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Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa. ___36___ I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his ___37___qualities. First of all, I respected his ___38___ to teaching. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered, students crowded into his classroom. His followers liked the fact that he ___39___ what he taught. Further more, he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an ___40___ way, introducing such aids(辅助) to ___41___ as oil paintings, music, and guest lectures. Once he ___42___ sang a song in class in order to make a point clear. ___43___, I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them ___44___ the telephone. Drinking coffee in the cafe, he would easily make friends with students. Sometimes he would ___45___ a student to a game of chess(国际象棋). ___46___, he would join students groups to discuss a variety of ___47___: agriculture, diving and mathematics. Many young people visited him in his office for ___48___ on their studies; others came to his home for social evenings. Finally, I was ___49___ by his lively sense of humor(幽默). He believed that no lesson is a success ___50___, during it the students and the professor ___51___ at least one loud ___52___. Through his sense of humor, he made learning more ___53___ and more lasting. If it is ___54___ that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry, ___55___ my friend is indeed a wise man.
36. A. Although     B. When  C. Even if      D. Now that
37. A. basic    B. special       C. common     D. particular
38. A. attention      B. introduction       C. relation      D. devotion
39. A. insisted on   B. talked about       C. believed in D. agreed with
40. A. imaginative  B. ordinary     C. opposite     D. open
41. A. listening      B. understanding    C. information       D. discovery
42. A. also      B. nearly C. even   D. only
43. A. Later    B. Secondly    C. However    D. Therefore
44. A. with     B. by      C. from   D. on
45. A. invite   B. lead    C. prefer D. show
46. A. As a matter of fact      B. Later on 
C. Other times             D. In general
47. A. questions     B. subjects      C. matters       D. contents
48. A. support B. explanation C. experience  D. advice
49. A. disturbed     B. moved       C. attracted     D. defeated
50. A. for       B. until   C. since   D. unless 
51. A. hear     B. suggest       C. share   D. demand
52. A. laugh    B. cry     C. shout  D. question
53. A. helpful B. enjoyable   C. practical     D. useful
54. A. natural  B. normal       C. hopeful      D. true
55. A. so B. for      C. then    D. yet

