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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

1、He wanted to find out _____ the train had left for Shandong.

A.that          B.whether          C.When           D.where


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

34、Everyone is talking about how much money they got in their red envelopes(红包).But an even more important question than "How much did you get?" is "What are you going to do with it?" Well, one thing you could do is to put it in the bank--it's easier than you think.

In fact, some students in Hubei Province began using the Xiaogui Dangjia bank card this year.It's a bank card for kids, and it's given out by Minsheng Bank's Wuhan branch(支行).

"Now all my pocket money has a place to go," said Song Wei, who is a Junior l at the  Wuluolu Middle School in Wuhan."1 can't wait to use the card to pay my own school fees(费用)."

Wang Hong, a manager at Minsheng Bank, said, "We have talked to lots of students and have found they don't think much about what money is, where it comes from or how to use it carefully.They just spend all their money on whatever they want and then ask their parents for more," Wang Said.

 School kids today are getting more money.At one school in Shanghai.205 students got about 500,000 yuan in their red envelopes in total this year.But parents worry that the kids don't know how to take care of the money by themselves.

 Zhang Shan's mother likes the card.Zhang, a Junior 2 in Wuhan, bas been asking for a computer for a long time, but his mother hasn't bought him one."We want him to use this card to save money for the computer step by step," she said. "If we buy everything be asks for, he would think that money comes too easily, and he won't work hard for it."

Experts say that understanding personal finances(经济状况) is important and should be taught early."Those who start saving early will continue the habit when they grow up," said Wang Min, a financial expert in Wuhan, "It's better to teach kids how to fish rather than just feeding them fish."

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

2.How does Song Wei want to use the money from his red envelope?

3.Why do Zhang Shan's parents want him to save money for the computer step by step?'

4.What is the average(平均)amount of money the 205 students at the Shanghai school       received in their red envelopes this year?

5.According to the passage, what do parents think of the students' putting money in the      bank?




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


shoe   grow   full   foot   come   if   side   by   expensive   pair  cheap  difficult

At a certain age, children's feet begin 1         very quickly.Their parents have to keep buying new 2         for them.Are your feet still growing? How good 2         our shoes could grow, too.But maybe they can!

 A British company 4         up With shoes that grow with your feet.The INCH worm trainers use a technology called iFit.The shoes can stretch(拉长)by one 5      size.Each pair of shoes has three sizes.Press a button in the 6        of the shoe and pull the toe out to the length you need.

 According to the makers, the shoes don't stretch 7.         accident and they can stand the 8.         playground workouts(测试).

 But at 47.99(662 yuan), the~ are not 9         . Peter Craig from INCHworms said they have already sold five hundred 10.        

He added: "They are also great for kids who have one foot bigger than the other."







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


1.What is the advertisement about?

2.What is the brand (品牌) of the product?

3.There're two advantages of the product.What are they?




科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

29、    Some people dream of flying.For a doctor and his wife from Sydney, this dream is becoming true.Glenn Singleman and Heather Swan wear specially designed "wing suits" to jump from great height and fly over the large, dry land.

    They plan to set a record with a flight from a hot-air balloon flying 12,000 meters above the middle of the country.Singleman and Swan would reach a top speed of 400 kilometers per hour.

    The Sydney Morning reports that the couple plan to make even higher jump from an airplane.For jump from great height, they carry extra oxygen as well as a Global Position System unit (全球定位系统), so they can be found once they've reached the ground.

1.Where are the Singlemans from?

2.How fast would they reach per hour to set a flight recorder?

3.What's the Sydney Morning, do you think?

4.For making higher jump from an airplane, they will carry something.Give an example.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

28、Craig Calfee, was the owner of a bicycle shop, who lived in Santa Cruz, California.On a shining morning one year ago.he was watching his dog, Luna, as it chew (撕咬) a piece of bamboo.But it could not break the bamboo with its powerful jaws (双颚).In other words, this natural material was strong enough for a good new use.Calfee had an idea.He knew what to do.He set to work making a bicycle out of bamboo.

   Today, he describes his invention as “a little rough”.The bike did work, however.The inventor thought that the bamboo bike might be easy to make and sell in developing countries.He showed his bike on the Internet.Then,  he was contacted by David Ho of the Earth University.The two men travel to Ghana (a country in Africa) to try to produce the bike there."It's just at the very beginning.We might fail, but it might take (奏效)." Calfee said.

1.When did Mr. Calfee set to work making a bicycle out of bamboo?

2.Why can bamboo be used to make bicycle?

3.With whom did Mr. Calfee travel to Ghana?

4.Is Ghana a developing country ?


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

27、Goodbye England's rose

may you ever grow in our hearts


now you belong to heaven

and the stars spell out your name

and it seems to me you lived your life

like a candle in the wind

never fading with the sunset


and even though we try

the truth brings us to tears

all our words cannot express


On 29th July, 1981,Diana Spencer a shy girl, married Charles.the Prince of Wales in London.

Everything looked perfect for the happy couple and the public fell in love with Diana.

    However,things were not as they seemed.Charles and Diana divorced(离婚)in 1996.

    Diana became more active in charity work.The public loved her for the Way she cared for

others.Diana's life ended tragically(悲惨地)at the age of 36 in a car crash in France On August

the 3lst.1997.she got into a car with her boyfriend,Fayed,her bodyguard(保镖)and her

driver Although the doctors tried to save her, It was too late and she died.

Millions around the world cried when they saw the card on her coffin (棺材) from her two young sons.It bad only one word on it "Mummy".She is still remembered as the people's princess.

1.How old was Diana when she married Charles?

2.How many other people with Diana were there in the car when it was crashed?

3.In what way did Diana's two sons show their love to her?

4.Who do the words "England's rose" in the song refer to?


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

26、My daughter Sari and 1 were in a rental (租来的) car from Los Angeles to the Grand Canyon.Suddenly, a deer jumped onto the road.I tried to (A)_______ the car but I hit the deer.From the back seat I heard Sari, ask, "What happened, dad?" Those were her first words 1 had heard during the journey.

   (B) We went to our trip at the end of Sari's winter break.We hadn't gone on a road trip bike this for over two years, and it would (C)possibly be our final vacation together --just (D)_________and daughter.We went on our last trip when Sidney was 9.(E) She spoke without stopping.miles after miles about school, movies and books.Now she was about 12 and almost never talked.However, the accident changed her.

She asked,“(F)你担心哪一个,the deer or the car?” “The deer” I replied,realizing that I had refused the rental company insurance.She were to sit in the front seat and began keeping one eye out of the deer.We began to talk about more than just little things.

It cost (G) a lot of money to fix the car, but Sari spent the half trip home with her hand resting on my shoulder.I'm glad that we went on the trip together.




4.将划线部分(E)改写为she ______________miles after miles about school,movies and books.


