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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度沈阳市大东区九年级质量监测试卷(一) 题型:

Which is ________, a bear, a whale or an elephant?

A whale is.

Athe smallest                                           Bthe heaviest

Cthe lightest                                              Dthe most intelligent


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度沈阳市大东区九年级质量监测试卷(一) 题型:

You will lose marks in the exam ______ you do not improve your handwriting.

Aafter           Bwhen            Cunless          Dif


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度沈阳市大东区九年级质量监测试卷(一) 题型:

It's really inconvenient to go to Bandar on holiday in MarchIt _______ rains there

Aalways            Bsometimes             Cseldom           Dnever


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度沈阳市大东区九年级质量监测试卷(一) 题型:

________ does he hope you will write to him?

He hopes I will write to him soon.

AWho            BWhere               CWhen              DWhat


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度沈阳市大东区九年级质量监测试卷(一) 题型:

The sightseeing tour is a good way to see _________ foreign city quickly

Athe            B.不填             Ca            Dan


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省泗水县第一学期初二期末考试试卷 题型:

It's Wednesday afternoonSchool is overThe students are putting their bookspencil-boxes 1 ______ their school bagsThe teacher comes in and says to the students“Wait a minutespleaseI have something to tell youListen to me2 _____ is ThursdayThere's going to 3______ a 4 ____ meeting in our schoolThe meeting is at nine in the morning5 _____ are your school reports成绩单and letters6______ your parents7_____ them homeGive your parents the letters and 8_____ them your school reportsAsk them9___ to the meeting on time tomorrowbecause I'm 10____ tell them something about next term

1Ainto                   Bto                       Cout

2Atoday                Btomorrow             Cnext day

3Ahave                Bbe                    Chas

4Astudent                Bparent                 Cparents

5AThese                  BThose              CHere

6Afor                    Bwith                 Cgive

7ATake                     BBring                  CTaking  

8Atell                        Bsay                  Cshow

9Acomes              Bto come            Ccoming

10Agoing               Bgoing to                  Cwant


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省泗水县第一学期初二期末考试试卷 题型:

John Was ten years oldand he is a lazy懒的boyHe didn't like doing any workHe has to go school of coursebut he didn't study hard there and tried to do as little work as possibleHis father and mother are both doctors and they hope that their son will become one toowhen he grow upBut one dad Tom said to his mother“I want to be a dustman when I finish school

    “A dustman?” his mother askedShe was very surprised” That's not a very pleasant jobWhy do you want to become a dustman?”

    “Because then I only have to work one day a week”Tom answered

    “Only one day a week?” his mother said“When do you mean? And how do you know?

     “Well”Tom answered“I know that the dustman who come to our street to work on Thursdaybecause I only see them on that day” 


1How old is John?

    ANine              BTen                CSeven

2What do John's parents do? 

    ADoctors             BTeachers              CWorkers

3What does John want to become?

    ADoctor              BTeacher               CDustman

4When do the dustmen come to their street to work?

    AOn Wednesday    BOn Sunday          COn Thursday

5At schoolJohn doesn't like to do as _____ as possible

    Alittle work       Bmany work           Cmuch work


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省泗水县第一学期初二期末考试试卷 题型:

Linda and Bob decided to have a triptomorrow, They made a plan for the trip this morninglet's have a look at their plan

Time  7:30 am      PlaceBeijing Railway Station

Activity: meeting each other go to the center of Beijing by subway

Time:    8:00 am     Place: the center of Beijing

Activity: take a taxi to the Place Museum

Time:    8:40 am—11:40 am Place: the Place Museum

Activity: visit the museum walk to Beihai Park

Time:    11:50am—2:50 pm Place: Beihai Park

Activity: go boating have lunch Take a bus to Tian’anmen Square

Time:    3:00 pm—5:00 pm Place: Tiananmen Square

Activity: visit the Monument to the People's Heroes visit the People's Great Hall


1How will they go to the Palace Museum?  

    ABy subway         BBy taxi              COn foot

2We can know from the article that _____________

    ABeihai Park is in the Palace Museum    

    BBeihai Park is near the Palace Museum

    CBeihai Park is far from the Palace Museum

3Where will they have lunch? 

    AAt the center of Beijing                             BIn the Palace Museum

    CIn Beihai Park

4Which place isn't mentioned被提及in their plan?

    AThe Summer Palace                                BTiananmen Square   

    CBeihai Park  

5Flow many places will they visit?  

     AThree            BFour               CFive


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省泗水县第一学期初二期末考试试卷 题型:

In the worldall people need recreation消遣).We can't work all the time if we are going to keep healthy and enjoy life

    Everyone has his own way of relaxingPerhaps the most popular form 形式 is to take part in sportsThere are term sportssuch as basketball and volleyballThere are also individual sportSuch as swimming and runningSkating and mountain climbing are the most popular forms of recreation for people who like to be outdoor

    Not everyone that enjoys sports like to take part in themMany people like to watching then on listening to then on the radioSo many people like some forms of indoor recreationsuch watching TV and dancingIt doesn't matter whether是否 we like indoor recreation or take part in outdoor sportsIt is important for everyone to relax from time to time and enjoy some forms of recreation


1What's the most popular form of recreation? 

    APlaying sports      BWatching  TV      CSleeping

2People take part in sports in order to _________

    Amake more money                                   Bfind a good job

    Ckeep healthy and enjoy life 

3Outdoor sports include包括___________________

AWatching TV          Bmountain climbing     Cdancing 

4Which is TRUE about people who like watching sports on TV or listening to them on the radio?

AThey don't  enjoy life                            BThey don't like to take part in them

CThey don't need recreation

5The passage mainly tells us that ____________

Aeveryone who enjoys sports should take part in them

Bdifferent people have different ways of relaxing

Cindoor recreation is not as importantas outdoor recreation


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省泗水县第一学期初二期末考试试卷 题型:

The sun says he is stronger than the windThe wind says he is stronger than the sunA man is walking down the street with a hat and coat onThe sun says“Let's see who can make the man take off his hat and coatIf you can do that , you are stronger than me

Now the wind begins to blowBut the harder be blowsthe tighter the man holds his hat and coatThe wind can't make the man take off his hat and coat

Now the sun triesHe shines brightlySoon the man takes off his hatThen the sun shines more brightlyand the man takes off his coat

So the wind says“That's allYou are stronger than me


1The wind is stronger than the sun

2The sun says he can make the man takes off his hat and coat

3the harder the wind blowsthe tighter the man catches his hat and coat

4The sun begins to shine brightly and the man takes off his hat and coat?

5The sun and the wind can't make the man take off his hat and coat

