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----Lovely day, isn't it?
----Mm, yes,  61  And it's supposed to get warmer.
----Yes, that's true. You know, though, I'm always a little worried to see winter go.
-----   62 
-----Well, I love skating. In fact, I used to teach skating for a living.
-----Oh? That sounds interesting.  63 
-----I work at Bank of America. How about you?
-----   64 
-----No, I'm from Chicago. I'm just visiting here for the wedding.
----Oh, I see.
----By the way,  65 I'm Helen Keller.
----Nice to meet you. My name is John Smith.
A.But what do you do now?


B.It's very cold.

C.It's really warm.
D.I guess I should introduce myself.
E. I'm on the radio station.
F.What' your name?
G. Really?

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Hong Kong government is set to overhaul(革新) its immigration policy with the aim of making it easier for mainland and overseas talents to live and work in the city. This is a welcome step because it will remove what is widely seen as a major hurdle to Hong Kong’s efforts to attract qualified immigrants to help its development.
To sustain the growth of the services sector, which accounts for nearly 80 percent of Hong Kong’s GDP, it is necessary to continuously expand the pool of talents in various fields. Efforts to attract mainland and overseas talents to Hong Kong are taking on special urgency not only because of fierce competition from other cities, particularly Singapore, but also the rapidly aging population resulting from years of low or negative birthrates.
Hong Kong enjoys certain distinct advantages over many Asian cities in the competition for talents. Beyond its vibrant economy, underlined by a free market environment, Hong Kong has a combination of some of the most distinctive elements of Chinese and Western cultures. Hong Kong is as exciting as many other Asian boomtowns, and yet it is no less efficient than a typical European city with a much smaller population. Housing costs are high, but no higher than those in other financial centers. For international banks and multinational corporations, housing costs are a concern only when the opportunity to make money begins to dry up. And this situation is not happening in Hong Kong as the local economy, riding the boom on the mainland, is rapidly expanding.
It is within this context that the government takes the lead to revise its immigration policy, which calls for, among other things, the establishment of a one-stop service center to process all applications under various migrant schemes. This means that an applicant will in future need to submit only one form for processing. Other changes to the policy include the removing of the age restrictions and lowering of experience requirements. Under the present scoring system used to vet applicants, those who are older than 50 and those with less than five years of work experience win no points in their respective categories. The details of the proposed changes have not been announced. But according to a government official quoted by the local press, the aim is to broaden the pool of qualified applicants.
The HK government’s revising its immigration policy
It aims to (56) _______ the pool of qualified immigrants and attract talents to help its development.
Other Asian (57) _______ cities bring great pressure on it.
Low birth rates (58) _______ about rapidly aging population.
It has a (59) _______ market environment.
It (60) _______ elements of Chinese culture and those of Western cultures.
It is as (61) _______ as a typical European city.
(62) _______ with other financial centers, housing costs are not
a concern due to the boom on the mainland.
Applicants will need to (63) _______ in only one form for processing.
The age restrictions are (64) _______.
Experience requirements are (65) _______.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

