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   Jenny Gonzalez is excited to go to school these days. The 13-year-old from South Gate Middle School in Los Angeles,the US,is taking care of three green abalones (鲍鱼) at school.

   The students of Violeta Llamas’ science class,including Jenny,have cared for the sea animals since January. The class formed eight teams. Each team takes turns to care for the abalones. Team five— Jenny,Alexis Diaz,Jennifer Gonzalez and Ricardo Beltran一have now got their turn.

   The abalones are kept in a box of seawater. Every day Alexis,12, checks if the water has too much salt. Too much salt is bad for the health of abalones. Jenny makes fresh saltwater. Then the four students work together to clean up the waste in the box and feed the abalones. “Sea life is like a baby. You have to clean them and care for them,” Jennifer said.

   Nancy Caruso,a scientist,leads the project. She said the number of green abalones along the state's coast is going down because people have caught too many of them. She said protecting the sea is now up to the next generation—young students.

   The students love taking care of the abalones,said Llamas. u This could open the door for them to want to be a sea life scientist or an environment protector ,” she said.

   The students’ time with the abalones will end this school year. Caruso and a team of volunteers will record the abalones and then release them into the sea.

1. Jenny Gonzalez is excited to go to school because.

   A. she loves science class

   B. she needs to take care of the sea animals

   C. she needs to make preparations for class

   D. she is the one who opens the door for class

2. According to the article,the abalones .

   A. have been kept in the box at school for eight days

   B. will go back to the sea after the school year

   C. are fed small fishes

   D. love the salt from the seawater

3. Jennifer thought sea life is like a baby, because.

   A. they are very lovely

   B. they can be humans’ friends

   C. they can't clean up their waste

   D. they need to be taken care of

4. The underlined word “ generation ” in the passage probably means“”.

   A. —代人   B. 消费者

   C. 科学家   D. 微生物

5. With this experience,the students from the school may .

   A. keep abalones as their pets

   B. do some research about sea water

   C. catch some abalones

   D. show more interest in sea animals

1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D

 本文讲述了最近美国中学生变身鲍鱼“保姆”,保护濒 危海洋动物的故事。

1. B 细节理解题。由第一段的 is taking care of three green abalones. ..可知,Jenny很激动地去上学是因为她需要 照顾海洋动物,由此可知正确答案为B项。

2. B细节理解题。最后一段提到了“The students’ time with the abalones will end this school year.…release them into the sea. ”,由此可知鲍鱼在这一学年结束后就要被放回大海。

3. D细节理解题。由第三段的“Sea life is like a baby. You have to clean them and care for them.…”可知,她认为海洋生物就像一个婴儿,因为需要人们去照顾它。由此 可知正确答案为D项。

4. A词义猜测题。对于Nancy来说后面提到的young students应该是代表下一代人,由此可猜测generation意为“一代人”,故选A项。

5. D推理判断题。由全文内容及第五段的“This could open the door for them to want to be a sea life scientist or an environment protector. 可推断,通过与海洋生物接触,学生会对海洋动物产生更多的兴趣,他们可能想成 为海洋生物科学家或环境保护者。

take care of 照顾 take turns 轮流 up to由决定的


  She said the number of green abalones along the state's coast is going down because people have caught too many of them.她说国家海岸沿线的绿色鲍鱼的数量正在减少,因为 人们已经捕捉了太多鲍鱼。

  本句包含一个宾语从句,She said为主句,the number of…为从句;go down意为“减少,下降”;too many意为“太多”,后面接可数名词复数形式。

题目来源:一本英语阅读理解与完形填空150篇中考 > TEST8


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Becki and Bonsa are such close friends that people often mistake them for sisters. Becki and Bonsa live in Adukrom,a small village,in Ghana,an English-speaking West African country. Adukrom has no running water,electricity or television.

   At 6:45 am,Bonsa and Becki walk to school carrying chairs on their heads. The school has only desks. It also has no bus,so some children have to walk many miles to get there.

   Outside the school,a woman sells gravy rice. Most children buy the breakfast because their mothers have left their homes so early. A child walks around the playground ringing a bell to announce the start of classes,which begin at 7:15 am sharp. Like every student,Becki and Bonsa will ring the bell for a week. All the students know that being on time is important.

