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13.It was a cold night in Washington,D.C.,and I was heading back to the hotel when a man approached me.He asked if I would give him some money so he could get something to eat.I'd read the signs:"Don't give money to beggars as most of them are swindlers."So I shook my head and kept walking.
I wasn't prepared for a reply,but with no hesitation,he followed me and said,"I really am homeless and I really am hungry!You can come with me and watch me eat!"But I kept on walking.
The incident kept bothering me for the rest of the week.I had money in my pocket and it wouldn't have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he hadn't been a real beggar.On a freezing cold night,no less,I assumed the worst of a fellow human being.
Flying back to Anchorage,I couldn't help thinking of him.I tried to reason my failure to help by supposing government agencies,churches and charities were there to feed him.Besides,you're not supposed to give money to beggars.
Somewhere over Seattle,I started to write my weekly garden column for The Anchorage Daily News.Out of the blue,I came up with an idea.Bean's Cafe,a local charity service kitchen,feeds hundreds of hungry local people every day.Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row of vegetables or flowers in their gardens for Bean's?Plant a row for Bean's.It's clean and simple.
We didn't keep records back then,but the idea began to take off.Folks would fax me or call when they took something in.It's food for the spirit and comfort for my conscience.
In April 1995,the Garden Writers Association of America(GWAA) held their annual meeting in Anchorage and after learning our program,Plant a Row for Bean's became Plant a Row For The Hungry.The idea then was to have every member write or talk about planting a row for the hungry,which brought the program to national attention.
As more and more people participated,new variations cropped up.Many companies gave free seeds to customers and displayed the logo for the program.Donations poured in.It was then that I could really stop feeling guilty.

66.The underlined word"swindlers"in the first paragraph is closest in meaning toC.
67.Why did the author think he assumed the worst of a fellow human being?B
A.Because he didn't show fair respect to a beggar treating him badly.
B.Because he could have helped a hungry man but he passed by.
C.Because he believed that no people begged because of real hunger.
D.Because he thought that charity work was the government's duty.
68.How did the author make up for what he had done?D
A.He set up a local kitchen to help the poor.
B.He planted a row of vegetables for charity.
C.He called on people to donate money to the Bean's.
D.He initiated the idea of Plant a row for Bean's.
69.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.The beggar gave up the first time he was turned down by the author.
B.The author invented the program inspired by the Anchorage Daily News.
C.GWAA expanded the program concept and made it nationwide in 1995.
D.The program was later taken over by some seeding companies.

分析 本文是一篇记叙文阅读,主要讲述了作者由饥饿引发的为饥民种一排蔬果的想法.作者在一次拒绝一个乞丐的请求后,内心难安,非常愧疚.于是利用自己在报社的工作,写了一篇专栏号召社会各界人士为乞讨人员提供帮助.这在社会上引起了较大的反响,并得到了较好的效果.

解答 66.C 词义辨析题.根据第一段可知作者不愿意给乞丐钱,是因为作者认为他们大多数都是骗子.由此推知"swindlers"的意思是"骗子".故选C.
67.B 细节理解题.根据第三段可知这件事一直困扰着作者,他本可以帮助饥饿的人但他没有这样做.故选B.
68.D 细节理解题.根据第五段Out of the blue,I came up with an idea.Bean's Cafe,a local charity service kitchen,feeds hundreds of hungry local people every day.Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row of vegetables or flowers in their gardens for Bean's?可知作者想到了一个主意,为Bean's Cafe这个慈善机构种植蔬果,从而帮助饥民.以此来弥补他之前的所作所为.故选D.
69.C 细节理解题.根据倒数第二段In April 1995,the Garden Writers Association of America(GWAA) held their annual meeting in Anchorage and after learning our program,Plant a Row for Bean's became Plant a Row For The Hungry.The idea then was to have every member write or talk about planting a row for the hungry,which brought the program to national attention.可知在1995年,GWAA扩展了这个程序的概念,使它闻名全国.故选C.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.New'York City has lots and lots of buildings,and many people live-there-almost 8 million people!Human beings take a lot of things from the earth,'and they also put a lot of things back into it,including things that pollute the air or use up natural resources.
"Eco-friendly,"or"green"buildings in New York City are good for the environment."Green"living helps save natural resources,makes the air cleaner,and helps us breathe better.
    We spend about 90 percent of our day indoors,where the air quality can actually be much worse than it is outside.
    Certain buildings have more access to natural daylight,appliances that use less energy,and encourage people to use environmentally friendly practices.Green buildings give the people who live in them cleaner air to breathe,and some even have sensors that turn lights on and off when you walk into or leave a room. The buildings also capture and reuse rainwater.
    The Albanese Organization built the first green residential building in North America in 2003.It is called the Solaire,and is located in Battery Park City.Now,in 2013,they are building another new green building in Battery Park City called the Visionaire,which is so environmentally friendly that it is being called America's greenest"high-rise building.       
     The building pud6es and reuses water,using 50% less water than a typical high-rise building. Some of the building's electricity is powered by the sun,and the fresh air is filtered to take pollutants out.
     The buildings themselves were all built using recycled materials from other construction projects,so that. those materials do not just end up in a garbage clump.  It costs more for companies to make these buildings,so the people who live in them have to pay more,too*But reduced energy bills help you save money.  And if you have allergies(过敏),you may end Lip saving on doctors'bills,too,since these buildings are healthier to live in.
"I have a history of asthma(哮喘)and hypersensitivity(高度过敏)to odors and allergens in the air,"said a Visionaire resident,Rod McCowan,52."The air is crisp and pure.  I can tell I'm breathing better."

