精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
Peter Fern was crazy about mountains. Climbing was the  1 of his life. Church towers,seaside cliffs, rock faces, ice mountains,anything “If it is there” , he used to say, “then I want to climb it.”
So the news of his marriage gave me a   2 . I’d never known him to take much interest in   3 . Well,Peter Fern a married man! I couldn't  4 it. I  5 whether his wife would try to stop some of his risky   6 .
She was French perhaps--from that place   7 he usually spent his holidays. Chamonix,wasn’t it? From Chamonix he'd climbed Mount Blanc on his seventeenth birthday, and another one the day after! That was it, then: She was French,from a mountaineering family. No  8 . No other explanation.
A month later I met them  9 in town. Anna surprised me—because she was English. She was a dancer in the   10
“I have   11 climbed more than sixty steps in my life,” she told me. “Peter has his   12 , and I’ve got mine. No   13 ”. “None at all,”Peter said, smiling. “Where did you spend your   14 ?” I askeD.Somewhere far  15 theatres and mountains,was it? “We had a week's holiday,” Anna said, “I flew to New York to see Dirke Dancers on Broadway. A wonderful  16 !” Peter said, “I didn’t want to   17 the good weather. So I went to Switzerland and climbed the north   18 of the Eiger with Allen Dunlop. Great   19 , the Eiger. Grand place for a honeymoon! I’ll show you the   20 we took one day.”
1. A.purpose                B.love                  C.answer                  D.even
2. A.joy                       B.thought              C.lesson                   D.shock
3. A.mountains             B.churches            C.faces                    D.girls
4. A.accept                  B.understand         C.bear                     D.tell
5. A.believed               B.knew                 C.wondered              D.realized
6. A.jobs                     B.words                C.adventures            D.deeds
7. A.where                   B.when                 C.which                   D.how
8. A.one                      B.reason               C.sign                      D.doubt
9. A.all                    B.two                   C.both                     D.double
10.A.family              B.mountain           C.theatre                  D.holiday
11.A.ever                    B.even                  C.never                    D.almost
12.A.interests               B.life                    C.room                    D.car
13.A.wonder            B.way                   C.time                     D.problems
14.A.days                    B.honeymoon        C.childhood             D.rest of life
15.A.away                   B.as                      C.by                        D.from
16.A.show                   B.sight                  C.scene                    D.game
17.A.miss                    B.escape               C.break                    D.forget
18.A.position               B.face                   C.point                    D.line
19.A.programme          B.progress             C.fun                       D.invention
20.A.photographs         B.roles                  C.sports                   D.pains

1—5 BDDBC  6—10 CADCC  11—15 CADBD  16—20 AABCA

1.B 本句意思是peter 热衷于爬山,爬山是他的爱好,喜好.love="hobby" 故排除A、C、D。  
2.D 上文说到他好冒险好爬山,当作者听说他要结婚这事时使他感到非常吃惊。shock 时非常吃惊,震惊之意。  
3.D 作者的意思是“从没想到对冒险感兴趣的人,对女孩会感兴趣,而且是爱艺术的跳舞的演员。”
4.B 根据上下文的语境,应是理解understand。但学生易选A.accept 意为接受。但本句所表达的意思是“我不能理解Peter 要结婚之事”。Peter 结婚与作者无任何关系。无所谓接受不接受。  
5.C 此句是作者很想知道是不是他的妻子要设法阻止他的冒险生涯。  
6.C 从上句可知.  
7.A 本句是指猜想他妻子是法国人,他常常在法国度假。这里的where 引导定语从句指地点。  
8.D 固定结构,意思为 “毫无疑问”。  
9.C them both ,both 为代词作宾补。  
10.C 前面是dancer ,只能选theatre,指在影剧院。  
11.C 因为妻子是跳舞的,因此她说,从没有爬过六十多个台阶。  
12.A 语意应是有他自己的兴趣。  
13.D 根据语意,此句是在说尽管两人的爱好不同,但也没有令他们俩困惑的事。  
14.B 作者在问他们俩在哪里度的蜜月。  
15.D far from 意为远离。  
16.A show 意为表演。  
17.A peter 不想错过好天气.尽管是在度蜜月,但是两个人都各自做着各自爱好的事。  
18.B 指Peter去了瑞士爬Eiger 这座山的北面。  
19.C Great fun 指爬山这件事非常有乐趣。  
20.A show sB.sth.意为向某人展示某物.这里肯定是照片。这里肯定是在向作者展示他们的照片。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A long road leads through the woods to Don Robinson’s unfinished house. Wearing dirty sneakers and a shirt with holes, Don Robinson is an 81-year-old Missouri businessman. Although he’s rich, he didn’t use his money to buy himself a grand home. Instead, he used it to buy wild land.
