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   Becki and Bonsa are such close friends that people often mistake them for sisters. Becki and Bonsa live in Adukrom,a small village,in Ghana,an English-speaking West African country. Adukrom has no running water,electricity or television.

   At 6:45 am,Bonsa and Becki walk to school carrying chairs on their heads. The school has only desks. It also has no bus,so some children have to walk many miles to get there.

   Outside the school,a woman sells gravy rice. Most children buy the breakfast because their mothers have left their homes so early. A child walks around the playground ringing a bell to announce the start of classes,which begin at 7:15 am sharp. Like every student,Becki and Bonsa will ring the bell for a week. All the students know that being on time is important.

   Becki and Bonsa and the other students gather in rows,one class in each row,in front of a senior teacher. Any late students are sent into the nearby forest to gather firewood.

   After school,the girls wash their hands and use their fingers to eat out of a common bowl. The girls take their evening meal with their own mothers and aunts. The fathers eat with their male relatives at their fathers’ houses. Ashanti men and women do not eat together.

   When there is work to do after school,the girls do it first. Once their work is done,they are free to play. Sometimes they pick oranges,jump rope,dance,or play a board game.

   After sunset,the villagers take chairs outside and join their neighbors to talk about the day. No one is rich. But everyone seems happy.

1. From the passage,we know that Adukrom is a village.

   A. crowded

   B. poor

   C. dirty

   D. polluted

2. When Bonsa and Becki go to school,they always.

   A. take their chairs to school

   B. walk many miles every day

   C. buy some bread at the school gate

   D. carry a bell in the schoolbag

3. If Becki is late for school,she has to .

   A. sit in the last row in the classroom

   B. ring the bell for a week

   C. run around the playground for 10 minutes

   D. collect firewood in the forest

4. After school,Becki and Bonsa first.

   A. pick oranges

   B. jump rope

   C. dance

   D. play a board game

5. The passage mainly tells us about two girls’.

   A. team spirit

   B. favourite school

   C. everyday life

   D. close friendship

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C

  本文记叙了 Becki和Bonsa —天的生活。通过对她们 生活的描述,我们了解到在Adukrom的人们生活很贫苦,但 每个人都生活得很快乐。

1. B细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Adukrom has no running water,electricity or television. ”可知,Adukrom 是一个贫穷的小村庄。故选B项。

2. A细节理解题。由第二段第一句“…Bonsa and Becki walk to school carrying chairs on their heads. ” 可知,她们 自己带着椅子去上学。故正确答案为A项。

3. D细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“Any late students are sent into the nearby forest to gather firewood. ”可知, 如果Becki迟到,就会被送到附近的树林里捡木柴。因 此选D.

4. A细节理解题。由第六段中“When there is work to do after school,the girls do it first. ”可知,放学后她们先干 农活,然后再玩。

B、C、D三项都是玩游戏。pick oranges意为“摘橘子”,A项符合题意。

5. C主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文记叙了 Becki和Bonsa一天的生活:早上带着椅子去学校,放学后先做农活然 后一起玩,晚上坐在一起聊天。故C项符合题意。

   加纳(Ghana) 是非洲西部的一个国家,位于非洲 西部、几内亚湾北岸,西邻科特迪瓦,北接布基纳法 索,东毗多哥,南濒大西洋,海岸线长约562公里。


   Once their work is done,they are free to play. 一旦她们的工作完成后,她们就可以自由玩耍。

   once用作连词时,意为“一旦……就……”,用于连接时 间状语从句,相当于as soon as。注意:once引导的是时间状 语从句,从句要用一般现在时代替将来时。

题目来源:一本英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇中考 > TEST6


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   There are different houses at my school in Australia. These houses are student groups. You will understand what I mean if you are a Harry Potter fan. The Hogwarts School is divided (分成) into four houses.

   We have six houses at my school,St Paul's Grammar School. My teacher put new students in different houses in the first week of this term.

   I am in Cornwallis. The logo of our house is a dragon on a yellow background. Unlike in Hogwarts,students of the same house at St Paul's do not live on campus,but we do activities together.

   Each house is divided into several tutor groups. Since different houses and different tutor groups are made up of students from different grades,I can make friends with students in different grades.

