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10. -Has your father got up?

   -Sorry, I’m not sure. He __________ got up. Please go and see for yourself.

    A.must have      B.can’t have      C.would have      D.might have


9. -You must say sorry to Mary, Jack.

   -Why ________ I say sorry to her? It’s her who hurt me first.

    A.should          B.would          C.could          D.might


8. -Why didn’t you put your cellphone in your overcoat pocket?

    -I    , but I was afraid it would be stolen.

    A.had put        B.put           C.would have      D.could have


7. -Is there a fog in the evening ?

   -There       be . I’ll make a phone call to find it out .

    A.must          B.would         C.will           D.might


6. -Dad, would you buy me an MP3 player if I do well in the final exam?

    -I    , I promise.

    A.would         B.shall          C.should         D.will


5. -I don’t think you should use the dictionary while reading newspapers.

    -    , but I can’t do without it.                     

    A.No, I should                    B.Yes, I shouldn’t 

    C.No, I shouldn’t                   D.Yes, I should


4. You     scold such a pupil who always keeps silent so seriously that

you    hurt him.

    A.should; can      B.may; will       C.mustn’t ; may    D.can’t must


3. -___John come here tonight?

  -I’m not sure, but he ______ stay at home.

  A. May, might   B. Can, must   C. Must, might   D. Can, migh


2. When he was there, he ____ go to that coffee shop at he street corner after work every day.

   A. would   B. should   C. had better    D. might


1. -How about paying a visit to Mr. Richardson, our former history teacher?

  -Good idea. I will e-mail him today so he ___ know ___ to expect us.

   A. may,when   B. would, why   C. will, how   D. shall, why

