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The kiwi bird
The kiwi bird is a flightless bird,about the size of a chicken. It sleeps during the day and is active at night­time. It has a long beak that is one­third the length of its body, and its beak actually has nostrils (鼻孔) at the end. The kiwi is the only bird with this feature. Another unique feature of the kiwi is  that it has no tail. It has thick brown hair­like feathers. This bird  has many physical features unlike any other bird on earth.
Kiwi birds have been called a genetic leftover. Their characteristics seem very odd to us probably due to the fact that they haven't evolved much at all. They are suspected to be about 8 million years old. That's 7 million years older than humans. Due to New Zealand's isolated environment, it has been safe from predators(食肉动物) and hasn't needed to do much adapting. They just hang around.
With its long beak, the kiwi digs up and chows down on  worms. A kiwi is almost blind; it can see about six feet at night and around two feet during the day,so when it comes to hunting the kiwi is not well equipped.It uses the nostrils on its  beak to find its food and then picks up the worms with its beak.
The kiwi bird is native of New Zealand.It is the island country's national bird, and is rare anywhere but here and a few Pacific island neighbors. Of course,it is available for viewing at certain zoos.It has stayed in its native land due to the facts that it is an isolated island and that kiwis can't fly.
Kiwi birds are extremely unique in the bird world. Though they are the size of chickens, they lay eggs the size of ostrich eggs, weighing around a pound each.Their enormous eggs are the largest in the bird world, compared to their bodies. These birds were named after their distinctive shrill cry “kee­wee kee­wee”.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT the distinctive feature of the kiwi bird?
A.It has no tail at all.
B.It has a long beak.
C.Its feathers are thick and brown.
D.There are nostrils at the end of its beak.
小题2:Kiwi birds haven't evolved much over the past 8 million years probably because ________.
A.the climate is mild
B.they have no enemy
C.something is wrong with their genes
D.they have adapted to living on the island
小题3:What plays a key role in looking for food?
A.Its long beak.B.Its eyes.
C.The nostrils. D.Its tail
小题4:What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The kiwi bird's habitat.
B.The kiwi bird is New Zealand's national bird.
C.The kiwi bird can not fly.
D.The kiwi bird is available at zoos.
小题5:Kiwi birds got their name from ________.
A.the large size of their eggs
B.the food they feed on
C.their appearance
D.their unique cry


小题1:解析 根据第一段第四句The kiwi is the only bird with this feature.可知应选D项。
答案 D
小题2:解析 根据第二段第五句Due to New Zealand's isolated environment,it has been safe predators...可知答案为B项。
答案 B
小题3:解析 根据第三段第三句It uses the nostrils on its beak to find its food...可判断选C。
答案 C
小题4:解析 根据第四段第一、二句The kiwi bird is native of New Zealand...可知答案为B。
答案 B
小题5:解析 根据最后一段最后一句可判断答案为D。
答案 D。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The increase in tuition fees has led to a “clear drop” in the number of English students applying for university places this autumn. There are 15,000 “missing” applicants(申请人) this academic year, according to the Independent Commission on Fees. Chairman Will Hutton said: “We’re asking our young men and women to have more debt than any other country in the world — it’s higher than the average debt in the US. It’s not clear whether those lost students this year will return next year, or if it’s a storm warming of a worrying trend.”
But the commission’s report says there does not seem to be an impact on poorer communities. The commission found there was no significant change in the application rate to the key universities, such as Oxford or Cambridge. The decline(下降) in England has not been mirrored(再现) in other parts of the UK where fees have not been raised, and the drop can only partly be explained by falling numbers of young people in the population. Students from Scotland attending Scottish universities do not pay fees, while the Welsh Assembly says it will pay fees above £3,465 for Welsh students attending UK institutions.
The average tuition fee at English universities this year is £ 8,385, rising to £ 8,507 next year. UK and EU students have access to government-backed loans to pay the fees. And the survey of 1,000 pupils aged 15-18, carried out this April, found that the majority expected to go on to higher education as people continue to understand that university remains a good long term investment(投资) in their future.
A spokeswoman at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills which is responsible for universities, said: “Students shouldn’t be forced to put off going to university for financial reasons. Most students will not have to pay in advance, and no one will have to start paying back their student loan until they start to earn at least £ 2l,000 per year.”