Robinson has decided to donate 843 acres of his own personal wilderness to the Department of Natural Resources after his death, which can then be used to create a new state park. His generous donation is the same size as New York City’s Central Park. It is said that it’s the largest land donation to happen in the last 25 years.
How did he come up with this idea? For Robinson, the idea of donation came from his respect for the land and the environment. He doesn’t have children to pass it onto. He hoped that someone would make full use of it, or the land would probably turn into wasteland. A green park filled with trees can at least help deal with global warming, in addition to producing fresh air.
Robinson has lived here in a small wooden house since 1964.One room holds his bed, a few chairs and a desk. He said he didn’t care how much his donation was worth. Tom Pounders who used to work for Robinson said, "He doesn’t think material objects are important.” He also recalled that Robinson once repaired a broken tennis shoe with a spare tire.
Robinson has just one request for the new park that will be established after his death. He’d like it to be named the Don Robinson State Park. "There’s a lot of Robinsons, but only one me. It would be nice if people remembered to use my full name when walking through the park," he said.
小题1:In paragraph 2, the underlined word “wilderness” refers to _______.
A.wild animalsB.wild landC.wild plantsD.wild wounds
小题2:Don Robinson has decided to donate _____ to the Department of Natural Resources after his death.
A.a green parkB.a big wooden house
C.843 acres of landD.all his money
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following statements about is TRUE?
A.Don Robinson paid much attention to how much his donation was worth.
B.New York City’s Central Park was built with Don Robinson’s help.
C.Don Robinson had many children and lived with them.
D.The idea of donation came from Robinson’s respect for the land and the environment.
小题4:Which of the following words can be used to describe Don Robinson?
A.rich, generous and simpleB.rich, mean and lonely
C.simple, lonely and cruelD.rich, simple and mean


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Eddie McKay, a once-forgotten pilot, is a subject of great interest to a group of history students in Canada.
It all started when Graham Broad, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, found McKay’s name in a footnote in a book about university history. McKay was included in a list of university alumni (校友) who had served during the First World War, but his name was unfamiliar to Broad, a specialist in military history. Out of curiosity, Broad spent hours at the local archives (档案馆) in a fruitless search for information on McKay. Tired and discouraged, he finally gave up. On his way out, Broad’s glance happened to fall on an exhibiting case showing some old newspapers. His eye was drawn to an old picture of a young man in a rugby uniform. As he read the words beside the picture, he experienced a thrilling realization. “After looking for him all day, there he was, staring up at me out of the exhibiting case,” said Broad. Excited by the find, Broad asked his students to continue his search. They combed old newspapers and other materials for clues. Gradually, a picture came into view.
Captain Alfred Edwin McKay joined the British Royal Flying Corps in 1916. He downed ten enemy planes, outlived his entire squadron (中队) as a WWI flyer, spent some time as a flying instructor in England, then returned to the front, where he was eventually shot down over Belgium and killed in December 1917. But there’s more to his story. “For a brief time in 1916 he was probably the most famous pilot in the world,” says Broad. “He was credited with downing Oswald Boelcke, the most famous German pilot at the time.” Yet, in a letter home, McKay refused to take credit, saying that Boelcke had actually crashed into another German plane.
McKay’s war records were destroyed during a World War II air bombing on London — an explanation for why he was all but forgotten.
But now, thanks to the efforts of Broad and his students, a marker in McKay’s memory was placed on the university grounds in November 2007. “I found my eyes filling with tears as I read the word ‘deceased’ (阵亡) next to his name,” said Corey Everrett, a student who found a picture of Mckay in his uniform. “This was such a simple example of the fact that he had been a student just like us, but instead of finishing his time at Western, he chose to fight and die for his country.”
