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My 8-year-old son, Kevin, has made friends with some boys in the neighborhood. He has been      with them after school. My wife,Qugen, and I are       he has other kids to be with and we have      and encouraged him to play with his friends. We also want Kevin to learn    _,so we have asked him to tell us       he's going and to come home at a specified time.
The      started when Kevin didn't come home on time. On one occasion,I asked Kevin to be back at 6 pm. By 6:30,I needed to go       him. I found him at a friend's house,and he looked       that he couldn't continue playing. After we came home,I sat Kevin down for a talk about the       of keeping his word. I told him I was not worried about him arriving a few       late,but after half an hour,I’m going to be    . He told me he understood.
The next day,I came home from work at about 6:30 p.m. and Qugen asked me to go and get Kevin        she said he should be back home at 6. I walked to his friend's house and a look of     appeared on Kevin's face when he came to the door.
At     ,Qugen and I spoke to Kevin about why he didn't come home on time again. He said he just wanted to       playing. This was      ,so Qugen and I decided to ground(罚不准出门)him for a week. This      no playing with his friends.
For the next week,whenever his friends came to ask for Kevin,we let him       to them that he was grounded. We felt this would help him be responsible for his      .
As a      ,I believe one of the most important things we can teach our kids is self-responsibility and that actions have consequences.
A.studying B.playingC.chattingD.quarreling
A.amusementsB.communicationC. honestyD.responsibility
A.looking forB.picking upC.waiting forD.calling up
A.quality B.importanceC.storiesD.ways
A.homeB.schoolC.work D.office


小题1:B 上下文串联。Play with sb与某人玩耍。根据34空前play with可知Kevin在放学以后经常和他的朋友们在外面玩耍。
小题2:A 形容词辨析。A高兴;开心;B幸运的;C担忧的,担心的;D确定,有把握的;句义:我的妻子和我很高兴他可以和别的孩子在一起玩耍,我们允许并鼓励他和朋友一起玩耍。
小题3:B 动词辨析。A生产,制作;B允许;C训练;D强迫,迫使;本句中的allow与后面的encourage构成并列关系,都表示我和妻子对儿子和朋友一起玩耍的鼓励。
小题4:D 上下文串联。根据文章49空前We felt this would help him be responsible for his可知我和妻子这样做正是为了培养儿子的责任心,要让他对自己的行为负责任。
小题5:C 连词辨析。A何时;B为什么;C何地;D无论何时;我们想要他学会有责任心,所以我们要求他告诉我们去了那里,并要求他在一个特定的时间回来。
小题6:D 词义辨析。A改变;B冲突;C担忧;D问题;根据本段内容可知Kevin留连于同学家的游戏,不能准时回家。当Kevin不能准时回家的时候,问题就出现了。
小题7:A 动词短语辨析。A寻找;B捡起;C等待;D打电话;有一次我要求他6点就回来,但是到了6点30,他还没有回来,我就出去找他了。
小题8:B 形容词辨析。A生气的;B紧张的;C失望的;D害羞的;根据下文he couldn't continue playing.他无法继续玩游戏,所以他感觉很失望。故B正确。
小题9:B 名词辨析。A质量;B重要性;C故事;D方法;回家以后我就和他坐下来谈信守诺言的重要性,劝说他要准时自己的诺言,在和朋友玩以后准时回家,要对自己的话负责。
小题10:B 考察常识。本句after half an hour可知如果只是晚几分钟我不会担心,但是晚了半个小时,我要要开始担心了。
小题11:D 形容词辨析。A满意的;B震惊的;C惊讶的;D担心的;如果孩子晚回家半个小时,父母亲很担心这是正常的事情。
小题12:C 连词辨析。A如果;B除非;C因为;D于是;第二天我6点30下班回家,妻子让我去找儿子,因为她让儿子6点回家,但是儿子到6点30还没有回来。上下文之间存在着因果关系,故使用because连接上下文。
小题13:A 词义辨析。A内疚,愧疚;B失望;C兴奋;D仇恨;儿子回家太晚,当我找到他的时候,他应该感觉很内疚。
小题14:A 名词辨析。A家;B学校;C工作;D办公室;根据下句Qugen and I spoke to Kevin可知我们是在家里和儿子进行的交流。故可知是回家以后在家里。A正确。
小题15:B 动词辨析。A完成;B保持,继续;C学会;D停止;我们问他为什么不能准时回家,他说他只是想一直玩下去。固定搭配keep doing sth一直不停地做某事。
小题16:C 形容词辨析。A不可能的;B不礼貌的;C不能接受的;D难以相信的;儿子说他想一直玩游戏,这对我和妻子来说是不能接受的。因为那样他就对自己没有责任了。
小题17:A 动词辨析。A意味着;B建议;C展示,说明;D涉及,提及;我们惩罚他不准出门,这就意味着他不能和朋友一直玩耍了。
小题18:D 动词辨析。A恢复,答复;B道歉;C告诉;D解释;从下个星期开始,每当有朋友来找他玩的时候,我们都让他向朋友解释为什么他被罚不能出门。
小题19:C 名词辨析。A决定;B话;C行动;D朋友;我们认为这样做也许会帮助他对自己的行为负责任。