   Every morning we go to our tutor groups to register (登记) .We have a nice chat together for about half an hour before classes begin. We talk about the most boring teachers and the most popular students in the school.

   Sometimes we sell and buy cakes for charity events. This month our tutor group decided to make a short film. So far we still do not know what kind of film we are going to make,but we will discuss that later.

   Last week,they celebrated my birthday and bought a birthday cake for me. We also play handball together. I am not good at it now. But I am still learning. I like the house system. It is interesting and helps me fit into school life in Australia.

1. We can infer (推断) from the passage that .

   A. the writer learns in the Hogwarts School

   B. Harry Potter lived in the Hogwarts School

   C. Cornwallis is one house of the Hogwarts School

   D. The Hogwarts School is in Australia

2. How many student groups are there in the writer's school?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six.

3. Which of the following about the writer's house is NOT true?

   A. His house is named Cornwallis,with a dragon as its logo.

   B. His house is quite similar to the one in Hog warts.

   C. There are students from different grades in his house.

   D. There are different tutor groups in his house.

4. What activities did the writer's tutor group do?

① Raised money for charity events.

② Made a film by themselves.

③ Chatted happily before classes.

④ Celebrated the writer's birthday.

Played a ball game together.

   A. ①②③④   B. ④⑤

   C. ①③④⑤   D. ②③④⑤

5. What does the writer think of the house system in his school?

   A. It is boring and not helpful to his study.

   B. It takes up too much time for him to fit into it.

   C. It helps him get used to life in Australia.

   D. It isn’t easy to get along with students in other grades.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  阅读短文,根据短文内容补全表格中所缺失的 信息,每空一词。

   William Shakespeare was the greatest English writer of all time. He wrote thirty-seven plays in all. His stories are almost known in every comer of the world.

   William Shakespeare was bom in Stratford,a small town in England,in 1564. He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen. In 1582,he married the 26-year-old Anne Hathaway who was a farmer's daughter. Their first child was a daughter. Later they had twins. In 1585,Shakespeare left his hometown. His wife and children stayed behind. No one knows why he left or what he did between 1585 and 1592. These years are called “the lost years”. In his youth,he moved to London and began a career as a playwright. By 1594,he had become a key playwright of a popular acting company in the city.

   Although Shakespeare is famous as a playwright,he once was an actor and poet. He usually acted in his own plays. He earned almost no money from his writing. But he made a lot of money from acting. At the age of forty-nine,Shakespeare retired. Shakespeare spent the last five years of his life in Stratford. He died on 23 April 1616.

   Of course,Shakespeare wrote 400 years ago and his English was very different from that of today. He is a master of words. He coined about 1 ,700 English words,including everyday ones like “ lonely ” and “hurry,”according to the New York Post.

William Shakespeare

In 1564

He was bom in   Stratford, in England.

In 1582

He married a farmers daughter and then they had 1 children.

In 1585

Shakespeare left   his hometown 2 .

Between 1585 and 1592

No one knows what   Shakespeare did.

By 1594

He had become one   of the most popular 3 in London.

At the age of 4

He died in his   hometown Stratford.

Shakespeares work also   has a big 5 on the English language.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Even in the animal kingdom,the loss of a loved one is quite a sad thing,and this upset dog in the picture,near a village in Russia's Perm area,gives us a real model in our life.

   His mate (配偶) was hit to die by a car while she was trying to cross the road over seven days ago,but now he's still standing guard (站岗) over her body,hoping she will wake up one day. People who passed by the dog said the dog dragged his mate from the road right after she was hit and hadn’t left her side since then. He kept trying to move her with his paws and keep her warm with his own body,and the local people knew the story of his loyalty (忠诚) just in a few days. When children and adults passed the dog and heard his heartbreaking (令人心碎的) cry,and saw him standing guard over her body they often broke into tears. “It's very sad. He won’t let anyone walk near to her and he keeps trying to warm her up with his own body”,a local farmer said.

   What a loyal dog it is!