小题1:From the first paragraph, we know that        .
A.the rising tuition fees have a great effect on English students
B.many English students are missing the final examinations
C.the lost English students will find their way back
D.it’s a trend that English students are dropping out of school
小题2: Why is there still a drop of applicants though fees have not been raised?
A.Because the students live in poor communities.
B.Because education is free for Scottish students.
C.Because there are less young students in the area.
D.Because Welsh students will pay fees above£3,465.
小题3:What’s the students’ attitude to universities in the survey?
A.They will stop applying for university places this autumn.
B.They feel universities takes up too much time.
C.They are anxious to go to a key university.
D.Most of them are willing to go to university.
小题4:The spokeswoman in the last paragraph advises students to        .
A.put off going to university
B.pay for the fees in advance
C.reduce the anxiety about the rising fees
D.pay back their loan soon aller graduation


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

More than two decades ago, a 10-year-old schoolgirl threw a bottle into the sea off the coast of Hull as she went on a ship on a family holiday, hoping to get a response from a stranger in a faraway land. Inside the bottle was a scrawled letter from Zoe Lemon, a youngster with a love of "ballet, playing the flute and the piano", who had just boarded a ship heading for a holiday in Germany.
She told her expected recipients of her pet hamster and fish, both called Sparkle, and her parents who were both teachers.
Miss Lemon, of Salford, Greater Manchester, soon forgot about her act of fantastic, eventually marrying and having a child herself.
But this Christmas she was extremely surprised to receive a reply after 23 years.
It turned out to be a reply to her letter from Piet and Jacqueline Lateur from near Rotterdam. Mr Lateur was walking his dog in the Oosterschelde dykes(坝), near where he and his wife live in Serooskerke, when he found the bottle with Zoe’s letter inside.
Mrs Averianov, 33, who works in a jewellery shop, said: “It’s been a bit crazy really. My parents came to visit on Christmas day and they had this letter from Europe addressed to my maiden name, Lemon.
Since receiving the letter, Mrs Averianov has been in contact with Mr Lateur via email and asked to see photographs of where the bottle was found.
He told her: “I am keeping your little letter on my piano. I know you are no longer a little girl but you asked me to write you so I have.”
Mrs Averianov’s father, John Lemon, 68, had encouraged his daughter to throw the message into the sea on a family holiday and now she is considering doing the same for her five-year-old son Maksim.
She said: “I’ll probably wait until he’s a bit older and can understand and write a letter, but maybe we’ll do it by attaching it to a balloon.”
From http://www.dailymail.co.uk, (Jan,2014)
小题1:When did Zoe Lemon write the letter?
A.In 1990.B.In 1991.C.In 2013.D.In 2014
小题2:What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 6 mean?
A.her given nameB.her nick name
C.family name used before marriageD.family name used after marriage
小题3:What can we know about the letter written 23 years ago?
A.Its reply was received by Zoe herself.
B.It is still carefully kept by Mr Lateur.
C.Zoe was sure it would be replied one day.
D.Zoe’s father discouraged her from writing it.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.An Unexpected LetterB.A Reply Waited for Long
C.A Reply from a StrangerD.A Letter from a Faraway Land


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Express delivery: How you can buy your groceries from a virtual supermarket
Aug, 1st, 2011 Daily Mail
A “virtual supermarket” consisting of posters of goods put on platform walls is set to be introduced at London Underground stations. Passengers “shop” by scanning QR—Quick Response—codes of the items they want to buy using their smart phones. These goods are later delivered to their home address. Supermarket giant(巨头) Tesco successfully trialed the hi-tech store in a South Korean underground station and there are now plans to bring the concept to Britain.
NYPD to Scan Facebook, Twitter for Trouble
Aug, 11th, 2011 Forbes
The New York Police Department announced it will form a new unit to search social media as part of its law enforcement(执行) efforts, responding to the criminals’ growing use of these sites to plan and celebrate illegal activities. The NYPD unit created particularly to comb social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and BlackBerry messenger for information on planned crimes and their criminals.
