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Fear is an emotion like others such as happiness, anger, hurt, sadness. We need emotions to process information we receive and decide how to respond. Being afraid of fast cars, for example, is something that might protect us from harm. Being afraid of the consequence of a choice may prevent us getting into trouble.
Fears in young children commonly center on certain animals like snakes or big dogs. Fears are caused often because of experiences or ideas expressed by others, and at times, the media. Many normal fears during the early years, like men with beards, or large dogs, disappear with age. Those relating to personal failure and ridicule (嘲笑) remain through adulthood and may need special help to overcome.
Children’s fears are often trivial, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored. They need to be recognized and accepted as real for that child. Only when we help children understand their fears can they grow normally in their ability to deal with them.
Research shows that as a child grows up, the center of his fears changes a lot. Things like divorce, a teacher who “shouted at me”, people with guns, bullies, big boys, or “making fun of me” top the list of childhood fears.
We can not always prevent these experiences from happening, but it’s essential that children be allowed to freely express their emotions without judgment. Sympathy and a caring listener will help ease the pain of these fears. Read books and stories to your child about children who have experienced similar fears. This helps children talk about their fears and find ways to cope. With all emotions, fears become less of a problem for children as they gain self-confidence and they find that fear is normal and can be dealt with.
小题1:According to Paragraph 2, we can know that fears in young children_______.      .
A.only center on frightening animalsB.are not born but learned
C.can make sure of their safetyD.need special help to deal with
小题2:The underlined word “trivial” in the third paragraph probably means “_______”.
小题3:In dealing with children’s fears, the final goal of the parents is to _______.
A.stop unpleasant experiences happening to children
B.let children know about the nature of fear
C.create an environment where there is nothing to fear
D.develop children’s ability to treat their fear on their own
小题4:From the passage we can learn that ________ .
A.some childhood fears may have a lasting influence
B.children should avoid the media to reduce their fear
C.fears can be judged according to the environment
D.children with similar fears can communicate easily
小题5:What’s the best title for this passage?
A.How to Overcome Children’s FearsB.Children’s Fears
C.The kind of Children’s FearsD.The Bad Effects of Fears


小题1:B 细节理解题。根据第二段提到Fears are caused often because of experiences or ideas expressed by others, and at times, the media,害怕可能由于别人对于事物的描述,或者媒体对他的描述的导致的,所以不是天生的而是后天所知道了,故选B项。
小题2:A.细节推断题。根据第三段Children’s fears are often trivial, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored.孩子的恐惧通常是很小,但并且不意味着他们被忽视,所以只有小还会被忽视故选A项。
小题3:D推理判断题。根据第三段提到Only when we help children understand their fears can they grow normally in their ability to deal with them只有通过帮助孩子理解恐惧,他们才能真正的成长来自己处理他们。所以选D项。
小题4:A推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句话提到Those relating to personal failure and ridicule (嘲笑) remain through adulthood and may need special help to overcome那些与个人失败或被嘲笑有关的恐惧可能需要一些特殊的帮助才能克服,所以有些恐惧可能很强的影响,故选A项。
小题5:B 主旨大意题。本文第一段提到恐惧是一种正常的情感,他的存在能让我们避免进入困境,而孩子的恐惧有时是外界造成的而不是天生的,有时可能问题很小但并不能忽视,实验表示当孩子长大了,就会发生变化,我们不能阻止事情的发生,但允许孩子自由表达自己的看法是非常重要,让孩子在这个过程中记得自信,所以B项符合题意。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you planning to study in the United States, you need to consider several factors (因素). Everyone has different opinions about where is the best place to live in. Also, the best places to live in are not always home to the best schools. What’s more, many schools specialize in different areas of study. They Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, is a great school for computer science. And if you want to study oceanography, your interests may be better served by attending school in a place which is near the ocean.
Now I will tell you about which states I believe are the best to live in. California is a nice state. Northern California especially has very good weather. As for me, I enjoyed the time I spent in Massachusetts, Virginia and Mary land. These states have a lot of history and culture. The weather is not so perfect as that in California, but is still quite nice. My favourite of America is the Midwest. Middle America, I think, is home to the true American sense of values. Besides, there are many good universities, too.
