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1288] My dictionary _____. I have looked for it everywhere, but still _____ it.

[译文] 我的词典丢了,到处找也没找到。

  A. has lost; don’t find   B. is missing; don’t find

  C. has lost; haven’t found   D. is missing; haven’t found

[答案及简析] D。 be missing = be lost表示丢失了的状态。


1287] It looks _____ it is going to rain.

[译文] 看起来好像要下雨了。

  A. that   B. as if

  C. as   D. like

[答案及简析] B。 as if 好像。


1286] If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _____ great it is.

[译文] 如果我们带着强烈的意愿去工作,我们就能克服任何困难,无论困难有多大。

  A. what   B. how

  C. however   D. whatever

[答案及简析] C。 修饰形容词只能用however同时它引导一个让步状语从句。


1285] She has _____ little schooling that she can’t teach _____ little children.

[译文] 她没受多少学校教育,故不能教她的小孩。

  A. so; so   B. such; such

  C. such; so   D. so; such

[答案及简析] D。 当名词前有little, few等表示数量的词修饰,用so而不用such。


1284] Would you please do me a ______?

[译文] 请你帮我一个忙?

  A. help   B. hand

  C. favor   D. note

[答案及简析] C。 do sb. a favor 帮某人的忙。


1283] Would you please do _____ the room first?

[译文] 请你把房间先整理一下!

  A. up   B. for

  C. by   D. on

[答案及简析] A。 do up 整理,包扎,捆,打扮,梳头等。


1282] _____ they’ll go to the Summer Palace ____ the weather.

[译文] 他们是否去颐和园得看天气。

  A. If; depends on   B. Whether; depends upon

  C. Whether; depended on   D. If; depended upon

[答案及简析] B。 if 在句首不能引导主语从句,只能用whether。


1281] I would like you to change this blouse, _____, give me my money back.

[译文] 我想你把这件衬衣换一件,要不然的话就退还我的钱。

  A. what’s more   B. any more

  C. or else   D. or more

[答案及简析] C。 or else 否则的话。


1280] In 1984, there was a serious accident in India and _____ of people were injured.

[译文] 1984年,在印度发生了一次大事故,数十万人受伤。

  A. hundred thousand   B. hundreds of thousands

  C. hundred of housands   D. hundreds of thousand

[答案及简析] B。 hundreds of thousands of 数十万。


1279] It _____ that she is the best student in the class.

[译文] 据说她是班上最好的学生。

  A. said   B. as said

  C. is said   D. was said

[答案及简析] C。 It is said that …常见句型,据说….。