第一节: 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
D—David,   T---Tony
D: Hi, Tony. Are you reading something exciting?
T: Oh, nothing much. I’m just reading some science (76) f__. David,    76._______
it’s a long time since I saw you last and I could hardly
(77) r___ you because you’ve changed so much.                    77_______
D: Oh, I’ve just had a (78) h____ in the barber’s and I am wearing       78_______
a pair of glasses now.
T: No wonder. By the way, what’s your plan for this weekend?
D: We are going to have a picnic in the countryside on Saturday.
Do you wan to join us?
T: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t as I’ ve got (79) p___of work to       79______
do recently.
D: I know you are always as (80) b___as a bee.But don’t forget          80______
that no matter how much work you have to do, you should try
to (81) s___ aside some time for a rest. Health must come first,         81_____
after all.
T: Yes, you are right. I’ll go with you. And why not ask Sam to
go with us together? He can (82) b___ us a lot of fun.                 82_____
D: That’s a good idea, but not this time, for his parents
(83) d____ two days ago and he is very upset now. Maybe              83_____
he doesn’t want to go with us.
T: Really? I simply can’t (84) b____my ears.                        84____
D: Yes, I’m surprised to know that their marriage has broken up ,too.
T: I think he needs to stay(85) a_____and calm himself down.          85____
D: Yes.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you often see silly words or drawings scratched onto the desks in your classroom? Have you ever found chewing gum on the floor of your classroom or around the campus? How many times have you seen broken windows in the classroom and school buildings? This is vandalism,the destruction or damaging of public property for no obvious reason.
Vandalism in schools is becoming a growing problem,and it is costing us more than money.It is expensive to repaint the desks,clear them of chewing gum and repair school furniture.Moreover,it costs us our sense of self-respect and feeling of pride in our school.
Many students see this damage and lose some pride in their school.
How,then,can we prevent vandalism in schools? First of all,we need to make students realize the importance of taking care of public property.School property should be treated with care so that it can be used by all the students.
Secondly,we should learn to obey school rules and regulations.These rules and regulations are there to look after both the students and the schools.Whenever we see any acts of vandalism,we need to remind the people of the rules and try to prevent these acts from happening.Thirdly,anyone who vandalizes school property should receive some kind of punishment.For example,if someone has torn a page from a library book,he or she would have to carefully tape the page back into the book.Such punishment is not harsh,but can make them know their misbehavior.
Vandalism costs schools money that could be better spent educating students,and it harms students’pride in their school as well.If we educate people about vandalism and work to prevent it from happening,then we will begin to see cleaner schools and happier students.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eye.
One   36  , when the boy was around two, the husband saw an opened medicine bottle. It was 8:30 am and he was almost   37  for work, so he asked his wife to  38   the lid on the bottle and put it in the cupboard. Busy in the kitchen, the mother  39   forgot the matter. Seeing the bottle, the boy picked it up playfully and  40   the liquid in it. It was a medicine  41   for adults to be taken in small dosages (剂量). When the boy fell down, the mother hurried him to a(n)  42   where he died. The mother was terrified. How could she  43  her husband?
When the heartbroken father returned and saw the dead son, he  44   his wife and said just four words. What do you think those four words were? The husband just said, “I  45   you, darling.”
The husband’s totally  46   reaction was positive. Their son could never be  47   back to life,so there was no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, this would not have happened   48  he had taken the time to put the bottle away.
The mother had also lost her only  49  . What she needed at that moment was  50   and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.
Sometimes we spend time asking who is   51  , only to miss the opportunity to enjoy the  52   in human relationships we could receive by giving each other support. Why don’t we  53   someone we love for the “mistake” they didn’t make on purpose?
Treasure what you  54  , let go of all your anger,  55   to forgive, and selfishness and you will find fewer problems in the world.
36. A.noon                   B.morning                    C.evening              D.night
37. A.late                            B.ready                        C.tired                  D.fit
38. A.hide                    B.throw                        C.place                  D.keep
39. A.luckily                 B.nearly                       C.totally                D.suddenly
40. A.removed                     B.drank                        C.destroyed           D.cleaned
41. A.arranged                     B.left                           C.wished               D.meant
42. A.hospital               B.office                     C.bank                  D.restaurant
43. A.encourage            B.face                          C.control               D.punish
44. A. called at             B.laughed at                 C.looked at            D.pointed to
45. A.love                    B.hate                          C.miss                   D.believe
46. A. reasonable          B.confident                   C.normal          D.unexpected 
47. A.raised                  B.brought                     C. driven           D.pulled
48. A.but                      B.although                    C.if                       D.because
49. A.child                   B.interest                      C.relative                     D.chance
50. A.excuse                 B.praise                        C.comfort          D.explanation
51. A.right                    B.clever                       C.kind               D.responsible
52. A.warmth                B.surprise                     C.sorrow               D.health
53. A.help                    B.protect                      C.forgive               D.correct
54. A.learn                   B.have                         C.know                 D.want
55. A.ability                 B.courage                     C.expectation      D.unwillingness