1. The dog's mate was killed by .

   A. a child   B. a car

   C. a hunter   D. an adult

2. The dog is standing guard over his mate's body because .

   A. his mate is dead

   B. he has no home to go back

   C. he hopes she will wake up

   D. his mate is too cold

3. The underlined word “dragged” means “”.

   A. treated   B. washed

   C. sent   D. pulled

4. The dog kept his mate warm with .

   A. his paws   B. his body

   C. his heartbreaking cry   D. his loyalty

5. From the passage,we know if an animal loses a loved one,he will be .

   A. usual   B. honest

   C. boring   D. sad


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   There once was a poor man who had three sons. He often said to them ,“My boys,we don't have land or cows. But you have fine minds and must use them. Notice everything. Observe and learn. Your abilities will serve you well. ”

   Years went by,and the old father passed away. The brothers were very sad,and they decided to set about walking. After many days,they came to a road leading to a great city. They came upon a rich man on a horse searching all around.

   The eldest brother called out,“ Are you looking for a large camel?”

   “And was the camel blind in one eye?” asked the second brother.

   “And was a woman with a child riding on it?” said the youngest brother.

   “Yes!Yes!Where are they?”

   “We have not seen them ,” said the second brother. “But if you ride to the east,you might catch up with them. ”

   “Thieves!” cried the man. “What have you done with them?”

   “We are not thieves,” replied the eldest brother. “We haven’t seen your camel or your wife or child. ”

   “ Tell me ,” the rich man said ,“ how did you know so much about my camel?”

   “I saw the tracks (足迹) of a large camel as we were walking along”’ said the eldest brother. “ And I knew it was blind in one eye because it ate the grass only on one side of the road ,” said the middle brother. The youngest added, “ We came to a place where the camel knelt down. There in the sand I saw prints of a woman's boots and those of a child. ”

1. The underlined part “passed away” in the passage probably means “”.

   A. married   B. went on a trip

   C. got lots of money   D. died

2. On the road the brothers met a rich man who.

   A. came to welcome them to the city

   B. came to look for his wife and child

   C. wanted to ask the brothers the way

   D. found them stealing his camel

3. According to the second brother,the camel was blind in one eye because .

   A. he saw the camel walk on the road himself

   B. he found only the grass on one side of the road was eaten

   C. he saw some prints of a woman's boots on one side of the road

   D. he just guessed what he said might be true

4. If added to the end of this passage,which of the following would fit best?

   A. The brothers were caught as thieves.

   B. The brothers asked the rich man for a lot of money.

   C. The rich man traveled east and found the camel.

   D. The rich man didn't believe the brothers at all.

5. What can we learn from the passage?

   A. It's never too old to learn.

   B. One should learn to observe carefully.

   C. We shouldn’t tell a lie to strangers.

   D. A wise head makes a close mouth.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Dad never tried to hug or kiss me when I was a child. And of course,he never said “ I love you" to me,eaher. But whenever I felt sad or lonely,dad was always there.

   When I was in high school,dad retired and set up a food stand on the street near my school. Every day when I finished school,my classmates and I would pass his food stand. But I really hated talking to dad in front of his food stand.

   One night,I couldn’t stand it any more and shouted, “Dad,could you stop selling your stupid noodles? I don't need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment,dad was shocked. He tried to say something but didn't. His eyes were filled with tears and sadness. It was the first time that I had seen dad crying. My mom later told me dad sold noodles to save money for my college education. I was so foolish and even today I still feel guilty for that night.

   Time really flies. I finished college and then left my home. For the past ten years,whenever Fve visited home,dad was always there meeting me and seeing me off quietly at the railway station. Whenever he saw me off,he never tried to hug me. When I was away from home,dad never wrote or called me,but he always pushed my mom to call me. That's the way dad is,and that's how dad shows his love to me.

1. Dad set up a food stand when the writer .

   A. was a child

   B. was in primary school

   C. was in middle school

   D. was in high school

2. The writer hated talking to dad in front of his food stand because .

   A. selling food couldn’t save any money for his college education

   B. dad's food wasn’t delicious at all

   C. he didn't want other students to know dad was selling food

   D. dad never tried to hug or kiss him

3. The underlined word “guilty” means “ ”.

   A. sorry   B. thankful

   C. happy   D. proud

4. When the writer was away from home,always called him.

   A. his mother   B. his father

   C. his parents   D. his grandmother

5. The best title for this passage would be.

   A. The Story of My Father

   B. A Silent Father's Love

   C. My Parents and I

   D. Father,Please Hug Me


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   My mother always breaks my dream. I feel very sad and unhappy.