小题20:B 上下文串联。本文实际上是给父母亲的教育,告诉我们应该如何教育孩子对自己的行为负责。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Two­thirds of the world's major rivers have now been disrupted with more than 50,000 dams in an attempt to  store water and provide power.In the US,there are more than 85,000 dams,disrupting large and small rivers,and in most cases transforming natural flow.The most famous of these,the Hoover Dam,constructed in the 1930s,is mainly responsible for the fact that the Colorado River no longer reaches the ocean.
Dams,besides all their attractive benefits,also have negative impacts.Creating a reservoir means a large area must be flooded.Communities may lose their land,houses and culturally important sites.
Environmentally,the new reservoir can be a paradise for wildlife,especially birds;however,it can cause greenhouse gas emissions and poison the water.Also,the dramatic rise and fall of water levels during dam releases is too extreme for plants and animals to cope with,resulting in dead zones around the shores of reservoirs.Fish that lay their eggs in the shallows,for example,may find a few hours later that those sites are high and dry.
Downstream(在下游方向)of a dam,the flow may be reduced so that farmers cannot irrigate their fields.Many rivers run through national borders,which may cause conflict over precious water.Disputes have been continuing between India and Pakistan,and Turkey,Syria and Iraq,for example.
Dams don't just block the flow of water.They also prevent fish migrations,and dams are a barrier to sediment(沉淀物)flows.Instead of rushing downriver,sediments get backed up against the dam wall,which causes the reservoir level to increase over time.However,sediments which are rich in nutrients have become a problem.The fertility of the entire system can be influenced,with soils lost during seasonal rains not being replaced.
Perhaps the biggest problem can be seen in deltas,which are sinking into the oceans.Groundwater is being extracted to feed the city,causing the city to sink,and sediments washed away by the ocean are no longer being replaced.The result is that sea level rises in cities from Shanghai to Alexandria.
小题1:The Hoover Dam is mentioned in the passage in order to show________.
A.dams play an important role in our life
B.dams have impacted the flow of the rivers
C.dams make people lose their land and houses
D.dams have many benefits as well as side effects
小题2:What effects does creating a reservoir have on people's life?
a.People will see fewer birds on the sides of the rivers.
b.Farmers will have less water to irrigate their fields.
c.Visitors can't visit some cultural relics any more.
d.More conflicts and wars over water will break out.
e.More kinds of fish will become extinct in future.
A.a,c B.c,e
C.b,e D.b,c
小题3:With many dams built across the rivers,fish ________.
A.will find more places to lay their eggs
B.will face a dangerous habitat
C.will be fed on more sediments rich in nutrients
D.will find it easier to deal with the rise of water
小题4:How can dams influence large cities like Shanghai?
A.Their entire system will be influenced.
B.The rainy season will last longer.
C.They will lie below sea level in future.
D.Rich soils will be washed away.
小题5:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Environmental loss of dams.
B.Cultural loss of dams.
C.Economic gain of dams.
D.Environmental benefits of dams.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Did anyone find the names of “Great Britain”, “the United Kingdom”, “England” and “the British commonwealth” which have the same meaning? Strictly speaking, these names all refer to something different. None of them are exactly the same as any of the others.