Also you need to think about your likes and dislikes and then research the different areas. You like sunshine and hate snow? Then you probably won’t like the Midwest or even the Northeast. Open space, nature, peace and quiet? Then you’d better stay away from America’s larger cities. Are you interested in government? Then Washington D.C. is the only place for you. Whatever you decide, put some thought into it.
小题1:From the first paragraph we can infer that in the USA          .
A.all colleges and universities lie in big cities
B.all colleges and universities lie in beautiful places
C.famous colleges and universities lie in nice places
D.famous colleges and universities may not lie in nice places
小题2:____should be considered first if you want to study in the USA.
A. The climate 
B. The scenery 
C. The study condition    
D. The living condition
小题3:The writer likes Middle America best because           .
A.he feels the real character of the nation here
B.the weather is fine here
C.the life is full of excitement
D.he likes sunshine and hates snow
小题4:The passage mainly              .
A.tells us something about American universities
B.gives us some advice on studying in America
C.lets us know about America
D.describes the scenery of America


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hu Li's heart sank due to the color of the air.Driving 140 kilometers from Tianjin City to Beijing last week,she held her breath as the air became a charcoal grey haze(炭灰色的阴霾).The 39­year­old businesswoman has lived in Beijing for a decade,and this past month,she said,brought the worst air pollution she has ever seen.It gave her husband a cough and left her seven­year­old daughter housebound(足不出户).“My husband as well as I is working here,so we have no choice,” she said.“But if we had a choice,we'd like to escape from Beijing.”
The extended heavy pollution over the last month,which caused punishment in return for a day last week-called the “airpocalypse” by internet users- has largely changed the way that Chinese think about the country's air.On one day,pollution levels were 30 times higher than levels considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO).Flights were cancelled.Roads were closed.One hospital in east Beijing reported they had treated more than 900 children for breathing issues.Bloomberg found that for most of January,Beijing's air was worse than that of an airport smoking area.
The smog's(烟雾) most threatening aspect is its high concentration(浓度) of PM 2.5 - particulate matter that is small enough to breathe deep into the lungs and enter the bloodstream,causing breathing infections,lung cancer and possibly damaging children's development.The WHO has estimated that outdoor air pollution accounts for two million deaths per year,65% of them in Asia.
小题1:Which conclusion can we draw from the first paragraph?
A.Hu Li is living in Beijing.
B.Hu Li traveled to Tianjin for business.
C.The haze is harmful to people.
D.The pollution is the worst in Beijing's history.
小题2:The haze affected people mainly in________.
A.the way they traveled
B.the opinion about national air
C.the way they lived their life
D.the life style of internet
小题3:From the passage we know high concentration of PM 2.5________.
A.can lead to choke
B.can cause heart cancer
C.will damage children's development
D.will damage people's organ
小题4:What's the best title for the passage?
A.Hu Li's attitudes to Beijing's haze
B.The damages of Beijing's haze
C.WHO suggests improving Beijing's air
D.What caused air pollution in Beijing


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

China is going green. In order to reduce air pollution and oil shortages, automobile manufacturers have announced their plans to develop hybrid vehicles (混合燃料汽车) for the Chinese market. Toyota's hybrid car Prius will be ready to drive in China this week. Let's have a look at the new car.
Any vehicle is a hybrid when it combines two or more sources of power. Hybrid cars run off a rechargeable battery and gasoline. Hybrid cars have special engines, which are smaller than traditional gasoline engines. They run at 99 percent of their power when the car is cruising (匀速行驶). A specially designed battery motor provides extra power for running up hills or when extra acceleration is needed.
Step into a Prius, and turn on the engine. The first thing you notice is how much quieter it is than a traditional car. At this point, the car's gasoline engine is dormant (休眠). The electric motor will provide power until the car reaches about 24 km/h. If you stay at a low speed, you are effectively driving an electric car, with no gasoline being used, and no waste gas gives off.
The onboard (车载的) computer makes the decision about when to use a gas engine, when to go electric, and when to use a combination of the two. If you go over 24 km/h, when you step on the gas pedal (油门), you are actually telling the computer how fast you want to go.
The electronic motor recharges automatically using a set of batteries. When driving at high speed, the gasoline engine not only powers the car, but also charges the batteries. Any time you use the brake, the electric motor in the wheels will work like a generator and produce electricity to recharge the batteries. As a consequence, the car's batteries will last for around 200,000 miles.