   One day,I was doing my homework 1 my mother was surfing the Internet. I was 2 because my good friend had just called me and said that I might be a singer in the future!I was really happy that she could say so. And my dream is to be a 3 too. But I've never said it to my mother because she doesn’t like it. She wants me to be a flute (长笛) player!Oh! How boring!

   After a long thought,I raised my head and turned to my mother. I told my mother the 4 一my dream.

   “5 your idea!It's impossible!You should pay more attention to your 6,not pop music!If you don't study hard,you will 7 be an excellent student!” her voice went up,and I was afraid.

   “But mum,I really want to be a singer!” I was expecting that my mother could change her 8 at once,but I failed. My heart was badly hurt. But that time I said to myself “ Don’t give up! 9 is nothing. I'll never give up although my mother doesn’t stand on my side,even try to break my dream."

   In a word,don't let anybody break your 10 , especially those teenagers of my age. It's your own dream.

1. A. what   B. where   C. while   D. which

2. A. frustrated   B. angry   C. worried   D. excited

3. A. doctor   B. scientist   C. singer   D. teacher

4. A. truth   B. accident   C. call   D. lesson

5. A. Keep on   B. Study with   C. Think over   D. Give up

6. A. friends   B. studies   C. club   D. health

7. A. always   B. often   C. never   D. sometimes

8. A. job   B. mind   C. place   D. style

9. A. Tomorrow   B. Dream   C. Impossible   D. Mother

10. A. rules   B. family   C. study   D. dream


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Jenny Gonzalez is excited to go to school these days. The 13-year-old from South Gate Middle School in Los Angeles,the US,is taking care of three green abalones (鲍鱼) at school.

   The students of Violeta Llamas’ science class,including Jenny,have cared for the sea animals since January. The class formed eight teams. Each team takes turns to care for the abalones. Team five— Jenny,Alexis Diaz,Jennifer Gonzalez and Ricardo Beltran一have now got their turn.

   The abalones are kept in a box of seawater. Every day Alexis,12, checks if the water has too much salt. Too much salt is bad for the health of abalones. Jenny makes fresh saltwater. Then the four students work together to clean up the waste in the box and feed the abalones. “Sea life is like a baby. You have to clean them and care for them,” Jennifer said.

   Nancy Caruso,a scientist,leads the project. She said the number of green abalones along the state's coast is going down because people have caught too many of them. She said protecting the sea is now up to the next generation—young students.

   The students love taking care of the abalones,said Llamas. u This could open the door for them to want to be a sea life scientist or an environment protector ,” she said.

   The students’ time with the abalones will end this school year. Caruso and a team of volunteers will record the abalones and then release them into the sea.

1. Jenny Gonzalez is excited to go to school because.

   A. she loves science class

   B. she needs to take care of the sea animals

   C. she needs to make preparations for class

   D. she is the one who opens the door for class

2. According to the article,the abalones .

   A. have been kept in the box at school for eight days

   B. will go back to the sea after the school year

   C. are fed small fishes

   D. love the salt from the seawater

3. Jennifer thought sea life is like a baby, because.

   A. they are very lovely

   B. they can be humans’ friends

   C. they can't clean up their waste

   D. they need to be taken care of

4. The underlined word “ generation ” in the passage probably means“”.

   A. —代人   B. 消费者

   C. 科学家   D. 微生物

5. With this experience,the students from the school may .

   A. keep abalones as their pets

   B. do some research about sea water

   C. catch some abalones

   D. show more interest in sea animals


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B1.Suzy finds this blog on the Internet about a girl and her rabbit Read it with her.

My name is Katie. I am 12 years old. I have a pet rabbit. I call her Snowdrop because she is white like snow. She lives in my garden.

Every day before school,I give Snowdrop water to drink and food to eat. This is important. If you get a pet rabbit,you must give it food every day. Snowdrop likes to eat vegetables. Carrots are her favourite food.

After school,I like to play with Snowdrop. On sunny days,I let Snowdrop run around the garden. She likes to eat the grass and lie in the sun. She looks very happy on sunny days. If it is rainy,I take Snowdrop inside the house and she sits with me as I watch TV or read a book.

I love Snowdrop. I think rabbits make the best pets. They are quiet and lovely and they do not bite. Snowdrop makes me happy.