小题1:What made Professor Broad continue his search for more information on McKay?
A.A uniform of McKay.B.A footnote about McKay.
C.A book on McKay.D.A picture of McKay.
小题2:What did the students find out about McKay?
A.He trained pilots for some time.
B.He lived longer than other pilots.
C.He died in the Second World War.
D.He was downed by the pilot Boelcke.
小题3:McKay’s flying documents were destroyed in      .
小题4:We can learn from the last paragraph that McKay     .
A.preferred fight to his study
B.went to war before graduation
C.left a picture for Corey Everrett
D.set an example for his fellow students
小题5:What is the text mainly about?
A.The research into war history.
B.The finding of a forgotten hero.
C.The pilots of the two world wars.
D.The importance of military studies.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jeremy Wirick, 9, has been back in school for less than two months, but he has already had several asthma(哮喘)attacks. A recent attack happened on October 2, after he pushed himself too hard in gym class. Running, power walking, jogging and push-ups took their toll. When Jeremy got home an hour or two later, he was out of breath. He needed to use a nebulizer, a machine that helps send medicine quickly to the lungs, to get his breathing back to normal.
Asthma attacks like Jeremy increase in September and October. More than six times as many asthma sufferers who are elementary-school age need hospital treatment in the fall as in the summer.
Experts believe many factors can contribute to back-to-school asthma. Kids get together in close spaces, they start passing viruses around. A viral infection can cause an asthma attack. There are also certain fall allergies(过敏症)that can cause attacks. Exercise is another common cause of an attack. Besides, the stress of school can make asthma worse.
Parents can play a big role in helping kids with asthma start the school year right. Dawne Gee’s10-year-old son, Alexander, has had asthma since he was a baby. Before the school year starts, she tells school workers in writing about her son’s asthma.
The Gees live in Kentucky, which has passed laws allowing students to carry their asthma medication(药物治疗)with them at school. Alexander’s mom makes sure he has his inhaler(人工呼吸器)with him when he goes to school and that he keeps it on hand at all times. In Delaware, where Jeremy lives, kids are allowed to carry their inhalers at school.
The American Lung Association says that about 6.2 million American children suffer from asthma. Asthma is the chronic (慢性) illness that causes students to miss the most days of school. There are many things that schools can do to help students control their asthma
小题1:The passage mainly deals with _______.
A. how to prevent and treat Asthma. what Asthma is and its symptoms
C. the side-effects Asthma has on kids
D. the causes of Asthma and its treatment
小题2:By saying “Running, power walking, jogging and push-ups took their toll.”, the writer means that_____.
A.physical exercise affected their health
B.physical exercise gave them a deep thought
C.asthma attacks made them like physical exercise
D.asthma attacks could be cured through physical exercise
小题3: Which of the following statements is NOT supported by the passage?
A.Kids are likely to suffer asthma attacks in the fall
B.Stress can add to the risk of asthma attacks
C.Medical officials should be blamed for asthma attacks
D.Asthma attacks will need necessary medical treatment
小题4:The passage lists many factors that cause asthma attacks except_____.
A.A viral infectionB.unhealthy habits
C.certain fall allergiesD.physical exercise


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Jackie Robinson walked onto Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, New York, on April 15, 1947, he changed baseball forever. As the first African American to play in the Major League in modern times, many believe he changed the country forever.
Robinson was born in 1919. He lived in a time when rules controlled what African Americans could do. He was a top athlete, playing football, basketball and baseball. But playing for a major League team was off limits to Robinson because of his race.
Branch Rickey, president and manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, signed (和……签约) Robinson in 1947. He believed that Robinson not only had the skills, but the courage to face the challenge of becoming modern baseball’s first black player.
It wasn’t easy. Robinson sometimes faced boos (嘘声) from fans. But he became a star, anyway. In 1962, he became the first African-American player chosen to enter the Baseball Hall of Fame. In 2005, he was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest award Congress can give to an American.
By breaking baseball’s color barrier (肤色障碍), Robinson opened the door for many to follow his footsteps, not only in baseball, but in other areas of life as well. After he stopped playing the game, Robinson worked as a manager for a coffee company. He wrote a newspaper column (专栏). He also  started a bank.