   Becki and Bonsa and the other students gather in rows,one class in each row,in front of a senior teacher. Any late students are sent into the nearby forest to gather firewood.

   After school,the girls wash their hands and use their fingers to eat out of a common bowl. The girls take their evening meal with their own mothers and aunts. The fathers eat with their male relatives at their fathers’ houses. Ashanti men and women do not eat together.

   When there is work to do after school,the girls do it first. Once their work is done,they are free to play. Sometimes they pick oranges,jump rope,dance,or play a board game.

   After sunset,the villagers take chairs outside and join their neighbors to talk about the day. No one is rich. But everyone seems happy.

1. From the passage,we know that Adukrom is a village.

   A. crowded

   B. poor

   C. dirty

   D. polluted

2. When Bonsa and Becki go to school,they always.

   A. take their chairs to school

   B. walk many miles every day

   C. buy some bread at the school gate

   D. carry a bell in the schoolbag

3. If Becki is late for school,she has to .

   A. sit in the last row in the classroom

   B. ring the bell for a week

   C. run around the playground for 10 minutes

   D. collect firewood in the forest

4. After school,Becki and Bonsa first.

   A. pick oranges

   B. jump rope

   C. dance

   D. play a board game

5. The passage mainly tells us about two girls’.

   A. team spirit

   B. favourite school

   C. everyday life

   D. close friendship


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Does your school have any problems with discipline (纪律) ?What happens when students step out of line?

   Is discipline a problem in your school? What do teachers do when pupils behave (表现) badly in your country? A teenager had very strong opinions about discipline at her school.

   What is bad behavior?

   The UK schools are allowed to discipline pupils who behave badly in different ways. But what exactly is bad behavior? The following is a list of serious and not-so-serious types of bad behavior seen by a teacher in a London secondary school (初中) .

   Playing truant (not coming to school without permission from parents)      Smoking,swearing,hitting,kissing,running,stealing 

   Not doing homework ( but except you left your homework at home) 

   Cheating in exams (copying from secret notes or another pupil) 

   Calling a teacher or another pupil bad names (bullying) 

   Not listening or not paying attention in lessons 

   Wearing unsuitable clothes for school 

   Punishments in the UK schools 

   Here are some of the ways that the UK school children can be punished.

   Exclusion (开除) :a pupil is excluded from the school and cannot come back. The pupil has to find a new school or a different method of education ( home tutor (家庭教师) , special center for difficult pupils) .

   Suspension (停课) :when a pupil is suspended they cannot enter the building or attend lessons until the school has a meeting about their case. Suspension can last from 1 to 45 days in a school term. The school usually gives work to do at home with a tutor (special teacher) .

   Detention (阻留) :a pupil is detained. This means he or she is asked to stay at school at the end of the school day. The pupil must work for 30 minutes or an hour more before they are allowed to leave the school.

   Lines: a pupil has to write a sentence many times (100 times) on a sheet of paper : An example sentence : I must not shout in class. This punishment is sometimes given during detention too.

1. The expression “step out of line ” in Paragraph 1 probably means “ ”.

   A. jump the queue

   B. break the discipline

   C. be later for school

   D. fight with others

2. Which of the following behavior may be NOT regarded as serious bad behavior in a Scottish school?

   A. Forgetting to bring homework to school.

   B. Fighting with classmates.

   C. Copying another pupil's test paper.

   D. Listening to music in class.

3. If Jim has to write a sentence 100 times after school,he may get Punishments.

   A. Exclusion or Suspension

   B. Detention or Lines

   C. Only Lines

   D. Only Detention

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Exclusion means the punished students have no right to study in the school again.

   B. A suspended student has to study by himself at home in a school term.

   C. A detained student can't go home at once when the school day is over.

   D. A pupil can go home after writing a sentence many times when he gets Lines.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. Punishments in the UK Schools

   B. What Is Bad Behavior?

   C. The UK School Discipline

   D. Too Many School Rules in the UK


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   As the teacher at the skydiving school,Ron was surprised when he saw the grey-haired man drive up to the airfield. He was more surprised when the man said that his name was Walter and asked if he could take skydiving lessons. 1. Ron explained to Walter that anyone over 50 had to be checked by a doctor before they could learn to jump from a plane.