Space Junk(太空垃圾) reaching “tipping point”, report warns
Sep 3rd, 2011 Toronto Sun
The amount of debris(碎片) orbiting the Earth has reached “a tipping point” for crashes, which would produce more debris that may be dangerous to astronauts and satellites, according to a US study. According to the US Space Surveillance Network, the number of orbital debris jumped from 9,949 in December 2006 to 16,094 in July 2011.
小题1:The “virtual supermarket” would be introduced to Britain because of            .
A. the successful experience of a hi-tech store in South Korea
B. the wide use of smart phones for scanning QR codes
C. the large varieties of goods in the supermarket
D the convenient home delivery system around London
小题2:we can learn from the news that            .
A.people with mobile phones can shop at London Underground stations
B.Facebook, Twitter, and BlackBerry messenger are not popular in the US
C.the amount of space junk has more than doubled in the past few years
D.more and more criminals are using social media sites for crimes
小题3:what does the underlined word “comb” in the second piece of news mean?
小题4:The third piece of news will be in the           section of the newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

After a week-long vacation, U.S. President Barack Obama will focus on proposals to strengthen the still-recovering American economy. The agenda includes the reform of the nation’s health care system.
The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as some call it, expands federal health care programs for the needy and encourages Americans of all income groups to purchase private health care insurance.
“If you do not have insurance, beginning on October 1st, private plans will actually compete for your business. You can comparison--shop in an online marketplace, just like you would for cell phone plans or plane tickets. You may be eligible for new tax credits to help you afford the plan that’s right for you. And if you are in the up to half of all Americans who have been sick or have a preexisting condition, this law means that beginning January 1st, insurance companies have to cover you," Obama said.
Health-care spending accounts for one-seventh of U.S. economic activity, and is projected to increase to one-fifth in coming years. The cost has a direct bearing on America’s economic and financial well--being. Drawn up in 2010, the Affordable Care Act aims to control costs and expand access to health care. The effort is a big failure, according to Republican law makers like Tim Griffin and Todd Young.
“Republicans will continue to do everything we can to protect all Americans from the president's top-down, one-size-fits-all, Washington-knows-best approach to health care that is driving up costs and hurting our economy," said Griffin. “The sooner we can delay, oppose and cancel the president's health-care law, the sooner we can get people back to work and focus on expanding opportunity for everyone.”
The president accuses Republicans of putting partisanship(党派偏见) ahead of Americans’ health-care needs. “A lot of Republicans seem to believe that if they can gum up the works and make this law fail, they will somehow be sticking it to me. But they would just be sticking it to you. Your health insurance is not something to play politics with. Our economy is not something to play politics with," he said.
As a matter of fact,the success or failure of Obamacare could shape the president’s legacy long after he leaves office.
小题1:It is implied in Obama’s words in Paragraph 3 that      .
A.health care insurance will be of great benefit to Americans
B.health care insurance will help recover American economy
C.insurance companies don’t expect him to carry out the law
D.insurance companies will cover Americans in all aspects
小题2:According to Tim Griffin,Obama’s health-care law      .
A.will be strongly opposed to by the Republicans
B.will cause fewer economic problems in America
C.will be cancelled sooner or later by the government
D.will never work without the help of the Republicans.
小题3:What does Obama accuse Republicans of according to the passage?
A.They don’t know what Americans are in need of.
B.They tend to put their own benefit ahead of Americans’.
C.They know nothing about health insurance and economy.
D.They like to play politics with economy and health insurance
小题4:What is the author’s tone in this passage?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

LONDON (Reuters)    Ecotourism is causing a lot of damage to wildlife and may be endangering the survival of the very animals people are flocking to see, according to re­searchers.
Biologists and conservationists are worried because polar bears, dolphins, penguins and other creatures are getting stressed and losing weight and some are dying.
"Evidence is growing that many animals do not react well to tourists in their backyard,” New Scientist magazine said.
The immediate effects "researchers have noticed are changes in behavior, heart rates. or stress hormone levels but they fear it could get much worse and over the long term “ could endanger the survival of the very wildlife they want to see. ”
Although money produced through ecotourism, which has been growing at about 10-30 percent a year, has major benefits for poor countries and people living in rural areas, the Swiss-based World Conservation Union (IUCN) and some governments fear not all projects are audited(审计) and based on environmentally friendly policies,according to the magazine.