56.What kind of life does the author suggest in this,passage?(no more than 2 words)Green living.
57. What does the Albanese'Organization specialize in?( no more than 6 words)(It specializes in)building green buildings
58.How does the Visionaire save water?(no more than 5 words)It purifies and reuses water./By purifying and reusing water
59.What is this passage mainly about?( no more than 6 words)Green/Eco-friendly buildings in New York City
60.Why does the author say"green"buildings are healthier according to the last two paragraphs?(no more than 9 words)Because they have crisp and pure air in them./Because the air is crisp and pure..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.The Ebola Virus
Currently,the world is facing an epidemic (流行病) due to what is considered to be among the most dangerous viruses that humanity has ever faced-the Ebola bleeding virus.Though there were announcements about experimental treatments that were reported to be successful in terms of treating the virus,people around the world continue to die from Ebola.
Ebola was first discovered in 1976in Africa,on the banks of the Ebola River,after which the virus has been named.Back then,there were two major outbreaks of the virus,and this is how people learned about it.There exist several strains of the Ebola virus,some of them are deadly to people,and some are not.
The main symptoms of Ebola can appear in a period between the second and the 21st days of infection,but usually it happens on the eighth through 10th day.Among the symptoms that appear in the first turn,one should mention fever and chills,strong headaches,pain in joints and muscles,and general weakness.These symptoms are not too different from those that people usually experience when catching a severe cold,or flu,so victims may even ignore these symptoms,or try to treat them as a common sickness.However,as the virus keeps progressing,a patient develops nausea(呕吐) with vomiting,diarrhea,chest and stomach pains,red eyes and rash over the body,severe weight loss,and bleeding from almost all bodily openings.
The virus is usually transmitted either through blood,or through waste.Infection through blood usually takes place if a person consumes infested meat,or even touches it (for example,butchering can also lead to infection).Also,there were cases when people got infected after stepping in waste of infected mammals,mostly bats.The other ways of getting infected is through skin by receiving bodily liquids via tiny openings.
Even though there is no specific cure for Ebola,doctors still try to treat it.In order to diagnose Ebola,doctors usually take tests on such diseases as cholera or malaria,because it is difficult to diagnose Ebola based only on symptoms.After the diagnosis has been made,doctors start treating the symptoms,which includes killing infected cells,electrolytes,blood pressure medication,blood transfusions,oxygen treatment,and so on.
Though Ebola is a highly dangerous disease,it is not likely that it will spread globally.It is most deadly in anti-sanitary(不卫生的) conditions,which many African countries have an extremely bad reputation for.As for first world countries,even though there is still no universal cure,they are at much lesser risk than African countries.Though the symptoms of Ebola are severe and getting infected is not difficult,with the correct handling of an outbreak,the virus should not be able to spread.

●Ebola,a dangerous virus,was named after the Ebola River,on whose banks it was first discovered.
●Despite the (72)announced/reported success in the virus treatment,people across the world continue to die from the virus.

●In the first turn,the symptoms are (73)similar to those that people experience when they are (74)suffering from a severe cold or flu.
●If not (75)taken seriously,the virus will keep progressing,and things will change for the worse.

