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   Dad never tried to hug or kiss me when I was a child. And of course,he never said “ I love you" to me,eaher. But whenever I felt sad or lonely,dad was always there.

   When I was in high school,dad retired and set up a food stand on the street near my school. Every day when I finished school,my classmates and I would pass his food stand. But I really hated talking to dad in front of his food stand.

   One night,I couldn’t stand it any more and shouted, “Dad,could you stop selling your stupid noodles? I don't need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment,dad was shocked. He tried to say something but didn't. His eyes were filled with tears and sadness. It was the first time that I had seen dad crying. My mom later told me dad sold noodles to save money for my college education. I was so foolish and even today I still feel guilty for that night.

   Time really flies. I finished college and then left my home. For the past ten years,whenever Fve visited home,dad was always there meeting me and seeing me off quietly at the railway station. Whenever he saw me off,he never tried to hug me. When I was away from home,dad never wrote or called me,but he always pushed my mom to call me. That's the way dad is,and that's how dad shows his love to me.

1. Dad set up a food stand when the writer .

   A. was a child

   B. was in primary school

   C. was in middle school

   D. was in high school

2. The writer hated talking to dad in front of his food stand because .

   A. selling food couldn’t save any money for his college education

   B. dad's food wasn’t delicious at all

   C. he didn't want other students to know dad was selling food

   D. dad never tried to hug or kiss him

3. The underlined word “guilty” means “ ”.

   A. sorry   B. thankful

   C. happy   D. proud

4. When the writer was away from home,always called him.

   A. his mother   B. his father

   C. his parents   D. his grandmother

5. The best title for this passage would be.

   A. The Story of My Father

   B. A Silent Father's Love

   C. My Parents and I

   D. Father,Please Hug Me

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B

  父亲从没有拥抱或亲吻过儿子,但他用自己独有的方式 铸成了一座巍峨的高山,这座高山叫父爱。

1. D细节理解题。根据第二段的首句“When I was in high school,dad retired and set up a food stand on the street near my school. ”可知,在作者上高中的时候父亲退休 了,在离学校不远的街边摆起了食摊。

2. C推理判断题。上文提到了每天放学回家,作者与同学们都要路过父亲的面摊。但那时候作者真的很讨厌站 在他摊前和他说话,由此可推知,原因是作者不想同学 知道他有一个在大街上摆摊的父亲。

3. A词义猜测题。上文提到了作者怒斥父亲,要他不再去卖面条,他不需要一个只会在大街上卖面条的父亲! 后来妈妈告诉他,父亲摆摊卖面条是在为他上大学攒 学费。由此可以推知本句意为:即使今天,我仍然为那 天晚上的所作所为而感到内疚。

4. A细节理解题。根据最后一段的“…but he always pushed my mom to call me. ”可知,肖作者远在他乡时, 父亲从来不会给他写信,也从来不给他打电话。但他 总是会催妈妈给作者打电话。

5. B主旨大意题。通读文章可知,作者的父亲虽然从没有拥抱或亲吻过儿子,但是却无时无刻地为儿子着想:摆 摊卖面条为他上大学攒学费;当他回老家时,父亲总会 默默地在火车站迎接他然后再送他;当作者远在他乡 时,父亲从来不会给他写信,也从来不给他打电话,但父亲总是会催妈妈给他打电话……故“无言的父爱”适 合做标题。

题目来源:一本英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇中考 > TEST8


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

2 smooth/soft/hard 

a Wool feels

b Silk feels

c Wood feels


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   It's common to carry things on bikes,trains and even planes. But do you know small drones (无人机) can help carry packages to your home?

   For two years,Google has been working hard in their secret research lab. Their latest project is called Project Wing.

   Project Wing is Google's invention of a drone delivery service. It is half plane and half helicopter and is slightly bigger than a seagull. It can deliver packages to buyers by drone to door.

   The first drone test was made on a farm in Warwick,Australia. It sent sweets and dog treats to a farmer. The drone flew to the farm,hovered (盘旋) , and released the package with a wire. Delivery is here!

   The best thing about drone delivery services is that delivery times will be greatly cut down, (a) 你可以 上午在网上订购你喜欢的东西。And by noontime,the delivery drone will land your package.