小题1:Before Jackie Robinson, no African-American players could __________.
A.play baseballB.play in the Major League
C.play football and basketballD.watch Major League games
小题2:According to Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson was __________.
A.poor but cleverB.unlucky but confident
C.proud and strongD.brave and skilled
小题3:We can know that Jackie Robinson’s story __________.
A.changed many Africans’ ideas
B.had an effect on many black people’s lives
C.encouraged black people to fight with whites
D.started a hot discussion about the color barrier
小题4:Which of the following is NOT what he once did?
A.a newspaper column writerB.a banker
C.a university teacherD.a manager in a company


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I remember vividly the call that changed my life. It was Tuesday, February 18. When the   rang in the kitchen of my Los Angeles, the   2  was Marty Banderas,  a literary agent to whom I had sent a draft( 草稿 )of my novel three weeks earlier. “I have a couple of   3  .” Banderas saiD. “First, how old are you?” “I'm 48,” I replieD. “Are you in good   4   ?” “Yes, excellent. What’s this about? ” “I’ve sold your novels       5    one and a half million dollars.” I sat down in    6    . I had written fourteen novels in twenty years, but each one had been    7    by the publishers. I suppose many people would have been     8    , but not me. Each time, I just      9     writing another one. My husband advised me to find something else to do, but I refused to   10   up. Seeing this book   11   was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It's a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the best-seller   12  two weeks after publication! I got my first lesson in story  13 from my grandmother. She used to read my stories. She was the one who gave me a    14    of words. She sparked (激发) my  15  and she has been a   16   influence on me. I always had stories running through my   17   and as soon as I could write, I   18    them down on paper. I married young and I have three children, but I never stopped writing.    19  novels between doing the diapers(婴儿的尿布) and dishes. I'm writing another novel now. Yes, my    20   has changed my life.
1. A. phone                      B. bell                    C. clock                     D. alarm
2. A. line                         B. step                    C. outside                  D. doorway
3. A. novels                     B. things                 C. questions               D. problems
4. A. wealth                      B. health                 C. condition                D. order
5. A. to                           B. for                     C. on                         D. in
6. A. need                        B. joy                     C. settlements             D. shock
7. A. rejected                   B. received             C. decided                  D. lost
8. A. worried                   B. encouraged         C. discouraged           D. excited
9. A. couldn't help          B. got down to        C. got used to             D. went on
10. A. hold                      B. look                   C. give                      D. set
11. A. sold                       B. published            C. printed                  D. passed
12. A. books                    B. shops                  C. record                   D. list
13. A. writing                  B. organizing          C. telling                   D. reading
14. A. use                        B. love                   C. meaning                D. respect
15. A. hope                      B. efforts                 C. novels                   D. imagination
16. A. lasting                   B. normal               C. careful                  D. general
17. A. head                      B. mouth                C. voice                     D. work
18. A. took                      B. put                     C. broke                    D. added
19. A. writing                  B. reading               C. developing             D. translating
20. A. friend                    B. call                    C. success                  D. work


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)
A few years ago I was at an international conference with nearly 700 participants. One afternoon I_a very crowded talk by a famous author. The hall filled quickly and soon there were no  2  left , so many dozens of people were standing around the edges.
I saw a very elderly man, stooped(驼背的) slightly with age,  3  against the wall. I immediately got up, told those sitting beside me to  4  the place for him and made my way to him. When I offered my seat to him , he looked  5   and started to refuse , but I would have   6  of that. He asked me my name and thanked me deeply, and then made his  7  back into my row and sat comfortably. Many people who  8  our exchange turned to say what a kind thing I had done. I kept saying , “it’s nothing  9  . I m from Canada, it’s normal for us to help other people!” 
A few minutes later, the man sitting next to the elderly man  10  to leave the hall for another talk and the elderly man   11  to me to return and sit beside him.   12  I resisted, thinking someone else might need it more, but people sitting around him started to repeat my  13 , asking me to come and sit! So I returned and sat beside the gentleman for the  14  .
when the talk was over ,the man thanked me again and  15  asked if I knew who he was . I had no idea. He then looked quite delighted and  16  me a household name that I recognized immediately!