   “I'm afraid you should have thought about that before coming here,” Ron said. “I'm sorry,but I can't let you start learning without a letter from your doctor. ” Walter smiled. u Here is a letter from my doctor. 2.

   So Walter was able to join the skydiving school. He came to all the lessons and worked very hard,although the other students were much younger than him,mostly about 30. 3. Ron asked him if he was feeling OK. Walter replied that he had never felt better. However,he added that there was something he should have told Ron earlier. Ron asked what it was and Walter smiled. Then,just before he jumped,he told Ron that he wasn’t 60. 4.

   Walter's first jump from a plane was six years ago. And yesterday he made his eighteenth jump. “I should have started skydiving a long time ago!” he said.

  阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框里的五个选 项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项 为多余选项。

   A. He asked me to take lots of tests and he said that I was fine.

   B. Ron asked how old Walter really was and Walter told him he was 75 !

   C. Walter's daughter Betty worries about him.

   D. Ron asked Walter how old he was and Walter replied that he was 60.

   E. Soon it was time for him to make his first jump.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   The day was Thankful Thursday. It's a weekly tradition that my two little girls and I began years ago. We go out in the world and do charity work. Last Thursday,we were going to buy lunch for the panhandlers in the street.

   I ordered 15 lunches from McDonald's and set out to deliver them.

   We loved what we saw in the street: a surprised and happy person holding up their lunch bag.

   Then we noticed a small,old woman,asking for change. We handed her our final lunch bag. As we got into the car she started to speak to us. “ No one has ever done anything like this for me before ,” she said with a smile. “Well,I'm glad that we were the first,” I replied. “So,when will you eat your lunch?” I asked.

   She just looked at me with her huge,tired brown eyes and said, “Oh honey,I'm not going to eat this lunch. You see,I have a little girl of my own. I usually can't afford to buy her the food she enjoys. But tonight she will be so happy!”

   I don't know if the kids noticed the tears in my eyes. I have questioned many times whether our acts of kindness were too small to really effect change.

Yet in that moment,I recognized the truth of Mother Teresa's words: uWe cannot do great things一 only small things with great love. ”

1. The underlined word “panhandlers” in the passage probably means “ ”.

   A. 富商   B. 游客

   C. 乞丐   D. 学者

2. On Thankful Thursday,the writer went with her two daughters to .

   A. McDonald's to have lunch

   B. express thanks to others

   C. visit their friends

   D. do some charity work

3. What did the old woman do with the lunch?

   A. She ate it when she got home.

   B. She gave it to her daughter.

   C. She gave it to another panhandler.

   D. She exchanged it with another person's lunch.

4. The writer was after she learned the story of the woman.

   A. excited   B. moved

   C. scared   D. interested

5. What does the article want to tell us?

   A. Parents should be kind to their kids.

   B. Each family has its own problems.

   C. It is difficult to help everyone in need.

   D. A small act of kindness means a lot.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   A 15-year-old student who invented a flashlight (手电筒) getting power from the holder's body heat is going home today from California with a big prize and a chance to do further research.

   Ann Makosinski was the only Canadian among the four winners at Google's international science competition. Thousands of young scientists from around the world took part in the competition.

   Winning the science and technology competition was “a surprise”. Ann said, “I think it will have a great influence on my future. ”

   Ann thanked her family for encouraging her interest in science and said that her first toy was a box of transistors (晶体管) .

   Ann's prize includes $25,000 and a “once-in-a-lifetime experience” from Google for her Hollow Flashlight,which has no moving parts or batteries.

   The idea for the invention came from seeing unwanted batteries and her friend's experience. When Ann visited a friend in the Philippines,she saw the friend couldn’t study when it became dark because there was no electricity or light. She saw the need for a flashlight that has no batteries一Hollow Flashlight.

   In her project,Ann wrote “I made two flashlights that do not use any batteries or harmful materials. They do not create any noise and will always work. The flashlight needs at least a 5t temperature difference between the holder's body and the environment around to produce light. ”

   A video of Ann explaining how she created the flashlight has been watched more than 1. 4 million times on the Internet.

   Though Ann was successful,she has not made a decision about her career path. Ann hopes that she can find a way to join her love of film and science together.