Ways of getting infected
●People (76)consuming infested meat or touching it can get infected.
●People who step in waste of infected mammals,mostly bats,are (77)likely to get infected.
●People who receive bodily liquids via tiny openings can also get infected.

Treatment and  (78)prevention
●After making correct diagnosis,doctors start treating the symptoms in many ways,(79)including killing infected cells,blood pressure medication,oxygen therapy,and so on.
●Sanitary living conditions play a significant (80)part/role in preventing the outbreak of the Ebola virus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.After hours sitting inside Deep Worker,it feels good to get back.While you're stretching on the deck,others on the ship are at work studying the data you have collected.
The rock samples you collected are taken to a laboratory on board the ship.Tests performed on ocean rocks can show the age of the seafloor.Many people will study the videotapes of the swordfish.There is nothing like a video to show others exactly what you saw and experienced in the deep.Videos capture details of how animals move and behave-details that a person sitting inside Deep Worker could easily miss.Those details can help scientists better understand the role each kind of animal plays in its deep-sea community.
While you were below,Deep Worker's exact location was being tracked.Thus,detailed maps of the seafloor,showing underwater canyons and mountains far beneath the surface can be made with the help of this information.Dive by dive,Sylvia Earle and her fellow scientists are piecing together remarkable pictures of the deep sea-a world that until recently was as unknown as a distant planet.
Since Sylvia first began exploring the waters around Florida,she's seen changes-trash on the seafloor,fewer fish,polluted water.These ocean problems in Florida and in many other parts of the world make people like Sylvia anxious.They want to know how to protect the ocean,and how to restore it to good health where damage has been done.
Sylvia and other scientists are learning more about the ocean,especially the deep sea,than ever before.The more we know about a place,the better we understand it.As Sylvia says,"With knowing comes caring.If people care about something,they will work to protect it."
66.What does the bold-typed phrase"this information"in Paragraph 3 refer to?D
A.The location of underwater canyons and mountains.
B.Remarkable pictures of the deep sea.
C.These ocean problems.
D.The track of Deep Worker.
67.Sylvia Earle is probably a scientist whoB.
A.specializes in making maps
B.cares about the ocean
C.works on an unknown ship
D.performs experiments in a laboratory
68.According to Paragraph 4,which statement about Sylvia is TRUE?SylviaBA.has seen fewer fish and polluted water 
B.is concerned about the ocean problems
C.has explored the waters and protected the ocean
D.has restored good health after her injury
69.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?D
A.Working below in Deep Worker
B.Ocean Exploration and Ocean Maps
C.Deep Worker Saving the World 
D.Ocean familiarity and Ocean Preservation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Plastic bags that can help bread and cheese remain fresh for a long time have been developed by scientists.The technology,which uses chemicals that prevent bacteria and fungi (真霉) from growing,allows food to last longer.It could put an end to throwing away supermarket bread after just a couple of days in the bread bin and cheese that goes mouldy after just a few weeks.
The company,Janssen,has spent two years developing the technology with the plastics manufacturer,Symphony Environmental.They are now in discussion with several food factories and supermarkets about using the bags for their products.The technology could also be used to make credit cards and the new plastic bank notes more hygienic (卫生的).Tests have shown that the plastic can increase the shelf life of bread and cheese without letting the food go bad.Michael Stephen,director of Symphony Environmental,said the plastic also has the potential to do the same for fruit,vegetables and even meat.He said,"we have come up with a way of making the plastic that is antibacterial and that can be used in food wrapping.We have done a lot of tests on food packaging which have shown such plastic can reduce the mould that grows on both bread and cheese."
In Britain,around 15 million tons of food is thrown away each year,mostly because it has spoiled or gone bad.Bread is the most wasted food,with families throwing away 4.4 million tons a year-about a third of all the bread purchased by UK families.Tesco,Britain's biggest supermarket,revealed last month that almost half of the bread sold in its stores ended up in the bin.
The technology developed by Janssen and Symphony,which they have called D2P,fixes antibacterial and antifungal chemicals to the plastic.They have found it can control bacteria which can cause food poisoning.It can also control the growth of fungi on bread and others.
Mr.Stephen added,"Initially we expect that it is only used in pipes and door handles,for example,to help reduce the spread of bacteria.It can also be put into man-made fibers so we are doing some experiments to put it into clothes to stop the bacteria that can cause them to smell."
59.What would happen when people use the plastic bags produced by Janssen?C
A.The sales of bread and cheese would increase soon.
B.Bread and cheese could be stored in a fridge for years.
C.Bread and cheese could be kept for a longer time.
D.Supermarket bread and cheese would be on sale earlier.
60.Why does the writer mention the problem in Britain in Paragraph 3?D
A.To criticize the behaviour of the British.
B.To show the popularity of bread.
C.To criticize the increasing waste of bread.
D.To show the short shelf life of bread.
61.It can be concluded from Mr.Stephen's words thatA.
A.more daily uses for this technology are expected
B.this technology is only used used in pipes and door handles
C.man-made fibers should be improved by this technology
D.people's preference for this technology cannot be expected
62.The passage can be classified asB.
A.an annual review                B.a news report
C.an advertisement                D.a travel guide.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Smoggy weather has become common in China.But these days,air pollution levels in the north eastern city of Harbin surpassed the previous record levels.
The city was essentially shut down after PM2.5,fine Particulate(微粒物) pollution that is considered hazardous(有害的).reached levels of 1000micrograms per cubic meter-40times the safety level remended by the World Health Organization.Schools,motorways and an airport were closed on Tuesday as visibility in some areas of the city dropped to less than 10meters.
Photos from Harbin showed residents covering their mouths with masks and scarves,and moving like ghostly shadows through the fog.Cars and motorcycles are moving slowly as traffic came to a standstill with traffic lights barely visible..
Just days previously,the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)  classified air pollution as a carcinogen(致癌物).It stated that there  is"sufficient evidence"that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer and also linked it with an increased risk of bladder cancer.It's said that exposure has increased significantly particularly in"rapidly industrial countries with large populations".
"The air we breathe has become polluted with a mixture of cancer-causing substances",Dr Kurt Straif,head of the IARC said in a press released."We now know that outdoor air pollution is not only a major risk to health in general,but also a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths."
On the Chinese social media site Weibo,many users complained about the pollution and shared their concerns.References to"feed people with smog"have become popular on Weibo and there is a sarcastic play on the expression"serve the people",as the two have a similar pronunciation.
"The impact of air pollution on people will be gradual.There won't be a sudden outbreak of symptoms,but normally three to five days after the smoggy weather occurs,there is a peak in the number of people seeing doctors,"Deng Ying,a doctor at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University was quoted as saying.