The British isles refer to the main islands and several thousand small ones as well, which you can see on the map. Great Britain, or Britain, refers to the larger of the two main islands. But the word “Britain” is often used as a short form for the United Kingdom or you call it the UK.
Now as for England, it refers simply to the largest of the three countries on the island of Great Britain. The United Kingdom is the name of the state and the official name of the country, which many people popularly refer to England.
Finally, the Britain commonwealth is the usual name for what is left of the British Empire (帝国). This change shows the weakening of British Empire and the rising of the national liberation movements throughout the world today.
小题1:According to the passage, we know that _____________.
A.Great Britain has the same meaning as Britain
B.all the names refer to England
C.the United Kingdom has the same meaning as Britain or England
D.all the names in the first paragraph have the same meaning
小题2: It is clear that the British isles refer to _____________.
A.Britain, England and the UK
B.the two main islands and thousands of small ones
C.three countries and several islands
D.Great Britain or the United Kingdom
小题3:We can infer that           .
A.The country hasn’t an exact name.
B.Few people know its real name.
C.All the names have exact meaning.
D.Generally speaking,the names can all be used to stand for the country.
小题4:Which of the following shows the right relationship (关系) between the British isles (BI), Britain (B) and England (E)?
A. B>BI>E. B. BI>E>B.        C. E>B>BI.    D. BI>B>E.
小题5:If you want to write to someone in Edinburgh that lies in Scotland, you should write the address as _____________.
A.Edinburgh, England
B.Edinburgh, Scotland ,Great Britain
C.Scotland, Edinburgh, England
D.Great Britain, Scotland, Edinburgh


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In a cab, a woman seemed in such a hurry. She constantly rushed the cab driver to drive quickly. She was so absorbed in her own thoughts of getting to the airport as soon as possible that she was not aware they were going by a different route.
All of a sudden, a young man got inside the cab. He took her handbag in which she had put her visa, passport, and all the money for the trip.
The cab driver, who was in collusion with the robber, left her in the exactly middle of a dark street. She thought that she was rather unfortunate in the very situation.
During the very night, she was told a piece of shocking news. Tears came down her cheek. Flight 360, the plane that she should have got on board, had crashed. Had she not lost her important belongings, she could surely have lost the thing far more precious——her life.
Sometimes bad things really happen. There are times when nothing seems to go our way. So what should we do about it? We must get rid of all these frustrations and start all over again in the faith that we will get what we deserve. 
Don’t waste your time and energy on things that can’t be changed. Continuous worrying will only affect your health and you’ll be doing much more damage than what was previously done.
What if it was the other way round? What if we never ran out of good luck?
There was a man who won the lottery. He became greedy and wasted all his money on everything he could get his hands on.
But when he one day made it to the front page of the newspaper again, it was a different story. He had been killed because of his riches. If you attain good luck, you can never be too secure about it. Life is so unpredictable. You never know what will happen next.
Live one day at a time. We sometimes subject ourselves to unnecessary emotional trouble. But please don’t forget: sometimes misfortune can be the source of happiness. Live for the moment. Do what must be done for the present and the future will turn out just fine. Believe me. And believe in yourself. As Captain Planet always says, “The power is yours!”
小题1: The underlined phrase “in collusion with” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________.”
A.was forced byB.was fighting bravely against
C.was doing one’s best to begD.had cooperated with
小题2: From the passage, we learn that ________.
A.robbers are sure to get what they want
B.somebody never runs out of good luck
C.the woman was lucky to miss her flight
D.if one feels oneself lucky, he or she will continue to be so
小题3: The writer presents the second example in order to ________.
A.warn people of the danger of winning the lottery
B.tell people life is unpredictable
C.encourage people to buy lottery
D.persuade people not to be greedy
小题4: According to the author, which of the following choices is the correct attitude to adopt to life?
A.Never waste any time or energy because time is so limited.
B.One needn’t be worried or feel frustrated. Believe in yourself.
C.Even while everything appears to be going smoothly, we should keep fully alert.
D.Worrying about what you don’t have
小题5: The passage above is intended to tell us ________.