小题1:The author writes this passage mainly to________.
A.teach people how to drive a hybrid car
B.introduce a new kind of “green” car
C.show how to save their gasoline when driving a car
D.announce plans to develop hybrid vehicles for China
小题2:Which of the followings is NOT true?
A.The hybrid cars reduce air pollution and oil shortages.
B.The car's gasoline engine doesn't work until it reaches about 24 km/h.
C.This kind of car is completely controlled by an onboard computer.
D.A specially designed battery motor provides extra power when needed.
小题3:What is the most important feature of hybrid cars?
A.They are powered by both a rechargeable battery and gasoline.
B.They are much quieter than traditional cars.
C.They only use 99 percent of their power to run up hills.
D.They have smaller engines than traditional gasoline ones.
小题4:What can we conclude from the story?
A.The batteries can be recharged at any time you want.
B.Using the brake suggests that the gasoline engine should work.
C.The batteries will last for 200, 000 miles without being recharged.
D.The gasoline engine charges the batteries as well as powers the car.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Did anyone find the names of “Great Britain”, “the United Kingdom”, “England” and “the British commonwealth” which have the same meaning? Strictly speaking, these names all refer to something different. None of them are exactly the same as any of the others.
The British isles refer to the main islands and several thousand small ones as well, which you can see on the map. Great Britain, or Britain, refers to the larger of the two main islands. But the word “Britain” is often used as a short form for the United Kingdom or you call it the UK.
Now as for England, it refers simply to the largest of the three countries on the island of Great Britain. The United Kingdom is the name of the state and the official name of the country, which many people popularly refer to England.
Finally, the Britain commonwealth is the usual name for what is left of the British Empire (帝国). This change shows the weakening of British Empire and the rising of the national liberation movements throughout the world today.
小题1:According to the passage, we know that _____________.
A.Great Britain has the same meaning as Britain
B.all the names refer to England
C.the United Kingdom has the same meaning as Britain or England
D.all the names in the first paragraph have the same meaning
小题2: It is clear that the British isles refer to _____________.
A.Britain, England and the UK
B.the two main islands and thousands of small ones
C.three countries and several islands
D.Great Britain or the United Kingdom
小题3:We can infer that           .
A.The country hasn’t an exact name.
B.Few people know its real name.
C.All the names have exact meaning.
D.Generally speaking,the names can all be used to stand for the country.
小题4:Which of the following shows the right relationship (关系) between the British isles (BI), Britain (B) and England (E)?
A. B>BI>E. B. BI>E>B.        C. E>B>BI.    D. BI>B>E.
小题5:If you want to write to someone in Edinburgh that lies in Scotland, you should write the address as _____________.
A.Edinburgh, England
B.Edinburgh, Scotland ,Great Britain
C.Scotland, Edinburgh, England
D.Great Britain, Scotland, Edinburgh


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Parents are fuelling bad behavior among their children by attempting to "buy" their love with expensive gifts nowadays.
Over recent decades we seem to have created a "must have" culture among our young people. Many mothers and fathers believe they are "failing as parents" if they are unable to ensure that their children have the latest toy, electronic devices (the lap-top, cellphones, Game Boy, etc.) along with their friends. In many cases, families also feel pressured to enroll (使加入) children in "'every interest club or after-school activity that is available" to fill up their time like most of the other children.
But experts warned that the move might affect "precious family time" negatively. Graham Gorton, chairman of the Independent Schools Association, said that parents spent too much time filling their children's lives, which had a series of negative effects on "the very precious family time that exists".
"It seems that those times when a whole weekend without planned work was seen as a luxury (奢侈) and a perfect opportunity to spend time together and share those valuable moments of childhood are long gone," Mr. Gorton said. "As a child I only once said that phrase that parents feared 'I'm bored'. Immediately my mother took action and produced a list of jobs and then insisted that I complete every one of them. Though l didn't think cleaning all the floors could really get rid of my boredom, I enjoyed the feeling of staying at home with my mother and brothers."
Earlier this year, some researchers suggested that relatively wealthy parents were sometimes guilty of failing to teach basic social skills to children. "Often, it’s the rich middle classes that buy off their children through the computer and the TV. That then sets them apart from their family, and then the parents are surprised when their child isn’ t coming to school."
小题1:The second paragraph mainly tells us that ________.