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A – F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A.Human efforts to prevent disastrous collisions
B.Recent alarms of asteroid(小行星) strikes.
C.Asteroids’ movement around the sun.
D.Asteroid strikes against Earth.
E.Past disastrous asteroid strikes.
F.The cause of asteroid strikes.
Astronomers estimate that there are about l,100 asteroids--or space rocks--with the potential to cause a planet-wide disaster in a collision with Earth.And since large asteroids have collided with Earth many times in the past,scientists say it is certain that Earth will be hit again.It is only a question of when. 
77. _________________
The asteroid that ended the age of the dinosaurs hit the Earth 65 million years ago.It was at least six miles(10 kilometers)wide.But smaller asteroids can also devastate (毁坏)the earth.Scientists estimate that a collision with an asteroid even one—tenth this size would kill at least 25 per cent of Earth’s population.Less than a hundred years ago,for example,an asteroid only 330 feet(100 meters)wide exploded in Siberia.It completely destroyed half a million acres of forest.
Asteroids come from a belt of tens of thousands of space rocks in orbit around the sun.They normally travel between Mars and Jupiter,but some smaller rocks are affected by the gravitational pull of Mars,Jupiter or Saturn and their orbits are stretched.Sometimes this change puts them on a path that crosses Earth’s orbit.This sets up the possibility of collision with Earth.
In l986,a potentially dangerous asteroid missed Earth by only six hours.Scientists only found out about the danger after it had passed.Many more asteroids have collided with Earth over the years.We can still see their marks today — large craters in the ground.
NOW there is a new--found seriousness about asteroid strikes.Astronomers are engaged in a painstaking search for all asteroids that threaten Earth.And the United States has a project called NEAR that involves orbiting and studying the asteroid Eros,the second largest asteroid near Earth.Studying the composition of the asteroid provides important information hat may allow an asteroid to be exploded or knocked of course to prevent it from colliding with Earth.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Needed: Full time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2 years experience and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United Business Ltd, 17 Browning Street.
Are you looking for a part-time? We require 3 part-time shop assistants to work during the evening. No experience requires. Applicants should be between 18 and 26. Call 366-76564 for more information.
Computer trained secretaries: Do you have experience working with computers? Would you like a full time position in an exciting new company? If your answer is yes, give us a call at 457-896754.
Teacher Needed: Tommy’s Kindergarten needs 2 teachers / trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit Tommy’s Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.
Part-time work available: We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time at the weekend. Responsibilities include answering the telephones and giving customers information. For more information contact us by calling 345-674132.
University positions open: The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction. Applicants should have a degree in one of the following: Political Science, Religion, Economics or History.
●Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position.
●Margaret Lillian. Margaret is 21 years old and would like a part-time position to help her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings.
●Alice Fingelhamm. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience. She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is looking for a full time position.
●Peter Florian. Peter went to business school and studied computer and secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full time position.
●Lynne Nagata. Lynne, aged 65, once worked in a kindergarten. She is now a housewife, helping her daughter with her housework on weekdays. She is looking for a part-time job.
申请者                                                             申请职位
51. Jack Anderson                                             
A.full time secretary
52. Margaret Lillian
B.part-time shop assistant
53. Alice Fingelhamm
C.computer trained secretary
54. Peter Florian
D.kindergarten teacher
55. Lynne Nagata                                               E. part-time job at the weekend
F. university teaching assistant


