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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:

What did she say? 

—She said __________

Athat she is having a surprise party for Lana          Bthat the earth moves around the sun

Cwhy did she want to do that                       Dif she will go to her house


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:

You could get a tutor to help with you English

—___________ But my parents don’t have much money

AIt doesn’t matter                 BYou’ve welcome

CThat’s a good idea                  DI don’t think so


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:


ADo you think a lot about the future?

BYesI think the world will be really exciting in the future

AI agree1__________________

BI think the world will be very different from now

AIn what way?

BWelltake education for example2__________________

AIt’s also possible that there won’t be any classesAnd there may not be teachers any more!

BMaybe not…3_____________________ It’s better to learn from people

AYeahyou might be right1 want to know how students will go to school4__________

BCoolJust like in the moviesOhbut I just have another idea



ARightjust like the streets now!

BEr…maybe the flying car isn’t such a good idea

Apeople will still drive cars                             Bmaybe they will go in flying cars

CWill students study on the moon?                 DStudents will all use computers in class

EWhat do you think the world will be like?     

FI don’t think machines or robots should teach children

GIf we all have flying cars the sky will be really crowed


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:


AMaYanyou look unhappy1____________________?

BOhnothing seriousMy clothes are 2_____________________

AWellmaybe you should buy some new clothes

BYesbut I don’t have enough money3__________________?

AWellyou could get a part—time job

BNoI can’tbecause my parents want me to stay at home after schoolI 4___________

with them about it

AWellyou shouldn’t argue with your parentsYou should talk with them kindly

BAnd guess what else is wrong?


BMy little brother often plays his CDs too loud!

AMaybe you should 5____________________ with him

BThank you very much

AYou’re welcome


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:


Anone  Brefused Cwater Dall Ewhat Fin Geasy Hmust IIf Jsize Kshape Ltold

Once a king was walking around a pool with his ministers(大臣).Suddenlyhe came up with(想出)an ideaHe asked“How many baskets of __1__ are there in the pool?” The ministers couldn’t give an answerThe king was angry“You __2__ answer my questions in three days!”

Three days passedbut __3__ of the ministers had the answerJust thena child said that he knew itThe king __4__ the ministers to lead the child to the p001To his surprisethe child  __5__ and said with a smile“It is __6__None need to go to the pool”This made the king pleased“All right! Let us know __7__ it is”The child said“If you know the __8__ of the basketthe answer is known__9__ it is as big as the poolthere is one basket of waterhalf as bigtwo baskets…”“Stop! That’s itYou have got the answerThey were thinking of things __10__ a wrong way

Sometimes to get out of the difficultyone must change one’s way of thinking


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:


  1I hate a classmate of mine because she always speaks ill of(说某人的坏话)me

  2I argued with my friend Eve again because she never understands me

  3I can’t make friends with Jim because he is different from meI can’t stand that

  4I have few friends because I don’t know how to make friendsIt seems that I haw no interest in anything except my books

  5My friends all complain that I don’t keep my promise(信首诺言).I’m very sad

AIf you promise othersyou must keep itIf you can’t, don’t make any promise

BDon’t care too much about what others say about youJust be yourself if you’re right

CTry to show an interest in othersIf you do so, you will find it's easier to make friends

DTry understand others firstThen you can be understood well  

EIt's not necessary to be the sameRespect(尊重)others. Don’t hope that all friends are


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:

Leo was a little boyHe was very frightened of ghostsOne morningwhen he was having

breakfasthis elder brother Sammy said to him“Leolast night I saw a ghost boy in our house!”

Hearing thisLeo began to cry

★“What is the matter?” asked Leo’s mother“I’m scared!” cried Leo“I don’t want to share our house with a ghost! I’m staying awake all night tonight!” “He’s not scalyreally”explained Sammy“He is very kind and helpfulYou don’t have to worry

★At 9 o’clock that nightLeo’s mother told him to get ready for bed“Good nightLeo”she saidSleep well!” Leo lay there in the darknesswide awake

★  Sleep was impossibleSuddenlyLeo felt as if someone was watching himHe looked aroundbut he couldn’t see anythingHe lay back downThen he heard a boy’s nice voice“Go to sleepClose your eyesplease”Leo closed his eyes and began to relax“Therethere”said the voice again“It is time for sleep nowSweet dreamsLeo”Within a few minutesLeo was fast asleepAt this timeLeo's mother saw Sammy walk secretly out of Leo’s bedroom


  1Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word “frightened”?

AExcited        BHappy            CSad             DAfraid

  2When did Leo fall asleep that night?

AAt 9 o’clock                              BBefore 9 o’clock

CAfter 9 o’clock                           DAt 930

  3Why did Leo fall asleep quickly?

ABecause he was too tired                BBecause he liked sleeping

CBecause a voice made him comfortable                                      DBecause his bed was comfortable

  4Who do you think may be the ghost”?

ANobody          BSammy          CLeo’s mother     DLeos father

  5Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

ALeo was a brave little boy and he Wash’t scared of anything

BLeo told his mother he wouldn’t sleep that night

CSammy told a lie and there wasn’t a ghost at a11

DLeo’s mother knew the fact at last


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:

David did well in his other subjects except physicsMrBrownhis physics teachergave him his physics paper and said to him“Show it to your dad and ask him to sign his name On the paper

◆ David played football until it was 7 o'clockWhen he got homehis parents finished supperHis dad was watching TV and his mom was doing the dishes in the kitchen as usual

◆“Dadmay I ask you some questions?” David asked happily“Yesof course”said his dad“If you can’t answer themyou’ll have to do something for me”“OKI’ll do as you tell me”said his dad“What is coolerwalking or sitting in the sun?” “Walking is coolerIt can make wind”“Which clothes can keep out the sunlightshins or coats?” “Coats can keep out the sunlight because they are much thicker than shirts

◆“Is a man smart if he wears a coat and walks in the sun in summer?” David looked at his dad and waited for his answerHis dad thought for a minute and shook his head

◆ David took out his paper“Now sign your name on me paperplease


1What does MrBrown teach at school?


2Who usually washes the dishes at David’s house?


3Was David’s father watching TV when he got home?


4What do you think David’s father has to do finally?


5What do you think of David?



科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:






Dear students,

We 1. _______ Mr. Lin from Jilin University to give us a talk about how to study English 2. ________. It will be on the school playground at 9 o’clock 3. ________ the morning of May. 15th. 4. _______ the students should attend(参加)on time. During the meeting, everyone should keep the 5. ______

The Students’ Union


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度长春市六十八中第二学期八年级期中质量监测试卷 题型:



























Dear Tom


Write soon


Li Hu