36---55         ABCCB   ADADB   ACDBD   ACBDA       

36. A。由下文作者回忆如何成瘾,如何对他生活的影响以及他是采取什么措施克服,这讲的都是作者如何面对解决这个问题的。
37. B。从后面的from the moment I woke up to the time I went sleep中的moment可推知他一直都想打电话,所以选B。
38. C。由第四段的If I couldn’t make a call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring可反推出该空填wait。
39. C。由下句的转折词though及其后的内容(可是渐渐地越来越糟糕了)可反推出刚开始一天几个电话并且通话时间很短,似乎还挺正常,所以用fine。
40. B。situation指“形势,局面”;condition指人的身心或物品所处于的具体状态,也可表示“条件”;result指最终形成的结果,既然是最终的结果,就无法再发生变化;effect指某物最后产生的“效果”,这里指的是情形越来越糟糕。
41. A。由空后的finally, addiction可知空里应该填上瘾前的表现,而只有总是去做去想才叫上瘾,选项中frequent是频繁的意思,符合上下文的意思。
42. D。由During the day I would disappear for ___call可知本段叙述的是打电话上瘾影响了他的工作,要不然他不用偷偷摸摸地去打电话。
43. A。由上题可知这些电话是他在工作时间打的,不可能长时间地打电话;既然他是打电话上瘾者,那么他打电话就是因为他想打,不打心里难受,没有什么特别的理由,所以其他三项不能选。
44. D。他打电话上了瘾,工作时间打不成电话,就一直盼着别人来电话,等不来电话,按长理推断,上了瘾的人,不能做想做的事会越来越着急,烦躁不安(anxious)。
45. B。这里他是在做内心的自我斗争,一边想继续打电话一边告诫自己:再打一个电话就不打了,自己和自己说,故用telling。
46. A。leave a message是打电话者的常用语,意思是“留言”;take a message是接电话的人的常用语,意思也是“留言”,但动作发出者不同。
47. C。由see me through the day可知,他想熬过这一天,根据他是个打电话上瘾的人要想熬过去,就像吸鸦片上瘾的人需要足够的鸦片一样,他必须有足够的电话。
48. D。saying的意思是格言、俗语;demands的意思是要求、需求,wish的意思是愿望、希望;words的意思是话,言语,而下一句就是他说的话,所以选D。
49. B。由下文作者居然用电话打老板这件事可知,不让他用电话时他的疯狂行为。
50. D。从下一句他用电话打他的老板可反推知这里讲的是他的同事阻止他打电话,stop somebody(from)doing是固定短语,意思是“阻止某人做某事”。
51. A。phone box指的是投币电话接受硬币的盒子。由phone box的定语从句知他的最后一个硬币被phone box吞了,他不能接着打电话,才导致他破坏盒子;他是打电话上瘾者,不是小偷,所以不可能是偷盒子或者倒空盒子,排除C、D项。
52. C。既然是被警察捉住,那么他就是在警察的强制命令下去看心理医生,去改变或克服他的不正常行为,。
53. B。这一段紧接上文谈他是如何克服自己的电话瘾的,由此推知在三个星期内他的家里是没有电话机的。
54. D。since是自从……的意思,这句话的意思是自从我上次打投币电话已经有好几天了。
55. A。电视节目中确实经常出现人们打电话的场景,这里没有和电视里打电话的人数形成对比的对象,所以不能用more。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was a bright spring afternoon when Fieda told me she wouldn’t need me any more. I had just finished my four-hour work -36   up and down the stairs of her three-storey home, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes. She was 37   jeans and a sweater, sitting at the table I had just 38   . a pile of papers spread around her. Her husband’  39   was going to be reduced by thirty percent. And they were trying to live as if it had 40  happened. I felt sorry for her. but I also felt a sense of 41  .
I had been cleaning Freda’s house for five years and had 42   an unexpected relationship with the family. It was not just 43   I had become an expert at scraping(刮掉)dirt stuck to their wooden floor, 44   that I had learned exactly how to place toys on the girls’ beds. It was 45   than that, for I felt I had become a part of their 46  .Freda stayed at home with the kids, 47   I would often see her in the morning 48   them to school. And I’d be there when they 49  home at lunch for sandwiches and piano practice. I had 50  them grow up. Now I was tired, but the  51 thing was that I still wanted to keep scraping away the dirt and dust for the family.  
I left Freda’s house that day, wondering about the 52    of my relationship with my clients(主顾). Who am I  53   them? As a matter of fact, I’m  54    an employee - the lowest kind of employee. But I’m also a trusted 55  of the family. I can’t help worrying about what happens around me.
36.A.stepping         B.coming                    C.jumping              D.moving
37.A.hanging              B.making                    C.wearing                   D.changing
38.A.cleaned              B.washed               C.swept                      D.brushed
39.A.duty                   B.money                     C.work                       D.pay
40.A.already               B.seldom                    C.never                      D.yet
41.A.regret                 B.surprise                   C.fear                         D.loss
42.A.started                B.developed           C.improved            D.broken
43.A.why                     B.what                       C.that                         D.which
44.A.but                     B.and                         C.or                           D.for
45.A.less                    B.least                        C.more                       D.most
46.A.life                     B.story                       C.activity                    D.experience
47.A.as                       B.so                           C.since                       D.however
48.A.taking                 B.bringing                    C.meeting                   D.calling
49.A.left                     B.returned                  C.went                       D.marched
50.A.found                 B.noticed                    C.watched                   D.realized
51.A.possible         B.great                      C.proper                     D.strange
52.A.meaning               B.nature                     C.result                      D.importance
53.A.for                  B.to                        C.with                        D.at
54.A.hardly            B.certainly                C.probably                  D.merely
55.A.member         B.person                    C.relative             D.companion


