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    Every year, malaria (疟疾) sickens about five hundred million people.More than one million of them die, mostly young children and pregnant women in Africa.

    For several years in sub-Saharan Africa, the Global Fund and other groups have been paying for bed nets treated with long-lasting insect poison.Malaria is spread by mosquito bites.The groups have also invested in antimalaria drugs for A.C.T., artemisinin-based combination therapy.

    Recently, a team from the World Health Organization visited Ethiopia, Ghana, Rwanda and Zambia.These countries were the first to distribute the bed nets and medicine.The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis(肺结核) and Malaria requested a study to see if the interventions were helping.

    The researchers found that the answer is yes.They looked at records of children under five.They found that malaria deaths fell by sixty-six percent in Rwanda between two thousand five and two thousand seven.Deaths fell by fifty-one percent in Ethiopia, thirty-four percent in Ghana and thirty-three percent in Zambia.

    The team reported that limited supplies of bed nets could help explain the more limited effects in Zambia and Ghana.But the findings in Ghana were more difficult to explain, because deaths from causes other than malaria fell more sharply.The report says this was in keeping with general improvements in health services.

    The full report can be found at who.int, on the page for the global malaria program.

    In another new study, researchers reported that vitamin A and zinc treatments might also help protect young children from malaria.Scientists in Burkina Faso found that malaria reinfection rates fell by thirty – four percent in a group of children treated with vitamin A and zinc.

    The findings appear in Nutrition Journal, an open access publication that can be read free of charge at nutritionj.com.

72.Which is probably the most useful in fighting malaria according to the passage?

    A.Bed nets.                    B.Medicine.

    C.Vitamin A and zinc treatments.  D.Killing mosquitoes.

73.Why did a team from the World health Organization visit the African countries?

    A.To help the African countries to fight malaria.

    B.To identify whether their effort to fight malaria was effective.

    C.To study which people tend to be infected with malaria.

    D.To study what measures can be taken against malaria.

74.What can be concluded from the passage?

    A.Malaria only appears in Africa.

    B.Malaria is no longer a threat to African countries.

    C.The researchers are disappointed with the result of the study.

    D.People all over the world are trying to treat malaria.

75.Which one summarizes the passage best?

    A.A Success Story for Malaria Control in Africa

    B.Malaria in Africa

    C.Say No to Malaria

    D.How to Treat Malaria



Department of Homeland Security

U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services           I – 797 C, Notice of Action

I – 901 – Application
July 18,2007
JULY 18,2007
1 of 1
SHANGHAI, 200034
NF  0311
NOTICE TYPE: Receipt Notice
Amount Received: $ 100.00
Your I – 901 fee transmittal form has been received.Please notify us immediately if any of the above information is incorrect.
This fee payment is valid only for your particular course of study or program.If you fall out of status, apply for a new F – 1, F – 3.M – 1, M – 3 or J – 1 non – immigrant visa, or if you want to change your non – immigrant category to an F – 1, F – 3, M – 3 or J – 1, you may be required to pay another fee.
Bring this receipt to the consulate as proof of payment of the SEVIS fee.
Applicant Status: J – 1        Receipt Copy: 01
Date of Birth: 05/25/1975       Amount Received : $ 100.00
Program Number: P – 1 – 04576
I – 901 Student / Exchange Visitor Processing Fee
P.O.Box 970020
St.Louis, MO 63197 – 0020
Customer Service Telephone: 785 – 330 – 1048
This form issued by U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Form I – 797C (Rev.01/31/05)

69.What does this table allow you to do?

    A.To apply for a visit to America.

    B.To apply for immigration to America.

    C.To apply for a visit to the People’s Republic of China.

    D.To apply for immigration to the People’s Republic of China.

70.You can get to the destination on      

    A.May 25,1975   B.January 31, 2005

    C.June 18,2007  D.July 18,2007

71.Suppose you plan to change your applicant status, you have to       

    A.notify U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services immediately

    B.pay another fee as required

    C.apply for a new F – 1, F – 3.M – 1, M – 3 or J – 1 non – immigrant visa

    D.make a phone call to the Customer Service


Section A

    Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C andD.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    This week, London will be full of celebrations to welcome the Year of the Rat.Every year, London’s Chinatown  50   a spectacular event to celebrate Chinese New Year, the largest event outside of Asia

    This year in the UK, there seems to be a huge amount of  51   in Chinese culture.For the third year running, the ‘China in London’ season is being held.This  52  event will run from February to April, finally in the Olympic torch relay,  53   the Olympic flame will pass through London on its way to the start of the Beijing Games.

    The ‘China in London’ season will combine a huge number of events,  54  from art exhibitions to modern dance, film festivals  55   tea tastings, musical concerts to children’s half-term activities.In addition,  56   Chinese culture festival, ‘China Now’ is launching at Chinese New Year.

    This is a nationwide season of events leading up to the Beijing Olympics.As well as  57 events, this programme includes an  58   programme for schools to develop relationships with China, and a Football Exchange, where the UK Football Association will be  59   children in China and offering a lucky few the chance to visit Britain on a football tour.

    The main Chinese New Year  60   will be held on Sunday 10th February, and is expected to attract around 300,000 visitors.It will showcase both  61   and contemporary Chinese arts, bringing together British-born and Chinese performers.

    The  62   of the day is the grand parade through the streets of London, led by a traditional dragon dance, followed by musicians, acrobats, artists and children.There will be a large stage and screen in Trafalgar Square featuring martial arts, music and dance.