A.today’s children have little time to play
B.today’s children depend on electronic tools too much
C.today’s parents feel pressured by the "'must have" culture
D.being qualified parents becomes harder for today's young people
小题2:What does the "must have" phenomenon refer to based on the passage?
A.That children must have what other children have.
B.That children must have proper pressure to work hard.
C.That children must have special skills to ensure a better future.
D.That parents must have patience to know their children better.
小题3:Which of the following is the best advice you could give to parents based on Gorton’s statement?
A.Plan fewer activities for their children to improve family time.
B.Buy their children fewer things that they are fond of.
C.Give their children more housework to do.
D.Leave their children alone when the kids feel bored.
小题4:Mr. Gorton tended to think that in the past ________.
A.children enjoyed doing housework
B.children never thought life was boring
C.children liked to spend time with their family
D.children often had some planned work after school
小题5:From the passage we can infer that ________.
A.wealthy parents don’t like teaching basic social skills to children
B.parents should be much more strict with their children at home
C.children should not be brought up in a wealthy and pleasant environment
D.only satisfying children’s material needs is not a good way of parenting


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In a cab, a woman seemed in such a hurry. She constantly rushed the cab driver to drive quickly. She was so absorbed in her own thoughts of getting to the airport as soon as possible that she was not aware they were going by a different route.
All of a sudden, a young man got inside the cab. He took her handbag in which she had put her visa, passport, and all the money for the trip.
The cab driver, who was in collusion with the robber, left her in the exactly middle of a dark street. She thought that she was rather unfortunate in the very situation.
During the very night, she was told a piece of shocking news. Tears came down her cheek. Flight 360, the plane that she should have got on board, had crashed. Had she not lost her important belongings, she could surely have lost the thing far more precious——her life.
Sometimes bad things really happen. There are times when nothing seems to go our way. So what should we do about it? We must get rid of all these frustrations and start all over again in the faith that we will get what we deserve. 
Don’t waste your time and energy on things that can’t be changed. Continuous worrying will only affect your health and you’ll be doing much more damage than what was previously done.
What if it was the other way round? What if we never ran out of good luck?
There was a man who won the lottery. He became greedy and wasted all his money on everything he could get his hands on.
But when he one day made it to the front page of the newspaper again, it was a different story. He had been killed because of his riches. If you attain good luck, you can never be too secure about it. Life is so unpredictable. You never know what will happen next.
Live one day at a time. We sometimes subject ourselves to unnecessary emotional trouble. But please don’t forget: sometimes misfortune can be the source of happiness. Live for the moment. Do what must be done for the present and the future will turn out just fine. Believe me. And believe in yourself. As Captain Planet always says, “The power is yours!”
小题1: The underlined phrase “in collusion with” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________.”
A.was forced byB.was fighting bravely against
C.was doing one’s best to begD.had cooperated with
小题2: From the passage, we learn that ________.
A.robbers are sure to get what they want
B.somebody never runs out of good luck
C.the woman was lucky to miss her flight
D.if one feels oneself lucky, he or she will continue to be so
小题3: The writer presents the second example in order to ________.
A.warn people of the danger of winning the lottery
B.tell people life is unpredictable
C.encourage people to buy lottery
D.persuade people not to be greedy
小题4: According to the author, which of the following choices is the correct attitude to adopt to life?
A.Never waste any time or energy because time is so limited.
B.One needn’t be worried or feel frustrated. Believe in yourself.
C.Even while everything appears to be going smoothly, we should keep fully alert.
D.Worrying about what you don’t have
小题5: The passage above is intended to tell us ________.
A.misfortune sometimes is a blessing
B.we should save up for a rainy day
C.fortune just goes with those prepared minds
D.both losses and gains go hand in hand


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Not long ago, people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.
Scientists note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.
One study shows that babies can learn before they are born. The researchers placed a tape recorder on the stomach of a pregnant woman. Then, they played a recording of a short story.  On the day the baby was born, the researchers attempted to find if he knew the sounds of the story repeated while in his mother. They did this by placing a device in the mouth of the newborn baby. The baby would hear the story if he moved his mouth one way. If the baby moved his mouth the other way, he would hear a different story. The researchers say the baby clearly liked the story he heard before he was born. They say the baby would move his mouth so he could hear the story again and again.