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day an ordinary dog appeared in the ticket office at Campiglia, a busy railroad station on Italy's main line. A ticket agent named Elvio greeted the strange dog in a friendly way, so the dog decided to stay. From that day on, the dog became Elvio's shadow and was named Lampo.
Lampo kept Elvio Company (陪伴) inside the ticket office. When the weather was warm, he would enjoy himself in the sun on the train platform. When it came time for Elvio to return home on the train at night, Lampo ran after the train for a long way and then sadly gave up and went back to the station.
One night as Elvio was riding home on the train, he noticed that Lampo was lying at his feet. Afraid that the conductor would see the dog on the train and shout at him, Elvio pushed Lampo under a seat. Luckily, the conductor did not notice the dog. Lampo came home with Elvio and met his family. Then, after a short visit, Lampo boarded the last train and went back to the station. Lampo quickly learned all of the train schedules (时刻表). He would ride home from work with Elvio every night and then ride back to the station alone. Every morning, Lampo arrived at Elvio's house in time to walk his young daughter, Mivna, to school. The faithful dog would then take another train to travel again to accompany Mivna home from school at 11:30.
Soon, Lampo began to take the train all over Italy. Lampo became famous among the men who worked on the railroad, as his journeys became more frequent, complicated and mysterious. No one could explain why he traveled or how he always found the right train back to Campiglia. People decided that Lampo was a unique dog.
Some of the railroad officials were against Lampo's illegal travels. They were afraid he would bite a passenger or cause some other problems. Finally, the stationmaster threatened to call the dogcatcher if Elvio didn't get rid of the dog.
Elvio decided to put Lampo on a train going as far away as possible. Months went by and Lampo did not come back. Mivna missed him very much and prayed for his return. Finally one day, a sad, very thin, tired Lampo returned to Elvio's office. Everyone, even the stationmaster, was sorry about what had happened. From then on, Lampo was allowed to ride the trains whenever he wanted. After seven years, Lampo grew old, and he began to need Elvio's help to board the train.
One day Lampo was seen lying dead on the tracks. A year later, a life sized statue of Lampo was set up at Campiglia station.
66. The first time Lampo took the train, Elvio was ______.
A. delighted that he was lucky                                
B. afraid the dog would bite someone
C. afraid the conductor would see him and be angry
D. excited that Lampo would soon meet his family
67. Lampo's traveling all over Italy caused people to believe that _______.
A. he could read the train schedules                           B. he was famous in the country
C. Elvio secretly helped him                                  D. he was a very special dog
68. The stationmaster threatened that if Elvio didn't get rid of the dog, _______.
A. Elvio would be fired                                          B. Lampo would be put on the train tracks
C. the stationmaster would send him away         D. a dogcatcher would be called
69. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the story?
A. The dog was once sent away by Elvio.
B. The dog finally won the stationmaster's heart.
C. The dog was faithful to his master.
D. The dog died when he was seven years old.
70. The author suggests that a statue of Lampo was set up because _______.   
A. the stationmaster felt sorry about what had happened
B. he had been a friend to travelers
C. it would bring good luck to the town
D. Elvio offered money to set up the statue


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1994, but I can remember my mother's words as if it were yesterday: “Kerrel, I don't want you to take food from your father, because he has AIDS. Be very careful when you are around him.”
AIDS wasn't something we talked about in my country when I was growing up. From then on, I knew that this would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, he could take care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My father's other children lived far away, so it fell to me to look after him.
We couldn't afford all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldn't even buy food for dinner. I would sit in class feeling completely lost, the teacher's words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.
I did not share my burden (负担) with anyone. I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.
I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition a secret, I was completely unprepared when he reached his final days. Sad and hopeless, I called a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support. That day, she kept me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky to find someone who cared. she saved my life.
I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didn't want to call attention to AIDS. I do.
60. What does Kerrel tell us about her father?
A. He had stayed in the hospital since he fell ill.
B. He depended on the nurses in his final days.
C. He worked hard to pay for his medication.
D. He told no one about his disease.
61. What can we learn from the underlined sentence?
A. Kerrel couldn't understand her teacher.             
B. Kerrel had special difficulty in hearing.
C. Kerrel was too troubled to focus on the lesson.
D. Kerrel was too tired to hear her teacher's words.
62. Why did Kerrel keep her father's disease a secret?
A. She was afraid of being looked down upon.             B. She thought it was shameful to have AIDS.
C. She found no one willing to listen to her.          D. She wanted to obey her mother.
63. Why did Kerrel write the passage?
A. To tell people about the sufferings of her father.
B. To show how little people knew about AIDS.
C. To draw people's attention to AIDS.                 
D. To remember her father.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Miss Lovely began to work in our office last year. She thought she was__1__and hardly talked with us. Her house was a little far from our company and she had to go to work __2__ every day.
Of course, she had to spend a lot of __3__on this. She decided to have her own car, and began to __4__how to drive two months ago. Now she was able to drive, but had to__5__a licence before she could buy a car. It took her a week to__6__the traffic regulations. She was sure she would__7__the examinations.
It was finally time for her to take the examinations yesterday. Miss Lovely didn't come to work. We__8__she would drive her new car to our company this morning. But to our__9__she came here by taxi and didn't tell anybody about it. None of us asked her the__10__but her face clearly showed she had__11__in the exams.
This afternoon one of our workmates told us __12__had happened to the girl when she was__13__. Yesterday the chief examiner had asked her some questions, but she could answer only a __14__. For example, "Would you run over a man or a dog if you see them both in the middle of the__15__?"
"Of course I'd run over the dog, sir", Miss Lovely answered without __16__.
"I'm sorry to tell you, Miss Lovely," the examiner shook his__17__and said, "you have to take the examination again!"
"I don't think my answers were__18__, sir," the girl said in a hurry. "I__19__ run over a man, you know!"
"I agree with your__20__, Miss Lovely," the chief examiner said with a smile. "but why not brake (刹车)?"
1. A. old        B. foolish        C. clever         D. kind
2. A. by taxi      B. by train       C. on foot        D. by plane
3. A. time        B. money        C. energy        D. room
4. A. teach       B. plan          C. operate        D. learn
5. A. find       B. apply for      C. look for       D. make
6. A. learn       B. forget         C. teach         D. break
7. A. take        B. prepare       C. explain        D. pass
8. A. suggested   B. described      C. thought       D. replied
9. A. surprise    B. joy           C. anger        D. pleasure
10. A. name      B. reason        C. rule          D. notice
11. A. believed    B. heard         C. found        D. failed
12. A. why       B. how          C. what         D. when
13. A. ill         B. alone         C. in           D. out
14. A. few        B. several       C. all           D. lot
15. A. room      B. playground    C. hospital       D. road
16. A. asking     B. thinking       C. discussing    D. advising
17. A. foot       B. nose         C. ears         D. head
18. A. wrong     B. correct        C. right         D. true
19. A. can       B. need          C. can't         D. needn't
20. A. car       B. opinion        C. fact         D. purpose


