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1.My years at Yale University provide me with some of the most sincere happiness I have ever experienced.The nostalgia,though,results from the thought of leaving this family and moving on to a different period of life.
The relationships during my four years here are one of the most unforgettable aspects of my life.Yale has allowed me to create friendships with many that will undoubtedly be brilliant in our future society.Also,I am certain that Yale has offered me the opportunity to learn and share my faith with others.Lastly,the academic education I received here is remarkable.It is such an amazing opportunity to have the dedicated,cooperative and knowledgeable teachers that are present at our school.
It seems like just a few days ago when I took my first steps onto campus,and now we seniors are approaching our final steps.The shyness as freshmen has now transformed into confidence and maturity,I still remember walking down the halls,admiring the seniors for their calmness and strength.Looking back,I am sure that my experiences within this family were fantastic.I know that my memories of this school,whether they are the sporting events or the dances,will always be present in nay life.
Thus,it is sad to be aware of the end of a happy four years.Leaving Yale will be difficult after all of the great memories I have gained from attending school here.Anyway,it is exciting to realize that as seniors,we are approaching an entirely new life,an entirely new opportunity.As for you underclassmen (大学低年级学生),cherish the moments that you spend on this campus,because they can become some of the most memorable times of your lives.
60.The underlined word nostalgia in paragraph 1 probably meansB
A.excitement about leaving the family
B.thoughts about happy times in the past
C.disappointment with the university
D.challenges of a different period of life
61.The author believes Yale has offered him the following opportunities EXCEPTC
A.to make friends with many excellent students
B.to learn and share his faith with others
C.to make the academic education there remarkable
D.to have dedicated,cooperative and knowledgeable teachers
62.We can know from paragraph 3 that the writerA.
A.has become confident and mature in the later semesters in Yale
B.likes walking down the campus admiring those proud seniors
C.is regretful for not cherishing those happy moments in the school
D.is unwilling to leave Yale because he misses his friends there
63.The passage is probablyD.
A.a report for an important conference
B.a reminder of those good old days
C.a story about the writer's happy time
D.a speech at a graduation ceremony.

分析 本文是一篇毕业演讲稿.主要讲述了作者在耶鲁大学里度过的快乐时光,由最初的陌生变成了现在的相熟相知.一想到即将离开这所大学,作者心里很是怀念以前的日子.最后作者告诉我们要珍惜在校园里的时刻,因为它们可能成为生活中最让人难以忘怀的时光.

解答 60.B 词意辨析题.根据第一段My years at Yale University provide me with some of the most sincere happiness I have ever experienced.The nostalgia,though,results from the thought of leaving this family and moving on to a different period of life.可知在耶鲁大学的日子里,作者感受到了最诚挚的幸福.然而"The nostalgia"源于想到"我"要离开了,由此推知"nostalgia"指的是前面的这种感受,即"对过去回忆的幸福感".故选B.
61.C 细节理解题.根据第二段可知A、B、D、三项是耶鲁大学所赋予作者的东西.C项意思是"作者使耶鲁大学的教育出色",而原文的意思是"作者在耶鲁大学接受了出色的教育".故选C.
62.A 推理判断题.根据第三段The shyness as freshmen has now transformed into confidence and maturity,可知作者由初进大学时的害羞变成了现在的成熟与自信,由此推断在耶鲁大学快毕业的时候,作者变得成熟和自信了.故选A.
63.D 推理判断题.根据全文可以判断这是一位即将从耶鲁大学毕业的大四学生的演讲稿.故选D.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.You may not know it but on our biosphere (生物圈)-Earth-there is also a relatively unknown world hiding in plain sight.It is made up of microbes (微生物) that live on floating pieces of plastic floating on the ocean.
This"Plastisphere"of microbial organism living on ocean plastic was first discovered last year and it is now getting studied.When researchers first examined the Plastisphere,they found at least 1,000different types of microbes living on the tiny plastic islands,and worried that they might cause a risk to larger animals and humans.They also found that the Plastisphere's microbes included bacteria known to cause diseases in animals and humans.Since then,researchers have been trying to figure out why these potentially dangerous bacteria live on the Plastisphere,how they gt there and how they are affecting the surrounding ocean.
New evidence suggests that"super-colonizers"form seeable clusters ( 丛) on the plastic in minutes.Other findings indicate that some types of harmful bacteria favor plastics more than others.And,scientists are exploring if fish or other ocean animals may be helping these pathogens ( 病原体) develop quickly by taking in the plastic.That could allow bacteria to acquire additional nutrients as they pass through the guts(肠子) of the fish,said Tracy Mincer,an associate scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods hole.Mass.
Showing this information could help scientists better understand how much of a potential threat these harmful bacteria cause and the role the Plastisphere plays in the largest ocean ecosystem,including its potential to change nutrients in the water.That information could also help reduce the impact of plastic pollution in the ocean,Mincer said.