   Throughout history,there have been a series of inventions that have helped people move things around,said Astro Teller,lead scientist of Google Wing,to CNN. Teller thinks Google drones will be the next big step in the series.

   Interestingly,drones are not that ( b) .

The US has been using armed drones since 2002. But drones may also get another use. Film companies have asked to use drones to shoot videos from the sky.

   (c) Yet Google's delivery drones won’t be able to fly to customers any time soon. However,Google has proved that drone delivery is possible. And with Amazon announcing their drone delivery service last year,the heat is on to make safe and suitable drones to fly the skies for customers.


1. What has Google been doing in their secret research lab?

2. 把(a) 画线句子翻译成英语。

3. 在(b) 处填人一个恰当的单词:

4. 把(c) 画线句子翻译成汉语。

5. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Becki and Bonsa are such close friends that people often mistake them for sisters. Becki and Bonsa live in Adukrom,a small village,in Ghana,an English-speaking West African country. Adukrom has no running water,electricity or television.

   At 6:45 am,Bonsa and Becki walk to school carrying chairs on their heads. The school has only desks. It also has no bus,so some children have to walk many miles to get there.

   Outside the school,a woman sells gravy rice. Most children buy the breakfast because their mothers have left their homes so early. A child walks around the playground ringing a bell to announce the start of classes,which begin at 7:15 am sharp. Like every student,Becki and Bonsa will ring the bell for a week. All the students know that being on time is important.

   Becki and Bonsa and the other students gather in rows,one class in each row,in front of a senior teacher. Any late students are sent into the nearby forest to gather firewood.

   After school,the girls wash their hands and use their fingers to eat out of a common bowl. The girls take their evening meal with their own mothers and aunts. The fathers eat with their male relatives at their fathers’ houses. Ashanti men and women do not eat together.

   When there is work to do after school,the girls do it first. Once their work is done,they are free to play. Sometimes they pick oranges,jump rope,dance,or play a board game.

   After sunset,the villagers take chairs outside and join their neighbors to talk about the day. No one is rich. But everyone seems happy.

1. From the passage,we know that Adukrom is a village.

   A. crowded

   B. poor

   C. dirty

   D. polluted

2. When Bonsa and Becki go to school,they always.

   A. take their chairs to school

   B. walk many miles every day

   C. buy some bread at the school gate

   D. carry a bell in the schoolbag

3. If Becki is late for school,she has to .

   A. sit in the last row in the classroom

   B. ring the bell for a week

   C. run around the playground for 10 minutes

   D. collect firewood in the forest

4. After school,Becki and Bonsa first.

   A. pick oranges

   B. jump rope

   C. dance

   D. play a board game

5. The passage mainly tells us about two girls’.

   A. team spirit

   B. favourite school

   C. everyday life

   D. close friendship


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   A message in a water bottle which was thrown overboard by a Titanic .victim (遇难者) while the ship sank has now been donated to a Heritage Centre in Cork by his family.

   Jeremiah Burke,19, from Glanmire in Cork was given the bottle by his mother before he set off for the US. As the Titanic sank in the early hours of 15 April,1912,he threw the bottle and message into the sea.

   The bottle was washed to the beach a year later in Dunkettle,only a few miles from his family home. The note,which read “ From Titanic,goodbye all,Burke of Glanmire,Cork” has remained in the Burke family for nearly a century. Now one of Jeremiah's nieces (侄女) ,Mary Woods,has donated it to the Cobh Heritage Centre. Ms Woods said Jeremiah had been traveling to America with his cousin Nora Hegarty,18, to meet with his two sisters who had left for Boston a year ago. Both Jeremiah and Nora drowned (淹死) in the sea.

   “Jeremiah's mother didn't know for days what had happened to him”’ she said. “ She was at a removal several days later when a person came up to her and said ‘ I'm sorry for your son ’. It was only then that she found out what had happened. She died of a broken heart within the year,before Jeremiah's letter turned up on the beach. ”

   The note will now form part of the Titanic exhibition in the Cobh Heritage Centre.