   The four winners were chosen from 15 final competitors from eight countries. The competition attracted thousands of students in 120 countries.

1. In which part of a newspaper can we probably read this passage?

   A. Travel.

   B. Culture.

   C. Technology.

   D. Advertisement.

2. The first paragraph is written to be a(n).

   A. introduction

   B. warning

   C. argument

   D. discussion

3. Paragraph 6  mainly tells us .

   A. what Ann saw in the Philippines

   B. why Ann invented Hollow Flashlight

   C. how Ann's family encouraged her interest

   D. what prize Ann got for Hollow Flashlight

4. According to the passage,we learn .

   A. it's easy to win the international science competition

   B. Hollow Flashlight is safe,noiseless and can save energy

   C. Ann has made a decision to be a scientist in the future

   D. few people are interested in how Ann created the flashlight


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   Some cars do not run the way they should. Bad smoke from a car's engine (发动机) can get into the air. This bad smoke is called pollution. Pollution can turn the air gray and is very dirty.

   In order to keep pollution down,California has passed a new law which means all cars have to take a test every two years. This test checks to make sure that the cars do not pollute the air. If a car does not pass the test,the owner can't register it. Some car owners drive their cars,even though they don^ pass the test. This is against the law.

   The state wants to find a way to get these cars off the road. A program was started that seemed to work. This program buys cars that can't pass the test or will help pay for repairs,but the cars must be drivable and the owner can't make over a certain amount of money. This program has been helping a lot of people by giving them money to help buy better cars or by allowing them to fix their old ones. It has also been helping to keep pollution down.

1. is against the new law in California.

   A. Smoking in public places such as school

   B. Buying more than one car for the family

   C. Driving a car after drinking too much

   D. Driving a car that hasn’t passed the pollution test

2. Who can get help from the program?

   A. The owner who has more than one car.

   B. Whose car is drivable and didn't pass the test.

   C. Whose car didn't pass the test and has high income.

   D. Everyone who wants to buy a better car.

3. The program can.

   A. help the owner of the bad cars to sell cars

   B. ask the car owners not to buy new cars

   C. keep the prices of the cars low

   D. help keep the pollution down

4. The underlined word “register” means “ ”in Chinese.

   A. 出售   B. 保留   C. 注册   D. 起动

5. What can we learn from the passage?

   A. A car's smoke can make the air dirty.

   B. The problem isn’t helpful for the cars’ owners.

   C. There are many cars that can't pass the test.

   D. The car that doesn’t pass the test must be sold.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   There was once a little monkey in the forest. He liked to 1 everyone. He jumped from tree to tree,called all the other 2 bad names and threw bananas or stones at them.

   One day he saw a baby elephant near the river. “Hey,baby elephant. You are so 3 and you’ll never catch me. ” said the monkey.

   “4 do you have to laugh at me?” the baby elephant asked ,“ I 5 make trouble or make anyone upset. ”

   “It's so fun. ” said the monkey.

   The monkey 6,jumped from tree to tree.Then he saw a turtle (乌龟) 7 with his mouth open. The monkey thought it would be a lot of fun putting his finger 8 the turtle's mouth. He did so,9 the turtle shut his mouth just at that time. The monkey shouted 10 . The nice turtle woke up and let the monkey go. The monkey climbed up a tree and shouted all the way.

1. A. look at   B. laugh at   C. smile at   D. point at

2. A. animals   B. monkeys   C. babies   D. elephants

3. A. quick   B. smart   C. slow   D. ugly

4. A. How   B. What   C. When   D. Why

5. A. always   B. sometimes   C. ever   D. never

6. A. came back   B. fell asleep   C. went away   D. sat down

7. A. sleeping   B. playing   C. living   D. walking

8. A. from   B. off   C. for   D. into

9. A. because   B. but   C. if   D. so

10. A. in trouble   B. in peace   C. in pain   D. in danger


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

() 1. Behind my house two tall green trees.

   A. stand   B. stands

   C. standing

() 2. Here three photos of our class.

   A. is   B. are

   C. has

() 3.— How can improve my spoken English?

       — the English Club?

   A. Why not joining

   B. How about join

   C. What about joining