28.Researchers are worried about the microbes living on the floating pieces of plastic because.B
A.they might break the balance of the ecosystem in the sea
B.they might cause diseases to sea animals or humans
C.they will make the sea polluted more severely
D.they may reduce the food for the fish in the sea
29.How long does it take the microbes to form seeable clusters.on the plastic.D
A.Several years.
B.A week            
C.A few seconds.
D.A few minutes
30.What s the passage mainly about?C
A.The latest research on the Ocean.
B.Plastisphere affecting the surrounding Ocean.
C.The secret world of the floating ocean Plastisphere.
D.Worries about the microbes on floating pieces of plastic.
31.What can we infer from the last paragraph?C
A.The process of the study still has a long way to go.
B.The potential threat of the bacteria does great harm to animals and humans.
C.The study is of great significance.
D.Scientists are studying further information about the microbes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.All people need to sleep.Sleep is a necessary process that promotes proper body functioning and can improve the quality of your life.Not only is the quantity of sleep important,but also the quality of sleep.
    Your bedroom should be shaped to your taste and allow you to sleep in a peaceful environment.One of the biggest mistakes people make in their sleep is to use their bedroom for activities other than sleep.If your bedroom also functions as a command station for your life and work,the likelihood of your sleeping being poor is rather high.Bedrooms should be designed,decorated and used for sleep mainly.TVs,computers and other things should not be in your bedroom if at all possible.
    Establishing regular sleeping and waking times can help improve the quality of your sleep especially for those suffering from sleeplessness.Avoid hot food,caffeine,sugar and alcohol at least 4 to 6 hours before your sleep time.Develop a regular exercise program.Proper exercise and nutrition will help improve sleeping patterns.However,avoid exercising 2 hours before sleeping,since this may stimulate your body and make sleeping more difficult.
   Establish a pre-bedtime rule that will help you focus on sleep.You can try deep thought,reading or deep breathing and relaxation.Your bedtime rule should be yours.Do not worry about it fitting into a specific category.Do what is best for you.
Things such as room temperature,noise and light levels and even your bed mattress(床垫) can have a lot of effect on the quality of sleep that you experience.Block out distracting noises and lights.You are in your bedroom to sleep and not be distracted by environmental interferences.
1.Which of the following is the best title for the text?D
A.How to Deal with Sleep Problems
B.What is the Process of Sleep
C.Where Should We Sleep
D.How to improve Sleep Quality
2.According to the author,C
A.The bedroom has many functions than expected
B.Computers can make people sleep fast
C.The bedroom is better used only for sleep
D.Amusements are forbidden in the bedroom by law.
3.If you have sleep problems,B
A.A well-decorated bedroom is important to you
B.You'd better have steady sleeping and waking time
C.Cold food and sugar are good for you
D.You need proper exercise just before sleep
4.The main idea of the last paragraph isA          
A.a good sleep environment contributes to good sleep
B.blinding lights can make for a good sleep
C.bed mattress plays a key part in sleep
D.distracted people are sleepless.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Mark is leaving.Please excuse me if I'm a little pensive today.You probably don't know Mark,but you might be lucky enough to know someone just like him.He's been the heart and soul of the office for a couple of years,performing professional skills.He's never been all that interested in getting credit for the terrific work he does.He just wants to do his job,and to do it superbly well.And now he's moving on to an exciting new professional opportunity.It sounds like it could be the chance of a lifetime,and we're genuinely,sincerely pleased for him.But that doesn't make it any easier to say goodbye to a dear friend and trusted colleague.
Life has a way of throwing these curve balls at us,when we start to get comfortable with a person,a place or a situation.A terrific neighbor moves away.A child in the family graduates.Another child finds new love through marriage.
Our ability to cope with change and disruption determines our peace,happiness and contentment in life.But how do we do that?
A friend of mine,Gibbon,who works for the government,is fond of reminding his colleagues that survivability depends upon adaptability.And there's Chris,the California surf-rat,who once told me that the answer to life's problems can be summed up in four words:"Go with the flow.""It's like surfing,"Chris explained,"You can't organize the ocean.Waves just happen.You ride them where they take you.Sure,you're always hoping for the perfect wave where you can get,but mostly you just take them the way they come."
I'm not exactly sure,but I think Chris was saying that life is a series of events-both good and bad.No matter how deft your organizational skills,there will always be life-influencing factors over which you have no control.The truly successful person expects the unexpected,and is prepared to make adjustments if the need arises.
We're going to miss Mark,just as you'll miss that neighbor or that graduate.But rather than dwell on the sadness of our parting,we'll focus on our hopes for a brighter future for him,and for us.And then we'll go out and do everything we can to make that future happen.