I was astonished to have been sitting next to him,  17  he was excited to think I had given up my seat for him  18  knowing who he was! Again I had to tell him where I come from , and it’s the  19  thing to do! I have felt more blessed to be a Canadian since that day, for seeing how easy it is to  20  someone and how rare it seemed to so many people.
1. A. missed            B. gave           C. expected         D. attended
2. A. seats             B. rooms         C. topics           D. rows
3. A. turning            B. walking        C. leaning          D. lying
4. A. move             B. spare          C. take             D. hold
5. A. glad              B. satisfied        C. disappointed       D. surprised
6. A. nothing           B. none          C. something        D. anything
7. A. living           B. fortune          C. direction          D. way
8. A. witnessed        B. confirmed         C. remembered        D. experienced
9. A. easy            B. popular           C. special           D. funny
10. A. agreed          B. refused            C. chose            D. forgot
11. A. sent             B. signaled            C. rolled             D. said
12. A. At last           B. At least            C. At most           D. At first
13. A. action            B. name             C. dream            D. address
14. A. game            B. discussion          C. course           D. talk  
15. A. quietly           B. loudly.              C. proudly           D. angrily  
16. A. shared            B. told                C. asked             D. answered  
17. A. as if              B. even if             C. so                D .but  
18. A. by               B. without              C. through           D. after
19. A. strange           B. secret               C. normal            D. hard  
20. A. help              B. accept              C. praise            D. trust   


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Visitors from space may have landed on our planet from time to time, maybe hundreds of times during the long, empty ages while Man was still a dream of the far future. Indeed, they could have landed on 90% of the earth as recently as two or three hundreds years ago, and we could never have heard of it. If one searches through old newspapers and records from some certain places, one can find many reports of strange events that could be some explanations about visiting from outer space. A writer, Charles Fort, has made a collection of UFO sightings in his book Lo! One is tempted(引诱) to believe them more than any modern reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever thought of space travel. Yet at the same time, one cannot take them too seriously, for before education on science was popular, even sightings of meteors(流星) and comets(彗星) made people believe the most unbelievable stories, as they still do today.
56.小题1:According to the passage, visitors from outer space may have landed on the earth      .
A.long before man had dreamed of itB.long before there were human beings
C.in the last few hundred yearsD.after the space travel began
57.小题2:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Charles Fort sighted a lot of UFOs himself.B.All sightings of UFOs are believable.
C.There may be living things on other planets.D.People have seen visitors from other planets everywhere.
58.小题3:According to the passage,           .
A.UFOs are only seen in recent yearsB.UFOs sightings are not new
C.UFOs are just meteors and cometsD.UFOs are invented by people


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On a cold evening I was waiting for a taxi in New York. About 5 minutes later, I was picked up by a driver, and he said how horrible some people were. I knew there was a part of me that wanted to be silent, but I had to listen out of kindness.
The man told me that he had just come from JFK Airport without a customer. Over the course of that taxi ride, what started as anger changed slowly and he mentioned that he had read an article which said that the happiest people are the ones that give, so he hoped he’d have more chance to give in his life. I was really starting to enjoy being with this man.
As we arrived at the place where I wanted to go, I paid my money by credit card. I pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Sir, since we’ve been talking about giving this whole time, I want to share that feeling with you. I’ve already paid my money, but here’s an extra little bit. You can tell the next passenger in this taxi that their ride is a gift from another.”
I thought I was pretty cool at this point. But he turned toward me, tears in his eyes, and he said, “Sir, I have a better idea. You give that $20 to a homeless person around here and I will give the next passenger a free ride myself.”
It was a great honor meeting that man and learning the lesson of how everyone gives and adds joy to another with their generosity.
小题1:According to the text, when the author got in the taxi, the taxi driver was________.
小题2:The author gave the driver an extra $20 in order to_________.
A.help him to get out of troubleB.know what he was really like
C.experience the joy of givingD.learn how to get along with others
小题3:What can be inferred from the taxi driver’s words in Paragraph 4?
A.A driver should be willing to help.
B.People should understand each other.
C.The driver was deeply moved.
D.One needs to keep an optimistic attitude (乐观态度).
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.A cold evening in New YorkB.Learning from a taxi driver
C.A gift to a generous strangerD.Always being a happy person