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Not too long ago, an incident that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatly. A guest___36___ out of our Polynesian Village resort(度假胜地)at Walt Disney was asked how she ___37___ her visit. She told the front-desk clerk she had had a (n) ___38___ vacation, but was heartbroken about ___39___ several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet ___40___. At that moment she was particularly ___41___ over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our Polynesian Luau, 42___ this was a memory she especially treasured.
Now, please understand that we have no written service rules___43___ lost photos in the park. 44___, the clerk at the front desk___45___ Disney’s idea of caring for our ___46___. She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of ___47___ film, promising she would take care of the rest of our show at Polynesian Luau.
Two weeks later the guest received a ___48___at her home. In it were photos of all the actors of our show, 49___ signed by each performer. There were also ___50___ of the public procession(游行队伍)and fireworks in the park, taken by the front-desk clerk in her own ___51___ after work. I happened to know this ___52___ because this guest wrote us a letter. She said that ___53___ in her life had she received such good service from any business.
Excellent ___54___ does not come from policy (政策性的)handbooks. It comes from people who ___55___ —and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude.
36. A. working       B. checking    C. trying D. staying
37. A. expected      B. realized      C. paid    D. enjoyed
38. A. disappointing      B. wonderful  C. uncomfortable   D. important
39. A. taking   B. dropping    C. losing D. breaking
40. A. developed    B. taken  C. washed       D. loaded
41. A. silly     B. nervous      C. calm   D. sad
42. A. when    B. where C. as       D. which
43. A. covering      B. finding       C. making      D. keeping
44. A. Excitedly     B. Fortunately C. Therefore   D. Quietly
45. A. understood   B. reminded    C. trusted       D. discovered
46. A. workers       B. guests C. managers    D. clerks
47. A. printed B. shot    C. unused       D. recorded
48. A. film     B. card    C. camera       D. packet
49. A. frequently    B. personally  C. alone  D. actually
50. A. rules     B. pictures      C. handbooks  D. performances
51. A. case      B. work   C. time    D. position
52. A. story    B. place   C. photo  D. show
53. A. only     B. almost C. never  D. nearly
54. A. advice  B. experience  C. quality       D. service
55. A. care      B. serve   C. like     D. know


