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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

Why did Tom go back home in such a hurry?

Because he ________ his text books at home

Aforgets           Bforgot              Cleft                 Dleaves


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

Our teacher is a kind manHe is a person ________

Ato get on                                          Bgetting on

Cgetting along with                               Dto get along with


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

Students are supposed to respect the teachers ________ strict with them

Awho             Bwho is            Cthat               Dwho are


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

Do you know ________ it next?

NoI don't knowCan you give me some good ideas?

Awhat to do                   Bhow to do             Cwhat to do it            Dhow you do


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

Everyone should study hardThe more you learn________ you will be

Athe more              Bmore               Cthe wiser                Dwiser


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

What are the boys doing?

They are busy ________ the flew planted trees

Awater                         Bto water               Cwatering                 Dwatered


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

The population in Beijing is much larger than ________ in Jinan

Athat               Bthis               Cthose               Dthese


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

Jacksonyou look tiredWhat's the matter?

I ________ my son ________ he came back at 1100 last night

Awaitedto                                       Bwaiteduntil

Cdidn't waitto                                    Ddidn't waituntil


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:

Around the worldpeople have different ideas about what good mariners are

When you go to restaurants in different parts of the worldit's __1__ to know the right and wrong things to doFor examplein China it's OK to  __2__ a lot of noise in a restaurantIn factif a restaurant isn't noisy and __3__ you may think there's something __4__ with itHoweverin many western countriesrestaurants ate __5__ placesIf a table is too loudother people who are eating there might even __6__ to the owner of the restaurant

Paying the bill is also different from country to country In Chinaone person usually pays for __7__In western countriesone person pays if he or she is entertaining clients招待当事人顾客),but __8__ friends eat togetherthey usually __9__ the costThis is called “going Dutch”均摊费用).Alsowhen westerners pay the billthey usually leave some money for the __10__This is called “leaving a tip” Leaving a tip is thought to be __11__In the USit's __12__ Jo leave tips 10%15%or 20% of the billwhich is decided __13__ how good the service isGood waiters can make a lot of money!

The way people eat food is __14__ in the worldbut you can __15__ the same kind of food in many countriesChinese and Italian foodfor exampleare popular all over the world

1Apopular                  Bdifficult                Cimportant               Denjoyable

2Acause                    Bkeep                    Chear                       Dmake

3Alively                     Bfriendly                Clucky                     Dpolite

4Aright                      Bwrong                 Cimportant               Dpolite

5Anoisy                     Bquiet                    Cbusy                      Dclean

6Ashout                    Bexplain                 Ccomplain                Dspeak

7Aeverybody               Bnobody                Csomebody              Dnone

8Auntil                      Bwhen                   Cunless                    Dsince

9Ashare                     Btake                     CPay                       Dhave

10Agatekeeper             Bseller                   Cwaiter                    Dvisitor

11Aimpolite               Bpolite                   Cwrong                   Dforgetful

12Aterrible                 Bcommon              Cserious                   Dunusual

13Ato                        Bfor                      Cwith                             Dby

14Asame                   Bdifficult                Cdifferent                 Ddelicious

15Ainvent                  Bdiscover               Cprefer                    Dfind


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度莱阳市第一学期初四期末学业水平检测试卷 题型:


1His father is a _________知识渊博的manHe knows a lot we don't know

2We should have the habit of _________回收利用the waste things such as wastepaperbottlesplastic bags and so on

3During the long vacationwe are planning to take part in some _________社会activities

4By end of this _________世纪),We'll have robots in our house to help us do housework

5All the boys were _________精疲力竭的after they climbed up to the top of the mountain