A.misfortune sometimes is a blessing
B.we should save up for a rainy day
C.fortune just goes with those prepared minds
D.both losses and gains go hand in hand


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I am a strong believer that if a child is raised with approval (准允), he learns to love himself and will be successful in his own way. Several weeks ago, I was doing homework with my son in the third grade and he kept standing up from his chair to go over the math lines. I kept asking him to sit down, telling him that he would concentrate better. He sat but seconds later, as if he didn’t even notice he was doing it, he got up again. I was getting frustrated (受挫), but then it hit me. I started noticing his answers were much quicker and accurate when he stood up. Could he be more absorbed while standing up?
This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to believe. I was raised to believe that a quiet, calm child was a sure way to success. This child would have the willpower to study hard, get good grades and become someone important in life.
Now those same people perhaps come to realize that their kids are born with their own sets of DNA and personality qualities, and all you can do is loving and accepting them. As parents, throughout their growing years and beyond that, we need to be our kids’ best cheerleaders, guiding them and helping them find their way.
I have stopped asking my son to sit down and concentrate. Obviously, he is concentrating just in his own way and not mine. We need to learn to accept our kids’ ways of doing things. Some way may have worked for me but doesn’t mean we need to carry it through generations. There is nothing sweeter than being personal and unique (独特的). It makes us free and happy and that’s just the way I want my kids to live their own life. 
小题1:Time and again the author got his son seated in order to make him ______.
A.work fastB.go politeC.stay relaxedD.keep attentive
小题2:The underlined “it” (in the first paragraph) probably refers to ______.
A.his son’s doing better while standing up
B.his failure in keeping his son under control
C.his own experience as a school boy
D.his disappointment with his active child
小题3:By this passage, the author attempts to tell other parents to ______.
A.correct their kids’ manners from the early ages
B.respect and trust their kids’ ways of behaviors
C.develop a good relationship with their children
D.guarantee their children’s freedom at home
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Parental help with teens’ study
B.Adult influence on teen growth
C.Kids’ success in their own styles
D.Friendship between generations


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Not long ago, people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.
Scientists note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.
One study shows that babies can learn before they are born. The researchers placed a tape recorder on the stomach of a pregnant woman. Then, they played a recording of a short story.  On the day the baby was born, the researchers attempted to find if he knew the sounds of the story repeated while in his mother. They did this by placing a device in the mouth of the newborn baby. The baby would hear the story if he moved his mouth one way. If the baby moved his mouth the other way, he would hear a different story. The researchers say the baby clearly liked the story he heard before he was born. They say the baby would move his mouth so he could hear the story again and again.
Another study shows how mothers can strongly influence social development and language skills in their children. Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years. The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers. The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children’s activities and did not interfere unnecessarily. They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old. Also, the researchers observed the women for signs of depression.
The children of depressed women did not do as well in tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The children of depressed women did poorly in tests of language skills and understanding what they hear.
These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people. The researchers noted that the sensitivity of the mothers was important to the intelligence development of their children. Children did better when their mothers were caring, even when they suffered from depression.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the factor that influences intelligence development in babies?
A.The environment.B.Mother’s sensitivity.
C.Their peers (同龄人)D.Education before birth.
小题2:What is the purpose of the experiment in which newborn babies heard the stories?
A.To prove that babies can learn before they are born.
B.To prove that babies can learn on the first day they are born.
C.To show mothers can strongly influence intelligence development in their babies.
D.To indicate early education has a deep effect on the babies’ language skills.
小题3:Which group of children did the worst in tests of language skills?
A.The children of depressed mothers who cared little for their children.
B.The children of women who did not suffer from depression.
C.The children of depressed but caring mothers.
D.Children with high communication abilities.
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Scientific findings about how babies develop before birth.
B.Scientific findings about how the environment has an effect on babies’ intelligence.
C.A study shows babies are not able to learn things until they are rice or six months old.
D.Scientific findings about how intelligence develops in babies.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred if affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.
There are different forms of color blindness. In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person can’t tell the differences between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man sees everything in shades of green--- a strange world in deed.
Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions very small things called “cones”. These help us see in a bright day and tell the differences between colors. There are also millions of “rods”, but these are used for seeing when it is nearly dark. They show us shapes(形状) but not color. Some insects have favorite colors. Mosquitoes like blue but do not like yellow. A red light will not attract insects but a blue lamp will. In similar way human being also have favorite colors. Yet we are lucky. With the aid of cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night. One day we may even learn more about the invisible colors around us.
小题1:The passage is mainly about ______.
A.color and its surprising effects on drivers
B.women being luckier than man in that fewer of them are color blind
C.danger caused by color blindness
D.color blindness and how our eyes tell different colors and shapes
小题2:According to the passage, with the help of “cones” we can _____.
A.tell different colorsB.see in weak light
C.tell different shapesD.tell orange from yellow
小题3:Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?
A.Women are more careful.
B.There are fewer color blind women.
C.Women are fonder of driving than men.
D.Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.
小题4:Which of the following statements about color blind people is true?
A.Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing colors.
B.None of them can see deep red but all can tell blue from green.
C.None of them can tell blue from green but all can see deep red.
D.All of them are lucky enough to see everything in shades of green.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My house is made of wood, glass and stone. It is also made of software.
If you come to visit, you'll probably be surprised when you come in: Someone will give you an electronic PIN to wear. The PIN tells the house who you are and where you are. The house uses this information to give you what you need. When it's dark outside, the PIN turns on the lights near you, and then turns them off as you walk away from them. Music moves with you, too. If the house knows your favorite music, it plays it for you. The music seems to be everywhere, but in fact other people in the house hear different music or no music. If you get a telephone call, only the nearest telephone rings.
Of course, you are also able to want something. There is a home control console (控制台) which is a small machine that turns things on and off around you.
The PIN and the console are new ideas, but they are in fact like many things we have today. If you want to go to a movie, you need a ticket. If I give you the key to my car, you can use my car. The car works for you because you have the key. My house works for you because you wear the PIN or hold the console.
I believe that in ten years from now, most new houses will have the systems that I've put in my house. The systems will probably be even bigger and better than the ones I've got.
I like to try new ideas. I know that some of my ideas will work better than others'. But I hope that one day I will stop thinking of these systems as new, and ask myself instead, ”How did I live without them?”
小题1:The writer’s house is made of the following EXCEPT_________.
A.bamboo B.woodC.glassD.software
小题2:What is the writer most likely to be according to the passage?
A.An IT expert.B.A famous doctor.
C.A sportsman.D.An experienced teacher.
小题3:The writer's new house is different from ordinary ones mainly because______________.
A.it has your favorite music following you
B.you can make a telephone call anywhere
C.the writer is able to change his new idea into practice
D.it is controlled by computers
小题4:What does the passage mainly discuss?
A.How to develop a new system.B.The function of the PIN.
C.How great the computers are.D.Easy life in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Is your family interested in buying a dog? A dog can be a pleasant companion(伙伴) to your family, but if you choose the wrong kind of dog,you will have a lot of troubles.
Families should sit down and thoroughly discuss the possible problems before buying a dog. Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog, the parents are the ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animal is properly cared for. If you don’t know much about dogs, it is a good idea to go to the library for books about different kinds of dogs, as well as books about how to train a young dog. In reading about the different breeds(种类)you should know that a dog described(描述)as very alert(机敏灵活的)may be too active. When a book describes a dog as an excellent hunting dog, it probably means that the dog won’t be happy living in a small house. Dog breeds vary(变化)in popularity as the years go by. One of the most popular dogs these days is the German shepherd(牧羊犬). This is because it provides protection as well as companionship(陪伴). The family should be warned that these dogs grow up to be very big, and may be too powerful for children to control. If space is limited, a toy dog may be a good choice. These dogs are very small and easy to train. They don’t need to be walked daily, since they can exercise in the home.
小题1:According to the passage, one can get information about different kinds of dogs      .
A.by going to the library
B.by asking someone who has enough experience about different kinds of dogs
C.by buying a dog and training it
D.by reading books about dogs
小题2:The German shepherd is a popular dog      .
A.because it is easy to train
B.because it is big and strong
C.because it is powerful and friendly
D.because it is alert and active
小题3:Which is the best topic of the passage?
A.The care and proper selection of dogs for families.
B.Different breeds of dogs.
C.Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for.
D.Different kinds of books about dogs.