Transmission of disease to wildlife,or small changes to wildlife health through dis­turbance of daily life or increased stress levels, while not obvious to the casual observer, may translate to lower survival and breeding,” said Philip Seddon , of the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Scientists have noticed that bottleneck dolphins along the northeastern coast of New Zealand become nervously excited when tourist boats arrive. Similar changes in behavior have been observed in polar bears and yellow-eyed penguins in areas visited by colorists are producing smaller babies.
Conservationists are now calling for more research into the effect of ecotourism on ani­mals and say the industry must be developed carefully. They also want studies done before new ecotourism projects are started.
“The animals’ welfare should be very important because without them there will be no ecotourism,” said Rochelle Constantine of the University of Auckland in New Zealand
小题1:Which is not discovered to have changed in animals disturbed by tourists?
A.behaviorB.birth rateC.hormone levelsD.heart rates
小题2:We may learn from the text that _____.
A.ecotourism must be developed properly
B.polar bears are losing weight without enough food
C.all the poor countries have stopped ecotourism
D.money produced through ecotourism should be spent on wildlife
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?
A.Many animals do not react well in their backyard
B.Studies should be done before new ecotourism projects are started
C.Ecotourism has been growing at about 10—30 percent a year.
D.polar bears in areas visited by ecotourists are producing smaller babies.
小题4:What Rochelle Constantine said in the last paragraph implies that _____.
A.if people want to get high income, they must develop ecotourism
B.animals have rights to live their own life
C.animals are people's good friends
D.people should take good care of wildlife


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The National Geographic Channel has unearthed a time capsule (时光宝盒)  buried by late Apple chairman and co-founder Steve Jobs thirty years ago.
The time capsule was buried in Aspen .Colorado .in 1983, shortly after Jobs attended the International Design Conference being held in that city. Organizers called the device the Aspen Time Tube and contributed items like Rubik's cubes(魔方) and some iconic music. Jobs added his own items to the capsule ,including the " Lisa"  ( also known as an "Apple" )"mouse he used for his presentation at the conference. '
Younger readers may not recognize the name but the Lisa Apple mouse was one of the first commercial mice released to consumers. The mouse was specially designed for the Apple  Lisa computer. It's also the first personal computer to offer users a graphical user interface(图形用户界面)
Initially ,the plan was to dig up the time capsule in the year2000,but organizers forgot its exact location. Recently .they brought in researchers working with the National Geographic Channel show Diggers to find the device. Eventually they came across the 13-foot-long.1. 5-foot-diameter tube. inside they found a lot of 1980s artifacts(人工制品)that are still being catalogued.
“When the end came off .literally things just poured out .”noted Diggers host Tim Saylor "There must be literally thousands of things in there.”
“They had the foresight to put a bunch of stuff in  plastic bags." Saylor said .“I could see at least a dozen plastic bags and other items. But I know for sure there got to be photographs in there. People had hand-written things on the back of the photographs ,so there will be some really interesting things inside.”
Among the artifacts researchers expect to discover inside :a Steve Jobs speech in which the Apple visionary outlines his predictions  for future technologies. We should know more about the researchers ,discoveries once the Diggers program airs this fall.
小题1:Which of the following is true about the Lisa mouse?
A.The mouse was the first commercial one for consumers
B.The mouse was created only for the Apple Lisa computer
C.The mouse was buried in Aspen ,Colotado for two decades.
D.The mouse was invented after the International Design Conference
小题2:Why wasn't the time capsule dug up in 2000?
A.Because it was not the time set by Steve Jobs.
B.Because it could not be accurately located.
C.Because organizers forgot its precise shape .
D.Because the local government didn't approve.
小题3:From the passage we can infer that_______.
A.there were some special photographs found-inside the time capsule
B.a Steve Jobs speech with future predictions was found inside the cap
C.Steve Jobs predictions for future technologies have come true
D.more about the capsule will be discovered in the Diggers program
小题4:The best title for the passage might be _______.
A.The "Lost" Steve Jobs Time Capsule
B.The Mystery of Steve Jobs Speech Solved
C.Steve Jobs' 1983 Time Capsule Recovered
D.Co-founder & Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Having said good-bye to his parents, Alvin, with his wife and one-year-old son, set off back home. Still    , Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily. And even little Alex    from time to time. The family were     their trip.
