crush on me, because one night when I was ill he stayed awake and asked me to give him a phone
call if I needed help. I was so moved and decided to tell him my feelings towards him.
    I sent him an email and revealed my love to him. But his reply upset me: "I just treated you as my
sister and I never thought about love between us.… Sorry!"
    I was sad, disappointed and depressed in the following days. I wanted to forget him. I deleted his
phone number, QQ number and everything that would remind me of him. However, I couldn't drive
away his image and voice from my brain. I can't help being absent-minded in class, though I'm supposed
to be busy with my study as a senior three student. What shall I do?
    1. 以约30个词概括Sara博文的内容 (开头已给出,不计入词数);
    2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你的感受和建议
    ⑴ 你对Sara目前处境的感受;
    ⑵ 谈谈你对高中生早恋的看法;
    ⑶ 给Sara提出建议,帮助她走出困境。
   1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直
   2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
     I'm sorry to know that _____________________________________________________


假定你是吉安一中学生李华。在一位名叫Mrs. Worried的学生家长的微博上,你看到如下内容:

I am the mother of a sixteen-year-old boy. Recently I find it becomes more and more difficult to communicate with my son. He always sticks to his own way of doing things,refusing to listen to his father and me. The tendency of his being too independent really worries me. I simply don’t know what to do. Can anybody help me?


1. 自己的看法;2. 陈述理由;3. 提出建议。


1. 词数130左右;

2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。





Food is life; it gives us the nourishment (营养) we need to stay alive and be healthy. __1.__ Brian Wansink, a professor at the University of Illinois, says we also eat certain foods because they make us feel good, and remind us of happy memories. Wansink calls this kind of food comfort food. For some people, ice cream is a comfort food. For others, a bowl of noodles soup makes them feel good.

__2._ Professor Wansink believes that we connect food with important times, feelings, and people in our lives. “When I was a child, my mother made a delicious soup; I loved it. __3.__ And it helps me feel better,” Says one of Wansink’s coworkers.

Do men and women choose different comfort foods? Wansink’s research at the University of Illinois says “ yes”. In his study, the favorite comfort food for both men and women was ice cream. After this, men usually preferred hot, savory (香的) foods like soup or noodles. __4.__ Men and women like to eat comfort foods when they are happy, but women eat these foods more when they are sad or worried.

__5.__ About 40 percent of the comfort foods in Wansink’s study were healthy main dishes or soups and vegetables. It shows, says Wansink, that a comfort food can taste good and be good for you.

Not all comfort food is junk food.

Where can we buy this sort of food?

Sweet foods are also their preference.

How does a food become comfort food?

Usually, we eat because we are hungry or need energy.

Women like sweet things such as chocolate and cookies.

Now, I often have this kind of food when I am tired or worried.



As Teachers’ Day draws near, many Chinese parents have been thinking hard over gifts that are appropriate for the teachers of their children. Some have turned to the Internet for gift suggestions, including a mother named Yang whose child attends kindergarten. “What should I send and what kinds of gifts are appropriate? We are in a difficult situation---we cannot afford very expensive gifts, but teachers will not be impressed if the gifts are too cheap,” Yang wrote on a website.
Some parents, however, do not realize that some teaches are also under great pressure because of the gifts. “No more gifts, or I will run out of money!” complained a young teacher on Weibo.” Many parents send me some shopping tickets for Teachers’ Day so I put them in a new dictionary and let their children bring them back to their parents,’ the teacher wrote. A teacher named Zhu, said he feels “worried” every time parents send him money or shopping tickets. “It is not whether to accept the gifts, but how to return them that worries me. I tried to persuade parents to take them back. But I will use the money or shopping tickets from the stubborn parents to buy books for the class,” said Zhu.
1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容;
2. 以约120个词就“教师节家长是否该给老师送礼”这一主题发表你的看法,内容包括:
(1)      说说你对该问题的看法,并简单说明原因;
(2)      谈谈你印象最深的一次教师节;
(3)      谈谈你所认为学生给老师的最好的教师节礼物。
1. 作文中可使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;标题自拟。
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


We Have Different Ideas!
This may be the most important choice—the turning point in my life.  Never before have I been so serious.  For me, a Senior Three student, which university to choose is really a hard question, especially when I hold a completely different opinion from my parents. 
I’m longing for Beijing University for its long history, beautiful campus and academic atmosphere.  Besides, it’s a good chance to experience a different culture. 
But to my great surprise, when my parents heard this, they are strongly against my idea.  Moreover, I was shocked to find mum crying! She asked in tears, “Why don’t you stay in Guangzhou? So young a girl, how can you take good care of yourself? Beijing, oh! It’s too far away.  What if I want to see you or you want to see me?” My father also asked me a serious question, “Are you sure you can find a good job in Guangzhou after graduation?”
Actually, I’ve thought about all these.  As an independent and active girl, I certainly can handle all the problems.  I insist on my choice, but I really value my parents’ agreement. 
1. 概括短文要点,字数为30词左右;
2. 假设你是这位学生的班主任,该生向你求助,希望你能帮她说服她的父母,请写下你要对家长说的话,字数为120词左右,至少包括以下内容:
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身目睹的或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
3. 标题自拟。
[评分标准] 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。