24.As thick smog has become a common scene in Harbin,D
A.students there can go to school as usual
B.residents in the city can see as far as 20meters
C.traffic lights can be easily visible
D.the urban traffic has been seriously influenced
25.When exposed to outdoor air pollution,what kind of disease can be caused?C.
A.Cancer of stomach  B.Breast cancer  C.Bladder cancer     D.Ovarian cancer
26.According to Dr Kurt Straif,we can learn thatB.
A.the effect of the.smoggy weather is gradual
B.air pollution is the man environmental cause,of cancer deaths
C.exposure has greatly increased in countries with large populations
D."feed people with smog"has bee a hot word
27.The purpose of this passage is toA.
A.awaken people's environmental awareness
B.warn people not to go out in smoggy weather
C.call for the public to wear their masks
D.advise people not to live in Harbin.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.The faster your heart       ,the more nervous you'll be.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.During the 2008financial crisis,the French president Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to provide  Millions of emergency fund aid to help     unemployment.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Sometimes the targets we set(61)ourselves (us) are just too high.We think that we will be better people in the future.Just as we are (62)easily (easy) taken over by the planning fallacy(谬见),believing that we can complete a large project for work in an afternoon,we think in the future we will be better-organised and more self-disciplined.
One of the most (63)famous (fame) examples of the planning fallacy is(64)thatof the Oxford English Dictionary.In 1860plans were in place to complete it within three years.In 1879there was a new deal to publish in within a decade,but after five years they had only got so far(65)asthe word"ant".It Was finally completed in 1928.by(66)whichtime it was considered out of date and revisions began at once.
The same thing happens when it comes to (67)trying ( try) to change our lifestyles.We read about a new idea and that optimism fires up all over again.At the University of Toronto Janet Polivy has been studying what she calls."false hope syndrome".
She found that People set themselves unrealistic targets which they undoubtedly failed to reach,leaving them feeling even (68)worse (bad) about themselves.Some of the students she studied had tried and failed for 10years to make the same (69)changes(change) in their lives,but each year they (70)were convinced (convince) that this time it would work.

