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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度蒙阴三中第二学期七年级期中考试检测试卷 题型:

The sun is shining and it’s very hot.   1  many people don’t want to go out after  2  . Mrs. West has to(不得不)   3   her father at the airport. Her father doesn’t feel well, he wants to see a   4   in the city hospital.

Now she’s   5   in the street. There   6   no trees and she feels very   7  . But she’s too   8   and can’t walk fast(快). Suddenly she finds(发现) a   9   walking behind her. She gets angry and her face turns red. “Why are you walking   10   me, boy?” She asks strictly. “It’s cooler”. The boy answers.

    1ABut                   BBecause           CSo                   DThen

    2Abreakfast           Bdinner              Csupper             Dlunch

    3Awatch            Bmeet                Chelp                 Dask

    4Anurse                Bwaiter              Cpoliceman        Ddoctor

    5Awalking             Bwalks              Cwalk                Dto walk

    6Abe                     Bis                    Care                  Dam

    7Acold                  Bcool                 Crelaxed            Dhot

    8Ahappy             Bfat                   Cshort               Dtall

    9Aboy                   Bman                 Cwoman            Ddog

    10Aon                   Bin front of        Cbehind             Dacross from


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度蒙阴三中第二学期七年级期中考试检测试卷 题型:

In the morning, Mr. Martin comes into his garden. He sees too much snow in the garden. Mr. 

Martin wants to take his car out, so he asks a cleaner to clean the road(路) from his garage(车库) to the gate(门). He says to the cleaner, “Don’t put(放) any snow on the flowers or on the wall. And don’t put any into the street, or the policeman will come.” Then he goes out.

When he comes back, the road is clean. There is no snow on the flowers, on the wall or in the street. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees: it is full of snow, the snow from the road, and his car is under the snow!

    1What is the weather like?___________

AIt’s very hot.    BIt’s raining.      CIt’s cold          DIt’s windy.

    2Who cleans the snow on the road? ___________

AMr. Martin.      BA policeman.    CMrs. Martin.    DA cleaner.

    3Why can’t the cleaner put any snow into the street? ___________

ABecause there’s too much snow, too.     BBecause the policeman will come.

CBecause there are flowers in the street.  DBecause there’s a car in the street.

    4Where is the snow after the cleaner cleans the road? ___________

AOn the flowers.                                       BIn the garage.

CIn the street.                                    DWe don’t know.

    5What does Mr. Martin think of the cleaner? ___________

AHe is smart.                                      BHe does a right thing.

CHe does a wrong thing.                      DHe helps Mr. Martin.


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度蒙阴三中第二学期七年级期中考试检测试卷 题型:

One day Mrs. Jones goes shopping alone(独自地). When Mr. Jones comes home in the evening, she begins to tell him about a beautiful dress. “I see it in a shop this morning,” she says, “and…” “And you want to buy it,” says Mr. Jones, “how much is it?” “Fifteen pounds.” Every evening, when Mr. Jones comes back from work, his wife(妻子) goes on talking only about the dress. And at last, after a week, he says, “Oh, buy the dress! Here’s the money!” She is very happy. But the next evening, when Mr. Jones comes home and asks, “Have you got the famous(著名的) dress?” She says, “No.” Why not?” he says. “Well, it is still in the window of the shop after a week. I think nobody else wants this dress. So I think it is not a good one!”

    1Mrs. Jones goes shopping_________ one day.

Awith Mr. Jones                             Bwith her friend

Cby herself                                    Dwith the other woman

    2Mrs. Jones tells Mr. Jones about the dress every day because________.

Ait is really beautiful                       Bshe wants the shop

Cshe wants Mr. Jones to buy it for her     Dshe likes it very much

    3Mrs. Jones is very happy after________.

AMr. Jones agree(同意) to buy it for her

BMr. Jones gives her the money for the pants

Cshe gets the beautiful dress

Dshe sees the dress is still in the shop window

    4Mr. Jones thinks it’s the famous dress because________.

Ait is a beautiful dress                              Bit is in the shop window for a week

Chis wife has it                                 Dhis wife talks about it again and again

    5From the story we can know__________.

AMrs. Jones is a housewife, she doesn’t have much money

BMr. Jones doesn’t like his wife

CMr. Jones comes home for lunch every day

DMrs. Jones doesn’t like the things if others like them


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度蒙阴三中第二学期七年级期中考试检测试卷 题型:

1Jim__________(居住) with his uncle in Canada.

2Some are playing_________(沙滩) volleyball, some are singing.

3Pandas are kind of shy, so please be__________(安静).

4The supermarket is on the____________(五) Avenue.

5Autumn is coming, the__________(叶子) turn yellow.

6Look! He’s__________(游泳) at the pool.

7On a __________(多云的) afternoon in summer, I like to go to the beach.

8How’s the movie? ___________(相当) good.

9Sandra likes___________(看) books.

10There’re many animals in the___________(动物园).


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度蒙阴三中第二学期七年级期中考试检测试卷 题型:

假如你是一所国际学校的校长,需要招聘一位音乐老师,具体条件是:年龄在22-35岁之间喜欢孩子;能吃苦耐劳;会唱歌,跳舞;会演奏一门乐器。联系人:李刚 联系电话:88729543


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度淄博市周村第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

He wants to raise money        charity

A to         B with          C at         D for


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度淄博市周村第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

Neither I nor he        from HunanWe are from Jiangxi

A is         B am         C are         D be


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度淄博市周村第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

Song Zuying has a great        , and I like listening to her songs

A sound           B noise          C voice          D shout


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度淄博市周村第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

People like hamsters        they are quiet and clean

A and         B because          C so            D but


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度淄博市周村第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

What        if they have the party tomorrow? 

A happen          B happens           C will happen          D has happened