1. Who threw overboard the bottle while the ship sank?

   A. Jeremiah Burke. B. Mary Woods.

   C. Nora Hegarty. D. Jeremiah's mother.

2. How many years did the bottle remain in the Burke family?

   A. About 10 years. B. About 20 years.

   C. About 50 years. D. About 100 years.

3. When was the message in the bottle found?

   A. In 1912.   B. In 1913.

   C. In 2010.   D. In 2011.

4. What did Mary Woods do with the message in the bottle?

   A. She remained in the Burke family.

   B. She donated it to the Cobh Heritage Centre.

   C. She thrown overboard to the sea.

   D. She sold on the Titanic exhibition.

5. Which of the following is TRUE?

   A. Jeremiah went to America to see his two sisters.

   B. Jeremiah and his two sisters went to the US.

   C. Jeremiah's mother saw the bottle and the message.

   D. The bottle was given to Jeremiah by his father.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   When we went into biology class the other day,we found that a strange smell filled the classroom. Then we saw a glass bottle on our teacher's desk. It was filled with long white strips.

   “Today,you guys will learn to dissect (解剖) these earthworms and learn the inside structure of them,” our teacher said.

   After a brief lecture,our teacher gave each of us an earthworm. We put on glasses and gloves and started to work.

   The first sight of the worm took my breath away.I was too scared to even look at it. “ Don’t be a coward,” I told myself. I lifted the knife and scissors.I shivered when the metal in my hand touched the soft wet body of the worm. I tried to hold my breath and concentrate on cutting it.

   Slowly,a small cut appeared on the worm's body. A burst of deep-colored fluid came out. Some even splashed (溅) on the desk. “ Ewww...” my desk partner said.

   I bit my teeth and went on with my work. I found that when I cut the body,the knife broke the organs easily. I changed to cutting in another way and it worked much better. Finally,I pushed the top skin aside and fastened it with pins. All of the organs appeared clearly.

   At that time,I found that I wasn’t afraid anymore. I was quite calm. UI am ready for a surgery (手术) ,” Ijoked.

1. What are in the glass bottle on our teacher's desk?

   A. Earthworms. B. Some corns.

   C. Some pins. D. Knives and scissors.

2. The underlined word “shivered” in the passage probably means “ ”.

   A. 愤怒   B. 颤抖

   C. 静坐   D. 瞌睡

3. The writer's desk partner felt terrible when .

   A. the teacher told them what to do in the class

   B. they were shown the earthworm

   C. something from the earthworm splashed on the desk

   D. they saw a small cut on the earthworm

4. What did the writer mean by saying u I am ready for a surgery”?

   A. She hoped to become a doctor in the future.

   B. She mastered the skill of surgery.

   C. She completed the task like a doctor.

   D. She learned how to treat the insects.

5. From the passage,we can infer that .

   A. earthworms are always used in their classes

   B. it was the first time for the writer to dissect an earthworm

   C. the writer didn't see the structure of the earthworm

   D. the writer didn't know how to use the tools


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Is taking a nap (小睡) during the day good or bad for your health?

   Many people who often take a nap tell us that it comes 1 benefits (益处) . First of all,you are more efficient after napping. You remember things better and make 2 mistakes. Also,you can learn things more 3 after taking a nap. A nap may increase your sdf-confidence (自信) and make you more active. It may even 4 you up.

   But,there are some simple rules you should 5 about taking a nap. First,take a nap in the middle of a day,about eight hours after you 6 in the morning. Next,a 20-minute nap is best. 7 you sleep longer,you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking from a deep sleep,you will feel worse. Also,you should 8 an alarm clock. That way,you can fully relax 9 your nap. You won’t have to keep looking at the clock so you don't oversleep.

   Now,the next time you feel 10 after lunch,don't reach for a coffee!Instead,just put your head down,close your eyes,and take a nap. Ifs good to have a daily nap.

1. A. with   B. after   C. along   D. over

2. A. worse   B. less   C. fewer   D. more

3. A. quietly   B. slowly   C. loudly   D. easily

4. A. call   B. cheer   C. give   D. hold

5. A. follow   B. enjoy   C. refuse   D. break

6. A. fall asleep   B. take off   C. go away   D. wake up

7. A. If   B. But   C. So   D. Or

8. A. buy   B. leave   C. set   D. keep

9. A. about   B. during   C. after   D. before

10. A. thirsty   B. tired   C. excited   D. sleepy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Does your school have any problems with discipline (纪律) ?What happens when students step out of line?