Another study shows how mothers can strongly influence social development and language skills in their children. Researchers studied the children from the age of one month to three years. The researchers attempted to measure the sensitivity of the mothers. The women were considered sensitive if they supported their children’s activities and did not interfere unnecessarily. They tested the children for thinking and language development when they were three years old. Also, the researchers observed the women for signs of depression.
The children of depressed women did not do as well in tests as the children of women who did not suffer from depression. The children of depressed women did poorly in tests of language skills and understanding what they hear.
These children also were less cooperative and had more problems dealing with other people. The researchers noted that the sensitivity of the mothers was important to the intelligence development of their children. Children did better when their mothers were caring, even when they suffered from depression.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the factor that influences intelligence development in babies?
A.The environment.B.Mother’s sensitivity.
C.Their peers (同龄人)D.Education before birth.
小题2:What is the purpose of the experiment in which newborn babies heard the stories?
A.To prove that babies can learn before they are born.
B.To prove that babies can learn on the first day they are born.
C.To show mothers can strongly influence intelligence development in their babies.
D.To indicate early education has a deep effect on the babies’ language skills.
小题3:Which group of children did the worst in tests of language skills?
A.The children of depressed mothers who cared little for their children.
B.The children of women who did not suffer from depression.
C.The children of depressed but caring mothers.
D.Children with high communication abilities.
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Scientific findings about how babies develop before birth.
B.Scientific findings about how the environment has an effect on babies’ intelligence.
C.A study shows babies are not able to learn things until they are rice or six months old.
D.Scientific findings about how intelligence develops in babies.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some say college is wasted on the young. So many of us look back at our own college years and realize what we could have done differently to make the most of them. While we can’t go back, we certainly can offer our sons and daughters our best advice to help them make the right choices in college. Hopefully, they will have fewer regrets than we do. Following are five guidelines parents can share with their college-bound kids to put the whole experience in perspective.
As soon as you arrive on campus, there will be competing interests. Feel free to check them out but always remember that you are there first and foremost for your education. Go to class prepared and on time. Be engaged during class. Make sure your professor knows you and realizes that you care.
There are many layers of responsibility. Do what you say you will do and, if you can’t, own up to it early and communicate clearly. But being responsible isn’t just about meeting your commitments; it is also about taking care of you, your body, and your friends. For example, more than 1800 college students die annually from alcohol-related injuries. Look out for yourself and other people. Make moderate, sensible decisions so you aren’t reeling from the consequences later.
Incredible opportunities will present themselves: studying abroad, interning at a unique place, trying new things. Don’t let fear prevent you from taking advantage of them. There may never be so much time or as many resources devoted to your betterment again in your life. Say yes to opportunities that will help you grow.
Some of the best lessons available to us can come outside of the classroom in the form of a mentor. One of the most powerful growth opportunities is being a mentor. Early on, find someone on campus who you feel can help you grow and develop a relationship with him or her. Also find someone for you to mentor. You will reinforce and enrich your own learning experience by teaching someone else.
It is natural to occasionally feel you want to quit, when it makes more sense to you to go find a full-time job. Resist that urge. As Jocelyn Negron-Rios, a mother of two, who is currently completing her degree, advises, “No matter how difficult it seems, keep at it because however insurmountable it feels now multiply that by 10,000 and that is how it feels when you are in your thirties with a full-time job and a family and are trying to pursue a degree.”
小题1:According to the passage, the most important thing for college students is ______.
A.taking part in different activities
B.working hard to get a degree
C.seizing every chance to try new things
D.improving themselves by learning from the others
小题2:Which of the following about college life is true?
A.Passing on what you’ve learned in college can help you enrich your learning experience.
B.Make sure that you are responsible for yourself rather than others.
C.Professors will not assess your performances in class but the grades you get in exams.
D.You can make full use of the opportunity whenever you want.
小题3:What can we infer from the words said by Jocelyn in the last paragraph?
A.Persistence is the key to success when you meet with difficulties in your learning process.
B.It is better if you gain more working experience before you finish your education.
C.As long as you work hard, you can gain a degree even when you are in your thirties.
D.Youth is the best time to learn since you have less burden.
小题4:What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To give some rules for the college students.
B.To call on the students to make full use of college years.
C.To summarize some tips for parents to share with their children.
D.To analyze the benefits and difficulties of college life.

