He treasured a notebook in which his bank account password and his friends’ addresses. A.wrote B.recorded C.was written D.were recorded 答案 D 查看更多





Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled—to $ 1.01 per pack—smokers have jammed telephone “quit lines” across the country seeking to kick the habit.

    This is not a surprise to public health advocates. They’ve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase.

    The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely.

    In Manhattan, for instance, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10. 06 at one drugstore Wednesday. In Charleston, S.C. , where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation, the price was $ 4.78.

    The influence is obvious.

    In New York, high school smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys—13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison, 26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky. Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records.

    Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacco taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls on low-income Americans “who choose to smoke.”

    That’s true. But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place. As for today’s adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more to spend on their families, cut their risk of cancer and heart disease and feel better.

61.The text is mainly about        .

   A.the price of cigarettes                      B.the rate of teen smoking

   C.the effect of tobacco tax increase             D.the differences in tobacco tax rate

62.What does the author think is a surprise?

   A.Teen smokers are price sensitive.

   B.Some states still keep the tobacco tax low.

   C.Tobacco taxes improve public health.

   D.Tobacco industry fiercely fights the tax rise.

63.The underlined word “deter” in Paragraph 3 most probably means         .

   A.discourage           B.remove              C.benefit               D.free

64.Rogers’ attitude towards the low-income smokers might be that of       .

   A.tolerance             B.unconcern         C.doubt                D.sympathy

65.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

   A.The new tax will be beneficial in the long run.

   B.Low-income Americans are more likely to fall ill.

   C.Future generations will be hooked on smoking.

   D.Adults will depend more on their families.


 (2011年南京一模)—Now some parents deny________to their children,and have become their slaves.

—But this problem does not cause concern of the whole society.

A.nothing                       B.everything

C.something                    D.anything




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“A very disruptive(扰乱型的) six-year old child kicked my legs and clawed at my hand,”said one teacher. “I broke up a fight and was kicked between my legs,”said another. Many people have heard stories like this.  But the situation is more worrying still and it involves parents.

Every child , regardless of the circumstances into which they are born,has the right to achieve their potential,regardless of their parents’ wealth and class.  And we recognize that, as a nation,it is a long way to achieve this goal.But rights come with responsibilities and what worries people is that we are in danger of neglecting the latter.

     Far too many children are behaving badly at school,even to the point of being violent to staff. This is terrible enough,but it is hard to be surprised since many children are just mirroring the behavior of their parents. Too many are starting school unable to hold a knife and fork, unused to eating at a table,and unable to use the lavatory properly. We are in danger of becoming a nation of families living separate lives under one roof. The bedroom, once a place to sleep,has become the living space for the young. Spending hours in front of computer screens, on social networking sites or being immersed in computer games, children and young people spend little time with their parents. Parents are unable to monitor just what their children are watching.         

Schools cannot right the wrongs of society and teachers cannot become substitute parents. Both parties need to work together. Parents must be helped and given confidence to take back control. They are responsible for setting boundaries for their children’s behavior and sticking to those boundaries when the going gets tough. They are responsible for setting a good example to their children and for devoting that most precious of resources—time—so that children come to school ready and are willing to learn.

1.In the opinion of the writer, what problem do people ignore?

A. The school violence.

B. The pressure of students’ learning.

C. The right to achieve students potential.

D. the responsibilities of the students.

2.The writer’s attitude to the behaviors of parents may be that of ________.

A. dissatisfied          B. unconcern     C. understanding    D. tolerance

3. The underlined part in Para. 4 may means__________.

A. parents and children live in their separate rooms

B. parents care little about children’s life at home

C. children don’t live with their parents in the same room

D. at home children live a different life from that of parents

4.What might be most suitable title for the passage?

A.      Children’s behavior at school is worrying people

B.      Parents expect schools to correct their children’s bad habits

C.      There is no point in parents’ teaching children at home

D.      Don’t blame teachers when it’s parents who are failing




(2009安微安庆二模) Mr. Joe, principal of the school, advised that all the kids         the burdens if they wanted to do better.

A. carry out        B. put away             C. break down      D. get off