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I was born an albino.No one in my family had ever known what an albino was,what it meant to be an albino,and what had to be done differently because I was an albino.
My parents treated me just like they treated everybody else. That was just about the best thing they could have done. It helped me trust myself,so when the annoyances came along,I could deal with them.
Actually,my photo always looked like a snowball with two pieces of coal for eyes. Kids would tease me,asking if I was joining the circus and calling me “Whitey”. Like most albinos,I had terrible eyesight,and my grades suffered until eventually I overcame my feeling ashamed of myself and realized it was okay to ask to sit in the front of the classroom so I could see the blackboard better. People stared at me when I held reading material right at the tip of my nose so I could see it well enough to read. Even when I was eight or nine. movie-theater clerks started asking me to pay adult prices because I “looked older”.
The worst part for me was that because my eyesight was so bad,I couldn't play sports very well. I didn't give up trying,though. And I studied harder. Eventually,I got better at school and loved it. By the time I got to college I was double majoring,going to summer school and devoting myself to every kind of extracurricular activity I could find. I had learned to be proud of being an albino. I did my best to make “albino” a positive word. And I decided to make my living with my eyes.
I couldn't see well enough to play spots,but with a solid education and the drive to do it,I could make a living involved in the field I loved. I've done it now for more than thirty years in print and in video,and now in cyberspace. People make jokes about how I'm the only “blind editor” they know,but most of the time the jokes are signs of respect. And I make jokes about being an albino.
I was just a proud albino kid from the coal country of Pennsylvania. I now realize that being born an albino helped me to overcome difficulties,gain confidence,and be proud of my personal achievement and humble about my professional accomplishments.
56.According to the passage,an albino refers to a person__________.
A.who has bad eyesight        B.who is born with white skin and hair
C.who looks older than his age  D.who joins the circus
57.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The fact that the author was born an albino.
B.The way that the author's parents treated him.
C.What had to be done differently to the author.
D.The fact that the author had no idea what an albino was.
58.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Despite his bad eyesight,the author played sports well.
B.The author paid adult prices for movies when he was still young.
C.The author's study was affected by his eyesight at first. 
D.“Albino” has already become a positive word now.
59.In the passage,the author intends to tell us___________.
A.actually being an albino helped him achieve success
B.how an albino studied well
C.what it is like to be an albino
D.how people should treat an albino


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I believe that it is important to be brought up with a firm belief in the good. I was fortunate in this respect. My parents not only gave me a happy home, but they had me study half a dozen foreign languages and made it possible for me to travel in other countries. This made me more tolerant and helped me to bridge many difficulties in later life.
Soon after I got married, my husband and I left our native Czechoslovakia and went to live in Shanghai, China. Here was a really international city. People of all races and beliefs lived and worked together.
In Shanghai, in 1941, when I was only twenty years old, the doctors discovered that I had diabetes. It was a terrible shock, because diabetes is incurable. But it can be controlled by insulin (胰岛素). Although this drug was not manufactured in China, there were enough stocks of imported insulin available. This enabled me to continue a normal, happy life.
Then bombs fell on Pearl Harbor and the Japanese occupied Shanghai. The import of insulin was cut off. Before long, there was not enough for the diabetics. I was on a starvation diet to keep my insulin requirements as low as possible. Many diabetics had already died, and the situation became desperate. In spite of all this, I never stopped believing that with the help of my husband’s love and care, I would survive.
I continued to teach in Chinese schools. My faith and my husband’s never-ending efforts to get the manufacture of insulin started gave me courage. In his small laboratory the production of insulin was attempted. I served as the human guinea pig(实验品)on which it was tested. I’ll never forget the day when my husband gave me the first injection of the new insulin, which had worked on rabbits. It helped! Can you imagine our happiness and relief?
I received the greatest strength from the deep love and complete understanding between my husband and me. And next to that was the kindness and help of many, many friends of many nationalities. To me, the experience of living in Shanghai during the special times was unforgettable.
After the Second World War, my husband and I sailed to the Untied States, which is also known as a melt pot. Wherever we live, I believe, with faith and love, love between families and friends from different nationalities, we can make it our cherished home.
61. What can we know about the author?
A. She visited China before twenty.        B. She was given an unhappy home.
C. She got married in Czechoslovakia.      D. She could hardly tolerate her parents.
62. As a diabetic, the author could still live normally in 1941 because        .
A. she was able to buy enough insulin         B. she received good medical treatment
C. she was looked after by her husband      D. she was helped by people of different races
63. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refers to        .
A. a small rabbit    B. an ever lasting effort  C. the new insulin      D. the human guinea pig
64. How does the author feel about her stay in China?
A. Unbearable.       B. Unbelievable.    C. Unfortunate.   D. Unforgettable.
65. We can infer from the text that the author’s husband was        .
A. a doctor            B. a researcher  C. a teacher             D. a sailor    

