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We need some tomatoes, and then          
A. cut up them        B. cut it up          C. cut them up


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:The workers told the police their ___________(老板) name.
小题2:In his ___________, he passed away peacefully in his dream(九十).
小题3:The kids couldn’t stop __________ when they saw their favourite Disney characters (尖叫).
小题4:The foreign visitors _____________ come from North America (大部分).
小题5:The door is wide enough for three people to walk _______ at the same time (通过).
小题6:I wonder how much a panda usually _________(weight) when it is born.
小题7:Tom is such a _________ boy that he always tells a lie when he makes a mistake (honest).
小题8:The neighbours lost _________ (they) in the strange city.
小题9:The plan they are talking about __________(need) improving.
小题10:He had his computer __________(fix) shortly after it broke down.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We saw so many famous stars in the new film called The Founding of a Party (建党伟业)_______.(激动)
小题2:What an ________ trip we had in such bad weather! (讨厌的)
小题3:You should be more careful because there are many machines ______ by the button in your hand. (控制)
小题4:I think a computer is one of the greatest ____________ in the world.(发明)
小题5:How long have you _______my dictionary? (借)
小题6:It is even ________ to hike in the mountain in the heavy rain.(tough)
小题7:On their way to sending letters to people, my clever dog saved the two ________ lives.(postman)
小题8:A group of scientists will come to our school to give us some _________ about how to learn English well.(speak)
小题9:The king ordered to have the robber _________ for his crime(罪行). (hang)
小题10:Mr. Wu spent as much time as he could ________ the difficulties to us.(explain)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Which of these shirts do you like best?
--- I’ll take      . They are all expensive and out of fashion.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 用所给词的适当形式填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
小题1:It’s cold outside, you should keep the door __________________ . (close)
小题2:Now most families have at __________________ one TV. (little)
小题3:Sandwich got its name from a man __________________ John Montagu. (call)
小题4:I’m frightened of __________________ by plane. (travel)
小题5:What  __________________ to you just now? (happen)
小题6:Thank you for  __________________ to me. (write )
小题7:I found it easy  __________________ English well. (learn)
小题8:The following Saturday, we  __________________ the great museum. (visit)
小题9:Listen! Someone  __________________ Beijing Opera in the next room. (sing)
小题10:How __________________! The rabbit jumped down a big tree. (amaze)
小题11:She learned English all by  __________________ last year(she)
小题12:Alice saw a white camel  __________________ by. (pass)
小题13:The pet was small enough __________________ through the door. (go)
小题14:On Sunday doors in our school were all  __________________ (lock)
小题15:Yesterday, after she drank some water, she __________________ a little ill. (feel)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:To keep safe, everyone    __     to wear a seat belt in the car now. (tell)
小题2:---Do you know the places of interest in Wuxi ?
---Yes, it is the second time I ___________ the beautiful city. (visit )
小题3:To do this would be __________ the foot to fit the shoe. ( cut )
小题4: ---What's the terrible noise?  ---The neighbours _____________  for the party. (prepare)
小题5:The little girl thought that her decision ___________ her future study in college and her future job as well. (affect)
小题6:The sports meeting they were looking forward to __________ yesterday. ( hold)
小题7:— Where were you last night?
— I was in the library. I ___________ some information on the Internet. (search)
小题8:My wife advised ___________ to the south,but I couldn’t take her advice. (move)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We all know there are lots of ______ (advantage) of living on Mars, so we won’t move out of Earth to Mars.
小题2:______ (hope), we can finish the project before this weekend.
小题3:Do you think it’s good for them to keep worries which were caused by others to _____ (they), guys?
小题4:The ______ (strict) the parents are, the more stressed their children will become.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:How strange he is! Maybe he is the __________ (mad) man I have ever seen.
小题2:The manager asked if the message on the desk was for one of the _________ (salesman).
小题3:After school all the students went out of the classroom __________ (noise).
小题4:The man in his __________ (forty) is the person who saved that boy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:—Can you work out the maths problem in a __________ (简单) way?
—Sorry, I can’t. 
小题2:The football player ___________ (重) 70 kilos before he went on a diet.
小题3:Tom has lost his job, so he can’t ____________ (have enough money to buy or do something) a new car.
小题4:Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book ____________ (someone you admire very much) of all time.
小题5:Dr Ma works for ORBIS and he performs operations in a flying eye _____________.

