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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:


A.He is smart and moves quickly.Like all antelopes(羚羊), he is strong in track(径赛) and field events(田赛).The antelope is one of the first animals put under protection in China.Choosing the antelope shows that China wants a green Olympic.

B.His ring comes from a famous animal in Sichuan.He is childlike and outgoing.He is good at weight sports. His headdress means humans get on well with nature.

C.She is as happy and lovely as the swallow.She is good at gymnastics(体操). Her image comes from kite designs, an old art style in China. Her golden wings stand for the sky. She brings good luck wherever she flies.

D.He is in the center, the big brother of the five.He carries the Olympic spirit.He is the most warmhearted and outgoing of the five.He can do well in all ball games.

E.Among the five, she is known to be gentle and pure, strong in water sports.In China, fish and water mean harvest.So Beibei carries the blessing of prosperity


1.________ 2. __________ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. _________







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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

24、Expressions about water are almost as water itself.But many of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings.The expression to be in hot water in one of them.It is a very old expression.Hot water was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble.One story says it got that meaning from the custom of throwing boiling water down on enemies attacking a castle.That is no longer the custom, serious and not so serious.A person who breaks a law can be in hot water with the police; a boy can be in hot water with his mother if he comes into the house with muddy shoes.

    Being in deep water is almost the same as being in hot water.When you are in deep water, you are in difficulty.You are in deep water when you are facing a problem which is too deep for you.You can be in deep water, for example, if you invest (投资)in stocks (股票)without knowing anything about the stock market.

    To keep your head above water is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt.A company that can keep its head above water can survive economic hard times.Water over the dam is an expression about a past event.It’s something that is over and done with. It cannot be changed.When a friend is troubled by a mistake he has made, you might tell him to forget about it.You say it is water over the dam.

    Another common expression to hold water is about the strength or weakness of an idea, opinion or argument.It probably comes from the way of testing the condition of a container.If it can hold water, it is strong.The expression is used the same way to describe an idea or argument.If the argument can hold water, it is solid and strong without any holes.If it doesn’t hold water, then, it is weak, and cannot be proved.

Throwing cold water  also is an expression that deals with ideas or proposals.It means, not to like an idea.For example, you want to buy a new computer, so you can do some of your work at home, but your wife throws cold water on the idea, because a computer costs too much.

1.The expression “ get in hot water” means “ be in trouble”. The trouble refers to ____.

A.not serious trouble

B.serious trouble

C.any kind of trouble

D.the possibility to be arrested by policemen

2.Galileo’s theory about falling objects can ___________.

A.keep his head above water                B.hold water

C.be in hot water                         D.be water over the dam

3.“ Your boss throws cold water on your proposal” means ___________.

A.your boss agrees to your proposal

B.your boss has no idea about your proposal

C.your boss dislikes your proposal

D.your boss feels puzzled about your proposal

4.If your friend has made a mistake, you may say_________.

A.you should be thrown cold water on

B.you should keep your head above water

C.you can hold water

D.it’s water over the dam and don’t think about it any more

5.The passage mainly tells us ______________.

A.something about water                  B.some expressions about water

C.origins of some phrases                 D.stories of some idioms


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

23、The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest.It is about 8.9 kilometers above sea level.Many men have tried to climb this mountain but without success.High winds, cold and little oxygen have made this almost an impossible thing.It was not until 1953 that two men stood on the top.One of the men was Edmund Hillary from New Zealand.The other was Tenzing of Nepal.They were members of a British Expedition(探险队).There were nearly twenty people in the whole team.They spent about sixty days to finish the whole climbing.The last day, May 29th, was fine.Hillary and Tenzing started climbing as the sun rose. At half past eleven they were on top of Mount Everest.They were very glad.They wanted to stay there for some time, but they couldn’t.It was too cold and dangerous. They had climbed as high as anyone can climb----- they were on top of the world.

1.When did people first climb up to the top of the world?

A.Never.                                       B.On May 29th, 1954.

C.One day in 1953.                               D.Nearly 60 days after May 29th, 1953.

2.________can make climbing Mount Everest very difficult?

A.High clouds, cold and little oxygen             B.No cars and no planes

C.Few people                                D.Winds, cold and oxygen

3.Who climbed up to the top of the world first?

A.British people.                         B.A expedition.

C.A New Zealand person and a Nepal person.  D.None.

4.How high is the top of the world?

A.No one knows.                             B.9.8 kilometers.

C.8900 meters.                               D.Above the sea level.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

22、MLOSANGELES----“Mission(作战任务) Rehearsal Exercise” is one of the several high-tech video games designed to train US soldiers in the war----without ever leaving the classroom.

A series of scenarios projected on a 150- degree movie screen with floor-shaking surround sound mimic (模拟)the sound and feel of a variety of war situations, natural disasters and peacekeeping missions.Situations can be adjusted with the click of a mouse to give military personal practice in handling(处理) unexpected problems.