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
— Thomas Macaulay
Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs. Nantette O’Neill gave an arithmetic ___1___ to our class. When the papers were ___2___ she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the ___3___ mistakes throughout the test.
There is nothing really new about ___4___ in exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs. O’Neill ___5___ even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to ___6___ after class. I was one of the twelve.
Mrs. O’Neill asked ___7___ questions, and she did not ___8___ us either. Instead, she wrote on the blackboard the ___9___ words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to ___10___ these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.
I don’t ___11___ about the other eleven boys. Speaking for ___12___ I can say: it was the most important single ___13___ of my life. Thirty years after being ___14___ to Macaulay’s words, they ___15___ seem to me the best yardstick(准绳), because they give us a ___16___ to measure ourselves rather than others.
___17___ of us are asked to made ___18___ decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called ___19___ daily to make a great many personal decisions. ___20___ the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket ___21___ turned over to the policeman? Should the ___22___ change received at the store be forgotten or ___23___? Nobody will know except ___24___. But you have to live with yourself, and it is always ___25___ to live with someone you respect.
1. A. test B. problem     C. paper  D. lesson
2. A. examinedB. completed  C. marked      D. answered
3. A. easy       B. funny  C. same   D. serious
4. A. lying      B. cheating     C. guessing     D. discussing
5. A. didn’t    B. did     C. would D. wouldn’t
6. A. come     B. leave   C. remain       D. apologize
7. A. no  B. certain       C. many  D. more
8. A. excuse    B. reject  C. help    D. scold
9. A. above     B. common     C. following   D. unusual
10. A. repeat   B. get      C. put     D. copy
11. A. worry   B. know  C. hear    D. talk
12. A. myself  B. ourselves    C. themselves  D. herself
13. A. chance  B. incident      C. lesson D. memory
14. A. referred       B. shown C. brought      D. introduced
15. A. even     B. still     C. always       D. almost
16. A. way     B. sentence     C. choice D. reason
17. A. All       B. Few    C. Some  D. None
18. A. quick   B. wise    C. great   D. personal
19. A. out       B. for      C. up      D. upon
20. A. Should B. Must   C. Would D. Need
21. A. and      B. or       C. then    D. but
22. A. extra    B. small  C. some   D. necessary
23. A. paid     B. remembered      C. shared D. returned
24. A. me       B. you     C. us       D. them
25. A. easier   B. more natural      C. better  D. more peaceful


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Cannes will rock to the sound of a cancan dance this year when Moulin Rouge by the Australian director Baz Luhrmann opens the French film festival (电影节) in May. The musical stars Nicole Kidman as a singer, and John Leguizamo as the artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It will be competing for the Palme d'Or, the festival's top prize. The festival runs to May 21.
The American actor Tommy Lee Jones, 54, has married his longtime girlfriend, Dawn Maria Laurel, 36, in a private wedding in San Antonio. "It wasn’t a big to-do, ‘said Fred Biery, a U. S. District Judge who performed the service. He refused to discuss things further. "These are very private people," he said.
Loretta Lynn is being treated for a very bed cold in Tennessee and will miss several appearances. The country singer, 65, was admitted to a hospital near her home in Hurricane Mills. "She is in good condition, but the doctors are watching her closely," a spokeswoman said.
The French-Algerian singer Enrico Macias was named a United Nations peace messenger. Enrico joins eight other people who act as goodwill envoys (使者) for the United Nations, among them are the writer Elie Wiesel and the basketball player Magic Johnson.
73. We can learn from the text that Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec is ______
A. a figure in a film         B. a dancer in a show
C. a country singer                    D. a prize winner
74. We know from the text that_______.
A. Moulin Rouge won the top prize in a film festival
B. Loretta Lynn is under the doctors’ care
C. eight people serve as the UN goodwill envoys
D. Fred Biery was Tommy Lee Jones’assistant
75. This text most probably appears in_____.
A. a book on film stars         B. a film review in a magazine
C. a newspaper              D. a notice


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

M: Excuse me.can you tell me where the nearest restaurant is ?
W:    61     
M: Where is the nearest restaurant, please?
W: Oh, the restaurant? The nearest one is the City Restaurant.   62    
M: I’m…er…I’m afraid I don’t quite…you see,    63    
W: I see.Simply walk two blocks straight ahead, then turn left, and the City Restaurant is about 10 metres ahead.  64     
M: Can I take a bus?
W: Of course you can,but   65    It’s only a few minutes’ walk.
M: Thank you very much.
W: Not at all.
A.What did you say?
B.I’m a total stranger here.
C.You can’t miss it
D.I beg your pardon?
E.It’s just opposite the No.5 Deparment Store.
F.I don’t think it is necessary
G.It’s not very far.