But about three hours later things began to    . It was starting to snow. Alvin      up the car, hoping to arrive home before dark. But it was too dangerous to drive fast now, because it was snowing more and more heavily. So Alvin had to    down. The snow on the     was getting deeper and deeper until it was hard to     on it. Their car slipped (滑落) off the way and got stuck in the deep snow and the engine     to start again.
“The snow doesn’t seem to    . Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?” Alvin asked. Clare said she     to walk. So they got out of the car with their son and began walking. But     was to come. Soon they lost their way and had to walk     on and on.
Night came. They were not afraid of the dark. But they     that poor Alex would die of cold. However, their faith to keep Alex     filled them with courage, warmth and strength. They __   and rested in turn and then continued their walk. They had     falls but each time true love encouraged them to rise to their feet again.
One, two, three … seven days passed. On the eighth day, help at last from Alvin’s    , the police and local people. But the young    had to have their feet cut off because of the bad frostbite (冻伤).      , there was nothing serious wrong with little Alex!
A.cried B.laughedC.smiled D.coughed
A.enjoying B.having C.takingD.starting
A.happenB.change C.comeD.finish
A.climbed B.turned C.took D.sped
A.get B.lookC.go D.slow
A.land B.highwayC.fields D.car
A.walk B.stay C.wait D.depend
A.set B.allowedC.refusedD.prepared
A.end B.fallC.continue D.melt (融化)
A.likedB.preferred C.decidedD.wished
A.better B.something C.worse D.nothing
A.aimlesslyB.lonely C.hopelesslyD.pleasantly
A.thought B.feared C.wantedD.supposed
A.happyB.silent C.alive D.dead
A.ate B.worked C.watchedD.slept
A.few B.severalC.countless D.some
A.parents B.friendsC.teachers D.neighbours
A.husband B.wife C.babyD.couple


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A Hollywood movie was met with an awkward situation last Saturday in China. While fans are standing in long queues to watch the first show, others are advocating a boycott(抵制)on the American movie with Chinese story elements.
  After "Kung Fu Panda", a cartoon movie telling about a panda’s Kung Fu master journey, hit China’s silver screens in 2008, its sequel (续集), Kung Fu Panda 2, was released in China just ahead of International Children’s Day, adding more Chinese elements such as shadow play (皮影戏) and lion dancing.
  However, some Chinese artists and scholars argue that the movie has twisted (扭曲) Chinese culture and serves as a tool to "kidnap (绑架)" the mind of the Chinese people.
  “Children’s Day should be pure. Don’t turn it into a money-making day for Hollywood, and don’ t fool our next generation with American fast food,” according to an open letter to Chinese cinema managers written by Zhao Bandi, an artist hoping to boycott the “Americanized” movie. His move is backed by Kong Qingdong, a professor of the Chinese language in Beijing University, who said Chinese elements have become advertising products to advocate American culture. "It is a cultural invasion," said Kong.
  In the movie, the main character called “Po,” a panda, is talkative, humorous, lovely, and is widely believed to be a typical American figure.
  However, the panda has won millions of fans in China. On China’s most popular website, comments on the movie reached nearly 270 million entries.
  “I won’t call it a cultural invasion,” said Li Jiayi, a Beijing university student. “I see nothing bad for others to use our cultural elements to make a movie. I’ m a huge fan of Po. In spite of being a cartoon, it is still loved by many adults like me,” said the 25-year-old after watching the first show at midnight.
  Cao Hui, general manager of Shenzhen Global Digital Creations company, said: “instead of a
‘boycott’, movie producers should learn from the movie to make better use of Chinese story elements. Technically, Kung Fu Panda is not more advanced than Chinese movies, but as for story telling skills, Chinese movies have a long way to go”.
小题1:Some artists and scholars are against "Kung Fu Panda" because they think_____.
A.it has added too many Chinese elements
B.it has ruined Chinese image deliberately
C.it is an exact copy of Chinese culture
D.it is advertising American culture
小题2:What does the underlined word “backed” in the fourth paragraph mean?
小题3:This passage can be classified as _________.
A.an advertisementB.a feature storyC.a news reportD.a film review