   Is discipline a problem in your school? What do teachers do when pupils behave (表现) badly in your country? A teenager had very strong opinions about discipline at her school.

   What is bad behavior?

   The UK schools are allowed to discipline pupils who behave badly in different ways. But what exactly is bad behavior? The following is a list of serious and not-so-serious types of bad behavior seen by a teacher in a London secondary school (初中) .

   Playing truant (not coming to school without permission from parents)      Smoking,swearing,hitting,kissing,running,stealing 

   Not doing homework ( but except you left your homework at home) 

   Cheating in exams (copying from secret notes or another pupil) 

   Calling a teacher or another pupil bad names (bullying) 

   Not listening or not paying attention in lessons 

   Wearing unsuitable clothes for school 

   Punishments in the UK schools 

   Here are some of the ways that the UK school children can be punished.

   Exclusion (开除) :a pupil is excluded from the school and cannot come back. The pupil has to find a new school or a different method of education ( home tutor (家庭教师) , special center for difficult pupils) .

   Suspension (停课) :when a pupil is suspended they cannot enter the building or attend lessons until the school has a meeting about their case. Suspension can last from 1 to 45 days in a school term. The school usually gives work to do at home with a tutor (special teacher) .

   Detention (阻留) :a pupil is detained. This means he or she is asked to stay at school at the end of the school day. The pupil must work for 30 minutes or an hour more before they are allowed to leave the school.

   Lines: a pupil has to write a sentence many times (100 times) on a sheet of paper : An example sentence : I must not shout in class. This punishment is sometimes given during detention too.

1. The expression “step out of line ” in Paragraph 1 probably means “ ”.

   A. jump the queue

   B. break the discipline

   C. be later for school

   D. fight with others

2. Which of the following behavior may be NOT regarded as serious bad behavior in a Scottish school?

   A. Forgetting to bring homework to school.

   B. Fighting with classmates.

   C. Copying another pupil's test paper.

   D. Listening to music in class.

3. If Jim has to write a sentence 100 times after school,he may get Punishments.

   A. Exclusion or Suspension

   B. Detention or Lines

   C. Only Lines

   D. Only Detention

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Exclusion means the punished students have no right to study in the school again.

   B. A suspended student has to study by himself at home in a school term.

   C. A detained student can't go home at once when the school day is over.

   D. A pupil can go home after writing a sentence many times when he gets Lines.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. Punishments in the UK Schools

   B. What Is Bad Behavior?

   C. The UK School Discipline

   D. Too Many School Rules in the UK


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Some cars do not run the way they should. Bad smoke from a car's engine (发动机) can get into the air. This bad smoke is called pollution. Pollution can turn the air gray and is very dirty.

   In order to keep pollution down,California has passed a new law which means all cars have to take a test every two years. This test checks to make sure that the cars do not pollute the air. If a car does not pass the test,the owner can't register it. Some car owners drive their cars,even though they don^ pass the test. This is against the law.

   The state wants to find a way to get these cars off the road. A program was started that seemed to work. This program buys cars that can't pass the test or will help pay for repairs,but the cars must be drivable and the owner can't make over a certain amount of money. This program has been helping a lot of people by giving them money to help buy better cars or by allowing them to fix their old ones. It has also been helping to keep pollution down.

1. is against the new law in California.

   A. Smoking in public places such as school

   B. Buying more than one car for the family

   C. Driving a car after drinking too much

   D. Driving a car that hasn’t passed the pollution test

2. Who can get help from the program?

   A. The owner who has more than one car.

   B. Whose car is drivable and didn't pass the test.

   C. Whose car didn't pass the test and has high income.

   D. Everyone who wants to buy a better car.

3. The program can.

   A. help the owner of the bad cars to sell cars

   B. ask the car owners not to buy new cars

   C. keep the prices of the cars low

   D. help keep the pollution down

4. The underlined word “register” means “ ”in Chinese.

   A. 出售   B. 保留   C. 注册   D. 起动

5. What can we learn from the passage?

   A. A car's smoke can make the air dirty.

   B. The problem isn’t helpful for the cars’ owners.

   C. There are many cars that can't pass the test.

   D. The car that doesn’t pass the test must be sold.