31.The underlined word"pensive"in Paragraph 1 probably meansC.
32.According to para.1,which of the following sentence is NOT true?A
A.Mark is lucky enough to know someone like him and gets promoted.
B.Mark is quite professional about his work and seldom asks for praise.
C.Mark is leaving for an exciting new professional opportunity.
D.Mark is the center in the office because he is skillful at his job.
33.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?B
A.Although there are so many incidents in our lives,we should feel happy.
B.Life is full of unexpected changes that surprise people.
C.Life is filled with disappointments that upset people.
D.It's easy for us to cope with the relationships with people around
34.Both Gibbon and Chris support the idea that people shouldD.
A.ignore the problems in life and live happily
B.hope for the best but prepare for the worst
C.stop trying to take control of everything in life
D.follow the trend and accustom themselves to it
35.The author probably does NOT agree thatA.
A.one can take control of everything with skills and determination
B.those who are successful are able to adapt themselves to the changes
C.paying too much attention to the past is not a wise choice
D.people should spare no efforts to struggle for a brighter future.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.On March 5,Chinese President Hu Jintao ________ Russian Prime Minister Putin on his election to the country's presidency.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.The government_________ air quality in urban areas from levels one to five:excellent,fairly good,slightly polluted,poor and dangerous.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Studies show that 30minutes of mild exercise a day will increase your life span.This doesn't mean you have to run three miles or start jumping.Simple activities such as walking,gardening or taking exercise classes will work.
2.Enjoy people
Contacts with family and friends help fight life-sapping depression and stress.Studies show that people socialize regularly live longer than loners.Interact daily with family members and friends.If you are isolated,make a point of joining social clubs or church groups so you can laugh and share life's joys.
3.Stay mentally active
This is very important-use it or lose it!People who allow their mental faculties to decline run the risk of shortening their lives through falls and other injuries,and not being able to take care of themselves.Read the newspaper,visit the public library,balance your checkbook without a calculator,and exercise your brain by doing crossword puzzle.
The key words are"high-fiber,low-fat".Cut back on red meat,salt,white flour,white sugar,alcohol and coffee.Start eating a balanced diet including lots of fruit,grains,raw vegetables and nuts.
5.Positive attitude
By approaching life with a positive outlook you increase your chances of living longer.Stay optimistic-always search for the silver lining.Studies show people who see life as an enjoyable challenge,rather than a constant trial,cope better and prolong their life spans.
6.medication mix
As we age,we are more likely to take medications.Sometimes this leads to over-medication,which can be disabling and even deadly.Ask your doctor if the drugs you take are really necessary.Make sure there is no danger of a bad drug interaction from your medication.Used correctly,medicines can help you live longer and more comfortably.
Helping others increases your self-esteem and makes you feel like a valuable contributor.

66.Which of the following does NOT increase your life span?B
A.Staying happy about life                     B.Exercising as much as possible
C.Exercising your brain frequently             D.Enjoying your social life
67.People who do not stay mentally active are more likely toC.
A.become ignorant                             B.lose their minds
C.shorten their lives                         D.become slow in movement
68.The underlined phrase silver lining can be replaced withC.
A.something made of silver                   B.new information
C.good aspects                               D.long life span
69.Which of the following is correct about medication?A
A.Appropriate medication is necessary.
B.Medication is always helpful to you.
C.Doctors suggest taking expensive medicines.
D.Drugs are unnecessary because of side-effects.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Life is hard.It is           to be.If we didn't suffer,we'd never learn anything.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

3.Puppy Food
A puppy(young dog)is a precious addition to any family.The excitement of bringing home a little furry friend will always live in our memories.Like all of us,though,your puppy must have adequate nutrition right from the start to make certain that it'll have a long and healthy life.
(71)BYou might ask yourself what is the best for your new pet with all of the different varieties on the market in all of their attractive packaging.Some dry food produced specially for puppies is the best for the development of their teeth.(72)E
Contrary to the belief of many first-time puppy owners,it is not always the best idea to purchase food that is too high in calcium(钙),protein,and vitamin levels. (73)F In addition,a high intake of calcium is associated with bone disease in large-breed dogs.If you have a"smallbreed"puppy,you can buy that kind of food.
It is not a good idea to feed the food you eat to your puppy frequently,as your puppy may become selective about food.(74)D Some people think that dog biscuits and other treats are fine,but they should not be a main part of puppy's diet.
Young puppies should be fed three times a day.Each puppy is unique,however,so feeding them twice a day is acceptable.After ten to twelve weeks of age,feed your puppy twice per day.Allow your puppy to eat as much as he would like in fifteen minutes. (75)A If you let your puppy eat too much or too often by keeping food accessible at all times,he may become overweight and have health problems as an adult.Like humans,your puppy will not enjoy the food any longer if it is there at all times

A.Pick up the dish with the remaining food.
B.Proper food is a basic necessity for your puppies.
C.Remember to give your puppy the food he would like to have.
D.It can also cause an upset stomach due to an unbalanced diet.
E.A further benefit is that it is less expensive than the canned food.
F.One example is that extra helpings of nutrients do harm to digestive organs.
G.It'good to provide the extra nutrients a puppy needs until he grows larger.