    It wouldn’t be Chinese New Year  63   fireworks and firecrackers,  64  Leicester Square will see displays on the hour all afternoon.Nearby theatres and arts centres will also be holding special New Year events, such as variety shows.

50.A.celebrates    B.welcomes     C.holds         D.delivers

51.A.passion       B.interest        C.sensation     D.increase

52.A.old           B.extended     C.new          D.developed

53.A.when         B.where        C.which        D.what

54.A.exchanging   B.preventing    C.ranging       D.changing

55.A.and          B.with          C.for           D.to

56.A.one          B.a             C.another       D.that

57.A.wonderful     B.terrific         C.interesting     D.cultural

58.A.education    B.economy      C.culture       D.football

59.A.coaching     B.teaching      C.parctising     D.enrolling

60.A.parade       B.celebration    C.performance  D.show

61.A.good         B.wonderful     C.ancient       D.traditional

62.A.show         B.event         C.share         D.highlight

63.A.without       B.except for     C.with          D.apart from

64.A.where        B.so            C.when         D.if

Section B

    Directions: Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


    There is a new trend that has started in some Italian cities.It is called “Citta Slow”.“Citta” in Italian means city.The concept of “Citta Slow” aims to improve people’s quality of life by creating a more caring and ecologically correct environment through the enjoyment of food art, theatre, community gathering places and so on.

    Slow cities are characterized by a way of life that enables people to live slowly.Traditions and traditional ways of doing things are valued.Slow cities have less traffic, less noise and fewer crowds.

    These cities stand up against the fast pace of life often seen in other cities throughout the world.

    Towns in Italy have banded together to form an organization called the Slow City Movement.The global organization hopes to help the world by deciding which cities can call themselves Slow Cities and which cities cannot.

    The principles of the Slow City Movement are those we would like all cities to live by.Hopefully the movement will continue and cities that cannot meet the strict criteria will continue to work towards these principles.

    The Slow City Movement is already very popular around the world.London is one of the cities that are taking part and it has its own website.The website says: “There are people in cities all over the world who have found all sorts of ways to bring a sense of relaxation to places where it can often be stressful to live.Slow London provides a place for these people to meet and share their ideas.”

65.“Citta Slow” is      

    A.a movement started in some Italian cities

    B.a new trend already popular around the world

    C.a way of life that enables people to live slowly

    D.a concept against the fast pace of life

66.According to the passage, to improve people’s quality of life, it is effective to     

    A.practise as your previous generations did

    B.persuade all people to travel on foot

    C.pay a single visit to the theatre

    D.put emphasis upon the fast pace of life

67.Which of the following statement is NOT true about the Slow City Movement?

    A.The Slow City Movement was initiated in Italy.

    B.London is taking part in the Slow City Movement.

    C.The Slow City Movement is trying to form the standard of slow cities.

    D.Only some cities are slow ones by the criteria.

68.Which of the following is probably the best title of the passage?

    A.Citta Slow

    B.Slow Cities

    C.Slow Cities and the Slow Movement

    D.The Slow City Movemet


40.--- It is said that Ziyi Zhang sang a song for the 2008 Chinese New Year Spring Festival Party without rehearsal in advance, isn’t it?

    --- I’m not sure     it is true.

    A.how          B.that          C.why          D.whether

Section B

    Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box.There is one extra word.

    A.truly          B.leave        C.give up                     D.breathtaking   E.approaching   F.goal   G.worth  H.opportunity 
I.exhausting    J.naturally

    A few years ago, I went hiking with my older sister, Mary, and her friend, Jonathan.Our  41   was to reach the tip of the mountain so we could see the beautiful view.The hike was  42   and the heat drained our energy.As we were  43   the summit, through the treetops we could see the valley below.The sight at that point was  44  impressive.Jason was satisfied with the view and suggested we turn back.Jessi and I insisted we keep going so we could make it to the top, but Jason decided not to continue.When we finally reached our destination, the whole view was  45  .The view from the summit gave us a 360 degree advantageous point of the entire area, which was much more incredible than the limited view Jason had where he stopped.It was well  46   the extra effort.What is the point of this story? Set your goals and never settle for less than what you can achieve!

    As we  47   high school to go forward with our lives, we will each have our own mountains to climb.All of us will face different challenges and struggles.We all have the  48   to set new goals and to achieve them.As we continue in life, we must remember that if we succeed, we must not be proud.If we fail, we must not  49  .If we face adversity (逆境), we must trust that there is always a way through it.If we experience prosperity, we must never forget those who are not so fortunate.

    As graduates, we have already proven we can achieve important goals.Let’s go forward, set new goals and never settle for less than what we can achieve.


39.The examination was continued at the beginning of the new term,      was announced on January 29.

    A.what         B.as            C.which        D.that


38.More and more Chinese people follow the practice     they will travel to various scenic spots to enjoy the scenery in their leisure time.

    A.whether       B.which         C.where        D.that


37.The instant he finished his description, I knew it would be years     everything got right.

    A.that          B.before        C.when         D.since


36.It seems as if she has forgotten all abut her ambition now,      she made it hers to make a bit of progress every day when school started.

    A.while                         B.on condition that

    C.in spite of the fact that          D.unless


35.The five – year – old boy     , the whole family burst into tears.

    A.kidnap                       B.kidnapped   

    C.was kidnapped                               D.was kidnapping.


34.As a Senior Three student, we are supposed to know how we should adjust ourselves to    

sure we are in the proper mental state.

    A.make         B.making       C.made        D.to be made