The game’s creators, the Institute of Creative Technologies, University of Southern California academics and Hollywood filmmakers, say the game is particularly necessary now in light of the September 11 attacks to quickly train soldiers facing war in Afghanistan.“ Soldiers are dealing with foreign countries.They have got to quickly learn and understand difference of local culture----what taboos(禁忌)there are and what types of dilemmas(进退两难之境)they might face,” said William Swartout, director of technology for the Institute.

The game can be made different to present a player with a variety of problems to deal with.The Institute says that it has entered a partnership to develop two of these games to be released(发行) over the next two years.

1.To train yourself in the war situations, _________.

A.you must go to war

B.there is no need for you to leave the classroom

C.you should buy some high-tech games

D.you should play the game “Mission Rehearsal Exercise”

2.Playing the game, you can feel all of the following except _________.

A.war situations                    B.natural disasters

C.peacekeeping missions             D.the attack of mice

3.Why is the game particularly necessary now?

A.Because of the September 11 attacks

B.Because soldiers are facing war in Afghanistan

C.Because the U.S wants to make war on foreign countries

D.Both A and B

4.The best title of the passage should be__________.

A.A new high-tech video game            B.Games to train soldiers in the war

C.Military Rehearsal Exercise            D.Military personnel practice


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

21、   I have to make a choice.Princeton, along with its significantly better financial (财政的)aid package.Or Yale, which wrote me a letter praising my writing skills and saying that his university is prefect for me.

    First of all, I sent e-mails to some friends, asking for advice.The feedback was half and half. I also sought opinions from current students.The Yale Website was friendlier, giving me the names of Yalies from China.

    I sent my questions and concerns to all of them.From their replies, I could tell that these Chinese students, whether they are American Chinese or native Chinese, were all enthusiastic(热心的)about Yale.Their love for the school shone through their words.I was beginning to lean toward Yale.

    The next deciding factor (因素)is the Spring Visit.I went down to New Haven, Connecticut, and was very excited to see Yale.I think it is the most beautiful campus, though most people would disagree.(Princeton is said to have the most beautiful campus of all the Ivy League universities.) Compared with the red brick buildings at Harvard or Andover, I appreciate the Gothic(哥特式的) styles of Yale much more.

    The culture in Yale is also more attractive than Princeton’s.I went to an event held by CASA( Chinese American Students Association), and met many Chinese Americans there.I discovered Yale’s Chinese population is very active and often stages cultural  events.I even bought a shirt that reads “ Ye Lu Da Xue” in traditional Chinese.

    I enjoyed Yale so much that I began to feel glad that Harvard had refused me. I used to think it was Harvard or nothing.Had I been accepted, I wouldn’t have given Yale or Princeton a chance.

1. _________made me begin to like Yale in some way.

A.The letter from the university           B.My e-mail’s feedback

C.The Yale website                    D.The Chinese students’ interest in it

2._________finally made me choose Yale.

A.The Spring Visit                     B.The Gothic styles of Yale

C.The Yale community                  D.The shirt that reads“ Ye Lu Da Xue”

3.What does the underlined sentence mean?

A.My friends’ advice is not worth listening to at all.

B.My friend didn’t tell me the truth completely.

C.Only half of my friends wrote back to me on line, giving me advice.

D.Half of my friends suggested Princeton while others suggested Yale.

4.What do you think “Ivy League” refer to most probably?

A.An organization of universities and colleges in the United States.

B.An organization of universities and colleges in the world.

C.A football league in the United States.

D.A student union in an American university.


科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

18、(Jimmy and Sally are talking at home)

Jimmy: I’ve decided to leave school.

Sally: Oh? When did you decide to do that?

Jimmy: Before breakfast this morning.


Jimmy: Yes, I have just told Mum and Dad.

Sally: What did you say when you told them?

Jimmy: _______2________________

Sally: Where are you going?

Jimmy: ________3_______________

Sally: Why? It’s raining hard.

Jimmy: They are arguing with each other. I am tired of that.

Sally: Don’t go out. It’s so cold. _________4_____________

Jimmy: Thank you, Sally. But __________5_______________

1. A.How was the breakfast?                  B.Did you tell them?

C.Have you told anybody else?             D.Is it good for you to decide it?

2.A.Mum asked Dad why he shouted at me.

B.Mum told Dad that I had decided to leave school.

C.Mum helped Dad to stop me.

D.Mum asked me why, and Dad shouted at me.

3.A.I’m going out.                         B.I’m going home.

C.I’m very angry.                    D.It’s going to rain.

4.A.It’s bad under the sun.                   B.You will have a good time.

C.You will not find the way.           D.You will be OK.

5.A.I’m sorry.     B.It’s nice of you.   C.I must go back.     D.I must go.







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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

17、The Internet ____rapidly in China in the past five years.

A.having developed          B.developed       C.had developed       D.has developed







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科目: 来源:czyy 题型:

16、He let me repeat his instructions ______ sure that I understood what was _____ after he went away.

A.to make, to be done      B.making, doing        C.to make, to do     D.making, to do

